"Of course." Hei Ji raised her head slowly, biting her nails and tilting her head, said: "You killed Brad, one of my most loyal knights."

"You killed the white knight Brad?" Hearing this, Viscella raised his head abruptly, and said incredulously, "Then our target is..."

"It's me." Limulu slowly stretched out his hand horizontally, the bat wings behind his back spread out, and wisps of green thick fog gradually formed.

He had to prove his identity in order to stand with the church.

If Hei Ji came to seek revenge, the enemy's enemy is a friend, and he felt that the church should understand this.

Of course, he didn't intend to fight Hei Ji to death, as always, he still planned to ask Viscella to help him block Hei Ji, and then he continued to look for opportunities to escape——

Survival is always the first element!

"Sure enough, you have inherited Brad's power..."

"It's plundering, so... do you want to avenge him?"

"Revenge? Maybe?" Hei Ji changed the angle of her head, her tone was a little more joyful, and suddenly said: "If you don't agree."

"I...disagree?" Limulu frowned slightly, not knowing what Heiji was doing.

But Viscella suddenly raised his head, as if he understood something, and ordered directly: "No, attack!"


Before he finished speaking, Viscella was the first to charge up, but was suddenly blocked by the magic blade raised by the black knight!

"What do you mean?" Limulu looked at the church's overreaction, and suddenly understood something, and asked in a concentrated voice, "You don't... plan to recruit me, do you?"

"It's not soliciting, but coming back." Hei Ji smiled lightly and said, "The seat of the white knight belongs to you."


"His last curse means that he agrees with you, and he hopes that you can replace him and become my knight."

Hearing this, Limulu was a little confused: "Are you joking? I killed him..."

"You destroyed his communication rune at the end, didn't you?" Looking at Limuru who looked suspicious and completely disbelieving, Heiji suddenly took a step forward and reached out to him: "The last communication, What he left me was not revenge, tracking information."


"If it's him, he will definitely help you achieve great things, right?"

"This kind of evaluation can be said to be praised to the extreme."

"Having said that, the last price he paid was just to curse you for having blood-sucking urges, not to kill you."

"Isn't all of this enough to explain everything?"

Hei Ji continued to take a step forward, which made Viscella shout anxiously: "Don't believe him, I believe you know better than me what kind of group of Dead Apostles are."

"Oh? What are dead disciples?" Hei Ji raised the corners of her lips indifferently when she heard this, and her unhurried voice came under her beautiful smile: "I admit that you may have some feelings for us." Misunderstood, but... what you said to that boy, let me see your different views on the Dead Apostles—”

"You saw that child..." Limulu stared straight at her and said, "You didn't do anything to him, did you?"

"Of course not, we are not a church..."

As soon as these words came out, Viscella, who was fighting against the black knight, almost died of anger.

But his offensive could not help but be a bit fierce, because he already understood the opponent's purpose, that is...to let an unknown powerful magician succeed the White Knight Brad's position of Death Apostle!

Can't let them succeed!This is the only thought of these agents at this time!

"Then what's going on with these agents—" Limulu looked at Heiji's expression and the slender hands stretched out to him, and quickly figured out what the other party was thinking: "If you just invite me to join, it's completely There's no need to startle them—"

"They..." Hei Ji shook her chin in distress, her hair, which was as smooth as a waterfall, fluttered in the wind: "I originally wanted to reveal your traces to them to save the beauty..."

Her voice fluttered in the wind, making several walkers pause in astonishment, and was immediately forced back by the black knight—and Hei Ji's voice became even more indifferent.

"But who would have known that these idiots would not investigate your traces, and insisted on investigating me—"

"As a result of my whereabouts being discovered by you..."

Hei Ji didn't continue to talk about the next thing, but Limuru also understood, that is, Hei Ji had tracked him down a long time ago, but because of his lack of strength due to injury, Brad was very good at speed and Tracking and anti-tracking, this has led to the fact that if Limuru really escapes desperately, Heiji may really have nothing to do with him, so he plans to use his news to lure the evacuated agents back, and then come to a rescue Brush his favor.

In the end, I didn't expect that I was bitten by the agents first, and after I was alarmed, I had to show up early——

After knowing the cause and effect, Limulu's expression became strange for no reason - all along, in his subconscious, it was players like him who brushed up on NPCs, that is, the characters in the original book. To be honest...he really I didn't expect... there would be characters from the original book to brush his favor...

But for others, Limuru's expression is undoubtedly the expression of emotion.

This made Viscella even more anxious: "Magicians, dead disciples are not trustworthy! The blood-sucking impulse is not a big deal..."

"Trust me..." Hei Ji took another step forward, stretched out her hand and said softly, "I need you."

"Rimru Tempest."


"You really recognized me, or rather, investigated me..."

As soon as the name came out, Limulu smiled wryly, and Weissella and the others were slightly stunned, and suddenly became exasperated: "Heiji, you are as despicable as the rumors!"

Now, why didn't they realize that they have become the accomplices being used instead?

Hei Ji revealed Limuru's true identity, and... Weissella found the source of this identity in an instant. While he was terrified, he also understood that he would no longer be able to compete for Limuru to him. Here it is.

Even if Limuru rejected Hei Ji, he would definitely not let him leave here alive.

Rimuru Tempest.

This surname, this name, only the successor of one of the twelve extinct sects in the clock tower—now known as the most shining star in the magic world, the blue lecturer with huge influence.

It turned out to be him... Then with this identity, it must not reveal that he had an intersection with Hei Ji—let alone...the blood-sucking impulse, which is 100% classified as a dangerous situation of the designated seal.

"To be honest... I don't like it, whether it's being favored by the design or you investigating me."

Looking at the nervous crowd, Limulu said softly, "But I can probably guess what you will threaten me with next."

Rimuru turned her head and glanced at the nun who had been in a state of confusion.

Then he turned back and said, "Is all of this in your calculations? Hei Ji."

"No." Looking at Limuru's overly calm eyes, Hei Ji couldn't help but be slightly taken aback, then shook her head lightly and said, "You guessed wrong, I didn't intend to threaten you with that nun, as I said , My original plan was to be a hero to save the beauty."

"And at the node of the plan at that time, you should have said goodbye to her."

"Although I'm despicable, I haven't reached that point yet—" She gently approached Limulu's ear and said, "As I said, you really have a lot of misunderstandings about us, Limulu."

"Why don't you follow me and open your eyes to see the real world."

"I'm not interested in seeing the world, and I won't be entangled with your original plan." Facing Heiji's invitation, Limuru shook his head calmly, glanced at the people around him, and said indifferently: "Because things have reached this stage , no matter whether you threaten me with her or not, as long as this matter gets out, she will be liquidated."

"But she's just innocent."

"Then what about your decision." Hei Ji heard the words and said softly: "I will not threaten you with her, but I can guarantee that if you join me, I can take all the responsibilities and announce this attack to the world , and the information here will never be leaked."

Because, except for the nun, they will all die!

Hei Ji looked at Limuru quietly, while Limuru turned back to look at the nun, and asked in a very strange way in the nun's eyes:

"It is a crime to ignore the death of an innocent person, and it is also a crime to implicate an innocent person."

"But if I join the sin in order to protect the innocent."

"I ask you, Sister."

"Am I...now...guilty?"

Chapter 035, White Knight Rimuru Tempest

Under the crimson blood moon, dark clouds gradually covered the silver and red rays of light.

Limulu's voice slowly filled the audience with the fog. He looked at the nun who had fallen into silence, and his coldness and murderous intent gradually locked on Viscella and the others.

"Please." The corners of Hei Ji's mouth curled up, and she gently lifted the corner of her skirt before Lim showed up, and gracefully moved out of the way.

Then, she looked at Limuru's back, crossed her hands lightly to rest her delicate chin, and said softly, "White Knight... Limuru."

These words made Limuru's figure stunned, and Viscella was even more afraid to say: "Are you really going to join the Dead Apostles? Limuru Tempest, you have forgotten the glory you represent Yet!"

"I didn't say I would join them, but no matter whether I join or refuse, it will be after killing you, right?" At this time, even Limulu, who has always been inclined to the church, felt a little dissatisfied with this name. The noisy judge was a little dissatisfied, even at this point, although the other party didn't mention a word of human beings, the contempt for the dead and vampires in the other party's tone, as well as the superior tone when he shouted for glory, let Li Mulu felt a tinge of impatience.

The so-called negotiation is to come up with actual bargaining chips and interests, baby.

Hei Ji knows what I want and what I care about, she is willing to help me hide my secrets, and she is willing to help me protect others.

But what about you?

He looked at several people, and finally mixed some lazy jokes in his tone: "You should have forgotten that the surname Tempest itself is a combination of fantasy species and human beings, right? Forgot? What is said in your church? The heretic family...has there ever been...the so-called glory?"

Hei Ji may not be a friend, or even the chief culprit who plotted against him and brought him to such a state, but no matter what, the two parties can reach a consensus in terms of actions and interests, unlike the church... you let The church concealed the news that he had blood-sucking urges?

It's also possible, but Viscella can't make the decision!This will inevitably need to be decided by the superiors, and information transmission may leak, and even if there is no leak—whether it is the Church or the Magicians Association, they are not all in one word, and discussions will inevitably occur for mutual benefit. Crown Council stuff.

Cooperate with the king or with the courtiers?

A well judged situation.

"At first, I wanted to use you as a bargaining chip against Hei Ji, but..." The breeze blew, and the mist was not blown away, but thickened a little. Suddenly, there was the sound of the waves of the sea...

Everyone raised their heads in astonishment, but the surrounding area was completely occupied by sea water. The entire small courtyard was like a solitary boat floating in the sea...the emerald green flames were reflected by the ghost ships one after another.

"Unfortunately, my identity cannot be revealed."

With Limuru's sigh, a tsunami suddenly swept up, and in the huge sea, a huge vortex began to condense along with the endless storm, and the fierce blow completely swallowed everyone, Viscella's uniform was soaked in the sea , revealing a trace of sacred light, he gritted his teeth, and desperately unfolded something similar to a barrier, only to be able to withstand the endless blows of sea water.

High in the sky, Hei Ji sat in the void, not forgetting to protect the nun casually. Seeing this scene, she suddenly understood how Brad was defeated.

Limuru is rumored to be a color-level magician who is extremely proficient in the water system, and a magician of this level is above the sea... It is equivalent to a natural magic workshop!

In this way, the smile in Hei Ji's eyes deepened, devouring Brad, and obtaining an inherent enchantment that fits her own domain, Limuru...is definitely the magician with the most potential she has ever seen, and may even... ...achieve the crown!

"Damn it..." Viscella looked at the continuous tsunami, took a few steps back, stood together with several subordinates, and suddenly drew a golden light. Immediately afterwards, a group of agents, at the same time The baptism chanted.

Joint singing?

Limuru stared at it for a while, then shook his head regretfully. It's good that the agents have strong fighting and combat abilities. It's also good to strengthen magic and engrave against magic traps so that they can fight out in the magic workshop.

But... this is the inherent enchantment.

The agent's style of maximizing his personal strength cannot fight against... the whole world.

In Rimuru's impression, Kotomine Kirei, the most difficult performer, only relied on command spells to block most of the attacks of magic. Why should a guy who had never even heard his name fight against him? !

He was hunted down before because he was seriously injured, but now, with none of his injuries remaining, this group of people...

They are all brothers! !

Die, be buried in the sea, and be my nourishment.

Thinking so indifferently, Limulu raised his hand without hesitation, and activated nearly half of the magnificent magic power in his body. This time, he did not run on overload, but slowly let the magic engravings transform the magic power. Come on, light up one magic circle after another!

He must leave half and the ability to continue fighting to deal with Hei Ji and negotiate. As he said, he does not intend to let Hei Ji succeed so simply. You have calculated so much about me and want me to surrender or cooperate, why? Say……

Have to spit out something, too?

He knew in his heart that if the other party really threatened the nun, he could only give in, but this did not prevent him from trying to raise the bargaining chip and... a little trust in what Hei Ji said, "I won't treat the nun as a threat anymore. "

A series of azure magic circles lit up above the sea, and Velasses watched helplessly as the island under his feet was finally torn apart by the storm. While his feet were softening, he had to allocate part of his magic power to walk on the water surface The magic of magic—and the other agents were not so lucky. A few unlucky ones who didn’t know how to do magic fell into the sea with one foot, and were swallowed by the water into the bottom of the sea— —

In just an instant, it turned into a blood mist as if being strangled by endless water blades, staining the gloomy sea water with a burst of blood red.

The whole sea has turned into a meat grinder!

"Just like what Brad said." Limuru stretched out his arm, and the originally not-so-good cloth was completely eroded and shattered by the magic power, leaving only the surge of magic power, and the dense magic power circuits exuded powerful power: " The creatures on the ground lose the ground on which they stand."

"You can only struggle hard?"

"Even if you can resist the momentary might of the world."

"But so what?"

Rimuru clenched his fist violently, boom!The azure magic circle was fully activated, and the seawater in the inherent enchantment suddenly erupted, turning into huge waves of [-] meters that smashed the world from all directions, swallowing everyone with a bang like a huge mouth that swallowed the sky and destroyed the world.

The agent, the group is destroyed.

After a long time, Limulu lowered his arms slowly, the dark clouds dissipated, and the sea was calm.

The light rain turned from the tsunami landed on Hei Ji's head, soaking her hair, but she didn't care about it. Her eyes were crescent like two crescent moons, and she said with a smile: " What a powerful magic, does this magic have a name?"

"Unfortunately, not yet." Hearing this, Limulu raised his eyebrows and turned around, "But I want to call it Leviathan's meeting ceremony, how about it?"

"That's really a good meeting gift." Hei Ji opened her bloody eyes, nodded with a chuckle, and couldn't help but look in the direction of those people.

The surrounding scenery has begun to return. After Limulu canceled the inherent barrier, those people didn't even leave a corpse. It's really... Leviathan, he swallowed everyone without leaving any scum.

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