Seeing this scene, Urifis felt complicated, and after secretly scolding Emiya Kiritsugu and those monarchs who deliberately watched the show, he could only nod helplessly.

Except after this incident, unless Limuru commits suicide, it is estimated that no famous family will be able to target Limulu in terms of personal safety, at least not in a short period of time!Otherwise, it would be slapping the face of the three nobles!

Chapter 013, Deterrence from the bloodline!

Limulu, who was guaranteed, felt a little relieved. Although this guarantee cannot absolutely guarantee his safety inside the clock tower, at least no one should take any risks until he confirms that he threatens the status of other monarchs. For a hidden danger, he risked being liquidated by the three nobles to kill him at all costs.

As for the position of the monarch, Limuru didn't think about the ambition to climb up after a while. Leaving aside the issue of strength, Limuru, who knows most of the world's information, doesn't see a small monarch at all. Seat, although the group of twelve sects can indeed give him a lot of help, but it is not nice for him to be backed by Achelot.

As long as he is willing to eat soft food or become a married woman, he will be a member of the twelve families in minutes!

Then, after solving the security problem, in addition to finding out the reason why Emiya Kiritsugu assassinated him, it is also necessary to keep an eye on Fuyuki City at all times, and at the same time, thoroughly study and thoroughly establish one's own ability at present. System to enhance strength...

The meeting has already started the next topic, but the next content is obviously not something he can continue to participate in. For the rest of the time, amidst the hustle and bustle, Limulu can only fall into quiet listening and thinking.

It may be because the matter of Limulu ignited the conflict in the meeting in advance, and the activity of the monarchs in the next meeting increased a lot. Basically, the moment the topic was brought up, one or two monarchs would propose a solution to deal with it. Ended, but at the same time the intensity began to gradually increase.

Among them, the most intense ones are not the difficult and miscellaneous matters and the matter of playing football with each other, but the allocation of funds in the next year-this kind of intensity even makes the old fox who always seems to be indifferent and Yuri who has always been gloomy. Fiss began to argue hard, and even broke out into a quarrel.

Lydelle, who is an ally, did not give Gaius Ling, who had held her as a baby, a good look at Patriarch, saying that Chimera's funding last year seriously exceeded the standard, which damaged the distribution of certain potions in the plant class.

This made Limulu secretly click his tongue, and at the same time fully understand what is called the supreme principle of talking about feelings and hurting money at the monarch meeting.

However, compared to the most direct money, material and student allocation, the nearly three-hour meeting was still very thoughtful at the end of the meeting to give the monarchs free communication time for Solve mutual conflicts and cooperation problems.

At this time, it is the exchange of interests between the monarchs.

Most monarchs use sound-proofing magic when they are talking, and only a few monarchs don’t apply encryption to their chats. Rimuru pricked up his ears and ignored Lidel’s dissatisfied expression. After listening for a while, he roughly concluded that their content should be It belonged to going to a dangerous area together to hunt for some materials. I didn't hear the specifics clearly, but at the same time Rimuru was not very interested in it.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, Kenneth walked up on his own initiative and started talking with Limuru.

The content of conversation among the nobles is nothing more than that, but the communication between professors often needs to add academics.

Even if he has no impression of the background board of a protagonist like Kenneth, Limulu has to admit that in terms of behavior, words and deeds and the current academic issues, Kenneth's casual remarks sometimes take a few seconds longer than his thinking The words after a few hours of deliberation should be more rigorous and beautiful.

In addition, Limulu has just come to this world not long ago, although there are memory fragments in his head that will not make his subsequent teaching career difficult, but no matter what he does, he will strive to do his best, which comes from the essence of an elite family. A part of his arrogance also made him subconsciously not want to mislead his disciples——

Since he wanted to be a teacher, even if it was too much, he had to try his best to be the best teacher. This subconscious idea made him unconsciously prolong the conversation with Kenneth for a while, and it can even be said that they had a very happy conversation. .

However, this led to a problem. Lidal, who originally wanted to chat with Limuru during this time, was shocked to find out!

She, a super invincible beautiful girl, was thrown aside and ignored by the two of them alone? ! !

Is there any reason for this? !In the end I am the monarch or you are the monarch duck! !

After the meeting, Lidal walked out of the building angrily, shaking her bun face, and didn't want to say a word to the blue hairy dumpling behind her who was bewildered and desperately trying to please her.

Lidal, who was in a bad mood, suddenly lost the mood to go back to the big classroom. Thinking that this afternoon's class would be replaced anyway, she simply walked back to the parking lot and got into the car——

Limulu sat in the co-pilot nervously.

"??" Lidal was slightly confused, angrily and funnyly said: "You have to go to the dean's room later."

"I think I should accompany you now." Limulu shrugged his shoulders, turned his head and blinked his eyes slightly: "Some young lady in the province can't even eat dinner."

"I won't be angry." Lidal flicked her ponytail proudly, and said awkwardly, "Go down."

"I don't!" Limulu quickly shook his head: "The dean is not as important as you."

"Tsk, you couldn't say such things before."

Lidel turned around and pressed Limuru's small shoulders strangely, stared at his eyes for a while, and suddenly said: "You have changed a lot, Limuru..."

Hearing this, Limulu thumped in his heart, wouldn't he be too obvious? !

"But it's also possible that this is what you should be like." Looking at each other, a blush slowly climbed up Lidel's face, she let go of Limuru and opened the distance, turned her head to cover up: "After all, in my impression, you used to have this talent."

"Don't you like it?" Limulu asked strangely.

"No, I like it very much." Lidal stretched her waist, showed a seductive figure and then leaned on the steering wheel, turned her face away and said in a muffled voice: "But I'm more happy that you can get out of the shadows." Come out."

"Don't worry, I'm not angry." She smiled sweetly and said, "Even though I hate Urifis and El-Melloi, they are indeed not enemies."

"As an aristocratic faction, they can indeed help you when necessary... At least, if you make good friends with Kenneth, the position of monarch will be more secure, right?"

Hearing this, Limuru was slightly stunned, and just when she opened her mouth to say something, she felt a push from her shoulder again, and Lidel started to chase people away again: "So, hurry up, Dean Although he doesn’t care about anything over there, but because he doesn’t care about anything, as long as he gives an order, it will be carried out!!”

"I've been a monarch for so long, and I've only been summoned once, so don't delay important events because of me!!"

Hearing this, Limulu sighed, and finally swallowed the words in his mouth, and changed into a sentence: "Thank you..."

After a while, Limuru, who was driven out of the car, smiled wryly as he watched the back of the car disappearing.

He really has no idea about the position of the monarch. He talked with Kenneth to learn some academic skills as much as possible. It is said that Kenneth's academic ability is absolutely one-on-one.

Of course, what troubled him the most was...

"The most difficult thing to bear is the beauty..." Limulu shook her head helplessly, and said softly, "Unfortunately, I can't give you the future..."

After speaking, he looked at his little arms and legs, and suddenly laughed.

Well, I hope I'm just a daily illusion, maybe people just regard me as a friend and best friend.


It has been 37 hours since he came to this world, and this is the first time Limuru has walked on the deserted street where there are few students in sight, enjoying a quiet walk.

"So, how to get to the dean's office!!"

A group of children finally discovered the deadly attributes of this body.

road idiot...

He searched the entire memory in his mind, but he didn't find any impression of roads and maps. He even knew the name of the hotel he stayed in at the beginning, and the house number, but it was just where the hotel was located...

totally no idea! !

In desperation, he had no choice but to use the great sage to pray again: "I hope that the monarchs who just ended the meeting don't mind if I do another large-scale scan..."

Magic perception!

In an instant, invisible fluctuations began to spread around Limuru, and the hidden barriers and all kinds of students and lecturers were clearly visible in the perception. Slowly simulated on the retina.

It's done! 3D Retina Simulated Maps!

With a thought, Limulu added a main task to the side of the retina: looking for the dean!

Then let the great sage come to guide the wayfinding!

After the arrows appeared on the retina, Limuru nodded in satisfaction.

This is the correct way to open it!Okay, when I go back, I will set the system prompt sound, I even have the system!

Alas, the happiness of a traveler is often so simple and unpretentious.

Limulu, who successfully lied to herself, played with the system she adapted for a while, but she did not forget to find the legendary dean's room under the guidance of the great sage.

It is located in the school district managed by the entire dean, and it is also the deepest part of the large classroom dedicated to storing materials designated by the seal. Along the way, there are many glorious deeds and some display cabinets from various monarchs and lecturers lined up on both sides of the corridor.

The door opened automatically as he approached, but the area of ​​the dean's room was not large, even much smaller than Lidale's lounge.

Two green curtains covered the only window in the whole room, only revealing a slit to let in a ray of sunlight. Under the sunlight, a pot of live orchids was lazily swinging their roots, which made Limulu stare curiously for a long time.

Next to the window, with golden edges, a gorgeous wooden red sofa chair sits empty behind the desk, occupying almost one-third of the entire dean's room.

It is said to be a desk, but except for a magic printer and a few scattered quills, the rest are almost all kinds of precious materials and exhibits. , the other two wall cabinets are almost full of specimens soaked in formalin, severed limbs, and weird fantasy specimens.

The whole gives people a feeling that this place is more like a laboratory than an office.

In addition, the rest of the area is covered by a layer of carpet. On the carpet, two gorgeous red cushion sofas are shining with a dark golden streamer. Cold coffee.

"I thought you would come here a little earlier."

The dean's voice is very deep, but it seems to be extremely contradictory and somewhat ethereal - this makes Limulu think of some speculation outside, because judging from the current performance, the dean is indeed more in line with the ghost, or the evil spirit. features.

In terms of body shape, it looks a little thin and stooped, but overall it seems to be quite energetic, the face cannot be seen clearly under the deep shadow, and the whole person is similar to the black mist familiar in the meeting, covered by a layer wrapped in shadows.

"Feel sorry."

Limulu suppressed her curiosity and impolite scrutiny, lowered her eyes and sat opposite the dean, a little embarrassed, and said, "I got lost when I came here..."

According to the rumors, the dean of the clock tower is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years, because he has not shown up for nearly a thousand years. In addition to maintaining the operation of Albion, the screen of the spirit, he will occasionally summon the monarch to pass Some occasional suggestions.

Some people speculate that the dean is a ghost, and others speculate that the dean is a magician who has mastered the first magic, but the moment Limuru entered the dean's room, he felt a sense of creepiness and oppression!

This is a sense of oppression from the blood, a kind of unquestionable surrender, majesty, and fear...

"Do I have any blood relationship with the dean?"

At that moment, Limuru was stunned, but quickly calmed down and thought: "Obviously, there is not."

So where does this feeling come from?

After thinking about it for a second, Limuru looked at the specimens on the wall, and suddenly understood in his heart—his life essence is actually not a human being, but a monster slime in the fantasy species!

If... If this coercion does not come from the remnants of a certain material, then Limuru can probably conclude that the mysterious dean in front of him definitely has some kind of fantasy blood.

And the rank is not low!

"If you think about it that way, it's not surprising."

Limulu glanced at the ground thoughtfully, and thought: "Albion, the spiritual tomb, is originally connected to the inner world that has been relocated, which is the world of phantasmagoria and fairies... Then, as a magician, the dean Their pinnacle, as the gatekeeper and the junction of the two, it makes sense..."

So, here comes the question...

Thinking of this, Limulu was stunned again—he originally thought that the dean's call was nothing more than a routine inquiry about his assassination, but considering the dean's identity and the number of appearances in the millennium did not exceed two Let's see...

He seems to be thinking a little too simply?

In addition, if the dean really has something to do with phantasmagoria... and he happens to be a slime...

"So, the dean asked me...why?"

Limulu took a breath, and suddenly became a little nervous.

Chapter 014, the whole of Lordaeron is screaming...

At night, Limuru sat blankly on the balcony of the room, looking up at the starry sky, while kneading a blue ball in his hands.

He has been in a daze all afternoon, and he doesn't even know how to get out of the dean's room, and how to get home... Oh, I know that.

Lidelle still cared to pick him up at around five o'clock in the afternoon.

On the way back, Limulu asked Lidal a very private question, that is, what happened when the dean summoned Lidal.

It was three years ago when Lidal took over the position of the monarch. Before that, she had been living with his father, and she was childhood sweethearts with Kuonji and Rimuru when she was a child.

Lidal, who should have died in the 80s, survived and inherited the title and engraving of the Coal Witch. Under the training of the first generation Achelot, she inherited the throne of the monarch in four years with almost no obstacles.

Facing this question that involved some privacy, Lidal thought about it without the slightest hesitation and said: "If you ask me now, I really don't remember clearly, but it seems that although the dean has a very kind attitude , I'm quite nervous haha!"

"Sure enough, it's still balanced." Lidal turned a corner and continued: "There are very few younger generations among the monarchs, because most monarchs will not be weaker than young people through the transformation of energy through magic power unless their lifespan ends. "

"This leads to them being able to continue to serve forever, just like my teacher."

Limulu nodded slightly. Lidal's teacher was the first generation Coal Witch, and she was also the person who led the rise of the Achelot family in the industrial age. Before coming to power, he kept the plant department and the seat of the monarch until now, and has not changed people.

Hundreds of years!

The duration of each monarch's reign is as high as hundreds of years, which is a terrifying time span in Limulu's view.

"So the dean hopes that you can lower the age group among the monarchs?"

"I don't know, but not all monarchs can keep pace with the times like Lord Inolai, can they still be interested in modern technology after being hundreds of years old? Anyway, I think there should be reasons for this—"

Having said that, she paused and said, "There is another reason, because he told me clearly."

"The dean hopes that I can ease the conflict between the Achelot family and the Euryphus family for a hundred years."

"Uh..." Hearing this, Limulu was speechless immediately: "But why do I feel that the conflict between you and Urifis has deepened instead?"

"Hmph, it's normal for young people to have some differences with old bones." Lidal sniffled her nose arrogantly, and snorted, "Besides, that old guy's temperament is really hard to like."

"Speaking of which, why did you suddenly ask this? Did the dean tell you anything today?"

"Actually, it's nothing." Limulu staggered Lidale's eyes and looked out the window: "It's just that the dean's attitude is pretty good today, and I always feel that he has done some unnecessary things..."

"Excess things?"

"Well, for example... I want you to help me a little bit."

"Huh? Pfft, I'm thinking too much. Although the dean seems to have mentioned you at the time, I can confirm that he didn't say anything to me about taking care of you."

"Well, it seems that I am narcissistic."

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