Truth is everywhere within range

Chapter 108 Chapter 108. Coach, I want to learn to remove spirits!

Although Maki Araki has heard that there are many monsters living and working like humans in modern society.

But the monster opens a haunted house to scare people.

Isn’t this too hardcore?

No, wait a minute.

If this is the case, is it possible that the previous "The Grudge" was actually performed by monsters?

When Maki Araki was still in a mess, several people passing by noticed them.

"Huh? Isn't this the Shin Musang of Shimogamo Shrine?"

The leader is a girl wearing a kimono.

There were several girls beside her, all wearing various kimonos.

This is a tourism service in this movie village. You can rent kimonos and wear them in the movie village.

Many tourists have put them on, making the movie village more Edo-era.


Maki Araki recognized the other party.

This is Saori Iguchi, the shrine maiden of Kitano Tenmangu Shrine, and the remaining few are all shrine maidens from the same shrine.

In addition to the spiritual martial arts performance this time, Saori Iguchi and others will also participate.

From this point of view, they are still rivals.

"Haunted house? Are you practicing your spirit-killing skills in this haunted house?"

Saori Iguchi looked at the sign of the haunted house and then at the four miko.

"Are you here to cause trouble?"

Kitagawa Ryoko herself is the eldest daughter of a wealthy family, so naturally she cannot stand such provocation.

"No wonder, after all, he is a coward who cries for help when he sees a resentful spirit. Maybe he even had to be dragged through this haunted house."

Iguchi said in a grandiose tone.

Just about to burst into laughter.

As expected of a miko, her acting skills are truly superb.

Qiao Qiao thought of Meiji Jingu Shrine, which has the best actor per capita.


Nanase wanted to refute, but couldn't think of any words for a moment, so she could only take out her phone and typed a string of words.

Qiao Qiao glanced at it. He seemed to be tweeting?

venting his emotions on Twitter.

Finally, I also @said Iguchi Saori.

It turns out that this girl is better at typing than talking?

"Forget it, this is probably the last year I'll see you at the martial arts show, so cherish it."

Saori Iguchi glanced at Haruka Sasaki and Kotone Hashimoto again. Neither of them dared to talk back and could only hide behind Maki Araki.

She took the witches from Tenmangu Shrine, bought tickets, and walked into the haunted house.

"It's so abominable!"

Kitagawa Ryoko stamped her feet, unable to resist Iguchi Saori, so she could only be helpless and furious.

Several people were a little unhappy when Iguchi Saori said this.

Qiao Qiao suggested eating some sweets, and they came to a dumpling shop.

"But what she said is true. We can't get rid of the spirit at all."

Sasaki Haruka frowned.

She received several calls during this period, which seemed to be from family members.

Qiao Qiao read the information and found that Sasaki Haruka also has a younger sister and a younger brother in her family. She is the eldest daughter.

Her family background is not very good and she can only attend public high schools.

Therefore, Sasaki Haruka quite wants to stay at Shimogamo Shrine. After all, as a part-time job as a shrine maiden, the income is pretty good and can help support the family.

"That damn wellhead."

Maki Araki also rarely showed an angry expression.

Saori Iguchi and her have known each other since childhood, and they are competitors in every aspect.

However, in most cases, Saori Iguchi is better than Maki Araki.

The most serious incident was when Saori Iguchi snatched away a boy that Maki Araki had a crush on.

It can be said to be a feud.

"Since you are unwilling to do so, why don't you seriously learn the spirit-removing techniques?"

Qiao Qiao picked up a bunch of dumplings.

Kyoto's baked dumplings can be said to be a specialty. The soft, glutinous and sweet dumplings are baked and become softer and warmer. They are very popular among girls.

"But... it's scary."

Hashimoto Kotone felt lingering fear.

Even the haunted house is so scary, wouldn't the real weirdness be even scarier?

As a girl, shouldn't you hide behind your boyfriend? Why should you stand up and eliminate the ghost?

"Wraiths are scary?"

Qiao Qiao raised his eyebrows.

"So, are you satisfied with being laughed at by the wellhead witch just now, being looked at with disappointed eyes by your family, and being lamented by everyone?"

He paused and looked at Kitagawa Ryoko.

"Kitagawa Ryoko, there was a supernatural event in the supermarket your family ran when you were very young. It was the shrine maiden who removed the spirits, so your family's business was able to continue. From that day on, you have been very longing for it. After I became a shrine maiden and awakened my spiritual power, I applied for interviews at several major shrines, but failed, so I had to come to Shimogamo Shrine in the end, right?"

"Sasaki Haruka, your family background is not good. Your father died young and your mother was busy with work and had no time to take care of the family. You raised your younger brothers and sisters by yourself. Despite this, you still work at the shrine and work hard to earn income. If this If your job is gone, what will happen to your sister’s tuition next year?”

"Have seen Nanase, you have been ridiculed by your classmates before, saying that you are a mobile phone geek. Even so, when they were harmed by the resentful spirit, you still mustered up the courage to eliminate the resentful spirit. For you , isn’t it more difficult to eliminate evil spirits than to tweet on the Internet?”

"And Hashimoto Kotone, do you still remember how happy your father, a priest, was when you awakened your spiritual power? That old man who has been unsmiling for more than 40 years smiled so happily for the first time. Can you bear it? Let him be disappointed again and turn back into the depressed person he was?"

After hearing Qiao Qiao's words, several people fell silent.

"What does this mean? Do you want me to kneel down and cry and say to you, 'Coach, I want to learn to remove spirits'?"

Kitagawa Ryoko turned away and said disdainfully.

"No, to be honest, I don't think you can get rid of the spirit at all."

Qiao Qiao finished eating the dumplings and took a sip of tea.

"Qiao Sang, no matter what you say, it's too much."

Maki Araki dissuaded her. Although she knew Qiao Qiao was right, it didn't seem good to speak directly like that.

"The so-called spirit exterminator does not simply exorcise evil spirits, but protects ordinary people from strange intrusions. It is an existence that protects everyone's daily life."

Qiao Qiao put down his tea cup.

"And you, obviously, are not qualified, because you can't even protect your own lives and your own families."

"What did you say!"

Seeing that Nanase was a little angry early on, her fingers were typing on the screen again.

"I advise you to withdraw from the shrine as soon as possible, go home peacefully, and be an ordinary high school student. That way, you can at least live longer."

Qiao Qiao looked at the four of them.

The four girls also stared at Qiao Qiao.

"No, I want to get rid of the spirit!"

Kitagawa Ryoko stood up and slammed the table.

"That Saori Iguchi is really irritating!"

"I, I also want to learn how to remove spirits!"

Hashimoto Kotone echoed weakly.

"I-I just wasn't serious before. If I were serious, removing spirits would be a piece of cake!"

It was rare for Nanase to say a long series of words early on.

"If I become an official spiritual exterminator, my mother should be able to work less hard."

Sasaki Haruka lowered her eyelashes.

"Didn't you, sister Maki, call us here to teach us how to remove spirits? Don't you have any simple and easy-to-understand techniques to remove spirits?"

Kitagawa Ryoko asked again.

"Yes, yes, but I think you may not be able to withstand such intensity of training."

Qiao Qiao held his hands and said under the starry gaze of Asano Ariko.

"In order to learn to eliminate spirits, let go of the past, and transform into a brand new version of yourself. Do you have this kind of awareness?"

He looked at a few people and picked up another bunch of dumplings in his hand.

Please put the extra monthly pass on the first day. By the way, I would like to ask for the guaranteed monthly pass for next month~~

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