He Xin was talking calmly.

His calm demeanor made He Ziming even more aware that the elder son had a secret.

"It seems that you have fooled us all. Unfortunately, I thought you gave up on yourself. I didn't expect knowledge to hide your strength and bide your time, waiting for the opportunity to reach the sky."

He Ziming seemed to think something wrong.

After he said this, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Although you defected to the Dagan Empire and set your future prospects early, we are members of the Dagan Empire after all."

"Even if one day the Universiade Empire collapses, you must try your best to fight for the interests of the people of the Universiade Empire."

"Don't let the life here be ruined!"

"Otherwise, after I die, I won't let you go!"

He Ziming's tone was stern, and his voice was like thunder.

But He Xinzheng on the opposite side was unmoved.

It seems that he doesn't care about what his father is saying.

His appearance made He Ziming's expression change drastically.

"Heart is right, even if the Universiade is about to perish, our ancestors are all from the Universiade Empire."

"My He family sleeps not as a prime minister, but as a high-ranking official from generation to generation. We can't be so sorry to the Universiade Empire."

The more He Ziming talked, the more excited he became.

But He Xinzheng poured him a cup of tea, and said softly, "Father, please rest assured that Xinzheng will never betray the Universiade Empire in this life."

As soon as the voice came out, it was like a pleasant spring breeze.

He actually directly suppressed He Ziming's irritable mood.

"That's good! That's good!"

He Ziming nodded in satisfaction upon hearing this.

But in the next second, his expression changed again.

"Huh? No! What did you do to me?"

"It actually affected my mood!"

After all, He Ziming had been the prime minister for more than ten years.

When a person is in a high position, he naturally cultivates his mind.

Although he didn't deliberately practice any boxing or palm techniques.

I also didn't go to practice Zen to enlighten the Tao, to see the nature clearly.


The official position of a single prime minister is equivalent to putting his mind in a state of tempering all the time.

Even this kind of exercise cannot be compared with the practice of boxing.

But after more than ten years of training.

At least He Ziming did not fully enter He Xinzheng's spiritual realm.

"As expected of a father, he escaped from my mental cover all at once."

He Xinzheng was also a little shocked.

To know.

Since he became a spiritual manifestation, the ability to soothe the soul has never failed.

This is the first time.

"What happened to you, what do you want to do?"

He Ziming not only got rid of He Xinzheng's spiritual realm.

At this time, he also found that the guards in charge of guarding outside the door were gone.

The lower realm of the world of Tianti Xiuxian is a world of low martial arts.

The use of force to disrupt the law has been repeatedly prohibited here.

So in the home of a big man, even the study room will be guarded by someone.

But just now, even He Ziming didn't react.

His own guard is gone.

"Father, don't panic, it's just that adults want to see you."

He Xinzheng released the power of the mind again, stabilizing He Ziming's emotions.

Although, He Ziming would be aware of it, but it has the effect of stabilizing the mind.

There will be some more or less.

"Who wants to see me, what are you going to do?"

He Ziming had already thought of some guesses. Someone must be dissatisfied with Yang Ling's surrender.

So, it looks like something amazing is going to happen tonight.

Originally, under the eyes of the Daqian Empire, this was a very bad internal strife.

But He Ziming found that for some reason, there was a trace of expectation in his heart.

The sage is not benevolent, and wants to betray the country for glory.

The national scholars stood up and saved the building from falling.

Isn't this the so-called classic that has been handed down through the ages in the ancient scripts?

Therefore, He Ziming did not scold his eldest son this time.

But I want to see first, what is the specific situation.

As the current prime minister, such a big thing happened below.

He didn't even know.

This situation made He Ziming very shocked.

It's okay for my son to bear it for nine years, it's just a special situation of one person.

And it's his own business, so it's not a big deal.

At most, he doesn't know people well.

However, a hidden force is planning to overthrow the emperor of the Universiade Empire tonight.

As for his prime minister, he wouldn't have known about it if his son hadn't had a showdown.

This is just too scary.

He Ziming has always believed that he is the person who knows the Universiade Empire best.

Even Yang Ling is not as good as him.

But now it seems that there is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in his own country.

"Father, that adult has always been here."

Under He Ziming's expectant eyes, He Xin put a cup of tea on the right side of the tea table.

He Ziming looked there suspiciously.

He didn't quite understand what his own child meant.

Obviously, there are only two people in the room, how could there be others.

At that position, you can't see anything!

"Heart upright, stop joking with Weifu at this time."

"Since you came in, it was just the two of us in the room."

He Ziming was a little bored, and there was a hint of anger in his voice.

"Father, take a closer look, the nobleman is always by our side."

He Xinzheng spoke again, looked over here, got up and saluted.

This move made He Ziming even more puzzled.

He suspected that the child was playing riddles with him, maybe to hint him something.

So, he looked over there again.

Seeing this, he jumped immediately.

Because there was actually a person sitting in the seat that was empty before.

Its shape is like a god, its meaning is immortal, its body is dragon and phoenix, and its power is like the sky.

What a beauty it is.

He Ziming had never seen such a character in his life.

So much so that when he saw this boy, his own aura became much weaker.

It seems that as long as he is in front of this young man, he is an insignificant existence.

"Master He, this is the first time we meet, my name is Yang Xuan!"

"There is another title, King Tianxuan, you must have heard of it..."

The man leisurely picked up the tea that He Xin was brewing, and took a sip.

Immediately afterwards, he introduced himself.

That's right!

This person is Yang Xuan.


"King Tianxuan is only a ten-year-old child, and you look at least seventeen or eighteen!"

He Ziming looked at Yang Xuan in disbelief.

It even came to mind that there were outsiders who wanted to steal the Universiade Empire.

"My affairs, of course, cannot be imagined with common sense!"

"After all, I have already condensed the golden core of the heretics. To you, I should be considered a fairy!"

Yang Xuan just took a sip of tea.

Then, he put the teacup down gently.

Then he turned to the tea table and tapped lightly.


An invisible force instantly spread from Yang Xuan's body.

As soon as this force appeared, it instantly swept everyone and everything in the house.

next second.

The people and things here are all slowly floating.

Gravity seemed to lose its effect at this moment.

And this power is also one of the methods of using Jindan Zhenqi obtained by Yang Xuan with the help of Tathagata God's Palm and many things he has learned.

Before the achievement of Nine Suns Golden Pill.

If Yang Xuan wants to do this, he can't do it with just one finger.

At least the simplified Tathagata palm must be played to change the gravity of an area.

But with the Nine Suns Golden Pill, many abilities are just a matter of thinking.

Then the golden core works, and it can be completed directly.

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