Liu Qiubai originally thought that this was just a daily spur to a student who was slack, and the other party was indeed a relatively talented child, but this was not the key to Liu Qiubai's attitude, even if it was any student with poor grades For poor students, when the other party is not interested in studying, as a people's teacher, she must also sound the alarm for them.

But I didn't expect Lin Xi to say such a request so calmly, this is a situation that Liu Qiubai has never encountered before.

Although Liu Qiubai seems rigid, as a young teacher born in the 90s, she is still very open-minded.

Lin Xi's proposal was very bold. Liu Qiubai didn't directly educate him verbally to tell him to put emphasis on learning, and he didn't even refuse immediately. Instead, he looked at Lin Xi calmly and said, "Then tell me what you think."

Seeing that Liu Qiubai's reaction was flat, Lin Xi was relieved. What he was most afraid of was that the class teacher would not give him a chance to explain. He would just teach him the truth and send him back to the classroom. That would be very difficult.

Lin Xi said: "The knowledge in high school is too simple. It is just a waste of life to let me study by myself in the classroom every night to face the knowledge that I have already memorized. Instead of sitting here and wasting my life, it is better to do something meaningful."


Are you kidding me kid?

Liu Qiubai's face was full of confusion and incomprehension. She had been teaching for seven years after graduating from university, and it was the first time she had encountered such a puzzling thing.

Arrogance alone is not enough to describe these words, it is simply...the so-called Secondary School, right?Liu Qiubai doesn't like animation, but he has heard about this word. Seeing Lin Xi's serious and unrealistic words, he finally connected the word in his mind with Lin Xi's behavior at this time.

If Jiang Xian in their class were to say this sentence, then Liu Qiubai might really believe it.I don't know how that girl's brain grows. She ranked first in the last major test and quiz test in her grade. She is indifferent to everything in school except studying.If it weren't for Jiang Xian not showing any obstacles at all, and according to her parents, she had seen a psychiatrist, and the doctor said that there was no problem at all, Liu Qiubai would have thought that this girl was suffering from some kind of mental illness .

"If the teacher remembers correctly, in the final exam of the next semester, you only ranked 189 in the grade." Liu Qiubai pointed out Lin Xi's boasting with an indifferent expression.

"Well." Lin Xi continued without blushing, "I didn't want to attract too much attention before, so it was enough to just maintain a ranking that was not high or low. Now that I think about it, I can't waste my time like this anymore. Since I was born extraordinary, so why should I stick to the rules and walk the same path as ordinary people."

If it wasn't for Liu Qiubai's strong enough smile, he would have to laugh out loud now.

A high school sophomore boy, especially Lin Xi, who seemed relatively small, was called into the office by the teacher to talk, but he said in a serious manner that he was "born extraordinary". The scene was so ridiculous that Liu Qiubai deeply felt that he was about to lose control of the situation.

The few teachers who sat beside them quietly eavesdropped were covering their mouths and laughing non-stop. From the perspective of a bystander, this is really funny!

"Then how do you prove it to everyone? You can't just say that you are extraordinary. The teacher will think you are very good." Liu Qiubai couldn't help saying in a coaxing tone.

At this time, Liu Qiubai probably also understood why this well-behaved student of his was lazy recently. He must have committed the so-called "Second Secondary Disease". Big picture.

As a teacher who has not been completely out of touch with the young people since his student days, Liu Qiubai believes that he should be more considerate of these children who have not yet recognized the reality. Pretentiousness is not a bad thing, but unrealistic ideals always One day you will be hit by the cold reality, and the only way is to study hard.

Liu Qiubai's expression remained unchanged, and he was racking his brains trying to come up with a perfect plan to persuade Lin Xi to focus on studying first. If he really wants to study hard and spend some extra-curricular time chasing his extraordinary ideals, It doesn't matter, just wait for time to teach his lovely student to recognize the reality.

Lin Xi said confidently: "Since Mr. Liu said so, why don't we make an agreement?"

"Huh?" Liu Qiubai signaled Lin Xi to finish first.

"From the next comprehensive test onwards, I will be admitted to the top...three of the grade in each test. If I do it, I can choose not to come to the evening self-study until I fall out of the top three in the grade. Once I fall After the first three in the grade, I will never mention the matter of not coming to the evening self-study. What do you think?"

Lin Xi hesitated for a moment, but he still didn't say that he was the first in the grade. He was still quite afraid of his non-human tablemate, at least he was not sure that he would surpass his tablemate when he took the exam without wearing women's clothing.

A student who passed the grade 189 last time said that he wants to take the top three exams?And it's every comprehensive quiz!In the entire Huashi No. [-] Middle School, except for Jiang Xian, no one else has done it.

This is simply impossible for ordinary people to do!

"Then what if you don't get into the top three in the next test? You can't go without punishment." For this inexplicably bloated student, Liu Qiubai didn't think he could succeed at all, and was already planning how to get him into the exam. right way.

"Okay!" Seeing that the class teacher didn't think so, she agreed, Lin Xi was overjoyed, and hurriedly agreed, "If I don't get into the top three next time, no, as long as I don't get into the top three once in the future, I will let the teacher tell you what to do." I will do whatever you say."

"Okay, your teacher Wei said that you will have a math test tonight, and now the test papers may all be handed out, you go back first." Liu Qiubai sent Lin Xi away, and when Lin Xi opened the office door, he urged: " Before the results of the next comprehensive test come out, you are not allowed to come to the evening self-study."


"go Go."

Lin Xi walked out of the office and gently closed the door.

Liu Qiubai couldn't help laughing, shook his head, picked up the pen, and opened the next homework book.

Ok? ?etc!

Obviously he was the one who asked Lin Xi to come over to give some encouragement, but how did it become an unreliable bet?Leaving aside the matter of not being able to go to evening self-study, I haven't even said anything about Lin Xi's laziness in studying in the past few days!

Liu Qiubai thought about it for a second, Lin Xi wanted to pass the exam, but with this lazy attitude, it was absolutely impossible. Anyway, he would definitely not be in the top three by then, so how to restrain him in the future is not up to him, anyway, the next test will be the same Just after the National Day, except for the opening holiday, there is only more than a week.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" A little girl next to her who just graduated for more than a year laughed and beat the table.

Others had more or less smiles on their faces.

The episode just now was simply an interesting topic for office conversation. The serious male classmate who said strange things was quite cute, and he looked very tempting to be bullied.

In front of the students, the teachers must of course behave very seriously. At this time, only the teachers are left in the office, and it is common to chat about other things that are not suitable for chatting in front of the students.

The female teacher who couldn't breathe from laughing kept patting her flat chest with her hands to calm her breath. It took a long time to recover and said to Liu Qiubai with a smile: "Miss Liu, you are such an interesting student. ! It's killing me!"

"Is it that funny?" Liu Qiubai lowered his head and continued to approve the test papers.

"Of course there is!" The female teacher who was still smiling straightened her face, put away the smile on her face, took a deep breath, calmed down, and said with a serious face imitating Lin Xi's tone: "Once I fall out of the grade Three, I won’t say anything about the evening self-study if I don’t come.”

"Hahahahahahaha!" He beat the table again and again.

Liu Qiubai: "..."

"Ms. Liu, what should I do if that student just got into the top three of the grade?" A young male teacher next to him also had a smile on his face, but he asked a question more seriously.

"If a student doesn't need to study hard at all, and in our Huashi No. [-] Middle School, he can get into the top three in every comprehensive test, what should I do with him?" Liu Qiubai stopped writing and asked him, laughing again. He laughed and said, "But how can there be such a powerful student?"

Even Jiang Xian was able to maintain the first place in the next grade only by relying on the end of her studies that could not be caught up by others.

"Ha~, this is also true." The male teacher laughed at himself, and felt that his question was too whimsical.


The comprehensive test naturally refers to the mid-term comprehensive test and the end-of-term comprehensive test, which are big exams where all subjects must be admitted.

In Huashi No. [-] Middle School, in the middle of the midterm and halfway through the end of the term, there will be an additional small comprehensive test that is not so formal. There is no need to arrange another test room, and the students will complete the test in their own classes.

It is also because these two small comprehensive tests are not so valued by parents compared to the mid-term and end-term, so the difficulty of these two small comprehensive tests is still higher.

Lin Xi was not naive enough to think that as long as he got into the top three in the exam, he would definitely get permission from the head teacher. Although he didn't know the teacher's authority, it was obvious that allowing a student not to go to evening self-study was beyond the scope of the head teacher's authority.

But if he doesn’t do that, he has no chance. As he said, it’s a waste of time to let him go to the evening self-study to learn knowledge in the field of high school. complex knowledge.

Lin Xi returned to the familiar classroom of Class 233 of the second year of high school. The sound of flipping through the test papers could be heard from time to time. The classroom door was not closed, so he entered directly through the back door.Li Yingze, the math class representative, was walking towards his seat, probably just handing out the test papers.

Unfortunately, this is just an ordinary math quiz and does not count as a bet.

Lin Xi also walked towards his seat. The test paper on his desk was folded once, and it was pressed by a corner of the chemistry book on the desk when he left, so it was not caught by the non-stop fan hanging from the ceiling. Blow to the ground.

His eyes rested on the test paper for a while, the fold line was flat, and the two sides were symmetrical after folding in half, unlike the students at the front desk or the back desk who folded the test paper casually when passing the test paper from front to back.

Lin Xi turned her head to look at Jiang Xian who was at the same table.

As if sensing Lin Xi's gaze, Jiang Xian raised her head from among the densely packed test papers and glanced sideways at Lin Xi.


Lin Xibi mouthed and said, "Thank you."


Jiang Xian lowered her head and continued to read the question.

Author's message:

(I'm going to be busy with the signing on the weekend! I'm so excited~ It's the first time signing a contract)

Chapter 11 I once wanted to be a cartoonist too

In Huashi No. [-] Middle School, there is no teacher in the classroom to invigilate this kind of ordinary quiz that is forcibly inserted in the evening self-study.To put it bluntly, this is also the best high school in Huashi. Although there are people like Wu Zian who got in through strong connections, most of the students in the school have excellent grades.

This kind of small test that does not record files, the results will not be notified to the parents, and there is no need to cheat at all.

However, compared with the comprehensive test that needs to be seen by parents, the difficulty of this kind of small test is higher. The more difficult test questions can better distinguish the current level of the students.

Lin Xi put all the books on the table into the drawer, unfolded the folded test paper, and laid the pads on the desk.

He briefly glanced at the topic, and then looked up at the expressions of the students around him. Except for Jiang Xian, who was at the same table, who was indifferent as always, the other students showed some distressed expressions, and Wu Zian, who was not far next door, was even more Scratching his ears and cheeks, he didn't even hold a pen in his hand.

Seems to be a little harder than usual.

Brain is also one of the physical qualities. Thanks to women's clothing, Lin Xi felt that her not stupid mind was much smarter, otherwise she would only rely on the "sage's time" to read all the textbooks for this semester. , He didn't dare to speak wild words in front of the class teacher.

After all, even if it is high school level knowledge, it is not just a good memory that can get a high score.

Lin Xi's math scores were not bad originally, and his single subject scores were among the top five in the class. Otherwise, Teacher Wei would not have been so kind to him at the office door.After her mind became smarter, and she went through all the knowledge points of this semester's mathematics textbook, Lin Xi didn't see any difficulty in this test paper that made students feel very troubled.

Might get a perfect score.

Lin Xi picked up the pen, her thoughts raced, and she filled in the blanks of the test paper with no distractions.

The tip of the pen rubbed against the paper to make a rustling sound, and he couldn't fill in the blanks of the test paper without any delay. Lin Xi was not a person who was easy to calm down and concentrate on one thing before, but this time he entered the state easily, and his thoughts were like a spring. All resolved without exception.

Lin Xi wrote down the answer to the last question, put down the gel pen in his hand, rubbed his sore right wrist with his left hand, and looked up at the clock on the blackboard. 8 minutes past.

The normal math test is two hours, and such a small test will only give the students 90 minutes. It would take him at least 70 minutes to do a set of questions of this difficulty before, and he may not be able to solve all the big questions.

He is no stranger to solving logically complex problems with ease, which is a subtle sense of satisfaction for him. He also felt it every time he solved a mathematical problem before.

Unfortunately, these topics are a bit too simple for him now.

This is still the case in the normal state, let alone after changing into women's clothing.The dungeon at the high school level is no longer difficult for him, or in other words, the study of pure knowledge is no longer difficult for him. Now he urgently needs to understand what kind of knowledge reserve he needs, complete the study in the state of women's clothing, and then use it directly application.

Lin Xi casually glanced at the test papers of the classmates who had fairly good grades in his impression. Almost all of them were less than half completed, and there were big questions in the back.

Judging from their frowning expressions, one can tell that the situation is very serious.

Wu Zian was lying on the table like a dead fish, biting the tip of the pen. He bit the tip of the pen with his teeth and pressed the tip of the pen up and down on the draft paper. Almost only multiple-choice questions and fill-in-the-blank questions were filled in the test paper. Judging from this situation, he had completely given up treatment. .

As for Jiang Xian, Lin Xi knew without looking at it. She must have just finished writing the 35/90 part of the paper at this time, because this quiz that lasted 90 minutes has just passed 35 minutes.

He only became the same table with Jiang Xian after he was promoted to the sophomore class of senior high school. Before that, he was in the same class as the first year of high school, but the seats were far away.

But even if Lin Xi is not keen on gossip, he has heard a lot and witnessed the deeds of his current tablemate. He is always the first in the grade, basically full marks in all subjects, and has no friends. If it is not inevitable , you will never talk to others. It is not so much the indifference of rejecting others thousands of miles away, as it is the indifference of not taking others seriously.

It's not that she is arrogant and doesn't look at others indifferently, but that she sees as if there is really no one else in her eyes, as if the bustling classmates around her are just stones on the side of the road.

a strange man.

Just look at Lin Xi's deskmate for less than a month this semester. His deskmate, who can always get unimaginably high scores in the exam, will always be at the end of the exam. on the last word.

No matter how difficult the exam is for other students, in her eyes, it is probably just a trivial thing that can satisfy her strange obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Forget it, nothing to see.

After quietly watching Jiang Xian write a few words on the test paper without haste, Lin Xi looked away.

My tablemate is most likely not an ordinary person, but so what, he can't pull others to the rooftop, and then mysteriously say that I am also a superpower, let's save the world together.

Taking a step back, even if Jiang Xian is really a superpower, it doesn't make any practical sense to hold a group for warmth at this time, not to mention that he is the kind of person who is not easy to get along with at the same table.

Besides, maybe his tablemate is just an ordinary person with superior intelligence, so he doesn't want to do something that will be regarded as an idiot.

Put aside the speculation about this strange tablemate for now.

Lin Xi folded the test paper and put it aside. He didn't even intend to check it once. When he was solving the question just now, his thinking was terribly clear. As far as he personally felt, there were basically no careless mistakes.

It's nearly an hour before the end of the exam, why don't you come and do something interesting.

Lin Xi is still a person with a wide range of hobbies, but although he was quite smart in the past, he is just an ordinary person after all. As a student, he must focus on learning, so those hobbies can only be used as entertainment, and they can't produce any value at all.

For example, draw!

At least in the range of high school students with the same amateur level, he is not bad at drawing, and he still has an electronic drawing board at home!Even though I bought it, I haven't used it many times.

To say that his original intention of learning to draw is naturally to draw a popular manga himself!This kind of dream, which seems completely unrealistic now, really inspired him to learn painting for a long time, and now he insists on painting a painting every few days to practice.

It’s just that with his painting skills, he can barely draw something to entertain himself and his friends. If he wants to publish it on the Internet, he will basically be said to be a soul painting style, and then he will be ridiculed. The premise is that if there are really people If you look at his works.

The mind becomes more flexible, and the coordination of the fingers is also greatly enhanced, but it does not mean that the drawing skills have also become stronger!

Lin Xi held a gel pen and randomly scribbled a Q version of the Medusa in dota2 on the scratch paper after this test. It looks better than what he drew before, but it's just barely enough. At the highest level, the graffiti he completed in two to three minutes could at most be evaluated as "ugly but cute".

But it doesn't matter, he can paint after wearing women's clothes!

Although the dream of drawing a best-selling manga by herself has faded a lot now, but now that she has the opportunity, Lin Xi of course chooses to continue to fulfill this dream!

Although the "sage's time" state is extremely powerful, he is not very enthusiastic about everything, and has a vague sense of detachment that sees through everything and has nothing to ask for. The reason why Lin Xi decided to live broadcast at that time was mostly because of the purpose of wearing women's clothing Just to post photos of women's clothing in the fan group, and to test the strength of the superpower, I went live with the flow for an entire afternoon.

What Lin Xi has to do now is to conceive a story script that should be popular under normal circumstances, set up the characters on the stage, enrich the basic settings, and when she has the opportunity to change into women's clothing, she can directly draw the story in one go.

Just decide it's Medusa's backstory!

For the first attempt, let me start with a shorter story, so as not to finish drawing women's clothing within time.


Great power equals great beauty.

Medusa has always been comforted by this thought—she is the youngest of the three Gorgon sisters, and the most lovely of the daughters of the sea goddess—because only she is different from the sisters, she is mortal.

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