"I..." Young Master Lang was choked up, and after holding back for a long time, he said, "It might not be possible to give it away."

"It's okay, Young Master Wolf, I believe in you!" Gaga Ga took the initiative to stand up when Young Master Wolf was in distress, "With one against three in the first 10 minutes of the lane phase, we defeated the Specter and easily led us to win the game."

"No, I'm not." Young Master Wolf quickly denied.

As soon as the Templar Assassin Lanaya is mentioned, Lin Xi has to think of the mysterious visitor from another world that she met in the comic exhibition last time. She also controls psychic power to fight, but she doesn't know about Lanaya in Dota2. Whether Ya has any connection with that Lanaya.

There are not many clues that can be obtained, and no reasonable explanation can be drawn from the dead end.

Lin Xi is very open-minded under "Sage's Time", so let's put aside the things you don't understand for now, and you will know when you get enough clues to connect them together.

Now the primary problem facing Lin Xi is.

I need to put in a bit of effort to slap the poisonous sorcerer in the middle of the opponent in order to lead the team to victory smoothly.

Templar Assassin is a powerful and distinctive hero, "Refraction" can resist multiple damages and add additional attack power to subsequent multiple attacks.

Using the "Hidden" technique allows the Templar Assassin to stand still and enter the stealth state. When attacking, the stealth state will be broken and high additional damage will be added, and its armor value will be reduced.

"Spiritual Blade" can increase the attack distance of the Templar Assassin, and the sharp spiritual blade can penetrate the enemy and also cause damage to the enemy directly behind it.

The ultimate skill "Psionic Trap" gives the Templar Assassin the ability to set multiple invisible and mysterious traps with vision, and detonating the traps under the enemy's feet can greatly reduce their movement speed.

In the laning period that requires positive and negative supplements, the role of attack power is beyond doubt.

Templar Assassins with "refraction" and high initial attack power are obviously very advantageous in this regard.

"Refraction" uses the number of times instead of the total value to resist damage, which is very advantageous in the face of many heroes who do not have multiple damage and have ballistic skills.As long as "Refraction" is turned on, heroes who have no effective way to break the shield can only stare blankly. It is really difficult to destroy the "Refraction" shield with a normal attack.

However, Venomancer whose skills are all continuous damage is not included.

"It's not very tricky." After a 5-minute delay, Lin Xi explained to the water friends, "Although the 'Refraction' will basically be broken in seconds when facing the Venomancer, the increase in attack power is still the same. As long as you don’t get hit too badly by the opponent, you can just concentrate on making up the knife. If you can use the ejection effect of the ‘Spiritual Blade’ well, you can also fight [-]-[-] in a matchup where the two skills are equivalent.”

"TA can be [-]/[-] with the poison? Don't lie to me!"

"Very poisonous and TAsolo? Probably not being shot by the 'spiritual blade'!"

The water friends insist on their own opinions, and no one agrees with the other.

"Why doesn't this TA, Xiao Xi, have accessories?" However, most people who entered the live broadcast room were always focusing on some strange things.

"My wife is a friend! I'll give you accessories!" What remains the same is that there is no shortage of people who stand up and recognize their wives at any time.

The lines of soldiers from both sides converged in the middle of the river, and the first wave of soldiers was gradually exhausted in half a minute. Lin Xi easily suppressed the opponent's Poison Warlock's last knife, and used the "Psychic Blade" acquired at the first level to consume it. Less than half of the blood volume.

It doesn't look very powerful, but it can't be said to be too good.

Lin Xi basically had an accurate judgment on this person's operation level, and then took advantage of the fact that the blood volume of the soldiers on both sides was not enough to make up the knife, and quickly cut the screen to look at the upper and lower lanes.

Down the road, Tianhui has the advantage.

Quacking Dai Zebao is like a werewolf in a fat house. It is a bit difficult to face the bat with strong upward pressure. Fortunately, the operator of the opponent's bat is not strong and is slightly suppressed. The laning situation of the dominant lane is acceptable.

Yan He's Charming Witch is developing in the jungle of his own side. He has taken time to practice in the past few days. It seems that the small operation should be played very smoothly.

On the road, Tianhui is at a disadvantage.

Uh... Young Wolf's Slardar twisted left and right in front of the three enemies, trying to gain experience from the extreme distance.

The child is dead.

In Lin Xi's eyes, he was already a dead man, and after a glance, he cut back to the middle lane and focused on making up the knife.

"Wow!" The camera hadn't cut back for a long time before Young Master Lang screamed, "Why is this ghost so fierce! The knife is no longer mended!"

"Spectre killed Slardar and took the first blood!"

"Young Master Wolf, it's all right. Their wave of troops is messed up, and you can get experience when the soldiers enter the tower." Quack Gaga took a look at the bat while suppressing the bat, and comforted him.

"That's what I think." Young Master Lang said that everything is under control, and said confidently, "It's better to seduce the opponent to disrupt the line of troops than to hang up to gain experience, and send a head to change a few waves of lines, and the support status of the opponent is also emptied , this wave is not bad."

"Young Master Wolf is awesome!" Quack Gaga echoed.

More than half a minute passed, and the disrupted pawn line on the top lane entered the attack range of the Radiant Outer Tower.

"No way, they don't want me to gain experience under the tower, that's too much!" Young Master Lang's tone was a little annoyed, "No, I'm going to hate them!"

Not long after I finished speaking.

"Help! Help! They charged into the tower and killed people!" Young Master Wolf let out a tragic wail, and frantically sent signals on the mini-map.

"My tp was useless without a baby in the past." Yan He took the lead in expressing his helplessness.

The Charm Witch's "Charm" can gain control of an ordinary unit for a period of time, but the "City Portal Scroll" cannot carry summons for teleportation, so the Charm Witch who relies entirely on summons in the early stage has basically no ability to support them.

Quack Ga also said: "Mr. Wolf, my hero is just a waste now. I can only buy one and get one free."

"The Specter killed Slardar."

However, because the opponent's Kunka was too aggressive, he was controlled by Slardar's "Murloc Smash" under the defense tower. The defense tower was flanked and subsequently died.

"These people are completely unreasonable." Young Master Lang sighed with lingering fear.

[ally] quack quack (Dai Ze): -> Take it easy, you're fine like this!

"This is very important! I have returned to the city scroll cd!" Lang Shao wanted to cry but had no tears. After being resurrected again, he could only go online, so he didn't know how much experience he would miss.

"It's just right, the delivery will be slower that way." Lin Xi'an (bu) consoled (dao), "You still have three chances to deliver."


"Brother's ghost! Number one in the world!" HOU boasted on the voice channel.

"It's not particularly profitable. He gave Slardar a head, and he also lost all the experience of the two waves of soldiers just now." Kunka, who was killed in battle, said a little dissatisfied.

"It's okay, I can use this one without defatting, and the ghost without defatting will take you to lie down and win." HOU said frivolously, but his men's last hits are very strict, and they didn't miss a single positive attack when no one interfered.

Seeing that the situation on the Dire side is very good.

"The Templar Assassin in the middle lane...is a monster!" The poisonous sorcerer complained inappropriately.


The competition in the screen is in full swing, and most of the water friends in Xiaoxi’s live broadcast room, whether they have played dota2 or not, understand that Xiaoxi is playing a game now, which is completely different from ordinary passers-by or Kaihei.

Just from the voice channel where the content of the conversation has become much more professional, one can smell a tense atmosphere. Although a wolf in the lonely wind still likes to make troubles so much, it is obviously a lot more serious.

However, different from this tense and fierce competition atmosphere, Lin Xi is still the same as usual, while seemingly earnestly laning while seemingly carefully explaining to the water friends.

The delicate doll-like face does not show too much expression, and the sitting posture in front of the camera is impeccable. She looks at the screen very obediently and seriously, as if she is serious about playing the game.

"This poisonous sorcerer is consciously dodging the 'spiritual blade'. Unfortunately, the poisonous sorcerer's attack distance is not too far. If he wants to make up the knife at the same time, his movement space will be greatly restricted. Just follow his moving pace It's easy to use the 'Psionic Blade' to catapult him with a little angle adjustment."

Although there are still many people in the live broadcast room who have never played dota2 at all and can't understand what Xiaoxi is talking about, but as long as they can hear such an ethereal and cold voice like the sound of nature, it can be called a kind of enjoyment!

At first, what Xiaoxi said made sense, but then, no matter whether the opponent dodged left or right, almost every time the "spiritual blade" could penetrate the soldier and bounce to the poisonous warlock.

The ejection range of the "Psionic Blade" is behind the Templar Assassin's attack target, that is to say, the Templar Assassin, minions and Venomancer must stand almost on the same line, and the Psionic Blade can hit through the minion's body Venomancer.

It is not difficult to use the "Psionic Blade" to eject to the enemy during the laning phase. Even the water friends with [-] points can often do it, but under the opponent's deliberate positioning, they can hit the enemy almost every time. This is scary.

"Snake skin moves." Some water friends taunted in good faith. The hero model of the poisonous warlock is a snake-like creature.

"The Venomancer has called the police."

"He may have 2000 yuan missing in his pocket."

Author's message:

PS: There are discrepancies between the novel world and the real world, please do not compare with the relevant data of the real world.

PS2: Oh...can I...a little... ask for a ticket qwq

Chapter 67 Cut off hands?goodbye

"I can't play in the middle lane anymore!" The poisonous warlock called for help in the voice.

"The Enchantress on the opposite side started to swim away with her summons. The pressure on the side road is a bit heavy, and I can't help it for the time being. I will call again when I am rushed to the tower. I will tp support at any time." The teammates are also at a loss at this moment.

"I was blown away by TA alone!" The Venomancer said helplessly.

"You can upgrade the snake stick a few levels, just hide behind and play with the snake stick." The teammates gave countermeasures.

"He doesn't let me touch the pawn line at all!" The poisonous warlock was very aggrieved.

"Huh?" This surprised the teammates.

The Venomancer in the middle lane played against the Templar Assassin. It is conservatively estimated that it should be a 64-point matchup.

When they cut the screen to the middle lane, they realized that what Venomancer said was not an exaggeration at all. The opponent's Templar Assassin was level 6, and their own Venomancer was level 4. They even directly overwhelmed the experience of two levels by only making up attacks in the lane.

"Is this TA so powerful?" Batrider asked in disbelief. He was concentrating on intrigue with the two opponents in the upper lane just now, and didn't have much time to pay attention to the situation in the middle lane.

For an amateur team like them, those who can go to the mid laner are generally among the best in the team. The ladder points of Venomancer may not be high compared to those top bosses, only about 6000 points, but their laning skills are not that high. Very good, and players with 7000 points can also play back and forth.

"It's just so powerful." Venomancer felt extremely bitter in his heart. As a high-scoring player with outstanding laning skills, he also has his own pride, but in front of this opponent named "Xi", this pride is not worth it In just a few minutes, the laning period was smashed to pieces.


"It's okay, our lineup is very restrained..." Kunka comforted without confidence.

At the beginning of the BP stage, seeing the opponent so confidently selected the Templar Assassin who was very easy to be restrained, everyone in "XFY" basically understood that the user of the opponent's Templar Assassin must be extremely confident and must be extremely powerful. Otherwise, it is impossible to take the risk of being targeted and choose this rarely banned hero.

This kind of bold behavior can basically be equated to pretending to be b, like announcing to them nakedly, whatever you target, I am confident that I will win the game with Templar Assassin.

It's okay to lose the game.

But if someone dares to pretend to be aggressive in front of him, this is absolutely not acceptable.

Therefore, "XFY" selected a very targeted lineup that can restrain the Templar Assassin.

As a result, the Venomancer in the middle lane during the laning phase was completely crushed by this Templar Assassin, which is very embarrassing!

"Templar Assassin is a mid-term hero. If you don't get a suitable rune in the early stage, try not to roam, just bring tp to support it." Lin Xi introduced to the water friends with ease.

"Understood! Carry out the non-solution fertilizer!" The water friends understand.

"No fat Xiaoxi! Hum... If you are generally fat, you can still accept it." The barrage always distorts the topic inadvertently.

"Stop that fat guy in front! See if I don't beat you to death!"

After the level is raised, it is meaningless to insist on controlling the pawn line to the river. "Psionic Blade" and "Refraction" endow the Templar Assassin with the ability to efficiently clear the jungle.

Cleverly use the ejection effect of "Psionic Blade" to clean up the enemy's minions on the line, push the line of soldiers under the enemy tower, and then pull out a wave of ancient wilds every hour, and you can proceed extremely quickly. development.

"Yanhe, please share with me the operation of the summoning item. Throw the summoning item whose time is almost up to my side, and I will use it to pull the wild." Lin Xi said in the team channel.

"Okay." Yanhe had no reason to refuse.

Then, the water friends only saw that when the time was about to reach the full minute, Xiaoxi's screen switched several times, and the two-lane operation Templar Assassin and Yan He threw the summoning alleys at the same time and pulled out the wild areas on both sides of Tianhui. Two ancient wilds.

Smooth pawn clearing, wild pull, and talisman control, but the poisonous warlock can only tremble under the tower.

"I learned it." Although many people have theoretical knowledge, it is very difficult to control the rhythm so smoothly in the game, and the water players have to accept it.

"Suffocating jungle show!"

Done!It's all over!

Dire and everyone were ashamed.

Less than 15 minutes into the game, the Templar Assassin with all the Destroyer Jump Knives pierced the Dire's line of defense like a sharp knife in an invincible posture.

Before the Templar Assassin came out, the situation between the two sides was still very stalemate, fighting each other back and forth.

"I didn't expect that the first opponent we met would be so powerful." They could still say such words in a joking tone.

However, less than 15 minutes into the game, the Templar Assassin suddenly flashed out of the shadows. Under the effect of "Concealment", he just escaped into the invisible state in front of the Specter, and the next moment there was a gorgeous and deadly psionic blade that shredded nothingness , and poured down towards the ghosts who hadn't had time to react in the future.

Slardar, who was hiding behind the Radiant soldier, raised the trident in his hand and waved it in the direction of Specter.

"Corrosion Haze".

The mist that weakened the armor emerged and entwined around the Specter's body, and under the triple armor-breaking of "Concealment" and "Destroyer", the Specter, whose body was still relatively strong, seemed to be made of paper.

Only three knives!

The Specter, who was almost full of blood, was killed directly by the Templar Assassin's knife.

"Help..." Just as HOU asked for help, the ghost he controlled had already returned to the spring to count down the seconds.

"What happened just now?" The Shadow Demon hid aside and shivered.

"The situation is..." HOU chose the Templar Assassin, who incidentally occupied this pawn line to make up the knife, and looked at the overly gorgeous equipment in the other party's package at this moment, and his tongue was a little dry, "I'm afraid this meal of 'Little Sheep' is for us to eat." It's gone."

"Mother HOU... you better not cut this hand." The poisonous warlock said angrily, "Otherwise, I, who was blown up in the middle, will feel very sorry."

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