What Zhu Xing took out of the bracelet was not just a bouquet, but a potted plant. It was shocking that the colors of the flowers were different, and they did not bloom. They looked like they were just budding.

"Don't look at it like this, it's actually mature, just take it off and suck it like this."

Morohoshi took down a brown flower and held it in his mouth.


With a sweet taste in his mouth, he gave a thumbs up.

"Of course it can be eaten directly!"

He said that as he stuffed the flowers into his mouth and chewed them.

At the same time, Aikawa and Tachibana whispered:

"It feels like I'm back to my childhood."

"I feel so too."

When I was a child, I often saw flowers that could be picked off to suck honey juice, probably this is the feeling.

"Although I am very grateful, why did you develop this plant?"

Hearing Nangong's question, Zhu Xing showed a clear smile and did not answer.

'Don't worry, I won't expose your eccentricities. '

He winked and expressed his thoughts.

'This guy definitely got something wrong. '

Nangong was very sure of this, and after that, someone came up again.

One bouquet, two bouquets, because he really doesn't know much about plants, so no matter what kind of gift he receives, he can only say thank you.

Before you know it, the last trace of orange in winter has completely disappeared.

Many people have poured into this home, and Nangong is standing in this living room.

He doesn't stand out, there are Zhu Xing who keeps stuffing the cake of celebration into his mouth, and stares wide-eyed without eating at all.

Dongyang and Asuka competed in front of the TV with the controller, and Dagu looked at the invitation card in his hand in surprise. Nangong also had that invitation card, which was Zamxia's wedding.

Honestly, he's intimidated, your friend is getting married after a while?Is this reasonable?

Zheng Mu and Diana are pointing at Zam Xia, expressing that love is just a mental illness, in exchange for Zam Xia's proud ridicule.

Ai Chuan stood behind Dongyang and Asuka and pointed, not knowing who he was nervous about and cheering for whom he was shouting.

Ju, Qihai and Chunhe discussed what to do with the pile of salutes on the table.

At this time, Nangong turned his head, because Shen Yu leaned directly on his side.

"what happened?"

he asked softly.

"It's nothing, I just want to rely on you, can't I?"

The moment Shen Yu responded, Nangong noticed that there was also weight coming from the other side of him, and Xi Li leaned forward without saying anything, with her head lowered so she couldn't see her expression clearly.

At this time, he blinked, and Geddy lay on top of his head as if unwilling to be lonely.

The bustle was still going on, Nangong just watched like this, there was no need for any strong participation, no special expression, just being together like this was enough.

In the end, the man smiled wryly and bathed under the salute that was opened in order not to waste, with ribbons all over his body.

Talking about Leonix the day before yesterday

In the universe, with this stage as the background, countless lives are born here and end here. There is love and hate between people, and different emotions are mixed.

Various different existences have been born in it, and at the same time there are other universes outside the universe, and the existence of other universes may go to different universes for different reasons.

Of course, it doesn't really matter what happens in other universes, because a special woman in this universe at this moment is focused on what's in front of her.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

The woman's expression was maddened, she roared and cursed, all because of preventing her existence in front of her eyes.

The other party said 'enough is enough', 'don't continue', 'is this really what you're after?'

Otherwise, what kind of power is there?What is needed is such power!

Flames, strong winds, and the high-temperature concentrated explosion of a trillion-degree fireball can destroy any creature, but it is meaningless if it cannot hit, so the blowing wind spreads the power inside the fireball, blocking the extremely fast-moving enemy.

Tornadoes of fire kept strafing, but on the flying asteroid the woman looked up and searched for her foe.

I saw the colors of the starry sky and the colorful paintings in my sight, among which three stars were different.

Because it moves so fast, it looks like three diamonds, or the three evil eyes of some kind of beast.

The existence beyond the fire tornado showed its posture at the moment of attack. Behind the silver fist was a red pattern like wrist armor, and the two sapphire-like eyes were surrounded by black eye sockets.

Human form, but not only human form, the center of the red breastplate is inlaid with crystals, and the silver-gray body is covered with black lines.

In other universes he is better known as 'Empat'

The glass-mirror-like barrier opened, and the glass-mirror-like barrier shattered, and the terrifying monster known as the cosmic dinosaur, Jayden, flew upside down from the severe damage.

The next moment, Bemonstein, the giant cosmic monster blowing a strong wind, opened the second mouth in its abdomen, and the huge suction gushed out from there precisely locked on the enemy's body.

Empat, who smashed the barrier with his right fist and sent Jayden flying, moved his eyes. He didn't even get close. He just cast his eyes on Bemonstein, and the giant cosmic monster bounced up as if frightened.

As far as the eye can see, the power of thoughts exploded, and the two powerful monsters had no power to resist in the brief confrontation, as if they were just weaklings lingering on some small planet.

But it wasn't like that. These two battle-hardened monsters accompanied their masters through countless battles, all because the giant who was darker in the starlight was too strong.

Powerful, that's how powerful it is.

The red light shrouded the woman's body was even stronger, and she didn't know whether it was blood or tears that fell from the corners of her eyes.

'This power...has this power, but this power...'

The scene in her memory reappeared. At that time, she subconsciously stretched out her hand to the sky, and then even that hand was trampled on the ground. There was nothing in the sky.

Later, much later, the light of the sky was covered by the giant, and the giant said 'stop'

This sentence was said to her, how ridiculous.

'No one was there when I needed it, and now you're here, when it's too late, to stop me. '

What's the point?

'You want power, don't you? '

A long-lost voice came out of my mind. This voice is very familiar. This voice is the source of the curse and the essence of blessing.

'Then use this power to destroy all enemies who dare to stop you. '

After thinking for only a moment, the woman's hands firmly grasped the badge. The appearance of this badge looks very strange, and the curved horns on the top will remind people who know the details.

At this moment, Jayden and Bemonstein, who were knocked out, were stained as red as blood like their masters.

Moving faster than the two monsters, Empat's palm slap hit the woman who was too small for him.

Thought power, dark energy, the two forces merged together but were resisted, because just for this brief moment, the red light gushing out of the woman's body began to spread, like a tree root, like a crack, and a figure emerged.


The red light merged with the red light, and Jayden and Bemonstein converged on the most powerful light in the center as if they were melted.

The core appeared, a purple crystal with cracks or roots carved into the monster's chest.

The tail hangs down naturally, and the yellow organ is shining, which looks like Jaden, but the head is almost Bemenstein.

Its hands turned into three sharp claws, each with a Bemenstein mouth, and the brown fur of birds hung down from the arms and body.

'Demon shards. '

This term immediately came to Empat's mind, and it was precisely because of the existence of the 'devil's shards' that the 'female Leonix' in front of him was able to transform into the current posture.

In other words, it is precisely because of the existence of the demon fragments that a new Leonix will be born. Now this Leonix...


Bemonstein's cry is also mixed with Jayden's strange voice, and the 'synthetic beast' that is completely integrated should be called 'Bemon Jeton'

The new synthetic beast opened its palms forward, and ultra-low temperature gas that was deadly enough to any life gushed out from the mouth of the palm.

Empat swept across with his right arm, and the dark energy turned into a gale to tear through the cold air, while Bemengeton in front of him disappeared. That trick was so familiar that he saw it through in an instant.

Turning around and extending the palm, the condensed dark purple light ball inside the palm glowed in the explosion. Bemengeton, who had just jumped with teleportation, was blown back a short distance. He raised his head and blocked it with his raised right arm. High whip legs swung from the side.

However, this was just the beginning. Empat, who used the ability of anti-gravity flight to turn his body on the asteroid, kept throwing out different kicking skills from all directions.

The final high kick kicked away Bemengeton's condensed fireball, and Empat, who was in a higher position, clasped his fists and smashed it down.

A large amount of broken rock was splashed on the asteroid, and Bemengeton, who had penetrated deeper, saw a new light before he had time to fight back.

A large amount of purple light fell from the hole in front of the line of sight, and the palm light arrow made of dark energy chased after it.

However, pure energy attacks are useless. Bemengstein opened his left palm, and Bemenstein quickly sucked all the attacks into it. His right hand also moved forward, and the absorbed energy was refused and fired back. .

A large number of light arrows turned into the only light ball, which ushered in confrontation the moment it appeared.

Empat's right arm on the asteroid is forward, and the front end of the arm covered in dark purple emits a solid light, which quickly collides with the light ball.

In less than a second, this asteroid with a diameter of several hundred meters was completely blasted from the inside, and most of the fragments were completely destroyed by the energy storm without even leaving any residue.

Belmonstein possesses the ability to absorb and reflect, but it's not without its weaknesses.

For example, now, the ball of light and the light are completely exploded in the collision, and the huge energy field spreading nearly a kilometer cannot be swallowed immediately if you want to swallow it.

Bemengeton, which bears the brunt, is like food thrown into a frying pan at this time, and the corrosive damage caused by dark energy is destroying its skin.

Suddenly, there was more dullness inside the energy storm, and the frost gushing out of its palm could even freeze energy.

Its destructive efficiency has been eased, and it has just escaped from the attack before it has to face a new attack. After a series of collisions, the claws it stabs out cause its arms to be tightly grasped.

Empat locked Bemengeton's arm, he drew closer, and his free right fist kept bombarding the opponent's abdomen.

Bemengeton, whose body was constantly shaking due to the impact, opened his other claw again, and the attraction was stopped at the moment of release, and its face was thrown back in the head hammer with both arms locked.

It is a simple matter to get rid of the monsters, but what Empat has to do is not simply to get rid of the monsters.

It is precisely because of this that his perception tells him that he must evade now.

The universe is full of asteroids pulled by gravity. These high-speed asteroids may be pulled by strong gravity at any time and then change their original direction. Therefore, the huge asteroids attacked under the pull of Bemengeton.

Empat let go of Bemengeton's arms, and quickly blasted out both fists at the same time, hitting the opponent's chest. Through actual contact, dark energy was injected into the opponent's body.

At this time, Bemengeton was motionless, and its body surface raised splash-like blue-black dark energy from time to time, while Empat turned around and slapped the entire asteroid to stop the impact.

The next moment, Bemengje suddenly moved, and the Bemenstein mouth in its palm took the place where the dark energy overflowed from the body as the target, completely devouring the dark energy controlling its movements like sucking out the poison of a poisonous snake.

After completing this move, it didn't fight again, because it had already fully understood the situation in the fight just now.

'Can't win. '

Although consciousness is almost gone, it is precisely because of this that the monster's fighting instinct has reached its peak.

Special abilities such as teleportation have no effect, and special abilities such as devouring absorption have no effect, and they are suppressed in close combat, which means that frontal confrontation and small tricks are useless, and there is only one way left.

Bermengeton spread his arms, and the feathers under his arms shook in the flapping.

A strange scene appeared, and with a single flap, the figure of the synthetic beast completely disappeared.

"This is......"

Empat rose immediately, and the figure of the target was no longer in his sight, but he could feel the space fluctuation a light-year away.

It is simply a creature in mythology, no, it is even more extreme than creatures in mythology.

Bemenjedon, a synthetic beast fused from Bemonstein and Jadon, can instantly travel a distance of one light-year by flapping its wings.

It obeyed its instinct and quickly fanned its wings forward, rushing towards the direction it instinctively wanted to approach, what was there?

This is only known when you get there.

At the same time, Empat's body in the rear merged into the light, and he was advancing at a speed that even light could surpass like a comet traveling among the stars.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Long, long ago, there was a very bad person in the universe. He had many very bad subordinates, and he set off a terrible, terrible battle.

Everyone is afraid of him and dare not resist him, because he is really powerful and terrifying.

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