Turing’s Code

: chapter 47

"Good night," said Kai Kai and turned out of the elevator. "See you tomorrow."

"Beware of vases," Tianhe reminded.

When the elevator door was closed, Kuang Kai knocked down the vase in the hotel and rushed to help.

Jiang Zizheng and Tianhe looked at each other. Tianhe said, "You can go down the safe passage later. Don't climb the fire ladder outside the hotel, you will be caught as a thief."

Jiang Zihuan said, "Forget it, it's not good to make people cry without lubricant."

Guan Yue ""

Tian He "I thought you didn't make up your mind, for a long time you didn't bring lubricant"

Guan Yue suddenly felt anxious.

Jiang Zizheng "Oh!"

There was too much emotion in Jiang Zihua's "Oh," Tianhe said, "It doesn't look so smooth."

Jiang Ziyi said, "I have to find a chance to succeed. I wanted to show my hands in front of him today, but it will be difficult."

The elevator reached the 23rd floor, and the waiter pressed the door. Jiang Zizheng Chaotianhe said, "Is there any swift, fiery activity that can promote the relationship between the two?"

"Queenstown Skydiving Try" Tianhe thought for a while, "I remember you have a certificate."

Jiang Zimin's head lighted up and said, "Good idea, I'll go back and take a bath first. I'll come to you later and show you something."

The elevator door closed and a "ding" sound came to the 26th floor.

After a brief silence, the waiter looked at the two of them and made a "please" action. Guan Yue reached out his golden finger and pressed the door closing button on the elevator.

"Good night," Tianhe said, "I had a great time today." He turned around and glanced at Guan Yue.

"Be careful with vases," Guan Yue said.

Tianhe almost ran into the blue and white porcelain vase behind her, and quickly fled to avoid it and returned to the room.

Ding Dong

The doorbell rang before half an hour.

"I am so big, it is the first time I have lived so small"

Tianhe took half of the bath in the bathroom, and wrapped a towel around her waist. She showed white and thin breast muscles and neat abdomen muscle contour lines. She came to open the door for Jiang Ziyu, and her hair was wet on her forehead. Living. Jiang Ziyi looked at Tianhe this way, couldn't help laughing, and reached out to pull the towel around his waist. Tianhe quickly hid in the bathroom and continued to take a bath.

Jiang Ziyu wandered outside the door and said, "Are you carrying the lubricant?"

"How could I bring this?" Tianhe said in the bathroom. "Let the hotel waiter help you out and buy Vaseline."

Jiang Zihuan "I'm afraid that Vaseline will not work. In case he made it too painful, he stopped halfway, and it is probably not the next time."

Tianhe took a shower, blew her hair out, turned on the computer, and said, "It ’s true, if you just go in the first time and feel bad, there should be a psychological shadow. For the first time in the past, I ’m actually worse, no more I do n’t want to go to bed with Guan Yue. Both parties have no experience. Fortunately, I tried again that night and found the feeling. However, you are so experienced, there should be no problems. ”

Jiang Zizheng "I didn't get it all right. I wanted to drink a little wine tonight, chat, and let him half-push, so I just"

Tianhe "then you find that you didn't bring the most important thing."

Jiang Ziyi said sadly "Yes"

Tianhe "This is really too bad, it is an insult to your profession."

Jiang Zizheng "I didn't think about this before I went out."

"No," Tianhe sighed, and said, "It's still cracking, but I think it's coming soon."

The cracking time is shorter than expected, and maybe you can log in again in another month.

Jiang Zizheng "You didn't go to Guanyue room"

Tian He "You said in the elevator and come to me later, can I not come back"

Jiang Zizheng said "Oh" and said, "But you should not be moisturized."

Tianhe "Don't discuss this, and why should I prepare for it, I haven't reunited with him yet."

Jiang Ziyi thought for a while, and showed a little scared expression, saying "I thought you had decided to be together again, or why Guan Yue had to eat such a big oyster in a bathtub tonight"

Tianhe "Isn't it a washbasin? How did it turn into a bathtub?"

Jiang Zizhen pulled out his camera and said, "Show me something." He said that he connected the data cable and imported it into Tianhe's computer. The picture above was taken this afternoon.

The first one was taken by Qiu Kai. In the photo, Tian He lay in front of the railing in the harbor, Guan Yue leaned on the railing, held a drink in one hand, and looked at Tian He's eyes intently.

Tianhe laughed, and the next one was a picture of two chickens being poured into the soup by the seawater.

Days and ""

Jiang Ziyu pressed the next one, Guan Yue bowed nervously, watching the sky and the waves, Guan Yue was standing barefoot at the stern, ready to jump at any moment, a little helpless.

Tianhe laughed, and then took the next picture, seeing that he failed to play some 360 ​​degree flips, his head went into the sea, and he fell on the head.

Days and ""

Jiang Zizheng "Yan Kai took it."

Tian He "I decided to buy you vaseline in person and leave it to you to make the vice president cry."

Jiang Zihuan "Look at these two photos again. I took them."

Jiang Ziyu clicked on the next picture. Tianhe and Guan Yue played fyboad. Tianhe dragged a water column to spin in the air. Guan Yue rose into the sky and flew to Tianhe.

God and silence.

Jiang Zizhen laughed. "There is still this."

Tianhe was shocked when she saw the next picture.

Jiang Zizhen laughed and said, "You can use it as a birthday gift for him." Then he touched Tianhe's head and got up.

"Did you really want to wait for me, so you didn't follow him back to the room?" When leaving the house, Jiang Ziyi finally said something.

Tianhe said, "Of course not. It is rude to rush into someone's room without receiving an invitation."

But Jiang Ziyi didn't care about this answer, the door made a sound of closing automatically, and he was gone.

Tianhe lay in bed, watching the password cracking progress in the computer, and said to himself, "Because I am a bit scared, I don't know how to face his familiar and naked body again, Pro, maybe he thinks the same way." Lying quietly, looking at the ceiling with both eyes, one hand was pressed on the laptop's touchpad, closed eyes, touched the keyboard, and began to retrieve pictures.

That night and tossed by my strange thoughts all night and didn't sleep well, yawning for days. The next morning, the tourist bus waited at the door. Guan Yue personally came over and dragged Tian He's suitcase. Tian He still followed Guan Yue a little bit and got into the car.

"The jet lag hasn't reversed yet," Guan Yue said.

Tianhe shook his head and sat with Guan Yue in the last row. Guan Yue wore a casual suit and sat quietly. Wu Kai and Jiang Ziyu followed another car.

This day, flying from Wellington to Queenstown, Tian He slept all the way, sleeping on a small plane leaning on Guan Yue's shoulders, and when getting off the plane, the clouds were foggy. Messi originally arranged to go for a lap first, and then check in in the evening. Yuezheng wanted to tell him to stay, but Tianhe moved uncomfortably and said, "Follow the original plan with the big troops."

Guan Yue "Did not sleep well last night"

Tianhe ignored him and fell asleep again.

Every time the bus arrived in a beautiful place, everyone got off the bus and took photos. The air conditioner in the bus was a bit cold. I woke up a few times and found myself leaning on Guan Yue's shoulder and sticking to his white shirt. I felt very comfortable. A suit jacket covered him.

In the afternoon, the whole company had lunch at a farm. The farmer smiled and took out the wine in the cellar to entertain the "God's baby" Tian He, and Guan Yue said to the others, "Every time I go out with him, the treatment is always good, not When the head chef delivers dessert, the boss delivers wine. "

Everyone laughed, Tianhe was embarrassed, thanked the farmer with a smile, noticed that there was a violin in the restaurant, and said, "I want to play a piece of music for you."

Guan Yue then sat next to the piano, Tian He played the violin, and said, “Oh, my cattle raised in the family, listening to this every day, can increase milk production.”

Jiang Zihuan "Shut up."

"Don't sleep." In the afternoon, Guan Yue wore headphones, looked down at the Queenstown map, zoomed in on a street, and observed the bar above. "I can't sleep at night, I'm tossing."

Tianhe "I'm too sleepy, no, I will sleep again."

I drank two glasses of wine at day and noon, so I became more sleepy in the afternoon, flushed on my face, leaned comfortably on Guan Yue's shoulders, and slept all the way until the bus brought a company person to the shore of Lake Wakatipu. , Galloping into the villa group at dusk.

"Live at the house of Wen Zong and the front desk brother tonight," Messi said. "Be careful, don't break things."

"It's okay." Tian He just woke up, stretched his back, and said dullly, "If it breaks, it will break. Money is all foreign objects."

"Zhuwen Zongjia" someone said, "Do so many people go to Zunwen's house to open a hotel?"

Everyone was shocked when they got off the bus.

Lake Wakatipu Resort, Charleston Hills, six rows of townhouses surrounding the large central jetting pool, brightly lit, and spread out in a circular shape to 36 infinity pools.

Twenty New Zealand housekeepers waited in front of the fountain, bowed together, and the head of the supervisor opened a box full of keys.

Jiang Zihuan "How did you come in groups? Each group came over to get a key, and they went with the housekeeper."

Tian He Chao Guan Yue smiled and said, "The three rows on the left were originally for auction, thank you, boss."

Guan Yue ""

The gray-haired director directs the transportation of Tianhe's luggage and whispered, "Mr. Wen, Mr. Jiang, Mr. Guan, Mr. Qi, dinner is being prepared. It rained in the morning and the mountain road was not easy to walk. On the way, I ’m very sorry, maybe I ’ll have to wait another hour ”

"It's okay, let's make a barbecue and eat, everyone is busy together." Tianhe said, "Rocky, has the second brother been here?"

The big housekeeper who called Rocky replied, "I haven't heard anything from him. Come here, everybody please."

Kai Kai "Hey, this is the taste of Beverly"

"I can't help it," Jiang Ziyi said, "I don't want to be okay."

Tianhe said, "My elder brother and his son-in-law talked about the decoration. I originally wanted to push it all over and rebuild it. Later, I was too busy to run it."

At first, I heard that Tianyue and the Jiang family bought the land here, and planned to build a few high-end villas by the lake, with 24-hour hotel-style management services, sold to Chinese people who bought real estate, or long-term rental as high-end tourism and vacation products Short Term Rentals. A set of townhouses happened to live in four or five small families. After the construction was completed, when Wen Tianyue had a lot of things, he forgot about it.

Jiang Chaosheng found an international hotel property and left the villa out. Until Tianhe counted the industry, I remembered that there were still a few rows of houses here, and the assets were thawed, so I brought the whole company together for a few days, and after that I still put them out as high-end hotels to entertain guests.

"Your brother's investment vision is still good." Guan Yue came out of the room, changed his beach pants, jumped into the swimming pool, splashed into the water.

Tianhe knew that Guan Yue wanted to say "your second brother is not very good", but he still gave him a little dignity. Tianhe also changed out of her beach pants and went shirtless. She said to Guan Yue in the pond, "I don't really like you. You always scold my elder brother. You see, I never even mention your family, no matter how dissatisfied people."

Guan Yue's seriousness "You already mentioned it, and I didn't scold your brother."

Tianhe "You are defamating."

Guan Yue "You asked me to punch him, and I will never slander him from now on."

Tianhe said, "If you can catch him, please, but his fencing is not worse than you."

Said that Tianhe also jumped into the swimming pool, Guan Yue said, "Four back and forth, see who swims fast"

Tianhe said, "No, I won your game."

Guan Yue "Yeah, so if you want to see it, take it."

Tianhe knew that Guan Yue said that he had played fyboad before. Surfing Guan Yue won a round. Tianhe won the best match in the watercraft, and the two just tied.

God and "What to Bet"

"A wish," Guan Yue said positively.

Tianhe "God actually wants a wish from mortals"

Guan Yue "The gods have their own reach, such as the heart of a mortal. Three or two."

Tian He looked at Guan Yue side by side. Guan Yue apparently waited for him to steal, and made a "please" action. Tian He said, "I'm not a child anymore."

Guan Yue then politely said "One."

The two broke through the water and swam across the freestyle to the opposite bank.

Tianhe knew that he couldn't win Guan Yue. Except for almost all competitive events like Texas Hold'em and fyboad, Guan Yue was better than him by more than one level. In front of him, he had only been crushed.

Tianhe also knows what Guan Yue wants, which is nothing more than sleeping together tonight.

Tian He has just started to swim in the fourth stage. Guan Yue has reached the opposite bank, and he has got out of the water. He has wet hair, and knees on the shore to wait for Tian He. touch.

"Remember," Guan Yue said, "a wish." So he turned away.

Tianhe reluctantly shook his head and got up to take a shower.

The maid set up a stage around the fountain, invited the singer to come and sing the blues, and began to drive around. The helicopter stopped at the top of the building, lowered four large boxes of truffles, and a row of barbecue racks was set up. The chefs began preparing dinner and set seafood with New Zealand's local marbled steak and slate fried truffles.

"I decided not to touch the wine for three days. Thank you, Rocky. Please go to work. Someone will serve me." Tianhe changed his drink and smiled at the housekeeper.

"I hope you have an unforgettable journey in Queenston." Rocky poured Guanyue wine, Chaotianhe said, "Your brother will definitely go home."

"Thank you," Tianhe laughed.

Guan Yue shook his napkin and spread him, saying "Thank you, Master Wen."

"You're welcome, I hope you have a good time at my house." Tianhe with an intoxicating smile, holding a champagne glass, clinking glasses with Guanyue with sparkling water.

Next door

Kai Kai "You just wasted such good ingredients, and you took it from the mountain in a hurry to deliver it, so just eat it"

Jiang Zihuan "Oh, I just like to eat truffles baked, do you care? I also like to use them as bun stuffing, have opinions"

Days and ""

Guan Yue ""

Wu Kai "Why don't you put the truffle into the pig's belly and roast the pig?"

Jiang Ziyi said inexplicably, "Isn't it right now to eat more, and then I will lift you up to worship God, be good, eat, don't talk."

佟 凯 ""

That night, Rocky himself became the dealer. Tianhe, Guan Yue, Jiang Ziyu, Wu Kai and Wu Shun played Texas Hold'em in the villa for a while. Tianhe was sleepy again. He always got a little sleepy when he came to New Zealand.

Wu Shun: "I have lost a few suites now. I have two suites in total, and I am afraid I will never look down on them."

Wu Kai "wait for demolition."

Jiang Zihuan "You don't need to worry about it. I help you out. Now the vice president has won my two suites."

Wu Kai was aggressive and wanted to win all three rows of villas east of Jiang Ziyu. Tianhe was so confused that he didn't know what he was fighting. Five people were in a mess. Tianhe lost three sets to Wu Shun and was defeated by Wu Kai. Then Guan Yue won again.

Originally, with the strength of Tianhe, he easily crushed the other four people on the table without pressure, but he was already playing stupidly, but now the strongest player in the audience is Jiang Ziyu, dragging a Wu Shun, but he can also swim. To tease Kai Kai to play, he lost a set in this game, and won again in the next game.

Guan Yue "You go to bed, I will help you win back."

Tianhe has been supporting, but in fact is waiting for Guan Yue's "wishes", thinking to you, since you do not say, I fell asleep, so brush my teeth upstairs. Guan Yue fought again for a while, went upstairs, and pushed the door to see him.

Tianhe was almost asleep. He heard a slight opening of the door, his heart beating suddenly and he didn't speak.

Guan crossed over, checked whether the housekeeper had left Tianhe drinking water in the middle of the night, pulled down the quilt, and whispered "Good night." Then he went out.

Tianhe turned his head and saw that Guan Yue closed the door gently.

The next day, Kai Kai and Jiang Zi were proud of themselves and had been "ha ha ha" frantically in Guan Yue and Tian He. Tianhe was bored.

"Guan Yue actually lost all of your villa at one time." Wu Kai was about to cramp with a smile, and said, "I've seen the bad card skills of my boss for the first time."

Jiang Zizhen laughed and burst into tears, saying, "Heaven, what should we do?"

Guan Yue wore sunglasses and drove indifferently.

Tianhe was annoyed by the two, saying, "It should have been him anyway. Are you so happy to win a few suites? Los Angeles also gave it to you and thank you."

Sitting in the back of the off-road vehicle, Kai Kai and Jiang Ziyu began to share the expressions of horror when Guan Yue studs burst yesterday and couldn't stop clapping their thighs and laughing.

Guan Yue still kept his face indifferent.

Jiang Ziyi said, "Tomorrow is your birthday, Guan Yue, come, the bets last night are all for you"

Wu Kai said, "Mr. Guan, I wish you a happy birthday and see how much we prepare for birthday gifts."

Tian He "You brought my house to Guan Yue, what kind of logic is this?"

"Here it is." Guan Yue took off his sunglasses and drove down the door. Two planes were parked on the runway.

"Wow, do you parachute?" Wu Kai said, "I haven't played in a long time."

Jiang Ziyu "Let's go, my brother takes you to jump, my brother has the evidence."

Kai Kai "I have anything, I took the test in Las Vegas."

Tianhe twitched when he heard this.

"I'll take you to jump," Jiang Ziyu said, "Leave it to me."

Kai Kai "I'll take you."

"I'll take you to jump."

"I'll bring you"

Guan Yue found a pilot and asked Tian He and said "Let's go"

Days and ""

"Go up and talk again." Jiang Zizheng pushed Kakai into the plane.

Tianhe "Don't you mean to go hiking on the lake at the foot of the mountain?"

Guan Yue "sends them to accompany them up"

Jiang Zizhen and Bian Kai blew up at the same time, shouting together, "The boss don't talk nonsense."

Tianhe got on the plane and the plane took off. The more he thought about it, the more wrong he said, "Wait, Guan Yue, you have to jump."

Guan Yue tied the buckle, and Li Kai and Jiang Zixuan each buckled. The coach came to check, Guan Yue looked at Tianhe.

"Jump?" Guan Yue Chaotian said, "I jumped by myself."

Days and ""

Guan Yue looked at his eyepiece and put wind-proof glasses on his forehead. Wu Kai dragged Jiang Ziyu in front of him, Jiang Ziyu began to compete with Wu Kai, the two dragged to one side, the coach immediately said "Oh oh please arrange you in front"

Kai Kai "Why me, I also have a"

The coach said, "Or you are separated, you only have two umbrella packages, and you have reserved two double events."

The aircraft door suddenly opened, and the strong wind blew in. Jiang Zizhen pulled up his windshield and spread his hands, saying "Come on!"

"Wait a minute, I'm not ready yet," Wu Kai growled.

"Do you have any fear of false certificates for skydiving?" Jiang Ziyi's voice went away.

Guan Yue sat side by side with Tianhe, stretched his left hand, and Tianhe was silent for a moment, and then said, "I can dance with you but let me be mentally prepared."

Guan Yue said, "I just ask, would you like to die with me?"

Tianhe glanced at Guan Yue and put his hand in Guan Yue's hand.

Tianhe "I don't really want to play next time." Said Guan Yue huddled into his arms and hugged tightly in front of him. The coach came over immediately, gave Tianhe a cingulate, a few sounds, checked, tightened, and tied the two together firmly.

"Wait" Tianhe closed her eyes and shouted in the wind, "You let me prepare again"

"Let's start again, baby." Guan Yue's deep voice sounded suddenly in his ears, and then said seriously, "If you still love me, just die with me, shall you?"

Heaven and "you"


The next moment, Guan Yue beautifully extended his arms and took Tianhe out of the cabin.

"Ah" Tianhe shouted loudly.

Immediately out of the cabin, Tianhe heard the last sentence of Guan Yue.

Guan Yue stretched his arms in the air, Tianhe was completely crazy, and shouted "You crazy man Guan Yue"

Tianhe was speechless, and there was a land of green and blue in front of him.

Weightlessness, vertigo, strong winds blowing from behind, strong heartbeat behind, peaks and mountains, the earth spins fast, and Tianhe opened his hands. Under the wind, Guan Yue also opened his hands, and separated his fingers from behind Tianhe ’s arms. His stretched hands crossed fingers from behind his hands.

Suddenly, the wind was so loud that when Guan Yue touched Tianhe's fingers and jumped out of the cabin, he put on the ring that Guan Yue gave him.

"Open the umbrella" Tianhe could not hear his cry, shouted, "It's time to open the umbrella, the lunatic is about to open the umbrella."

Guan Yue's hands clasped Tianhe's fingers without touching the rope on the umbrella bag. Then, Tianhe raised his head, Guan Yue raised his head, and looked at the sky with Tianhe.

The earth was getting closer and closer to them, and the sky was so gentle.

Tianhe closed his eyes and said "OK."

Guan Yue suddenly separated the fingers of two people, "Hula", the parachute was pulled open, and Tianhe suddenly became unbalanced, raised his hand, took Guan Yue's neck from behind, and took off the goggles.

The fall speed suddenly slowed down, Tianhe was almost out of breath. Guan Yue held hands with the control rope, bowed his head and kissed Tian He's neck, Tian He slightly turned his head, tears were blown out by the wind, hit Guan Yue's eyebrows, Guan Yue's eyes turned to Tian He's eyebrows, and then seriously and intently Kissed him.

At the point of his lips, Guan Yue whispered, "What did you say just now that I feel you are talking."

Tianhe "You tell me first, what did you say"

Guan Yue stared at Tianhe's eyes.

Guan Yue "I said so many things, the quota is exceeded, which sentence do you mean?"

Tianhe "It seems you don't remember anymore, so forget it."

A gust of wind blew, blowing his forehead, and Lake Wakatipu in the distance was like a jewel cast into the world by the gods.

Guan Yue "I said, baby, let's start again."

Tianhe replied softly, "Then I said, OK."

The lake was sparkling, birds flew over, and it was thrown into the vast mountain forest, the sun was shining and the earth was shining.

Guan Yue "I said, if you still love me, just die with me."

Tian and her eyebrows raised, and she said gently, "Then I said, OK."

The Southern Alps are towering between heaven and earth. In the midsummer sun, hundreds of thousands of years are as usual. Mountains are always mountains, and snow is always snow.

Guan Yue "I also said, aquiteao."

Tianhe whispered, "aquiteao, um, okay."

ten minutes later.

"From today on, you can't parachute any more." Tianhe stood at the landing point, took off his glasses, handed them to the staff, and said, "You have promised me once."

Guan Yue spread his hands, looking innocent, looking at Tianhe, thinking about it, and walking towards him.

Tian He stepped back a bit, and the avoidance switch became "Do n’t think I do n’t know what you want to do. After 200 days of parachuting, you have to play low-altitude skydiving, and then you have to play winged flight to prevent you."

Guan Yue caught up a few steps, got under the tree, stepped forward, hugged Tianhe indiscriminately, and lowered his head and kissed his lips.

Days and ""

The sudden kiss was full of strangeness. Tian Heyi hadn't kissed for a long time. When Guan Yue kissed, his brain was blank for a moment.

Tianhe was so nervous that his heartbeat almost stopped, just like when Guan Yue kissed him for the first time, his face flushed, and the more he tried to push the switch, Guan Yue began to kiss him harder. Guan Yue's lips were very soft, and the habit of kissing was exactly the same as before, as if he had never been separated from heaven and peace.

The strangeness suddenly subsided, and he couldn't get away with it several times. He simply stopped moving, closed his eyes, stood still, and felt the hot temperature of Guan Yue ’s lips. That is what he is familiar with. The kiss before the dragonfly drank water in the early morning was still a wild and entangled entanglement in the middle of the night, as if to blend each other's souls together.

Tian and his two hands rested on Guan Yue's shoulders, and Guan Yue rubbed his right hand around his waist and stroked it along his back. This action immediately awakened Tian and countless memories of the past and made him reach out. He grabbed Guan Yue's neck and responded to his kiss.

A dog came to shake its tail and barked a few times.

The staff looked around for the dog and shouted a few times. Tianhe turned to God, separated from Guan Yue, and signaled to hurry over.

"What about you, do you want to jump over the umbrella without paying fast?"

Tianhe shouted with a smile, couldn't help avoiding Guan Yue, and looked around to see if there were any bicycles or horses. He had to run fast and saw a flock of sheep.

Guan Yuedao "Hurry up the thought and you can't ride here waiting for me."

Tianhe really wanted to try to run away on a sheep. Guan Yue was afraid that he would be kicked and took his wrist.

Tianhe said, "Take a tip, it's too embarrassing to leave."

Guan Yue had to signal to take the os machine. Tianhe took advantage of the time when Guan Yue swipes his card and ran to the off-road vehicle. Guan Yue didn't even look at it. "

When the money was collected, his legs softened, and he tilted on the spot, and turned over two chairs.

Tianhe sat in the off-road vehicle driving position and looked at Guan Yue sideways.

Guan Yue got on the car, and Tian He Min passed, just like before, kissed Shimonoseki's lips, drove the car to the lake, and drove away.

"Hey," Kai Kai walked out from behind the skydiving base, his face blanked, "Why did they run away"

After Jiang Zizheng and Wu Kai jumped their umbrellas, they drank coffee in the coffee shop behind the base.

"Alleluia Alleluia"

As a result, after drinking a cup of coffee, they heard that the car was driving away, and the two followed him out, dumbfounded. Jiang Ziyu looked around, and saw that the staff at the base were under the command of the person in charge, and burst into tears, and began to sing Hallelujah loudly.

Jiang Ziyu ""

Tianhe knew that Guan Yue now had only one idea in his heart, that is, to find a place where nobody was, hold him in his arms, talk to him, and linger for a while.

However, today we arranged the whole company to hike on the lakeside mountains. Tianhe thinks who will let you arrange skydiving early in the morning, jump at dusk, and then go back to fall in love after the jump.

Tianhe reversing, driving on the lakeside road, ten thirty in the morning, the sun is shining, one side is green pine trees, and the other side is sparkling lake water. There is only this off-road vehicle on the road, which is as beautiful as living a dream. It's average.

After Guan Yue took the co-pilot, turned slightly sideways, facing Tianhe, leaning back on his side window, staring at Tianhe intently.

Tianhe would like to say a few words, but he had no choice but to focus on the road ahead.

From Guan Yue's eyes, he saw that out of the window of the driving space where Tian He was located, Lake Wakatipu was brilliant. Tree shadows flew like meteors, and the light reflected the silhouette of the sky and perfect side face.

"You are perfect." Guan Yue said.

"Well, of course." Tianhe drove the car calmly, ticking the corner of his mouth, casually saying, "How many people love my young face, and the beauty of my love comes from fake or true feelings."

Guan Yue "Confirm again, baby, do you still love me"

Tianhe slowed down, stopped in front of a group of sheep crossing the road, waited for the sheep to finish, then put in gear and set off.

"Okay," Tian He glanced at Guan Yue, showing his signature intoxicating smile.

Guan Yue leaned sideways, bending her legs in an uncomfortable posture, staring at Tianhe intently, and for a moment couldn't bear to look away. Raising my hand and pressing the music playback button, Tianhe originally thought it would be classical music, but I did n’t expect it to come out from the cd.

"Even though the fleeting years fly by, Fanghua grows old"

"I always love you, as always."

God and "Pop."

Guan Yue still looked at Tianhe and "changed a song"

Tianhe "really fits the situation and does not change."

"My love crosses the sky, my love flows endlessly"

The off-road vehicle drove towards the foot of the mountain forest near the lake in the singing voice.

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