Sha suddenly raised his head, and everyone turned their heads at the same time, looking at Xie Zhifei who was lying down, his right hand still holding the red spear tightly. But how can that be? Such a physical condition can't even stand up, how to fight, how to win.

"Ding!" With a flash of red light, Sha subconsciously held the spear to the left, and then was pulled out several meters by a huge force. what is that! Sand, who stopped, turned his head sharply. Standing there is naturally Xie Zhifei!

But how did he stand up, how did he make a move! No one knows better than Sha, he has broken the bones of his limbs inch by inch! But the blow just now can't be faked either. It has both strength and speed...

Before Sha could understand, Xie Zhifei's next blow came again. The gun was in front and the man was behind. His legs barely moved, and he approached him at a speed that could be called a weird way. Then he swung the spear in his hand heavily.

Sand was smashed and flew out again, and this time he was the one who didn't have time to breathe. Xie Zhifei's shot came from the left. Sha raised his spear to greet him, but Xie Zhifei's hand turned out an impossible arc. The red spear of Zhang Er disappeared like a flash of lightning, sticking out behind him, and drawing a huge line on his back. mouth to come.

The sand staggered from the heavy blow. Turning his head to look at Xie Zhifei's eyes, there were rare complex emotions including confusion, shock and fear.

Xie Zhifei, who was 'standing' in the same place, tilted his head, and then slowly came back as if being pulled by something very slow. Facing the sand with a smile, "What? Are you going to surrender?"

The injury he suffered was of course real, and under such an injury, it was impossible to stand up or even attack. So he didn't stand up. If you look closely, you will find that the melted blood that surrounds his whole body has turned into a small thread or skeleton at some point. They are pulling and supporting Xie Zhifei's broken body, like a puppet show. Or the thin threads hanging puppets in shadow puppets generally give this broken body the ability to fight again.

Rather than saying that Xie Zhifei was waving the red spear of Zhang Er in his hand, it would be better to say that the spear was pulling him to launch an attack. But anyway, he's still fighting, so, it's not over yet...


Chapter 147 Bloom

Coma, except for traumatic brain injury coma caused by severe blows to the head, most of the non-craniocerebral trauma coma are from the instinct of human self-protection. Similar to the hypoglycemic coma, by shutting down some or even most of the body's functions, it greatly reduces the consumption of the body, and achieves the effect of prolonging life.

Just as it is easy to cause memory loss after a huge mental trauma, because too painful memories can lead to a person's mental breakdown, the brain will seal up this part of the memory on its own initiative. And the same is true in the face of severe pain.

There is a limit to the amount of pain a person can bear. There is no fixed value for this limit. It varies from person to person and can also be improved with exercise. But there is no doubt that it must exist. There is no such thing as an iron man or a real man who can bear all kinds of pain and fear no kind of torture.

At least it does not exist in the face of modern criminal investigation to extract confessions. There is a group of people who earn millions or even more than 10 million salaries every year. What they study is how to fight every nerve and natural instinct of human beings. Within a hundred years, the progress in torture and torture may be unmatched by the previous thousand years combined. Because the long-term engineering of physical evolution, which has been moving for thousands of years, is completely incomparable with the science of controlled research, which may produce mature results in a few years.

So much so that the modern anti-criminal confrontation training for special arms or occupations such as special agents and special forces is not about how to survive. But how can I confess slowly, because it is unstoppable, I can only split the information I know, and recruit the least important part first, so as to reserve time for the organization to transfer.

I want to emphasize that there are so many things that have nothing to do with the battle between Xie Zhifei and Sha Weeping. But there is still a large part of the pain that cannot be endured is real.

For example, what Xie Zhifei is currently enduring.

More than one-third of the bones in the whole body were broken, and a large part of them were multiple, shattering fractures. Most of the organs were damaged, and the muscles were severely torn and necrotic. This kind of injury can even make ordinary people die more than several times.

These include broken bone fragments puncturing the heart with blood flow, massive hemorrhage of internal organs, blood loss, organ damage leading to functional failure, etc., and participating in a hundred different methods of death can make up more than half of them. content.

But Xie Zhifei was still fighting, the broken bones were tightly controlled by the blood diaphragm, and they didn't rush through his veins like a bomb with the blood flow. Internally bleeding wounds are sealed with blood membranes, and massive amounts of epinephrine and thyroid hormones are secreted, stimulating the otherwise failing organs to get excited and continue working in a morbid way.

But these can only guarantee that he will not die. After all, things like adrenaline and thyroid hormone also have the function of stimulating the activity of the nervous system, and the activated nervous system can more truly and clearly express the pain in every inch of the body. to pass back.

And this kind of pain should have defeated him long ago! Pain in the bones, pain in the internal organs, pain in the muscles and even pain in the nerves themselves. Although Sha's attack is not the kind of behavior that is professionally done to cause the greatest pain in the criminal investigation and torture. But it won't go anywhere, after all, because of the preciousness of the prisoners, it is almost impossible to have this kind of torture that may cause death several times.

But Xie Zhifei held on, and stood up again with that **** stance, attacking wildly. The red spear with his limbs was attacking in various almost bizarre ways.

It's like the last reckless play of a self-defeating master before throwing away the doll in his hand.

The battle between the Red Spear and the Black Spear started from Sha's persuasion to surrender, to Xie Zhifei's self-explosive attack, to Sha's injury, and then to the awakening of the Black Spear in Sha's hand. The mad dragon and the chaotic flood ravaged the entire space's offensive. After all, Xie Zhifei still did not stop it. .

At this time, everyone felt that the battle was over, but Xie Zhifei stood up again. The red gun in his hand continued to wave. Obtained the absolute advantage in this battle.

Benefiting from the previous battle, although there is no special light and shadow color, both the black spear and the red spear are extremely fast and extremely heavy. In a short period of time, I don't know how many times they have been swung. Aside from the damage done to the opponent, a larger part of it all swayed on the field, and the result was the fragmentation of the field, dark cracks and raised ground. The original white field was smashed into a white rock jungle with complex terrain.

And the bloodshot around Xie Zhifei sticks and moves between these bulges, pulling him to make a three-dimensional maneuver, chasing the sand that is about to lose its strength. Several red blood threads as thick as spider silk flickered, and a handful of lime would appear on a raised stone, which was the result of the blood thread being nailed into the stone. Then the next moment, the blood line will pull Xie Zhifei and fly over from a distance.

Before he flew, the red spear swung towards the sand from somewhere, and the sticky, deep, hoarse roar that seemed to contain blood. Under the blood stains, his face was unclear, only the roar was like a giant beast awakened at the bottom of the lake, low and clear.

As if the scarred Beastmaster was claiming his territory. Speaking of his own victory.

From the beginning to the end, Xie Zhifei never thought that he could defeat Sha, he was just injured. Exchange your own injuries for physical strength and combat power. Until his stamina was exhausted, or...he died of his injuries.

Turns out, he's pretty good at getting hurt, so even with that level of injury, he's still able to fight. And sand's physical strength, eventually exhausted. Sha, who was caught up by Xie Zhifei, raised the black spear in his hand to carry the red spear from top to bottom.

Xie Zhifei's strength was not even three to four tenths of his heyday, but to Sha, it was still like a mountain pressing down.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? Xie Zhifei threw up his spear and then the sand blocked him. A muffled groan came out from his throat, and the air waves splashed up the gravel and the sand.

Another shot, sand blocked again.

One more shot, sand blocked again.

One shot, one block, Sha couldn't stand and half knelt down.

The next shot, his knee smashed the ground. With another shot, Xie Zhifei's wound from his left shoulder to his right abdomen split open, the taut flesh was rolled up, and the muscles at the wound were pale as if they were dead.

Xie Zhifei swung down the gun again, and Sha vomited a mouthful of blood. And when everyone thought that Xie Zhifei was going to fire the next shot, the same blood spurted out of his mouth. Even more dense and sticky. At the end of the day, Sand is never alone, he is.

Xie Zhifei is waiting for Xie Zhifei to be exhausted, and Sha is waiting for Xie Zhifei to die!

"You can't win." Sha Lian said to Xie Zhifei without wiping off the blood on the corner of his mouth.

"...I've already... won..." Xie Zhifei replied after a long while. He couldn't even lift the gun in his hand, so he put down his hand, and the red gun quickly softened and poured into his body like a snake.

He let out a soothing moan like a full shot of stimulant, then opened his lips and took a deep breath, so slow and full, and then uttered the syllable clearly and loudly.

With the word "Boom", there is also some kind of obscure and mysterious energy structure. His eyes are astonishingly bright, as if a sun is rising, and the dark red energy is drawn out, in front of him Composed of complex patterns, like a key. Used to unlock precious treasures.

So the treasure was opened, and in the mouth of blood spit out by the sand, dots of blue light rose like fireflies, and then shattered into a beautiful mass of crumbs. The next moment, huge cyan flowers bloomed in the field.


Chapter 148 The Heart of Yue Women

Naturally, there are no real flowers in the arena, so only sword energy can bloom. After Xie Zhifei uttered the word 'explosive', a wisp, a wisp, a thousand wisps, and a hundred wisps of sword energy pierced through Sha's body and came out. As if the night wind was blowing, the Yingfei grass grew, and instantly became a blue flower that covered the audience.

No one knew where so much sword energy was hidden in the sand before, but everyone knew who and where these sword energy came from. That was the big river that Ji Qinger stabbed in the end, and in the end, even if Sha Yilong and snake came to the land, they could not resist the three thousand miles of green energy.

After resisting the sword, Sha did not seem to be affected in any way, but his footsteps swayed slightly, but no one knew that Ji Qinger had buried so much sword energy in his body, and it was this that had long been buried in the sand. The bomb inside the body ultimately determines the outcome of this battle.

Xie Zhifei couldn't wait until Sha was exhausted, and Sha couldn't wait until Xie Zhifei died. But just as winning or losing is never determined by who is stronger, it is not just a confrontation in this competition. So Xie Zhifei won.

In the azure sea of ​​sword qi flowers, he saw a white light falling from the sky, proving that someone had lost consciousness. Since he was still awake, it was naturally the sand lost...

"Blood loss all over the body, priority to stop the bleeding!"

"Multiple fractures and comminuted fractures should be prioritized..."

"Organs have begun to fail, stimulants..."

When Ji Qinger came off, the scene where Xie Zhifei was still laughing at her was huge. At that time, if he knew what he looked like after the fight, he probably wouldn't have laughed. But he hardly knew it now either.

Because almost at the moment of seeing the white light, the spirit that had been clenching his teeth and stubborn as if he was tense, finally relaxed. And it was this relaxation, the tidal wave of pain that finally overwhelmed him. He passed out.

In fact, it is not quite correct to say that he is faint. He has entered a very strange state. He is soaked in a medium that is like oil and water. The surrounding sounds are drawn far away, and it becomes distorted and weird, like a certain A wonderful and extremely synth sound.

The brain is also like three catties of white wine, it is hot and dull, and there is no way to think. It can only let the whole person float in that inexplicable ocean.

("Hey, do you want to learn how to control my sword qi." A blue sword qi brushed Xie Zhifei's ear and flew past, and then exploded suddenly, making him feel ashamed.

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