Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 245: Road two to the south

?The Morritt Wasteland is located in the south of Ghostmist Swamp, not far from the sea. ⊙. ⊙If it was before, you can go all the way south from Ximu Town and go along the coast to reach it. But now that the ghost fog swamp has expanded, the road has disappeared under the swamp.

Both Siegel and Maul had to go south, all the way through the land of the lord of the South, and then turn east to get around the Morritt Wastes. Once out of Heimland's control, the road becomes dangerous. Siegel found abandoned corpses on the road, stripped naked and eaten by crows. Some cottages were also deserted, houses burned to wreckage and everything removed, leaving only a few watchdogs who survived, whimpering in the black ashes.

Moore rode around and came back and reported: "There is no one in the village. I saw a large pit on the other side, and there were many dozens of corpses piled in it, but they were neither buried nor cremated. The mill on the hillside It was also demolished, but the food inside was removed."

"The mill is an important source of finance for the lord. If you can't even defend this, it means that this place is completely out of control." Siegel looked at the attack from the eyes of the lord and asked Moore, "Who do you think would do this? Cruelty?"

"Maybe it's a robbery, maybe it's a robber who acted by chance." The attendant thought for a while, and then added: "It should be a wicked person passing by here. They only have the idea of ​​​​grabbing and leaving, so they are so cruel."

Siegel then asked, "So whose territory is this?"

"The Ampa family, they joined the coalition and attacked the city of Myr. It seems that the losses were heavy." Moore replied: "There are few traces of fighting in the village, and the number of corpses does not match the size of the town. Lord, you said that the villagers are Didn't you run away?"

"I hope so," Siegel said. "I'll cremate the body, you wait for me a moment."

Siegel observed the village with his own eyes, and saw more than Moore. There were only a few hoof prints in the mud on the ground, indicating that the enemy was not mainly cavalry. On both sides of the bumpy road, you can see some pits stepped on by pig trotters, and some traces of dragging. It appears that the robbers harvested food from the village and fled north.

As Moore said. There aren't many signs of fighting here. The fence along the road did not collapse, and no one removed the stones from the wall to attack. The wood-splitting axe was still stuck on the wooden pier, but the axe handle had been burnt to bits.

If the robbers hadn't ignited the thatched roof, there should have been more clues. The perpetrator was clearly in despair. They were desperate and robbed without thinking about the future at all. Siegel was not a child born in a noble family. He started as a sailor and naturally knew the way of life for the people at the bottom. In many cases, thieves and pirates will not rob the villagers of all their belongings, at least they should leave enough weight to make ends meet. They need intelligence from the villagers. When there are caravans, when there are nobility. They also need places to hide and sell stolen goods. Even in starvation years, they will distribute some food to the villagers, which is kinder than many lords.

Siegel saw the big pit, and the corpses were lying side by side. More ignored one thing. The robbers killed the villagers, set the village on fire, and would leave as soon as possible. So who dug the pit? He turned on his spiritual vision and looked around. Sure enough, a hidden figure was found in a field not far away. They were hiding behind mounds and trees, looking cautiously in the direction of the village.

It could be villagers in hiding, Siegel thought, returning to bury their loved ones. However, this place is very close to the Ghost Mist Swamp, and simply burying a large number of corpses together is likely to cause the accumulation of undead energy and produce undead. Many funeral ceremonies are designed to avoid this, but now there is not a priest around.

The wizard took out a water bladder from his pocket, poured some on the corpse, and threw in a torch. It certainly couldn't set the corpse on fire, but he was able to cover up his spellcasting for those watching from a distance. He was using kerosene to cause the burning. He waved his wand secretly, the flames rose, and the high temperature instantly covered up the evidence of evil running rampant.

Siegel stopped looking at the red flames and flying ashes, and he couldn't help the people hiding in the distance. I just hope they can go to Heimland, where at least there are no bandits and bandits. He rode back and saw Moore in the distance surrounded by a group of people with dung forks and poles. The young squire was still on his horse, his hand on the hilt of the sword, but not yet drawn.

"Leave quickly, don't make fun of your own life." Moore shouted: "What you are doing now is robbery. Get back immediately, or I will be welcome."

"Leave everything behind, and you can still live. Now that one or two people die, no one will care!" The man who spoke was about forty years old, and he held a sharpened spear in his trembling hands, not even a metal head. . There's no way such a weapon could penetrate Maul's chainmail, let alone the dragon's hide underneath.

Siegel stopped when he saw this scene. He hid behind the house to see what Moore would do with it.

None of the men surrounding them had any experience with weapons, as can be seen from the chaotic scenes of their gestures, steps, and progress blocking each other. Moore has learned a lot in Myr City, and knows that these people are just a rabble, and they can be dispersed with just one charge. The only thing that stopped him from doing this was the eyes of these people, there were some greedy expressions in them, some numbness, but most of them were fear.

If Lord Siegel returns, he can easily destroy these people with his magic. Even if you don't use spells, the lord's martial arts are very good. How many seconds can these unfamiliar robbers last? Moore thought for a while and said to these people, "If you want to survive, go northwest. It's safe in Heimland!"

"We don't want safety, we want to eat, and your life!" The man with the spear gritted his teeth, added strength to himself, closed his eyes and stabbed at him. More held the reins in one hand to control the horse to prevent it from swaying in panic, and with the other hand pulled out the long sword, which instantly cut off the wooden pole. The middle-aged man only felt that his hand was empty, opened his eyes, and found that the bright long sword was parked in front of the bridge of his nose.

"Go away!" yelled Moore, "or die!"

Seeing that the superiority of numbers could not frighten this lone knight, everyone scattered like birds and beasts and hurriedly ran out of the countryside. More was on guard, if a cold arrow came at this time, wouldn't it be dangerous. He waited for a while, and the surroundings became quiet again, as if nothing had happened before.

Siegel rode over, satisfied with Moore's handling. "Let's go," he said. "This road leads to Ampa's castle. Let's go there and rest."

They walked for the better part of the day, finally approaching the castle before sunset. The last rays of the setting sun have left the castle, and now only a large shadow covers it, which looks dead from a distance. The thorn and dove flag of the Ampa family swayed feebly. Only a few windows cast light. There were no patrollers on the city walls, only the light from the burning brazier in the tower.

The gate of the castle has been closed, and there is no guard at the gate. It is impossible to call it open. Outside the city walls are the affiliated villages, all situated on the south bank of the bend. Get some distance from the castle to the north. More pointed Siegel to an inn with vines creeping up the lime-washed walls and a thin slate roof. The inn has stables, and the firewood is neatly stacked in a corner of the courtyard, and everything is kept clean.

There was light in the windows, and there was cooking smoke from the chimney. I wanted to come here without being disturbed by robbers, and everything seemed to be fine.

A flimsy signboard swayed on the iron pillar, which read "Rose Field Inn". No one came out until the two men tied the horse. He pushed open the door and walked in.

A young girl about 11 or 12 years old with hair hanging down to her waist stared at the two of them with wide eyes. She also held two plates with boiled beans and bread in her hands. Her eyes saw the weapon on the visitor's waist and the armor on his body, so she forced herself to say calmly, "We are closed here and we won't entertain guests."

Siegel looked and found no one else, and could understand the little girl's reaction. So he said, "If so, are there any other inns around?"

The little girl thought for a while, if she tricked them into leaving, they might come back to her to settle accounts when they found out. Wouldn't that be more dangerous? And these two people seem to be relatively strong, maybe they can help themselves. Besides, her father has always taught her to be honest, so the little girl said, "There are no other inns around, you can find someone else to sleep in."

"We're not bad people. We'll pay." Siegel took out a gold coin and showed it to the little girl: "You have a ready-made stable, bed and stove here, and the two of us are only staying for one night."

"Is that gold?" The little girl swallowed: "You only eat and rest, and won't do bad things?"

Siegel nodded, as did Moore.

"I only cook beans, slice bread and cheese, but I still have some ale at home."

Siegel unfastened his longsword. Then sat down: "Bring some ale first. If there are ingredients, we will cook it ourselves."

"Okay, my lord." The girl put down her plate and ran to the cellar to find wine.

The two plates of beans are not the same amount, one plate is much more and the bread is bigger. There must be another person here, or another person soon.

The sound of footsteps came from the cellar, and a man described as haggard and pockmarked came out of the cellar, holding a large butcher's knife for cutting meat. There are still bruises on his face, and a wound on his arm, which is not holding a knife, and the scar is still clear. He protected the girl behind him: "I know you will come to the door sooner or later!"

"You must be mistaking us and the We'll ask for some food and leave," Moore said. "

Siegel added: "If that doesn't work, return the gold coins to us, and we'll go find something to eat elsewhere."

"Which family are you from? Raven, spear or lynx?"

"Gold coins, we use gold coins from the squid family. You should see that we have no badges, we are not knights and nobles, just mercenaries." Siegel pointed to him and said: "But we are better at using steel, whether it is A sword or a dagger. Now we just want beans and bread, not blood."

The pockmarked man stared at Siegel, his chest heaving violently. Siegel looked at him, and his sincere gaze finally made him put down the machete in his hand.

"Well, I'm very sorry for the two guests, the situation is not good now."

Siegel grinned and said, "You're right across from the castle, do you still need to be suspicious?"

"If Anpa's house is still there, then of course we can rest assured." The pockmarked man said: "Now there are only robbers living inside." (To be continued.)

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