Not to mention Zuoyue and Sakura, even Kakashi, a single dog, has been blinded by their "show affection" along the way.

Naruto's relationship with the opposite sex is too good, right?Kakashi complained in her heart.

"Naruto, the capital of the Land of Fire is ahead..." Xiaoxue said.

Compared with Snow Country, which she hasn't been back to for more than ten years, she knows the situation of this country better. The capital of Fire Country is where she lives, so of course she can't understand it better.

As soon as they arrived not far from the city gate, before they rested, they were immediately stopped by the people sent by Princess Heying of the Fire Kingdom.

Ah Fei trotted forward and waved hello: "Oh, this is Jiu..." She reacted and covered her mouth, "I almost slipped my mouth, it's so dangerous, so dangerous..."

At this time, Naruto was wondering about the identity of this crazy-looking woman in front of him... Knowing that she is Nine-Tails Jinchuriki means that she should be He Ying's confidant...

While Naruto was thinking this, a voice sounded in his mind...

"Pay attention to this woman, this chakra makes me feel familiar..." Xiao Jiu reminded.

Different from Naruto's focus, whether it is the eyes of Koyuki on Naruto's back, or Sazuki Sakura next to him, girls with more tempers focus on each other's fair skin... ..beautiful appearance...proud body these aspects.

That's right, apart from being a bit nervous, the girl in maid uniform in front of her is the pinnacle of women in terms of appearance and figure, her voice is even sweeter, and her skin is so white and tender that it looks like the skin of a newborn baby.

It would be fine if they were the only ones to meet each other alone, but Naruto is here... This alone is enough to make them care about Naruto's eyes, and feel jealous of this maid.

"Ahem! Hmm! The princess only summoned Uzumaki Naruto and Fuka Koyuki, and everyone else should rest in the annex temporarily!" A Fei said solemnly.

A Fei sent people to settle Kakashi and the others, and he personally brought Naruto and Xiao Xue to a courtyard of the palace where the daimyo lived.

"Ah, please wait here for a while!" Ah Fei said, and left in a hurry.

After seeing the woman leave, Xiaoxue was relieved and her sense of vigilance was eliminated.

how to say?It's okay to be good-looking, and she always talks to Naruto... It's normal for a woman in love to be petty and jealous.

"You were staring at her just now, Naruto..." Xiaoxue said.

"Huh? Is there?" Naruto asked doubtfully.

A few minutes later, just as Xiaoxue and Naruto were chatting and waiting, a voice suddenly appeared.

" really didn't disappoint me!"

Childish it a child?Xiaoxue thought.

Xiaoxue looked in the direction of the voice, and saw a white-haired young girl in a luxurious dress appearing in the corridor.

"Princess Heying..." Naruto said.

Naruto, who was a Konoha ninja, was about to salute as usual, but He Ying interrupted him.

"No need..." He Ying said.

Is she Princess Heying?Such a young child...and her temperament...For some reason, Xiaoxue became wary of this kind of child who seemed harmless to humans and animals.

He Ying walked up to the chain between the two of them, and with a wave of his hand, the chain disappeared.

Naruto frowned... Sure enough, she was responsible for the chains, but when...

Xiaoxue looked at the chains that just disappeared, and suddenly felt a little... no, before the future and sadness, Xiaoxue felt something...

Although the chain has disappeared, I can still feel that I and Naruto are still bound together.

He Ying turned around, and was about to leave without looking back, and said: "Xue Ji, follow me, I have something to say!"

"Can't we say it here?" Xiaoxue said.

In front of people other than Naruto, her character has returned to her former strength, even if the opponent is the princess of the country of fire.

Xiaoxue looked at Naruto worriedly...

"It's okay..." Naruto said.

Naruto nodded to reassure her, and she went to follow.

He Ying brought Xiaoxue into a darker room...the two sat on their knees next to the tea table.

"It seems that you are the first..."


"As you feel, your connection with that person has not been broken..."

Xiaoxue was silent and didn't reply.

It is undeniable that she does feel this way... The handcuffs and chains have disappeared, and Naruto is very far away from her, but she still seems to feel him...

"You will live here for the time being..."


"Because there is someone you love here, isn't it?"

Before Xiaoxue could speak, He Ying continued to talk, and told her that Naruto was Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, and she was not afraid of her revealing...

"...So you should know the reason why he won't stay in Snow Country..." He Ying said.

Xiaoxue patted the table with both hands, stood up and said: "I am the daimyo of Snow Country, I cannot abandon my subjects..."

He Ying just looked at her with a smile, Xiaoxue's current reaction was within He Ying's expectation.

"Is it more important than that person...?" He Ying said unhurriedly.

Xiaoxue's eyes visibly shaken...One side is responsibility, the other side is personal relationship...If there is no him, she will return to a lonely life...hers The heart fell into a tangle.

No, there was nothing to struggle with at all, she couldn't give up on Naruto at all.

Just as she gained an indispensable position in Naruto's heart, Naruto is also the only existence in her heart.

If she hadn't seen the light, she could have endured the darkness, but after seeing the light, enjoying the sunshine, and tasting the forbidden fruit, she...  

Compared to the country where she hasn't been in a day for 12 years, she will of course choose to be with the beloved person she finally met.

"My concubine said that she is only staying here temporarily. You are still the lord of the Northern Kingdom... As for government affairs, you can hand them over to a minister you trust..." He Ying said.

Seeing that Xiaoxue was still worried, He Ying smiled slightly.

"The concubine serves the same husband as you, so you should trust the concubine, don't you?"

Afterwards, He Ying explained to Xiaoxue the effectiveness of the chains...not so much the chains, but a technique.

When the chains are materialized, even the destructive power of the Tailed Beast Jade cannot forcibly destroy them.

When there is no physical chain, no matter how far the distance is, the person being cast can have a spiritual dialogue.

In fact, Heying also has this connection with Naruto, but she hasn't used it yet, and she doesn't want Naruto to notice it.

Immediately afterwards, He Ying sent someone to settle Xiaoxue, and then summoned Naruto alone.

The reason for separating the two and summoning them separately is obviously obvious. It is nothing more than that her speech cannot be said to both of them at the same time...that is, what she said to them is different.

For example, the current Heying is straight to the point with Naruto in front of him...

"Xiaoxue stay?" Naruto asked suspiciously.

"It seems that she has become your weakness..." He Ying said.

She was smiling, and her tone was not as cold as before. She seemed to be in a happy mood because of something...

Chapter 188 Naruto Contributes a Book, Classics of Governance

Naruto's face turned gloomy...It is undeniable that Xiaoxue has become the most important person in Naruto's heart...

She is the only one who walked into Naruto's heart, even Xiao Jiu couldn't enter...

"You don't need to be so guarded against the concubine, the concubine is also your unmarried wife, isn't it?" He Ying said with a smile.

"I don't mind being more lively in the harem, you just need to do your own thing..." He Ying said.

Naruto understands that he has no choice now... because he has no power, so he can only compromise with him temporarily, and let her lead him by the nose...

This is also the reason why he has always been unwilling to be concerned about... Bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes, and only by being alone can he move freely like Brother Grassland Pingtou, but now...

But now, I have something to worry about... I have someone I want to protect... I have someone I cherish... I don't regret it either.

Although it is disgraceful to keep a low profile for a while and become a courtier with relatives, the final confinement of a wolf is enough to wipe out the shame.

Immediately afterwards, He Ying changed the topic to other places, such as...

"Then, what do you think about unifying the ninja world with concubines... There was once a person who said: As long as there are ninjas in the world, there will be wars..." He Ying said.

"This sentence has to be viewed dialectically! It may be right, or it may be wrong..." Naruto replied.

In fact, Naruto does not agree with this statement. Although this statement cannot be completely wrong, there is no necessary causal connection between war and ninja itself.

"The value of ninjutsu depends on the intention of the user..." Naruto continued.

Ninjutsu itself is just a technical method invented by some people to use the energy of Chakra, and ninja is just a military profession.

Long before the appearance of ninjas, human beings had warriors... Long before the appearance of professional armies, the war between human beings was a combination of farming and warfare... Even if ninjas disappear, the next replacement Military branches will also appear, which is independent of personal will.

Even before Twoleg's supremacy of the Earth took hold, creature-to-creature struggles for survival were commonplace.

Therefore, Naruto does not agree with the statement that ninjas are the root of all evil... Even if ninjas are eliminated, new troops will emerge to replace ninjas.

Therefore, Naruto's vision for the construction of this ninja world is... Chakra and ninjutsu can be used in production, which greatly liberates productivity....The value of ninjutsu depends on the user's intention, usage instructions......

Of course, it is not the popularity of mindless gun-firing.

Based on a solid social order and awareness of moral standards, education for all, under the premise of vocational education mode, will teach ninjutsu suitable for all walks of life.

Of course, the actual implementation is very troublesome and complicated, and requires specific research and demonstration by professionals, and various new problems will be encountered in the implementation process, but it is impossible to give up because of choking, there is nothing once and for all...

Chakra and ninjutsu have military value, so they also have civilian production value.

For example, in civil and water conservancy projects, the use of ninjutsu can quickly and conveniently transform the geographical environment, greatly increase food production, and solve the food crisis...

Chakra, an efficient energy source, can be fully utilized to complete the industrialization of the ninja world and greatly improve people's livelihood.

The warehouse knows the etiquette, and the food and clothing know the honor and disgrace. The basis of human nature change is material...

The living environment of the whole people has improved, and the quality of life has improved, so naturally there will be fewer bewildered people in the ninja world...

That's right, in fact Naruto has such a grand ideal... Naruto is not the kind of person who likes to play zero-sum games every day. Naruto thought about the world in his memory The life of ordinary people, and he wants everyone around him to live this kind of wonderful life.

According to the ninja war that is fought every ten or twenty years in the ninja world, even if he himself does not die every time he fights for ninja, his relatives and friends will have to die. This is determined by the general environment.

So for them, for myself, then, I have to transform this world and make the environment of the ninja world better.

The only problem is that changing the environment requires a strong force, so I need to become the strongest in the ninja world, and become a strong man like Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara who transcended the rules and reshaped the order.

Then use your own strength to unite a group and create a new, more advanced and more complete political organization on the basis of Ninja Village.

It is undeniable that in the ninja world, a powerful ninja can destroy a small and weak country, and a strong man like Hashiru Madara can overthrow the existing structure by himself.

Therefore, a stable regime should incorporate these powerful individuals into the system as much as possible. This powerful ninja training method must be mastered within the system... interests and ideas drive them together.... ..

Some things in the political structure of Ninja Village can be used for reference. For example, the ruling class must be both civil and military, with a sword in one hand and a book in the other...

Ministerial cadres must not only meet the cultural and political standards, but their personal strength must also at least reach the level of johnin... The supreme ruler of the organization should also be like this, and their strength must have the lower limit of Ying.

Otherwise, a ninja can easily be outraged and overwhelmed, and easily kill the ruler and cadres or control them with illusions, what a fart!

Violence is the meta-logic of human society, but violence does not always take effect when it is exercised. In most periods of human society, it is not the direct exercise of violence that builds power, but the expectation of violence, such as …

People don’t know that they should abide by the law and respect the law only after being imprisoned. For most people, as long as they realize that failure to abide by the law will lead to imprisonment, they will choose to obey the law, and the authority of the law appears.

However, there is a characteristic of the expectation of violence: the size of the expectation does not entirely depend on the consequences of using violence, but also depends on the urgency of using violence. In the process of forming violent expectations, the weight of the urgency of violence is often even higher than that of consequences of violence.

For example, a person is pointing a cannon at you 15 kilometers away, and another person is holding a knife to your throat. Although the power of the cannon is far greater than that of the knife, in this scene, there is no doubt that the People with knives are more deterrent to you.

The reason is that a knife touching the throat is a clear, timely and credible signal of violence. The urgency of violence is very strong, and the coerced person can intuitively recognize the coercion's intention to use violence. Although the cannon is far more powerful than knife.

But after all, the urgency is far less than that of a knife on the throat at a distance of 15 kilometers, and it is difficult for the coerced person to feel the intimidator's intention to use violence due to the space distance. Although the cannon 15 kilometers away is very powerful, But the signal of violence is relatively vague and not so timely, so the confidence level of its deterrence is lower than that of a knife on the neck.

After all, human beings are irrational creatures who don’t cry until they see the coffin, don’t give up when they reach the Yellow River, and don’t look back until they hit the south wall. When dealing with this kind of creature, talking about rationality itself is a kind of irrationality.

In the process of using violence to build a power base, the urgency of violence is more important than the direct consequences of violence. A knife on the neck is to put the coffin directly in front of you, pull you directly to the Yellow River, and directly kill you. Pressing your head against the wall, the effect is naturally better than that of a cannon 15 kilometers away.

People in important positions in authoritative organizations should at least have the basic ability to protect themselves, not to mention their strength, to ensure that they will not be easily controlled by illusions, and easily killed by some ninja eight hundred li shuriken. Like the country of China, people like Orochimaru can easily subvert the regime on their own.

In short, the survival of the regime must first be ensured before the implementation of long-term development routes and policies can be discussed. Survival is the first priority.

Naruto hadn't noticed it at this time, and his ambitions seemed to be getting bigger and bigger as time went by.

For example, Naruto in the past just ruled the world on the mouth, and now he already has a fantasy blueprint in his mind.

Or maybe it's because of Xiaoxue...Because he wants to protect the people he wants to protect, so his desire to gain power to meet his security needs is also natural...

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