
Looking away, the terrifying invader nodded.

"It is indeed a little more presentable than before, but I have to say one thing first."

Just hitting a soldier with his body, the man spilled blood and flew out in a bloody mess.

Nothing was seen and nothing could be seen.

"I didn't even use half of my strength last time, I just played with you."

Resisting the invaders for one's own homeland, this beautiful feeling can make people exert [-]% of their strength.

It's a pity that now it seems that 1% has changed from 2 to [-].

The leader's brain was smashed, along with the head, before it could process it.

The figure of that monster shuttled among the crowd, constantly taking away people's lives.

A light touch, a light knock, and it completely collapsed.

After 5 seconds passed, the 30 strongest fighters who broke through here turned into rotten meat all over the place, mixed with blood.

"If it was before, I wouldn't mind playing with you, but since you have better prey, you are useless."

He raised his head and directly communicated with his subordinates.

"It's time to end."

Upon receiving this signal, a beam of light descended from the sky to destroy everything.

"Ultraman, wait for me."

Rising unscathed in the light, the shadow of the invader locks onto the blue planet.

To be precise, the two guardians were locked.

"It seems to be hurrying."

Inside the collection room, the bronze statues all over the place are the most proud art for its owner.

Bemonstein, Ponton, King Aire, Bermuda, and Bruton, besides the monsters, there are Babar, Metron, and even Hippolyte.

Fixing the strong at their peak forever is the eternal beauty.


"I will never give it to anyone! Ultraman is mine!"

The gate is closed, and the master is going out. He is determined that one day, he will collect the strong men from all over the universe and preserve them forever as bronze statues.

Ideas become obsessions, longing for strength, pursuit of battle, realization of art.

Different people hold different ideas and head towards the blue planet at the edge of the universe. Because of someone who spread it deliberately, the name of Ultraman resounds throughout the galaxy.

Jin Guqiao and the weapons of the Pedan Stars are also outstanding in this universe. Even knowing that there is such a beautiful planet, many civilizations have given up the idea of ​​​​invasion.

There were even people who felt resentment against the giant.

In a home where everything is destroyed, there is only pain for injustice.

Why does the giant named Ultraman protect human beings who are different from them, but ignore the tragedy here.

It's nothing more than venting anger, but desperate people take it for granted.

On another planet far away from the Milky Way, there is an atmosphere, but no natural, blown yellow, red sky.

"Look at this planet!"

Said in an angry voice, this place is barely able to survive.

"Do our people want to live in such a place! Letting the water star not take it, we actually want to live on this kind of sand star? Are human beings qualified to live on that planet! Look at what they did What is it!"

A pair of yellow eyes stared at the same race as himself, and questioned each other.

"They are just expanding their race for no reason and polluting that planet. One day, they will destroy themselves!"

Since this is the case, why not let us destroy them first!

"Just like us, isn't it?"

The rhetorical question of the same race is so sharp, from the perspective of self-destruction, the Baltans have no right to laugh at others.

After all, the exchange was not smooth, and the two parties broke up unhappy.

Looking at this planet that can survive even though it is covered with yellow sand, the Baltan star with a more peaceful tone sighed in his heart.

'It may be punishment. '

The Baltans, who constantly launched aggressive wars and researched weapons, led to their own destruction.

The blowing wind raised dust and buried his figure.

Invaders who simply want to get the earth also exist.

"Facing the challenge is just a reckless move. We can take a different approach after careful investigation. Human beings are just a civilization that can't even leave the earth. There are many ways."

What is adopted is no longer a frontal attack, but a more detailed method, such as provoking a war between humans and Ultraman.

Is this really possible?

Earth, America, New York, ten thirty in the morning.

After the Earth Defense Force was disbanded and the TPC was established, the headquarters of the United Nations became the TPC conference building, where meetings were being held.

What the high-level people are discussing is naturally the enhancement of military strength, in order to protect human beings, to fight against invaders, and of course, to guard against the existence of "Ultraman".

"They are not enemies!"

"Intermediate Captain, please don't be emotional just because you were saved by Ultraman, are they really our companions?"

"Or are they just deliberately using such means to approach us in order to invade the earth?"

"For example, when the TPC was not established, the five permanent countries of the United Nations were fighting each other, and everyone was working hard for their own interests. Why do you think that Ultraman, who is not human, is not deceiving us?"

"Have you ever communicated? Even the previous communication between us humans was full of deceit. Do you think Ultraman of different races is so kind and protects us without asking for anything in return?"

"I believe that the intermediary captain who believes so much in Ultraman must have never tried to think about this problem. According to our calculations, if the current Ultraman simply destroys human beings, it only takes 2 minutes and 40 seconds."

The upper echelons were chattering, and the invasion of the Pedan Stars raised the heads of the hawks who originally advocated force.

Those words were no longer questioning, and it could even be said that Ultraman was regarded as an imaginary enemy.

The giants who saved all mankind yesterday are not welcome.

"If Ultraman hears such words, I don't know what they will think."

Seeing the two giants standing up and fighting with their own eyes, the captain in the middle has no way to stay here any longer.

"You should be ashamed."

Leaving a word, she left directly.

However, all that was exchanged was the inexplicability of the upper echelons. Shouldn't Ultraman be vigilant?

Continuing the discussion, the most difficult thing is that there is still no data and information.

What exactly is the existence called Ultraman?The analysis of the stone statues obtained from that pyramid was very slow.


Scrambling out the door, the intermediary captain tried his best to calm his heavy breathing due to anger.

"Captain, are you alright?"

Hearing the voice of concern, he turned his head, and Zong Fang's deputy captain was standing there.

"The meeting didn't go well?"

He vaguely guessed this matter, and got a nod in return.

'What will happen in the future? '

What will happen in the future?

Japan, TPC sea base.

Lying in the dormitory, Dagu was staring at the spark prism in his hand.

His body still hurts everywhere now, and when he was transformed into Tiga, he suffered too much damage, and it would be fed back to his current body.

'Another Ultraman...'

Knowing that I am not the only one, the heart that is a little bit confused gets a little encouragement.

Putting away the transforming device, he closed his eyes, just wanting to take a good rest.

At this point, another young man thought the same way.

The pain of burning and electric shocks came from the body from time to time. Empat suffered too many injuries yesterday.

Of course, Nangong couldn't see anything abnormal in the mirror, because he was no longer a human being, and he was aware of it.

'I really want to ask for leave. '


' But no cell phone. '

Only now did he realize how important mobile phones are to today's life.

'At least there should be no guests today. '

Just treat it as a place to rest.

Comforting myself in my heart, Ultraman, who saved the world, is pursuing a vacation at this time.

Chapter Twelve: The Unprecedented Ultraman Upsurge

Jingling bells, the sound of wind chimes swaying one after another, dragging his aching body, Nangong walked into the coffee shop where he worked.

Just as he expected, there were still no customers today, not even Shi Li who came to the store yesterday.

"Unfortunately, there are no guests today. It seems that your salary this month will not be very good."

Looking up, Kyoko put down the phone and said so.

"Is it really good to issue a declaration of wage deduction early in the morning?"

Maybe it was because they complained to each other about the "Lucky Dog" at that time, the distance between the two has been shortened a lot, and they can be regarded as acquaintances who can chat with each other a few words.

"The economy is in a downturn, and weak women are almost out of food, huh."

It's fake, it's too fake, it's so fake that people can tell it's fake at a glance, it's definitely intentional.

"It is recommended to cover your mouth next time before saying such a thing, the corners of your mouth are almost crooked."

After the young man said this, Kyoko put away her smile and put on a serious look.

"Okay, be careful next time."

There are ghosts, and if Shubao doesn't get noticed, he is just playing around by himself, and that is too lonely.

'Do you want another time? '

Although I dug the hole myself, do you still want to have a next time?

Pushing open the door, walked into the locker room, and 2 minutes later, Nangong, who was dressed as a waiter, walked out directly.

'The one-pull tie really helps. '

I have never been good at this kind of thing since before, and I am still in a hurry when I look in the mirror.

Pushing open the door, looking over to the bar counter, the store manager is still swiping back and forth with his mobile phone as usual.

This actually made Nangong a little envious.

As a contemporary young man in the 21st century, before that, of course, he was also a dependent patient who felt as if he had a withdrawal reaction after leaving his mobile phone for 2 minutes.

It's a pity that he no longer has a mobile phone to flash.

"Nangong, did you watch the voice and live broadcast yesterday?"

Kyoko asked while watching various arrangements on the Internet.

Now it is no longer possible to deceive oneself. Human beings are being targeted. Just a little bit, a city will be reduced to ashes.

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