And Yayi let out a mournful cry, she squatted down covering her aching head, tears almost flowed out, this pain was no less than being hit in the face by a bamboo knife.

However, when she practiced kendo before, she often suffered from the bamboo sword wielded by the Homu Sword Master pretended by her father.

But this feeling of pain is undoubtedly real.

And there is also a feeling of familiarity, Mei is no stranger to the knife that hit her head.

When she was in Changkong City, sometimes when she saw "he" holding the Seven Purging Thunders, she always wanted to see if she could stab the Seven Purging Thunders into her chest.

However, she is not a scabbard.

However, she doesn't mind being "his" scabbard.

Mei squatted on the ground, she held her head, then looked up at Otto who was smiling.

The pain is real, that...

"Mei, do you still feel like you're still in a dream?" Otto smiled, and the seven thunders in his hands disappeared. This method can make Mei quickly recognize the reality.

"Does it still hurt?"

Otto squatted down, eyes level with Mei, he raised his hand and touched the place where Mei's head was knocked.

It hurts a bit.

However, Mei didn't care at all.

She stared blankly at Otto, with endless waves in her colorful eyes and tears glistening. She raised her hand and stroked Otto's cheek.

There is temperature and touch.

Mei's heart was beating violently.

"Good luck, I'm back from hell."

Otto said with a smile.

He is talking nonsense.

However, the girl in front of her didn't answer, but rushed towards Otto.

The soft and delicate body threw herself into Otto's arms, and Otto, who was hit by the Herrscher of Thunder, couldn't squat for a while, and fell backwards.


Perhaps it was the retribution of knocking on Mei's head, and Otto hit the back of his head on the ground, but he didn't care, and hugged the girl in his arms tightly.


Mei hugged Otto, even the cold Queen of Thunder couldn't control the expression on her face, she lay on Otto, looking at Otto lying on the ground.

Big drops of tears fell.

dripped on Otto's face.

"Well, I'm back."

Otto smiled.

However, the tears were a little hot, and they carried a slight electric current.

Otto didn't care, but raised his hand to wipe the tears off Mei's face.

Then my hands felt a little numb from the electric shock.

Dude, this scabbard leaks electricity.


Mei's eyes were red. After Otto's death, she missed Otto all the time, and even regarded herself as his widow, not even listening to her father's words.

Before her death, Mei did not have such affection for Otto.

The feelings for Otto may be just a feeling of dependence on the only person she can rely on as a lonely person.

But after Otto's death, Mei experienced the indelible grief, and her memory beautified the past memories, and she really realized that she had a good impression of Otto without knowing it.

When Otto turned into ashes in his arms, it was the real beginning of Mei's love affair.

Therefore, she is a widow for Otto and arranges a mourning hall.

as a widow.

And when I saw Otto's merchandise in the headquarters of Destiny, I bought a house and fell asleep surrounded by Otto every day.

She's a bit obsessed.

Because no one taught her, let alone helped her channel her heart.

I can only hide my thoughts and memories in my heart, and then continue to breed and multiply, turning into a heavier and distorted unknown existence.

Mei didn't care either, she just wanted to fulfill Otto's expectations of her.

For example, join the destiny and become a Valkyrie.

For example, learn to cook well.

She lives for Otto.

But now, the dead Otto has returned.

Otto, who had completely turned into ashes in his arms, returned.

She couldn't believe it and worried it was just an illusion.

But Otto told her in a simple way that this was not an illusion, he really came back.

Looking at the man in front of her, Mei had thousands of words to say to him.

Words gathered in his mouth, but only one sentence could come out.

"Welcome back."

Welcome back, my husband.


"Calm down?"

Handing a cup of hot water to Mei who was sitting on the sofa, Otto was not polite and sat directly beside Mei.

There were two people squeezed into the one-seater sofa, and Mei still had a plump butt and crotch, which made the space on the sofa even more crowded.


With red eyes, Mei replied.

Her voice was very hoarse, and her eye sockets were red and swollen, because she had been crying in Otto's arms for more than half an hour.

The joy of reunion, guilt, and many unexplainable feelings superimposed together, let Mei vent to Otto.

Otto understood Mei. Although she was called the Queen of Thunder, she was still just a young girl. She had just arrived, and she must feel very insecure in an unfamiliar place like the headquarters of Destiny.

She couldn't fit in even though there were many girls her age around.

Because Mei was just an ordinary person before that, coming to Tianming headquarters is like a countryman entering the city, out of place and difficult to adapt.

Just like Fu Hua in the past, but there is no "Carol" around Mei, and Paramecium has long been cut off by Otto.

And Otto, whom she could rely on, died in her arms.

Mei has accumulated a lot of pressure.

The widow is like this, hiding everything in her heart, and then producing a unique charm from the inside out.

So, she vented and cried in Otto's arms.

Sitting on the single sofa with Mei, Otto skillfully put his arms around Mei's waist, but Mei did not resist, nor did she leave the crowded position.

And Otto narrowed his eyes slightly.

Compared to Fu Hua and Mei, Kiyana's waist is softer.

However, each has its own way.

"You're crying so much." Otto put his right arm around Mei's soft and boneless waist, and with his left hand, brushed the hair from the side of Mei's face behind his ears, and then saw Mei's tear-stained beauty profile.

Perhaps, even if Brother Longma died, Mei wouldn't be able to cry so badly.

Looking at Mei's side face, Otto lowered his head slightly, with the tip of his nose against Mei's cheek, while sticking out his tongue, gently licking the tears on Mei's face.

Eyelashes as thin as cicada's wings trembled slightly, but Mei didn't refuse.

Otto's mouth curved into a smile.

When he was in Changkong City, the seeds he had planted had already germinated and borne fruit.

Otto was actually testing.

If it's just wiping tears, it can be done just as a friend, but this kind of intimacy is far beyond the scope of friends.

And the result made him very satisfied.

However, Mei was too emotional to control the power of the Herrscher of Thunder, like a Pikachu.

Otto's tongue felt a little numb from the electric shock.

But how can this stop the Bishop?


Mei heard Otto's call, she turned her head and looked at Otto.

Otto lowered his head, biting Mei's lips.

Her lips were taken away, Mei's body trembled, she closed her eyes, and tightly grasped Otto's hem with both hands.

Otto narrowed his eyes.

Sure enough, this kiss was super charged.

Chapter 181. The wife of the heart

The lips parted, Mei's face turned red, and Otto looked at her blushing pretty face and smiled.

Otto has another piece of good news.

In fact, this is not the first time he and Mei have kissed, but every time he kisses Mei, Miss Lei Lu will come out first.

But this time, Ms. Lei Lu didn't come out on top.

Obviously she also recognizes herself.

However, Miss Lei Lu is actually unable to resist the bishop.

Just after she snatched the Herrscher of Thunder from Honkai Will, Miss Lei Lu was doomed not to disobey the Bishop.

But Mei's leakage problem needs to be solved.

Although I can be immune if I use the power of thunder law, but the power of Herrscher will also consume a lot of Honkai power.

Seeing Otto's smile, Mei also smiled, but she lowered her head shyly, and Otto could even see her red ears.

However, Mei suddenly raised her head and clapped her palms.

"By the way, Otto, you must be hungry."

It's evening now, and it's indeed time for dinner.

"I'll make dinner."

Mei stood up from the sofa, she looked a little excited, because she really wanted to show Otto the skills she had evolved.

Moreover, it is the responsibility of the wife to cook dinner for her husband.

Originally, Otto was dead and she was a widow. Now that Otto is back, Mei seamlessly takes the role of wife.

Mei didn't ask Otto any questions, nor did he ask why Otto, who was clearly turned into ashes, was resurrected.

Because these are not important.

He's back, and that's enough.

The widow of the heart is no more, now she is the understanding wife of the heart.

Such a self, Otto will definitely like it very much.

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