Several captains and vice-captains had already started walking towards the meeting room.

"First of all, I would like to congratulate you, the two captains. But let me tell you, the position of captain is a hard job. I spend all day in the team building dealing with a lot of chores, which is actually quite boring..."

Team Eighth Captain Jingle Chunshui is a young captain who is familiar with himself and likes to complain. He told Bai Ye and Qian Tongzi about this as soon as he came up, and he took it seriously.

The position of captain really wronged him.

He should be like other nobles, eating at home and waiting to die, lying down without doing anything.

Jingle Shunsui was born as a high-ranking noble in the world of corpses and souls, so he has such confidence.

Coupled with his talkative style and his style of not playing aristocratic big names, he can chat with many people, and his circle of friends is the widest in the soul world.

After all, the Eighth Division is an intelligence unit, so it is normal to have such terrifying communication skills.

Qian Tongzi said that this is a dangerous person who likes a smiling face one moment, and will chop you with a knife without hesitation the next. When he chops you, he can chat with you happily.

The premise is that Jingle Chunshui believes that the two of them are enemies.

Once identified, he might be the most troublesome guy, especially if his strength is not weak.

"Chunshui, don't let the two new captains pick up your bad habits. I don't want to work, so there's no need to bring others along." Shishiro Ukitake walked over, speechless to his good friend.

"Fuzhu, don't be so serious. I think we young people should relax and go out to see the world, instead of staying in the team building all day, like going to jail..."

Jingle complained and smiled wryly at such a life.

Even if you are in love with a female soldier, you have to be disturbed by others, and if you are lazy, you will be woken up by the adjutant to work hard.

He could only sneak in from his busy schedule, often taking a sneak nap, and when the adjutant was away when he had nothing to do, he would go out and wander around alone, looking for someone to drink.

But unfortunately, he doesn't have a drinking friend who is called a confidant.

Floating bamboo can only taste it.

"It's serious. I don't hate the character of the leader of the Beijing band. I'm just too serious, so I hope to change my style. The optimistic and leisurely attitude of the leader of the Beijing band is what I have always yearned for."

Bai Ye said with a smile, and started chatting with Jingle Chunshui skillfully.

"It seems that we can become very good friends. Goodbye, little brother, and Captain Jiumu. If you have time, I will meet you for a drink. There are still team affairs that have not been dealt with today."


The leader of the Beijing band bid farewell to the two of them, and left the conference room with Fuzhu, walking away talking and laughing.

"The leader of the Beijing Band and the leader of Fuzhu have a very good relationship." Bai Ye couldn't help sighing when he saw the two leave together.

Such friendship made him envious.

"Do you know? Bai Jun, sincere friendship will eventually turn into a butterfly, and become a love that is stronger than friendship."

Qian Tongzi suddenly said a word, with a faint and strange light in his eyes, he fixedly looked at the backs of the two people.

Bai Ye: "..."

Chihito has gone bad.What Captain Unohana has been teaching her these years, it can't be that there are more messy things besides the chopping technique.

"Speaking of which, Bai Jun, you still haven't mastered the swastika after all these years."

Qian Tongzi got involved in the business, and was curious and puzzled by Bai Ye's inability to comprehend the swastika.

With Bai Ye's talent, she shouldn't be able to complete the Swastika practice, but he failed. Is there any special reason for this?

Qian Tongzi didn't know about this.

"Well, it failed completely. I can't grasp the power of Vientiane."

Bai Ye and Qian Tongzi walked out of the meeting room of the first team together, and answered Qian Tongzi's questions on the way.

"Unable to grasp?"

"I don't know how long it will take to complete the swastika. But it's no problem, as long as you persevere, one day you will make that guy succumb."

Bai Ye revealed a strong self-confidence.

Besides, as long as you get the captain's position, it's not a complete failure.

At least in these years, his strength has indeed increased a lot, and the captain's assessment can be passed safely, it is enough to understand this.

The first step to establish a foothold in the world of corpses and souls has been completed.

The captain's succession did not cause much turmoil, and everything proceeded step by step.

Goutei Thirteen Team already has nine captains, and there are still four captains left vacant.

However, the promotion of Bai Ye and Qian Tongzi to the captains happened, which gave Jinglingting a little life. I believe that it will take decades or hundreds of years for all thirteen captains to gather.

For the god of death with strong vitality, tens of hundreds of years will soon pass.

After Bai Ye and Qian Tongzi became captains, they would often have private meetings. The two of them were alone, and their relationship increased day by day.

Time flows by like this, life repeats year after year, the life of Sei Lingting is so boring, so comfortable, so peaceful.

Throwing a single stone can cause strong ripples in the calm lake of Seireitei.

Bai Ye, who had resumed his daily life, continued to practice the Swastika solution, defeating the dark woman produced by the embodiment of "Vientiane", so as to further improve his strength.

In this peaceful life, there will occasionally be some lively events.

For example, the [-]th team's battle for sword eight.

In the 20 years since Qian Tongzi served as the second Kenpachi and the captain of the eleventh team, a new challenger appeared, who wanted to become the captain of the eleventh team and take the name of the third generation of Kenpachi.

There will never be a shortage of such fighting lunatics in the world of corpses and souls. They came up to challenge one by one, but without exception, they all died under Qian Tongzi's knife.

The fate of challenging the name of Jianba, the winner lives and the loser dies, this rule has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Qian Tongzi will challenge the warriors of the soul world who are famous for his sword eight, and kill them without leaving. Using this method to increase his deterrence, let some unconfident guys retreat.

Those powerful guys will also feel hesitant and hesitant because of her excessive strength.

After the death of challengers one after another, many people gave up the tempting title of Jianba.

Because facing many powerful enemies, many of them are captain-level gods of death who can slash, Qian Tongzi only relied on the slashing technique after the initial solution to fight him. , Killed the god of death at the level of the swastika.

As for what Qian Tongzi's swastika was, and what the second Kenpachi's Zanpakuto swastika was, except for Bai Ye and the three captains who tested Qian Tongzi's strength that day, the swastika that no one knew was the most deadly.

This question, with countless challengers buried in the ground, has become an unsolved mystery.

For Jianba, the cutting technique is the most direct method.

Although in the rules of the challenge, it is not stated that only slashing techniques must be used and ghosts are not allowed, but everyone tacitly agrees that Kenpachi is a famous swordsman by virtue of slashing skills, and will not rely on the so-called ghosts. The belief of hacking the enemy to death.

Compared with Qian Tongzi's high-profile, Bai Ye seemed to be doing nothing, and basically never encountered battles. He would occasionally follow orders to wipe out Da Xu who happened to appear on Liuhun Street. False, you can use the beheading technique to hack to death.

Dealing with team affairs, practicing swastika, making out with Qiantongzi, or going to drink with a new friend, Jingle Chunshui, living a four-point and one-line life, if there are no accidents, Bai Ye will not change this situation.

And the ease of the corpse soul world also proved this point.

On days without fighting, I can only find something for myself to do.

In the 250th year that Qian Tongzi served as the second generation of Kenpachi, he killed a total of 370 three challengers.

Among them, four challengers learned to swastika, and the final outcome was astonishing, all of them ended in failure and death.

And when killing these challengers, Qian Tongzi will either use the Zanpakuto that has not been liberated, or the Zanpakuto that has just been released.

The strength of the second Kenpachi is also known as the most vicious general in Seireitei for hundreds of years.

Decades ago, he even faced one Vastord Daxu and three Yachukas Daxu directly, stopped Xuquan's attack on Liuhun Street, and smashed a member of Xuquan's fierce generals.

At this time, in a tavern in Runlin'an, West District [-].

"Haha... How are you guys... Brothers... hiccup..."

Seeing Jingle and Baiye putting each other's shoulders on each other, they danced awkwardly and not at all gracefully, their faces flushed from excessive drinking, and they began to sing nonsense.

The singing is ugly, but the two of them have very loud voices.

Hitomi Qian, who was wearing the number '[-]' and captain Haori, was pressing his frown, looking like he was having a headache.

She still looks like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, the same as back then, but her appearance is not immature.

Young and beautiful, powerful and desirable.

Since serving as the second Kenpachi for 250 years, countless fans have appeared behind her.

He will take the lead in every battle, share the joys and sorrows with the team members, and his super strength is enough to kill Valstord-level Daxu with the Zanpakuto in an unreleased state. This is the pride and honor of the eleventh team.

"Well... Once these two idiots meet, it feels like nothing good will happen."

Hearing Qian Tongzi's complaints, Fuzhu smiled awkwardly at the side, because of his health, he would not drink as aggressively as Bai Ye and Jing Le, and it would be bad if his old illness relapsed in the tavern.

"It wasn't like this decades ago."

While complaining, Qian Tongzi violently pulled their two embarrassing captains away, Ukitake also came up to help, and dragged away Jingle's body.

A banquet was held from six o'clock in the evening to eleven o'clock in the evening, and it was almost over now.

If these two guys drink it down again, it always feels like something will happen in the second half of the night.

Because of this, Qiantongzi and Fuzhu appeared here, so as not to let them mess around.

After entering Baidaomen, they began to part ways.

The sky outside had already darkened, and the stars and the moon hung in the sky, giving off a soft light, and one could barely see the road inside the Seiring Court.

"Goodbye, Captain Ukitake."

"See you later, Captain Hisaki."

Seeing Qian Tongzi help the drunk Bai Ye to walk towards the fifth team, Fuzhu smiled emotionally.

The powerful second Kenpachi is regarded as the most vicious general of Goutei Thirteen Squad for 250 years. He has wiped out countless Daxu in Liuhun Street, and only then will he be a truly gentle woman.

Captain Baiye is really a terrible man.

Passing the extremely difficult captain's assessment just by relying on Shijie, this matter was unbelievable no matter how you think about it more than 200 years ago.

With such a strong captain fighting side by side, Ukitake felt at ease.

"...Brother...I still want to drink...I want to drink...Drink..."

Listening to Jingle's drunken sleepiness, Ukitake sighed and felt a headache for Jingle's character.

But if you can find drinking buddies who clink glasses with each other like this, and get drunk together, Jingle can be regarded as finding a true bosom friend in drinking.

Even though this kind of thing happened, Fuzhu didn't expect him to happen at all, it was too embarrassing for the captain of the thirteenth team of Goutei, and it must not be publicized, so that the team members would imitate the bad.

Decades ago, Captain Bai Ye was still a captain who kept to himself, probably because he was too boring.Fuzhu thought so in his heart.

Life in the soul world is indeed too comfortable.

Jingle was not an alcoholic before, but he became addicted to alcohol later, and the quality of alcohol was very poor.

Similarly, the quality of Baiye Liquor is not much higher.

(PS: There are about two chapters left, the second heroine will officially appear, and the progress of the plot will slow down a bit...Nianhua Aizen...

One last thing, Qian Tongzi won't die, I don't have the habit of abusing heroines! )

Chapter 29 Turning Stars ([-])

In the captain's room of the Fifth Division, Bai Ye's surprised voice sounded:

"What, you want to quit the eleventh team!?"

Bai Ye, who drank so much with Jing Le yesterday, and only slowly sobered up the next afternoon, after a simple wash, heard the words that Qian Tongzi was about to leave the [-]th team.

He served as the captain of the fifth team and Qian Tongzi served as the captain of the eleventh team for the same time. They both became captains 250 years ago, and they can be regarded as veteran captains in the soul world.

The positions of captains of other teams have appeared one after another in the past 250 years to fill the vacancies.

It can be said that the current Goutei thirteenth squad has thirteen or more captain-level death gods, and has returned to its heyday.

The Maou Academy of Spiritual Art is also constantly sending new blood to the Goutei Thirteen Team, and everything is just right.

If Qian Tongzi wanted to quit the [-]th team, give up his position as the captain of the [-]th team, and come to the [-]th team, then there would be a vacant captain position.

Captain Yamamoto would not agree to this kind of thing, and the other captains would also be quite critical.

"I've already made arrangements, and the resignation letter and job transfer letter are all written."

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