The stewed beef is perfectly combined with the finely chopped vegetables, and the flavors of both are incorporated into the kao wu soup.

Eat it with rice in one bite, so that they complement each other and become even more delicious.

The beef is soft and the vegetables are delicate and tender, making it easy to swallow.

Ayaka Kansato, who had a big appetite, didn't stop moving.

While enjoying the coffee, he also kept drinking orange juice with lemon slices, his movements were quick but elegant.

Gives the impression of being fast but not in a hurry.

And the beef inside was fried for a while in advance to remove the fat and reduce its fat content.


Ayaka Kansato's face turned red from eating the spicy coffee.

The cherry-colored lips seem to be painted with bright red lipstick.

After the somewhat embarrassed Kansato Ayaka finished speaking, she opened the folding fan to cover the lower half of her face, revealing a pair of big eyes, staring at Natsume Genichi.

"I hope to come here more often in the future."

"Of course, I welcome it."

"Have you considered opening a store in Inazuma?"

With such a delicious restaurant, Ayaka Kamisato naturally wants to promote it.

"Sorry, no plans for that right now."

"That's a pity."

After finishing speaking, Kamisato Ayaka stood up from her seat.

"Thank you for the hospitality today, Manager Natsume, I will come again later."

There is one more regular customer of Natsume Yuanyi restaurant from today.

Chapter 150 The Second Avalon of the King of Knights (Please subscribe!)

Evening came.

In this twilight, the distant mountains, like beasts crawling on the ground, gradually calmed down.

Looking back, I saw the green trees on the highest part of the hill swaying in the breeze, reflected by the red glow of the setting sun, like a warrior guarding the battlefield, tenacious and indomitable.

On the horseback, King Arthur Arturia in armor drove forward and moved to the right.

The mottled branches and leaves on both sides of the road reflect the afterglow of the setting sun. They hang on the treetops and fall down little by little when the wind blows.

Artoria did not appreciate the scenery.

As she increased her speed, she looked to her left side again.

The castle built near the cliff was gradually swallowed by darkness...

On its front, on the long and narrow aisle that seemed to be stained with dark blue, there were scattered spears, double-edged swords, hammers, and bows and arrows.

Some blood-stained armor and holed helmets were also discarded at the scene.

Bugs and mice following the smell are everywhere, like flies around carrion, trying to get what they want on this battlefield.

Not far away, a large carnivore was also seen.

But they didn't dare to get close to the scene. Instead, after discovering Artoria, they let out a low growl of dissatisfaction from their throats, and finally left angrily.

Artoria, who ignored the animals, slowed down at this moment.

On the left side of the road ahead, there is a gray rock carved with words.

Arturia heard from her subordinate knights that this Pictish 'work of art'.

They like to pour the blood of the defeated on the stone, and then rinse it with salt water.

This approach is to prove that you are strong, and at the same time wash away the sins of the enemy, and promote that you are the one who is righteous and on the right path.

But they failed.

The fortress that was damaged just now, and the road with a strong smell of death are the result of the battle.

This group of people intends to seize the land of Britain and plunder merchants everywhere.

After Artoria heard about it, she immediately launched a crusade, and wiped out its main force within three days. Most of the remaining prisoners also chose to surrender and were assigned to work in different areas.

And now, Artoria, who was patrolling the battlefield, was to confirm the result of the battle.

This is also one of her habits.

The accompanying knights were waiting 50 meters away. They believed in the strength of their king, but they were not stupid enough to put the king in danger.

"this is……"

Arturia pulled the rein, and after stopping, she jumped off the horse.

A silver badge lay quietly on the ground.

Judging from its pattern, it is the pattern of a noble family.

In other words, Arturia's subordinates were left behind here, or

Die here and leave this thing behind.

Artoria had no choice.

When she formed a powerful cavalry unit and led the crowd to defeat the invading barbarians, she also paid a huge sacrifice.

And it's not just the knights. In order to prepare the army and ensure supplies, the local villages had to be squeezed dry, asking them to use all their resources to ensure the lives of the frontline knights.

Arturia has heard many rumors related to it.

No knight has killed more people than her, but Artoria's sword may not only be the enemy's ghosts.

Even so, she did not abandon her course of action.

She kept in mind her original oath: A king cannot govern a country with human emotions.

Therefore, when she sat on the throne, she never showed any sadness, and she was able to deal with all the affairs in the kingdom almost omnipotently.

There is no bias in dealing with affairs, and there is no partiality in punishing the enemy.

It is precisely because of this that after winning many battles and leading the people in an orderly manner, one of her knights murmured: King Arthur doesn't understand people's hearts.

"Take it back."

Artoria didn't get on the horse, but led it forward.

No matter what exists in front, no matter the enemy is suitable for existence, no matter how outsiders evaluate it.

Artoria will stick to her ideals.

The reason and price of becoming a king must be borne after all.

The night covered the sky at this moment, and the stars shone brightly.

The castle once occupied by the enemies was completely swallowed by darkness, turning into an abyss floating on the surface.

There was the howling of the wind among the ruined walls, and there were will-o'-the-wisps flickering everywhere on the dilapidated floors, making that area far away from the world and full of danger.

Artoria sighed softly.

As she led the horse onto a bridge, she heard the sound of water.

Go to the edge and look down.

The water was muddy, reminding her of the blood and roar of the day of the battle.

Another war will surely start soon, and Arturia hopes to reduce the sacrifices of her subordinates.

But if you are timid and give the enemy a chance because of this, it is also a stupid action to cause trouble for yourself.


Amidst the sound of water, there was shouting.

A knight in full armor broke away from the standby unit and came in front of Artoria.


"My lord, the front is the place where the remnants of the enemy army retreated. It will take us two days to complete the search. For your safety, please return here."

Except for the killed enemies and captured soldiers, some of the remnants of the alien race did escape into the complex forest.

Arturia estimated that the opponent probably has less than 20 combat strength left.

But even so, don't be careless.

If they choose to roam and fight, attacking the surrounding villages will also cause a lot of trouble.

"Send more people, let them search the woods within a day, and catch those people; if they resist, they will be beheaded directly."

"Follow my king's orders."

"Galahad, take this thing."

Artoria handed over the silver badge.

Galahad, one of the Knights of the Round Table, received it.

"this is……"

"If you look carefully, you will know. Return it to its original owner."


Galahad nodded in response.

Artoria, who was not advancing, followed Galahad back to the main force.

After returning from the battlefield.

Arturia took off the equipment on her body as she walked into the depths of the palace.

Breastplate, arm armor, leg armor, waist armor...

And a cloak and sword.

The maids who followed her picked them up one by one and took them to different locations for storage.

After the king left, these people couldn't help talking curiously.

....for flowers...

"His Highness has been fighting these days, and at night... occasionally disappears from the palace for a long time."

"It is said that there is a tryst in the courtyard..."

"Aren't there only flowers and grass in the courtyard? If someone enters the palace from the outside, they will definitely be found..."

"But the queen didn't say anything."

"I'm really curious, why did His Highness go to the courtyard?"

"I don't know... Anyway, His Highness has ordered that no one is allowed to enter the courtyard casually. If they do, it will be a death penalty."

capital offense!

The maids turned pale.

Although King Arthur led the ever-victorious army to defeat the invading enemy, it also proved that she had a cruel and bloodthirsty side.

The people are grateful for the glory brought by the king, but they are also afraid of being swallowed by that light.

Of course, the maids are much better.

Because in their eyes, King Arthur, who returned from the battlefield, also has a gentle side.

"What are you talking about?"

"Lord Lancelot!"

On the right side of the female attendant, a tall and handsome man appeared.

He was wearing silver armor that hadn't been taken off, probably just returned from a patrol mission, and he didn't change his clothes.

"It's nothing, Lord Lancelot, you have worked hard."

"Well... I actually just heard the word 'courtyard'."

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