Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 195: Elf Forest IV

In just one thought, Siegel turned himself into a skeleton. The rapier pierced through the robe, between the third and fourth ribs, until it pierced the cloak behind him. Siegel opened his mouth and let out a silent maniacal laughter, his jaws shaking with flames jumping in the eyes of the skeleton, making the whole scene look terrifying and terrifying.

The half-elf was horrified, but the screams were absorbed by the rune of silence. He tried to draw the rapier, but Siegel twisted violently. Resisting the pain from his bones, he twisted the rapier from Hai'an's hand with his spine and ribs. At the same time, he kicked the half-elf's chest and pulled out the long sword that was caught.

Haian staggered back a few steps, then flapped his wings violently. He wanted to take the opportunity to fly into the sky and distance himself from Siegel. Just let this stupid boy stay in the silence barrier, and he can strike from a distance.

Siegel jumped up and grabbed Haian's ankle. The half-elf kicked hard, trying to throw the mage off. A burst of power with the characteristics of the earth element was transmitted from the ankles, and quickly flowed through the half-elf dragonborn body.

What kind of spell is this? Haian was still in doubt when he found that he had been forcibly deformed. The dragon wings turned into mud, and the body became soft and sticky, and could no longer fly. Seeing that the "Ooze Form" spell took effect, Siegel immediately released his hand and rolled on the ground to release the force, while avoiding the area where "Mud Monster Haian" fell.

Mud monsters have no fixed shape and can easily pass through narrow caves and crevices. However, those who are forced to become mud monsters cannot perform martial arts, let alone use spell poses. With the rune of silence, Hai'an completely lost his spellcasting ability.

The most common attack method of mud monsters is to roll up the enemy treasure and kill it with its powerful digestive ability. However, Haian was a slender half-elf, and the mud monster he turned into was only a small pile, which was far from the volume required to wrap Siegel. And he can't move as fast as when he has legs, it's impossible to catch up with Siegel's movement speed,

The spell doesn't last long, but it's enough for Siegel to do some sleight of hand. He drew dwarven runes in the air, ordering the surrounding earth to gather according to his will. into a long cylinder. Although this twisting and deformation would not hurt the "Mud Monster Haian", Siegel then swung his long sword and cut the long cylinder into seven segments.

The rune of silence dissipated at this time, and the sound reappeared in the area. Then Siegel was heard slamming a section of the dirt cylinder and flying out. While cursing, he scattered the mud monsters who were trying to reconnect. Although Hai An can't feel the pain now, he knows very well what will happen if he does not gather before the end of the Transfiguration.

Siegel certainly wouldn't let him get his way. An ice wall separated the north and south ends of the yard. Hai An desperately felt the process of the spell fading away, and manipulated the remaining body to keep nodding to Siegel. Send a begging signal.

But the half-elf mage knew too many of Siegel's secrets, elemental rune guards, undead shapeshifters, and dwarven runes, so Siegel wouldn't spare his life. "Keeping secrets is the greatest reliance of mages," Siegel said softly, and then lifted the ooze shape transformation.

Haian's body turned into meat sauce, blood filled the yard, and the cruel death made Siegel feel sick to his stomach. He jumped up the ice wall, avoiding the blood on the ground and the indistinguishable remains of his body, and then quietly cast an earth element spell, causing the surrounding land to keep turning. Bury flesh manure deep into the ground.

As if hundreds of earthworms were turning the ground together, the courtyard was soon cleaned up—but the vegetation on the surface was also buried in the soil, and the courtyard was full of newly turned soil. Siegel then lifted the ice wall and easily fell to the ground.

A silver-white leaf fell down and landed on the new soil. Siegel picked it up and put it in his pocket. It was this leaf that made Siegel suspicious. Siegel walked all the way along the path, around the New Hope Tree, which is said to never wither. All he saw were plants that had overcome the changing seasons, and he had never seen a single leaf. Apparently the elves take great care of these trees to keep them in top condition. But Hai'an is here. The Tree of Spellprints dropped leaves, and even the magic fluctuations on it became weak.

An elf who has lived here for a long time will not let the leaves of his magic tree.

Since then, Siegel has been wary. Despite Hai'an's almost impeccable performance, the initial seeds of suspicion kept sprouting in Siegel's mind. Everything the half-elf said made sense. And his analytical ability is also unprecedented, but the contempt for elves and all living things in his language can still be heard. Siegel decided to take a risk and found out the danger.

He checked the woman still lying on the bushes, still in a coma, but judging from her breathing, it should be fine. There were traces of her memory that had been rudely modified by the Knox Commons' spells, the unique magical imprint Siegel couldn't make out.

"You just continue to sleep here for a while." Siegel turned and entered the half-elf's dwelling. There is only one room inside. The kitchen and bedroom are one. Simple furniture is placed in the house, and it is very clean, without a trace of dust. The clothes of the two were neatly stacked in the side cabinet, exuding the unique fragrance of clean clothes.

But under Siegel's detection magic, it is a different scene: the lock of the wardrobe is attached with elemental spells, and if you open it rashly, it will be burned by flames; there is an alarm spell under the drawer of the desk, which will notify the owner of the thief. Come; if someone checks the basket hanging from the beam, it will trigger the organ by the fireplace, the poisonous powder will fall into the burning flame, and the poisonous gas produced will kill the little thieves in the house.

Using spells to suppress spells, Siegel continued to cast dispel magic spells in the house to dismantle the traps one by one. Although the half-elf's spell ability is higher than that of Siegel, the spells he sets can only be held, and cannot change the state and counterattack. After Siegel confirmed that the room was safe, he opened the cabinets and drawers, and took out the contents.

There was nothing in the cabinet except a money bag.

The half-elves are very cautious, setting traps but not depositing anything that could arouse suspicion. Or those items that are always on him as a mage, but Ooze Polymorph destroys the structure of those items. In particular, the few swords Siegel slashed through the ooze eventually destroyed the possibility of reuniting the items, leaving him unable to find any loot.

There was finally a wave of magic outside the house, and it was unknown whether it was an elf mage or a priest. Siegel hurriedly took out a spell book from the Knox Common Society from the space bag - he had seized this book in Bacon Town for a long time, he had read it thoroughly, and all the spells had been imprinted in his mind. middle. He weighed the book and walked out.

The priest of the Moon Temple and the mage of the Academy of Arts came together, and the light of the detection spell enveloped the entire courtyard. Substantial magic waves swept across Siegel's body like a wave, dispelling all the spells on him. Siegel squinted his eyes and saw the elf's hair and eyes that descended into the courtyard with shining starlight, exuding a hazy temperament under the blessing of the power of the spell. An elf wears metal armor, the emblem of the Moon God is engraved on his breastplate, and a long-handled scimitar with an exaggerated arc hangs behind him. The other was wearing a silver-white mage robe, with small **** of light of the same color floating around his body, and his golden hair fluttered slowly in mid-air without wind.

Both of them belonged to the kind of fair-faced, white-faced and beardless elves, and it was difficult to tell their age. Siegel put the spell book under his arm, spread his hands and walked out: "I am the official mage of the Mage Federation, Siegel. Squid, I came to Isloris with no malice."

The elf priest nodded and sprinkled the blessing of the Moon God on this area, and all evil would be invisible. Siegel radiated a soft silvery white light, and the patron saint of elves believed that he possessed a kind and friendly soul.

"What are you doing here in Isloris?" the elf priest asked. "Have you ever seen an evil undead?"

Sure enough, it turned into a skeleton that alerted the enchantment of the elf forest. This place full of vitality will never allow the appearance of undead. Siegel was about to say his intentions, but he was alert at this time: The Knox Common Society has sent sorcerers to Isloris, and there is no guarantee that they will not have other eyeliners. Who can be trusted?

"I came here to seek knowledge and to visit my master." Siegel changed his words: "I never expected to meet a mage here who was trying to control my mind, so there was a battle. The undead he summoned had a backlash. , kill him."

Siegel handed the magic book of the Knox Common Society to the elf priest and said, "This is his spell book, which may help you better understand his evil spells."

The elf priest took the book with a surprised expression, followed by disgust. This was a warning from the Moon God to keep him away from the evil conjuring powers. He handed the book to the blond-haired mage beside him.

"I've heard of the name Siegel Squid. You are not only a mage, but also a lord of the south." The blond elf took the spell book and flipped through a few pages at random. Certain spell fragments evoked disgust.

"Welcome to" said the elf mage: "I will take this book to the Academy of Arts, and if it contains evil and twisted articles, it will be destroy. As for your purpose here, I'm afraid I can't allow you to study at the Art Institute. As you may already know, the Institute is only open to elves. "

Siegel nodded, then said, "Can I exchange some magic scrolls then?"

"There's no problem." The elf mage closed Knox's spell book, then slowly backed away and handed over the speech to the priest of the Moon Temple.

"Under Esraza," the elf priest pointed to the human girl who was still lying in the bushes, and said, "I will take her to treatment, and then ask about what happened. You can't leave Iraq until the investigation is clear. The town of Sloris."

"Then can I ask you to find my elf master?"


"Lea-Amastasya, an elf female ranger." (To be continued.)

ps: A new month has begun, please support us a lot!

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