Double the fun, fine, so what's the price?


How do I explain that the dog of light has a lot of fun flushing the toilet while not needing to poop?

Throwing flushable trash inside and pressing a button is Geddy's strange joy.

As the person involved, or the dog at the time, it kept looking at Kyoko with a silly expression.

Two seconds, three seconds, finally, the store manager raised his eyebrows.

"Let me declare first, even if you pretend to be cute in front of me, I won't give you anything."

Hearing this, Gedi's expression suddenly changed.

When you move your eyes, it is planning to change its cuteness.

"...I don't know why I suddenly feel very angry."

What's the matter with this dog?

Or what is going on with these two dogs?

Are Gedi No. [-] and Gedi No. [-] raised by this guy so human?

Nangong hurriedly let go of Gedi, lest Kyoko, who was upset, would do cruel things to him like picking up delicious food but not giving it.

Right here, the jingling wind chimes rang again.

"Hi, Miss Kyoko!"

"Yo, Kyoko, I'm interrupting you again."

A rare combination, Uniqlo and Shili.

Even his ears seemed to move, Gedi happily ran towards the new target he found.


Noticing its movements, the girl squatted down immediately, one left, one right, and vigorously rubbed the face of the Shiba Inu who brought her head up.

"So cute, so cute!"

It also feels great, meaty and fluffy.

"Give it up, let it go."

Shili squeezed into the coffee shop with her laptop on her shoulders. Compared with the haggard look she met last time, she looked even more energetic this time.

"What? Look smug."

Sitting directly at the bar, facing the manager's question, he pushed his glasses.

"Didn't two Empat appear before? Regarding this matter, there was quite a heated discussion on my forum."

For the forum, the most important thing is popularity and traffic, and this time it was very successful.

"Speaking of this."

Nangong turned on the phone and entered the app of the forum. During the loading process, he saw a special screen.

"You actually started placing ads."

Although it is only a few seconds of reading, it still makes people feel a little unaccustomed.

"Please forgive me for this. People have to eat, so I can't not eat, right?"

Put your hands together, the truth explains your behavior.

"Besides, it costs money to rent a server. I still want to keep the forum going."

As long as it can maintain the heat, it is a long-term meal ticket.

"Tsk tsk, even the glasses frames have been changed."

Kyoko looked at the young man with glasses in a teasing manner.

"It's embarrassing to say, but I was bumped when I was running away, and it was accidentally crushed when I fell down."

Sure enough, it is difficult for people to pay attention to the surrounding environment when they are in a panic.

"Pour me a cappuccino!"

While the three of them were talking, Uniq, who walked to the bar, sat directly beside Nangong.

"Speaking of which, did you change your pet dog?"

Wasn't it a husky before?

"Generally speaking, shouldn't this be the first time to ask?"

After complaining, what Kyoko took out was milk rippling in a glass container.

"Instead of adding so much sugar and milk, you might as well just drink milk."

Glasses, milk, placed directly in front of the bar.

At this moment, Nangong felt someone rubbing against his leg.

Geddy's face was exhausted, and he was an overly human who didn't give anything after touching it.


He took out the ham that had been prepared in his pocket, opened it casually, and handed it to Shiba Inu.

Watching Gedi with a smiling face, Nangong began to think about whether he spoiled him too much.

I come to him every time I can't get something, what is he?A broken vending machine that makes things fall out when you kick it?

After rubbing that head, the young man sat up straight again.

At this moment, he noticed the line of sight.



Why are you looking at me?

"I don't know why, but I always think you look familiar."

There is a very familiar feeling, but I just can't remember it.

"Haven't I seen it several times before?"

While working in a coffee shop.

Facing this answer, Yui shook his head.

"It's not that I'm familiar with this aspect, and I can't quite put it into words. Maybe it's the sense of sight?"


Why do you always run into people you saved?

Nangong fell into deep thought.

"Isn't the sense of sight all called illusions?"

'That's right. '

He echoed the store manager's statement in his heart, thanking the other party for drawing his attention.

"I think it's still a little bit different."

Uniform put his arms around his shoulders and gave a negative answer.

But it's hard to come up with an exact description.

"Speaking of which, do you know? Our Kumamoto City seems to be called Ultraman City."

The truthful words attracted the attention of the other three.

"Because our city has the most Ultraman appearances."

This speechless reason made Kyoko wave her hand.

"Whoever wants to be in this Ultraman City, come here a few more times, and Kumamoto doesn't need to live anymore."

Considering the damage that giants and monsters can do, it doesn't feel like there are many times to tear down an entire city.

"By the way, it's been a month, and there are still people arguing about who is better, Empat or Tija."

It's really endless.

At this moment, the TV news also started to broadcast, or it was a live broadcast of apologizing.

Yagyu Shuichi's father bowed his head in front of the camera to apologize, not only him, but also Yagyu Shuichi himself.

"Are you saying this is for show or for real?"

As a person who participated in the school festival, Kyoko certainly has a certain understanding of this matter.


This is UNIQ's answer, a completely subconscious answer.

"I hope it's true."

This is Nangong's answer. He is not sure, but he just hopes that everyone can develop in a good direction.

Like this kind of school bullying phenomenon, if people can't really change by themselves, no matter how many times, it will happen again.

"Again, this Yagyu Shuichi really dared to go on TV to apologize."

Reality pushed his glasses.

"Everyone knows his face. If something like this happens again, he will probably be doomed. Not only that, but if he publishes his face like this, he will inevitably be pointed at in school in the future. I I think he should be serious."

From this point of view, the apology is only the beginning.

"In that case, is it true?"

This should send a message to Kyoko to show off.

Unicorn proudly took out his phone.

Nangong watched the TV, and the next moment, his pupils shrank slightly.

It's not because I saw something surprising, but because I felt huge fluctuations that appeared in pieces.

Beyond the atmosphere, the blue star of water appears to be an orb that can be removed at the lift of a hand.

The mighty fleet jumped tens of millions of light-years through the constructed space channel.

"What a desolate galaxy."

The star people of the empire stared at the transmitted image, the heat of the sun is only [-], not to mention the smallness, there is only one planet with life.

Civilization is also very weak, and it has not even stepped out of the universe.

If it was before, I wouldn't even take a look at it, maybe it would be worth coming here to look for a strong man after a thousand years.


"Such a small planet can give birth to the ultimate person. Is this a joke? Or a miracle?"

No, it's interesting to think about it, the beautiful environment of this planet may be the embodiment of miracles.

"Your Majesty, it's fine."

The subordinate respectfully handed over the unique translation device, and within half a minute, all the existing languages ​​on the earth had been input into it.

Human beings themselves are not worth mentioning, but Ultraman is the guardian of human beings.

So as long as you attack humans, you will definitely be able to lure those two people out.

At this time, on the earth side, TPC's space base has already observed a scene that can be called hopeless. Comparing this huge fleet with TPC's space combat power, 100 to 1 is not too much.

"Inform the earth that we will invade your planet after 24 hours in earth time."

All Earthlings heard the words, spoken in a language they could understand.

Chapter 38 Countdown to Destruction

Flying high in the sky is a fighter jet.

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