Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 14: Hub Fort One

The hub castle is the center of the human gathering place in this area. It is one of the first castles built after the discovery of the New World. The pioneering Count Stadt brought his knights across the sea, overcoming obstacles and building a hub castle in this place that was originally a wasteland. The Stadt family plans to attract river water, reclaim fertile land, dig mines in the mountains, and run this place into a century-old foundation, which will be handed down to future generations forever.

But the wildness and uninhibitedness of the new world exceeded the count's expectations, and there are too many hidden dangers here. When a sudden illness took away the Earl's life in his prime, the hub fort only repaired the inner city, only half of the fertile fields were reclaimed, and only the mines and river channels were successfully completed.

When the earl died, his knights left the main castle and went to the surrounding fiefs to run their own industries. Although they remained loyal to the earl's successor, their cohesion was not as strong as before. The construction of the hub castle basically came to a standstill. As a result, two hundred years later, the earl title was degraded to a viscount. The castle still only has the scope of the original inner city, and half of the outer city wall has been built.

However, outside the hub castle, there are several villages here, and they are like sentries protecting the incomplete castle in the center. The residents living here are independent, they pay more attention to their own affairs and ignore the outside world. What happened in the hub castle and the surrounding villages is all of them. They bury their heads in their work, and will not leave the land easily, let alone take risks. According to the local people: "That is killing..."

Due to its special geographical location, as well as good waterways and inland wharfs, the Hub Fort often encounters foreign travelers. They bring news from afar, and stories from the Old World in particular are the most popular. The inhabitants of Hub Fort warmly welcome and applaud travelers from their homeland to tell their historical or legendary stories. But the people of the hub never made close friends with these people.

The current manager of the hub is Viscount Kira-Stat, a short man in his forties. He is listening to the messengers from Nuolan Town and Dongten Town, arguing over the border dispute over farmland. At this time his attendants reported that a jazz had requested an audience with important news.

"Then let him come in." Viscount Kira beckoned, and then said to the others, "I will send my affairs officer to investigate the situation on the border, and both parties must not do anything until a conclusion is reached."

Sir Bill and Elf Leah entered the council hall and saw that the Viscount was sitting in the big chair on the top of the two steps, and the others were standing under the steps on the left and right. They looked up and down the two people who came in from the corner of their eyes, and judged a person's identity from their gait, attire and expression.

"It turned out to be Sir Bill, and I think who else will become Sir Messenger." Viscount Kira held his chin and said with great interest, "You left here because you changed to such a job. Did you expect that mail delivery is so profitable now? "

Sir Bill ignored this sentence, took out the letter, and handed it to the viscount's attendant who stood in his way.

"Oh, let me see what this is, a letter from the elf? It's not to beg for mercy, is it?" The Viscount tore the envelope, glanced at the letter and put it aside, then said, "It's nothing. New idea, or the same thing. Why are the elves so interested in what's going on in my land? But they shouldn't have assigned you a sergeant to deliver letters. You are known to be a rigid, old, and poor knight who never Good talker. But I'm curious to know if the news would have been sweeter if it had come from the gentle mouth of this beauty next to you?"

"Let's be polite, Lord Viscount." Sir Bill grabbed Leah's wrist and said with a frown, "It will be of great benefit for you to listen to the advice of friendly people."

"Immortal old ghost, curse them! I only want love, but curse me. This is the face of a friendly person." The Viscount put the letter aside and said angrily: "The hub is here, and I won't go anywhere else. where they want to try, I have nothing to hide. But beware of that, dear ser, these elves are scheming, and they are always plotting!"

When Sir Bill saw this, he knew that he could not convince the Viscount. After all, the feud between the hub castle and the elves was too deep to be solved in a few words. Their history includes a war of love, betrayal, and vengeance that spans three generations. If it wasn't for the Battle of the Great River, the royal family of the Star Kingdom asked the Viscount not to start a war with the elves, and the Hub Fort and Xinlin might still be at war. Seeing that he had nothing to say, Sir Bill had to retire and left the chamber with Leah.

Siegel was waiting for them outside with a horse, and at the same time he was looking at the castle with great interest. Different from a concept on the map, the image of the town in front of you is much more vivid. There are hundreds of houses of stone and wood buildings, most of which are outskirts of the original castle blueprint, and they are neatly arranged next to the crooked streets, jagged. Thousands of residents live in this area, which greatly exceeds the original design capacity. Therefore, the originally excavated drainage ditches and underdrains are often blocked, occasionally causing cross-flow of sewage and unpleasant odors on the streets.

Cloak Avenue runs through the entire outer city from the east and west, and the largest taverns, inns and shops are on both sides of this road. Unlike the bustling situation in the market area of ​​Ximu Town, the hub fort is not a big day for trading. It will only become crowded and noisy when the mines on the mountain focus on weekly deliveries.

However, this does not affect the good business of inns and taverns. There are two reasons for this: the hub has a large number of apple trees, which produce excellent fruit wine; there is a guild of innkeepers in the hub, and they all pay to listen to people's gossip. Collect all kinds of information and find out all kinds of secrets.

Siegel was not in a good mood when he saw the jazz and the elf master, so he served them more obediently. Three people came to this main street, chose a hotel that seemed to be the quietest, and walked in with their horses.

"Welcome to the Sunshine Inn of Lord Wine Barrel." A plump boy of seven or eight years old bowed at the door to welcome everyone: "Do you need anything?"

"Two adjoining rooms, one of which shall have two beds," said Sir Bill. "Take care of our horses, and put beans and eggs in the hay."

"You're satisfied!" The little boy tied the horse aside first, helped Siegel carry the luggage together, and entered the hotel. A fat man who was obviously the boss was sleeping soundly on the table, laughing and snoring, probably dreaming. The little boy crawled under the table, took out the passenger registration book, accepted the three-day accommodation fee, wrote a few notes in the book, and then crawled back.

"We provide meals and drinks here at any time. If you have other needs, you can come to me. I will either greet you at the door or the one with the word 'doorman' in the first small room next to the stairs on the second floor."

"Very good. Little guy, tell me the 'Big Hammer' blacksmith shop is still open?"

"Oh, it's still open." The doorman replied, "I remember that it almost closed a year ago, and I don't know why it suddenly became popular again."

Sir Bill nodded and settled everyone in the team. He asked Siegel to practice martial arts with the elf, and then went to the big hammer blacksmith alone.

When Sir came back in the evening, there was another person behind him and two big cars. This man was in his thirties, very strong, and the muscles in his arms made his clothes bulging. He rubbed his calloused hands and said with a smile, "Nice to meet you!"

"This is Jeff Gold Coin, the person who was supposed to receive the goods." Sir Bill explained to everyone: "McKate is his partner, and the truck jointly owned by the two is not expected to come back, so he is now bankrupt, Decided to follow us, as a blacksmith and follower."

"Welcome, welcome!" Siegel's whole body rattled as he struggled to get up from the ground, stretched out his hand to hold the "gold coin" tightly. "Are you going to learn how to be a knight too? Sir Bill is a very good lord."

"Oh, I'm not." The man said with a smile, "I just filed for bankruptcy protection."

"Ah? What does that mean?"

"That's a business term that means I'm broke and I'm always looking for protection," Jeff explained, before adding, "I brought in everything I didn't sell from the store. , you see what you want, just take it and use it."

"Go on, little brat, he's right." Sir Bill nodded. "There's a pony outside, and it's yours too. From now on you'll learn to ride and drive as well."

Siegel rushed out cheering, and Jeff followed after greeting the Elf Lady.

After both of them left the room, Leah frowned and asked, "What happened, why did you bring this Jeff?"

"His goods were taken away by his partners, and the loss caused him to lose his shop directly, and he couldn't make a living here."

"But that's not a reason to bring him?"

"I was in charge of protecting the wagon, and the convoy ended up in the elf's territory. I couldn't convince myself that it had nothing to do with me." The ser shook his head and comforted the elf: "I explained the danger to him, and only promised to do what I could. Protect his life under the circumstances and help him find his footing again."

"What about Erinte's summoning? Do you want to take him there too?"

"Don't be kidding, dwarves like UU Reading have to throw me into a wine barrel and drown." Bill thought for a while, then said with a smile, "I will trouble you to fish me out of it again. , Erint is not that tall."

"As long as you don't take the opportunity to drag me off this time, the smell won't go away for a week!"

"Lea, do me a favor and train Siegel well, so that he can meet Erinte's requirements and can participate in operations as a member. If only as a follower, his share will be greatly reduced. You Also know that the dwarf is a serious and stubborn fellow."

"You really care about him." Leah said, "but why don't you talk to him normally?"

"I can't take your role." Bill replied, "He is very obedient and hardworking, but he also needs to discipline his strict people."

"Your human education habits are really strange." Leah shook her head: "But don't worry, Siegel has made rapid progress. He has reached the basic conditions for practicing the machete dance, and he will definitely meet the standard when he sees a dwarf. "

"So soon? How many days?" Sir was also surprised: "I remember you said that it would take an elves a year to meet this basic requirement."

"The elf's body grows and recovers much more slowly." Leah blushed, and then explained: "I have to say that humans are indeed blessed to develop from savages to civilization."

"It is estimated that he is the only one who is blessed."

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