Catherine was still immersed in Xie Zhifei's words, although her voice was shallow, but it was like a tide dragging a whole world and slapped her world fiercely. Never thought that Xie Zhifei would come back so quickly. Reaching out his hand subconsciously, the newly born chains meander up, like a gorgeous flower blooming. Xie Zhifei, who was stabbing with a gun, was locked inside.

The red spear head shook out Qianshu's blooming spear flowers, knocked the chains that came into the air, and then moved forward step by step. But as the spear was swung again and again, the force on the tip of the spear became smaller and smaller, and the scarlet tattoos on his body gradually faded. The boiling blood is slowly cooling down.

It seems that the devil who borrowed his power is no longer optimistic about this soul, and is slowly taking back the part of his own power. No matter how firm he was, chains after chains still crawled all over his limbs like snakes. Like dragging several peaks, Xie Zhifei was still struggling to move forward.

Meter by meter, inch by inch, countless chains locked every inch of his muscles, just like Gilgamesh locked the bull in the sky. It is the perfect myth that the hero gains the power to defeat the monster after sacrificing his best friend, and no matter how the monster struggles and roars, there is no way to avoid being defeated.

And Xie Zhifei is not a hero, he is the monster. The colorful tattoos faded from his body, and the pale-faced young man exhausted all his strength and handed out the long spear in his hand. With the last breath of air in his lungs, he roared, but the point of the gun still failed to reach Catherine. She was hung by a chain just two centimeters from the tip of her nose.

"I don't understand what you said." The red gun stood abruptly in Catherine's line of sight. But she was looking at Xie Zhifei's eyes behind the spear.

All the power has been squeezed out, the sea of ​​blood and stars have faded from his eyes, and the remaining eyes are dark and transparent, like a sparse night.

"It's okay," Xie Zhifei actually smiled, and there was no unwillingness or hatred in the smile. His experience is very similar to that of a kingly juvenile manga. He worked hard, worked hard, and spelled out everything he could fight for his life and hope, but the only difference, unlike the protagonists of juvenile manga, was that he still lost, " It's my own business. You have no obligation to know, just as I have no obligation to understand why you win."

Catherine avoided the **** spear, walked to Xie Zhifei with small steps, and looked up at him from a distance of less than ten centimeters. There are stars twinkling in the eyes.

"Sign it." The girl pulled out a shimmering sheepskin scroll from somewhere. It was placed in front of Xie Zhifei's eyes.

"What is this?" Xie Zhifei couldn't see clearly, and instinctively raised his head back to avoid it.

"Marriage!" The girl replied happily.


Chapter 167 Little White Face No. 1 Tianzi!

Oh, engagement, eh, wait, what the heck? engagement? ! These sudden words were like a fist hitting Xie Zhifei's mind. Did something weird get in? Is this book finally going to be transformed into "Domineering Lolita fell in love with me, the strongest harem group in history" or "a tragic Shura field sandwiched between the swordsman, the saint and the strongest witch"?

Wait, the author finally understands that cute girls are justice. Is this turning point too abrupt? Even if Catherine was moody and funny, wouldn't it be a little strange for a fourteen-year-old girl to carry her engagement contract with her?

But this kind of thing is not something that can be picked up anywhere, except for preparations in advance... Wait! Xie Zhifei's pupils shrank, and he carefully saw the piece of paper in front of him, and then found something abnormal.

It's not that this marriage contract is fake. In fact, the marriage contract dangling in front of his eyes is made of exquisite materials. The tanned vegetable fibers are as delicate and soft as skin, and the pale yellow color is very eye-catching. Appropriate, beautiful and ancient swash characters write down a contract to make a lifelong oath, the grammar is rigorous and elegant, and it can be directly written into the classics after a lot of hard work. Patterns of lilies and roses grow around the edges of the paper, above which two angels with trumpets are painted.

The whole piece of paper exudes a faint light, as if music and the fragrance of flowers are really coming from it, giving people a feeling that if they write their name on it, the Holy Spirit will descend from the sky and bring this marriage contract directly to God. Then the feeling of being blessed by God Himself.

I don't know if God will personally bless Xie Zhifei, but he already knows where this thing came from. Edward! Spirituality is not so useful, okay? The name of the Son is weeping! Catherine is playing, you play with me too? !

That's right, even if Catherine goes offline again, it is impossible to know in advance that she will meet Xie Zhifei in the earthly paradise, and it is impossible to guess the series of developments that follow. And the little witch is not so bored that she carries the marriage contract with her. But these witches who obviously can't beat the war, as long as she wants to do, even if the mountains are blocked by the sea, she will overturn mountains and seas to complete them.

After the confrontation with Ji Qinger, Catherine seemed to be out of breath, but she had already decided how to return it. So she went back to entangle Edward, and there was no offensive behavior off the court, but other abilities could still be used, otherwise Ji Qinger wouldn't be able to wake up the remaining part of Xie Zhifei's body.

And what Catherine asked Edward to summon with spiritism was the one placed in front of Xie Zhifei - the sacred contract. The highest form of covenant, in the Vatican parlance, is that the terms of the sacred covenant are protected by God, but in fact, act directly on the souls of both parties.

When Catherine asked Edward to summon, she did not clearly state what kind of contract she needed. Edward thought it was just a contract for exchanging interests with the Fool during battle. After all, there is no way to sign a sacred contract. It's an unfair treaty, and I'm not afraid that she wants to turn Xie Zhifei into a slave or something. Who would have thought that Catherine never wanted to sign an equal contract with Xie Zhifei! She didn't want to turn him into her own slave, but to tie him up for life in another sense!

"...What does this mean?" Xie Zhifei felt that his tongue was about to be knotted, and he couldn't understand this miraculous turning point.

"Engagement." The little witch was righteous.

"No...why are you engaged?" Xie Zhifei felt bitter in his mouth. If possible, he really wanted to grab the ground with his head, but he was now tied like a zongzi by Catherine's chains. She couldn't even turn her head out, and she could only look at Catherine's ice-blue eyes that were as delicate as a puppet not far away, flickering.

"Because I think so." Catherine continued to be righteous, her face was in front of Xie Zhifei's face, the tip of her nose almost pressed together, and Xie Zhifei could feel the sweet breath she was breathing straight out. She didn't mean to be shy, and there was a smile on the corner of her mouth. "I don't like robbing others." She paused when she said that. Xie Zhifei knew that the other person she was talking about was Ji Qinger.

A flash of light in his mind suddenly understood all this strangeness. In the broken memory, when Ji Qinger handed over her heart to her, she kissed her lips. The process of awakening it to restore its collapsed body this time would not make much difference. In other words, Ji Qinger kissed herself again in front of everyone... Why use another word, um, just ignore it.

Although I don't know how the little witch saw that scene, there is no doubt that the little witch was jealous. That's why he was so furious, like an angry lion. She is not just a lion, but a roaring Hedong lion!

"Although I don't like to grab things from others, but what I want..." Catherine stretched out a finger and slid down Xie Zhifei's eyebrows until it touched her lips and pressed it lightly. "It can only be mine." After speaking, she retracted that finger, put it in front of her mouth, and kissed it gently.

Obviously she is a young girl who has not yet grown, but this series of actions suddenly has the elegance of those enchanting girls who pour the world over. The natural charm from the bones, pure and sexy, makes people feel irresistible. As it is written in the book, 'It is the light of life, the fire of desire'.

Xie Zhifei swallowed a mouthful of saliva subconsciously, and the top and bottom of the Adam's apple were clearly imprinted in Catherine's eyes. She laughed slyly. At this moment, the alluring enchantress disappeared again, and only the delicate child remained in place. She looked at him tenderly, "I thought I just liked your taste, but you're a good person. I like what you just said, although I don't understand."

Xie Zhifei just wanted to shout about being wronged, of course you will like it, it belongs to the truth summed up by the husband in his life, and the life of the swordsman who practiced Xingyi and Hao Ran Qi he had never seen before. Hundred years of time. It's like a newly brewed green bamboo wine made by a daughter who has been around for decades. The thick mellow aroma and the sweet coldness are mixed together. Of course, everyone will like it, and no one can refuse such a wine.

It's not his own thing. Of course everyone will like Mr. Sir. He is a gentleman with a warm and jade-like appearance, but a lion lurks in his heart. There is a whole world's story in the desolate tune. But he's not, he's just a desperate monster, just telling what he's learned from Mr. But some people fell in love with him because of this.

He wanted to say this, but Catherine put her finger in front of his mouth first, signaling him to keep silent. "If you sign this engagement document, I will admit defeat." The soft and glutinous voice rushed to his ears with hot and humid breath, making his scalp numb. And what made him even more unbelievable was Catherine's words.

The girl retracted her head from his ear and looked at Xie Zhifei with a wry smile, while his eyes were as big as copper bells, and the girl laughed out loud. A strange atmosphere lingered between the two of them. What else could it be? It can only be love.


Chapter 168 Destiny

Catherine is going to throw in the towel? ? Xie Zhifei suspected that he had heard it wrong. Although he was still holding on to his last breath and refused to admit the game, in fact, Xie Zhifei also knew that there was no possibility of a comeback. As for the marriage contract, he was only talking about Katherine at the time, and he didn't take it seriously. After all, the witch of war is too famous. With her character, Xie Zhifei was psychologically prepared.

But it wasn't until Catherine said these words that he knew that he didn't know anything about the girl in front of him, and the mental preparations did not exist at all. The so-called witch should be completely unable to guess his thoughts.

Just like now, although she is smiling and looking forward to it, the things revealed in the ice blue pupils are showing that what she said just now is not a joke, but serious.

This kind of madness is something that even Xie Zhifei can't understand. After all, even if he and everyone have different goals for winning, it is still to find a little hope for himself to survive. But the girl in front of her was different. She didn't even have a reason to win, and she had no interest in this goal of countless people chasing, fighting, and betting on life. Maybe it's just because of the pride that she doesn't want to lose that she has always supported her to get here.

"What's wrong?" Catherine looked at Xie Zhifei with a smile, "You don't want to win?"

Xie Zhifei felt that his whole mouth was bitter. He didn't know what to say, agree or deny? It was as if at this moment even the ability to speak was lost.

"You can fight your life to win, but you can't agree to this?" Catherine squinted her eyes like a cat, and her pupils were flashing with a woman's cleverness. Just one sentence hit Xie Zhifei's dead end.

There was a slight disturbance in the stands, and the result was clear when we got here, but Catherine kept biting her ears and talking to Xie Zhifei. It made the situation seem ambiguous, especially the faces of everyone in the imaginary space became ugly. Correspondingly, the Fool's people showed meaningful smiles, and from time to time they looked at Ji Qinger next to them.

Xie Zhifei naturally did not know that such a thing was happening outside, and he was in the midst of a fierce collision of thoughts. From a purely logical level, Catherine's words made sense. He could even fight for victory in order to win, not to mention signing an engagement contract.

But I also feel that this matter is different from desperately. The latter is his own business no matter what, and if he really signs this contract, it will no longer be related to him alone. Especially after learning about Yue women's hearts, is it true that every Yue women encounters are scumbags? That's not right, Fan Li can't be called a scumbag, he has always liked Xi Shi.

But this was just an engagement, it didn't rise to the point where he was a scumbag. To be honest, he didn't even know why Ji Qinger liked him. And even if he is really engaged, he can still have an extramarital affair with her... Doesn't this really make him a scumbag? ! And why the train of thought would go to such a place!

A person who has been thinking rationally all the time does not even know what he is thinking about, which shows how struggling he is. And Catherine didn't speak at this time, just looked at him with a smile, the cunning light kept turning in her eyes, looking like a little fox.

After a long time of contemplation, Xie Zhifei finally settled on the answer in his own mind. Looking at Catherine in front of him, he slowly opened his mouth, "I..." Just after he finished speaking, Catherine jumped forward. He kissed him directly on the mouth and blocked the next words.

At the same time, Xie Zhifei felt a pain in his hand, and then he felt something pressing on him. Catherine happily jumped back two steps, and raised the document in her hand. A scarlet fingerprint was very conspicuous on the pale yellow paper.

"The agreement has been reached." A golden flame ignited from the corner of the document, and at the same time Xie Zhifei's left ring finger also ached, and a thin fire pattern burned there. The document burned out, and the burning sensation in the hand stopped, as if a ring was engraved on that finger. The chains around Xie Zhifei also faded like a tide, and he fell to the ground, wanting to ask something.

But Catherine turned into a white light at the first moment, "Then, I will give you the victory as agreed. My dear."

A piece of white light fell from the sky, accurately covering everyone, and the next moment everyone disappeared in place. Only the empty arena remained standing in place, unchanged for eternity.

The dazzling white light gradually faded, and slowly reached the situation where he could see, allowing Xie Zhifei to look at the scene in front of him. A huge, empty, indescribable field, pure white wherever you see it, but no light source, as if the world itself is glowing. A pure white plain with nothing but itself.

Although there is nothing, it can make people feel an instinctive sense of fear, as if there is a ten thousand zhang mountain in front of him, or a great existence like Buddha. The feeling of being unable to speak filled my heart.

"Do you want to rebel against fate? The voice, the old man, the child, the young man, and the woman are thousands of different people together. Strange voices sounded everywhere at the same time, as if the world was questioning Xie Zhifei.

In the face of such a grand voice, human beings will have an instinctive sense of fear, but Xie Zhifei narrowed his eyes for the first time, and even a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. No rush to answer at all.

Sure enough, the next moment, the voice rang from the sky again, "Resist or follow, human, what is your answer?"

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