In the past, those who enjoyed this kind of treatment should be enemies, but I didn't expect that I would be lucky enough to taste it today.

It's not that there is no way to break the game, as long as [Bright Knight·Moon Soul] is used, Youlandal has a great confidence to directly defeat Leiden Mei within this period of time.

Since the guy who has been weakening herself behind her back didn't show up directly, it's obvious that her strength is very limited.

Without Leiden Mei, she would never dare to confront herself head-on.

Yuno thought the same way, so she didn't plan to come out at all.

Anyway, the toxin can also play a role in this darkness, so there is no need to jump out and attack, right?

Luoshu does not interfere with Yuno's choice.

Because she herself planned to do a very common operation in history, feigning death to escape.

The drama in Changkong City has begun to wrap up, but when Otto recovers, he will always start to track down what's wrong.

Among other things, it is very suspicious that Changkong City is filled enough to provide the Honkai energy for two Herrschers to awaken at the same time.

Otto is not ignorant of Cocolia's plan.

In his estimation, Cocolia and the World Snake are just playing tricks at most, and there is nothing to worry about.

But in the end, there appeared two Herrschers, two pseudo Herrschers.

If the appearance of Yae Sakura can be explained, after all, it was 500 years ago that the witch was sealed in the Far East. After 500 years, it is not surprising that this woman happened to escape.

But Yuno and Seele, these two powerful girls are unexplainable.

The World Snake doesn't have this ability, let alone driving the Pseudo-Hersen, even making a Pseudo-Hersen is quite difficult, let alone making two at a time.

Therefore, there must be a more powerful behind-the-scenes manipulator behind this incident.

Luo Shu is going to shift the responsibility to his boss.

Herrschers, quasi-herrschers, these creatures are of course incomprehensible existences to humans, but to the tree of imaginary numbers and to the will of Houkai, this is just a trivial matter.

If it was the will of the collapse that ended in person, then naturally there is nothing to pursue.

After all, it's Honkai!

On the other side, Yuno suddenly felt that she had lost control of her body. She tried her best to control her body and wanted to retreat, but it was of no use.

Crimson flames flew out from "Yuno"'s fingertips, leaving a scarlet scratch in midair.

Ulandelle wanted to dodge subconsciously, but the speed of the flames was too fast. In a hurry, she only came to block the spear in her chest, and then took the attack forcefully.

"Have a rest, my apostle." The voice of "Yuno" was so grand that it sounded like an ancient bell.

Raiden Mei stepped back subconsciously.

This kind of reverence from the depths of the heart cannot be faked. Just seeing this girl, he felt as if he was facing the true God.

"Yuno" snapped his fingers, and then the sudden surge of gravity pressed on the half-kneeling Ulandal.



What kind of lawyer is this guy?

Urandale has a headache.

This girl who appeared suddenly possessed the abilities of two herrschers at the same time, but the power of each ability was obviously not very powerful.

It doesn't mean his skills. In fact, being able to gather the flames into a ball and concentrate the change of gravity on a person is enough to show that he is very good at this kind of authority.

But his damage was a little bit worse, and it felt like it was not as good as the Herrscher of Thunder who discharged it.

Ulandal was not worried, in fact, if the other party hadn't asked Mei Lei to leave, she would have had a headache instead.

Because although Leiden Mei couldn't grasp the authority of the Herrscher very well, her attack was really beyond the tolerance range of Ulandal.

And this new girl, although more troublesome, but the offensive she can explode is just within the range accepted by Ulandal.

push book

"People are on Terra, Ulla! "

Ursus: We have the most powerful army in the world!

Chen Zihang: Apocalypse army, make arrangements

Victoria: We have the most cutting-edge technology!

Chen Zihang: Pull out the technology of hyperspace and magnetic storm

Colombia: We have the most advanced biotechnology in the world!

Chen Zihang: Yuri, Yuri!

Rutland: We have the holiest religion!

Chen Zihang: Political commissar!political commissar!

Kazdel: We...

Chen Zihang: That's right, it's me!

Kazdel: ?????

Chapter 137 Chapter 91 Goodbye, Yuno

While Youlandelle was busy dealing with "Yuno", Fu Hua was also watching from the sidelines.

"Flame, gravity... and thunder and lightning, imaginary numbers." Fu Hua recorded the power that "Yuno" erupted one by one.

"With so many authorities, this guy doesn't seem to be a Herrscher," Fu Hua murmured softly.

She was guessing the identity of the girl in front of her.

Pseudo-Hersenchers also have a kind of authority, but things like imaginary numbers and thunderbolts are basically not Pseudo-Hersenchers, because they have already appeared in this era and occupied the seat of Herrschers.

No matter how powerful the quasi-herrscher is, he will never become a hererscher at the worst.

If it's just an ability like flames, it's actually nothing, after all, Herrscher's real ability is not this.

For example, the Herrscher of Thunder, his ability seems to be to control thunder and lightning, but in fact it is to control electromagnetic force. Similarly, the power of the Herrscher of Fire is not to control flames.

But what the young girl in front of her has is indeed the real authority of the Herrscher.

"What a troublesome person." Fu Hua sighed.

She reached out and unwrapped the gift box in her hand, which was a gift from Otto before parting.

After arriving in Changkong City, Otto can also order Fu Hua and Ulandal to separate. He didn't think about looking for Rita and Kiana first, but first set his mind on Raiden Mei.

He felt that this girl had a big secret, so he decided to start with the Third Herrscher.

It now appears that although his judgment was wrong, she did find some kind of "surprise" around Herrscher of Thunder.

There was the sound of something breaking in the gift box, and then a scarlet fluid escaped from the gift box.The blood-like fluid spread upward along Fu Hua's arm in a spiral trajectory.In the end, they converged into several sharp cones.

This is half-finished holy blood.

Otto once sent Cecilia to escort a "Herserscher Killer" thing. This title attracted Walter's attention. He even made a move to test it out, but in the end he couldn't find the relevant weapon.

But Cecilia's blood gave him another guess. The young Cecilia insisted on her mission and stubbornly stood in front of Walter, before being easily dealt with by the lord.

But in the process, Cecilia's blood fell on Walter's hands, causing an effect similar to corrosion or burning.

Because of this matter, Walter chose to continue to track Cecilia, which eventually led to the marriage of Cecilia and Siegfried.

In the later stage of the second Honkai, Cecilia used the holy blood to activate [Black Abyss White Flower], dispelling the Honkai energy infected in the bodies of innocent people on the Siberian snowfield.

But it's not really Holy Blood.

For Otto, the holy blood in Cecilia's body was not enough, what he wanted was a more powerful creation.

The holy blood in Fu Hua's hands is still an unfinished version, but it is enough to deal with ordinary Honkai creations.

However, is it useful to deal with this guy with multiple authorities?

Fu Hua wasn't sure, but the best time for her to wait had come, so she didn't plan to wait any longer.

Behind Youlandal, two phantoms suddenly appeared.

This is the self-discipline attack weapon "PHANTOM" applied to "Blue Knight Moon Soul".

Due to Rita's outstanding performance, this weapon has fully proved its value in actual combat, so [Bright Knight·Moon Soul] is also equipped with this weapon, and Ulandal's space cognition ability and battlefield handling are different from ordinary people The ability allows her to manipulate multiple self-driving phantoms at the same time.Based on the tacit understanding of offense and defense of the two phantoms and the appearance of the inlaid blue and white armor, Ulandal gave them the names "KING" and "QUEEN".

[Promotion] belongs to the concept of chess. The moment Ulandal puts on the armor, [Moon Soul] is like a pawn reaching the other end of the chessboard, and becomes the most powerful queen on the chessboard.

Urandale chose to open up without hesitation.

"The splendor of kingship."

This is the ultimate explosive state of [Bright Knight·Moon Soul], this ability is enough to provide its driver with several times of increase.

But this was just the beginning, the space-time fracture system was automatically activated, and two phantoms appeared behind "Yuno", and the giant sword slashed down heavily, like a punishment.

Such a violent attack didn't work. At the moment when the sword's edge was approaching, the girl calmly broke free from the shackles of the time-space fracture system, and then retreated lightly.

A golden light flashed, and the girl was already standing behind Youlandelle.

The golden sphere enveloped Yolandelle, slowing down her movements.

The girl raised her right hand, ready to make up for an explosive attack.

However, at the moment when he gathered his strength, Fu Hua made a move.

In order to ensure that no one would find out, Fu Hua didn't even use Yu Duchen.

[Key of Consciousness·Yu Duchen], this is a very powerful yin man artifact, but because he is facing a person who has never seen multiple powers to move the Herrscher, in order to prevent accidents, Fu Hua simply chose not to use the divine weapon. key.

The result was not unexpected, the holy blood was accurately nailed into the girl's body.

Honkai can dissipate the severe pain that is obviously unbearable for a Honkai creation like Herrscher, so the girl screamed piercingly.

But whether it was Fu Hua or You Landal, they didn't soften their hearts.

It's just that before they could make up the last knife, several cylindrical objects suddenly flew over in the sky.

Ulandal's pupils shrank slightly, and then subconsciously set up a shield, Fu Hua didn't hesitate, and rolled and hid behind Ulandale.

The two had just set up their defenses, and the violent explosion had already begun.


"That is to say, after working for so long, we didn't get anything at all?" Ulandal sat casually on the pile of rocks, regardless of the spring light leaked from the tattered armor.

Fu Hua coughed lightly and sat down.

Her body is slightly better, although she has no armor, but her physical fitness itself is even better, and she is hiding behind Ulandal, so the injuries she suffered are naturally lighter.

"Yeah, the Herrscher of Thunder has run away, and the other Herrscher's Honkai reaction has disappeared, so he should be dead." Fu Hua said lightly.

Urandale shrugged and stopped talking.

Gray Snake was the one behind the scenes, and he, who took control of the Cocolia base, used these high-risk weapons without hesitation.

For the powerful Houkai Beast and Herrscher, these weapons have limited damage, but if the target is human, the power is much stronger.

Lei Dian Mei took the opportunity to leave here, and Raven had already gone to track him down.

As for Yuno.

She did die.

Before the missile landed, Luo Shu had already withdrawn his control, and it was difficult for Yuno, who was seriously injured, to withstand this level of attack.

Luo Shu stretched out his right hand, a section of green vines lay on the tip of plain white fingers.

Her eyes were very calm, neither unbearable, nor regretful, nor ashamed.

She just said softly, "Goodbye, Oyuno."

"The villain, I began to urge more"

After successfully leading a small villain organization to grow, the boss of the villain organization finally discovered that there are people outside of people, and there is a sky beyond the sky.

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