The armor's response is also fast, and there is no such thing as losing the center of gravity if it misses a hit. Shen Ying only contributes seven points, and quickly adjusts the state again. But Xie Zhifei moved faster. When the armor just straightened up, he kicked it heavily on its breastplate.

How heavy? The hollow armor flew straight up, smashing several plaster statues into pieces.

"Xiao Xie, you really want your skills." The ups and downs made Qi Tian almost jump up, but it was almost the same, and sighed while patting his thigh.

"It's not over yet." Xie Zhifei answered him. As if to confirm his words, the armors in the other three corners of the room also flashed red and moved! And the one who smashed into the statue also lifted the plaster that covered him, turned over and got up.

"Attack!" He Jiang made a decisive judgment, chose an armor as the target of attack, and pulled the trigger in his hand. Qi Tian followed suit, but Zhang Fengmian hesitated, because there were two armors left, so he could only choose one of them.

"Leave this to me." Xie Zhifei said, seeing what he was thinking.

"You can only interfere with it at the physical level, it's hard to cause damage to him!" Zhang Fengmian quickly pulled the trigger on the third one, while reminding Xie Zhifei, "Don't think about killing him, just avoid... the main... …”

He was stunned by the last two words, because he saw Xie Zhifei hit the armor that just got up from the ground with a palm, and more importantly, he clearly saw that the armor was hit where a piece was left. The bright red palm prints are like burning the iron there! This is by no means physical interference!

"Ah? It's okay, I have learned hard qigong. It seems that I can deal some non-physical damage." Xie Zhifei replied.


Abandoned House Haunted House Chapter 11

"Qigong?!!" Qi Tian's eyes lit up, "Xiao Xie! I didn't expect you to be both civil and military. Have you considered changing jobs? How much salary you want, you can ask for it."

Is this... the cultural relics are both complete? Could it be because he was able to play both physical and non-physical output at the same time, he wanted to say double cultivation of magic and martial arts, right? Isn't that what Wenwu Shuangquan is used for? Xie Zhifei didn't know where to start complaining.

Not only Qi Tian, ​​but even Zhang Fengmian focused on Xie Zhifei, and released a hand and took out a ghost detector from his pocket, aiming it at Xie Zhifei. I saw three lights flashing. The mouth began to mutter.

"Directly storing part of the field with a carbon-based body? Or is it more suitable for chi. Is this really possible? No, since there are already examples in front of you, it means it is possible, just to find out The reason. Qigong? Zhang Hongbao or Zhang Baosheng..."

Hey Hey hey! These two people have already been exposed, they are fake qigong masters, real cult leaders! Zhang Fengmian's words even made Xie Zhifei one big and two big. After all, it was a temporary excuse. It was an armor. If he didn't make a move, the trio of teasers would definitely be cold here.

I just didn't expect them to be so interested. There are still some moving armors in front of you, holding swords and preparing to give you a three-stage slash. Is this the time to care about qigong? But fortunately, in the trio of teasing, generally when one or two of them are used as teasing intermittent Shi Lezhi, there will always be one left for teasing and complaining, pulling the scene back. Sure enough, this time was no exception.

"Don't study this!" He Jiang growled, "You can't do it with the proton pack alone!"

That's right, although the three beams firmly tied the three armors in place, they did not cause any substantial damage except for the traces of electroplating on the armor! Just pin them in place.

But this kind of immobilization is not infinite. The long-term continuous firing has turned the energy bar behind the proton pack from green to yellow, and gradually began to change to orange-red. When it turns red, the machine will be forced to lock. Die and dissipate heat, and the armors that have been **** for a long time are afraid that they will either rush up or be a phantom sword dance.

Of course, it is more likely that they will not have such high-end skills, but it is certain that the trio of teasing will be cold. After hearing He Jiang's words, they were also sweating profusely when they realized the seriousness of the situation.

"You control it first, I'll be responsible for the output and kill." Xie Zhifei shouted. Although the output was limited, an evil spirit armor was still unable to beat him. Under his constant attack, the red spots on the armor began to become more and more, and then quickly cooled down. The metal is continuously heated and cooled, and soon metal fatigue and excessive quenching occur, becoming black and hard, and even cracks appear.

Finally, it exploded into a pile of broken iron pieces under Xie Zhifei's side kick. If you touch it this time, you will probably get a prompt like 'rusty iron pieces' plus one. Of course Xie Zhifei would not waste such time.

"Zhang Fengmian, get ready, I count three, you stop, let the proton pack cool down, and then alternate control with Qi Tian."

"Okay." Zhang Fengmian replied calmly, which was why Xie Zhifei chose him in the first place. Although it doesn't seem to be very strong, he doesn't want to try to be given a shot by the beam of light ejected from the thing that doesn't know what the principle is.



"Three!" Zhang Fengmian released his finger holding the trigger at the same time as the sound of three fell, and the armor, which had been stuck as if it had been disconnected, also gained the right to move freely at the same time, but it was only at that moment. That's it. The next moment Xie Zhifei's feet were in front of it.

The same strength, the same trajectory, the same landing, the armor smashed into the pile of plaster statues. The plaster that has been broken into **** is smashed even more thinly. But this time Xie Zhifei wasn't going to let him put on another standing up skill. After all, although it is acting, it is also a critical juncture now. Too easy is not good.

Therefore, he rushed forward with a strong squatting tiger and tyrannical fist, and his hands and feet directly pressed the armor to the ground and beat him. What I saw was the tears of those who saw the sadness, a dignified monster was pressed to the ground and beaten like a third grandson, and even Qi Tian shuddered.

Isn't this kid sick? If nothing else, that weapon is fine, even picking up a brick and smashing it is better than smashing pig iron. Of course, Xie Zhifei didn't know that his hard-working performance actually made Qi Tian doubt his IQ. If he knew, he would probably just stop there and let the remaining two hacked to death here.

That's right, for the remaining two, the armor that Zhang Fengmian suppressed finally fell under his powerful fist, and even if he stood on the pile of debris, it didn't appear, 'The rusty iron Slices' plus one such option.

"Continue!" Xie Zhifei shouted again, ready to solve the third one. The next two armors are a routine that has been solved. The only thing to mention is that although the last one was suppressed by three people in rotation, after all, the cooling did not consume fast, and the proton packs of the three people almost reached their limit.

"Huh—" Finally, after the last armor fell to the ground, the three fell to the ground at the same time. Breathing heavily, Qi Tian was the only one who didn't forget to say something in vain, "Well, Xiao Xie, what kind of qigong are you practicing?"

"Iron Sand Palm." Xie Zhifei rolled his eyes angrily and made up one for him casually.

"It's actually an iron sand palm! No wonder you can shake pig iron with your body, which means that the four armored warriors were all killed by the big ear?"

Sigh, this argument is at least an extraordinary master-level complaint, which almost made Xie Zhifei not relieved in one breath. You can only wave your hands, the mouths of these three goods are much more terrifying than these weird ones. If you continue to talk, it is easy to have myocardial infarction, please don't talk about it.

In the end, they waited until all the proton packs of the three people had cooled down before moving on. During this period, Xie Zhifei communicated with Ji Qinger by biting his ears again, wanting to know what the mission this time was. But the girl just didn't say anything, instead looked at Xie Zhifei's eyes and smiled.

"You can guess it yourself, what happened in the past, even if it has passed." Said such a sentence. Let Xie Zhifei roll his eyes again.

Her actions reminded Xie Zhifei of a book of dog-blooded love that he had seen somewhere. There is a section dedicated to how to deal with girls who have rivals in love.

The book says so, you can't cry, make trouble, hang yourself, it's just pushing him out in vain. You have to show your female beauty and win him back, but before that, you can't make him feel that it's a non-issue. So it takes him a difficult task to forgive him...

Xie Zhifei probably felt that the girl in front of her had probably read this book somewhere when she was bored. But he really still has no way to take her. If nothing else, Ji Qinger saved him twice with the heart of a more girl. So as long as she wants to play, no matter how **** she is, he has to play with her. It's just that she must pay attention in the future, and she can't let her see those large-scale domestic love movies.

"Hu--" Unlike every time the door was opened before, this time the cold night wind poured in from the outside, and what caught my eye was the night, the starry sky, the golden terrace, and the white figure standing in the center of the platform.

"Ah, you are finally here, in front of me." The woman's voice sounded from all over the place.

"You kept me here for so long, so long, I've been waiting for you to come back. I wrote on the wall and wrote my thoughts about you, but I really waited for a long time, a long time..."

"Wait until my flesh is dry and my skin rots."

All I could hear was mice running in my empty chest and dust falling on my dry hair.

Ah, why haven't you come back.

I miss you so much,

I miss you so much,

I miss you so much,

really miss you,

I want you to die. "


Abandoned House Haunted House Chapter 12

I miss you so much! !

As soon as these words came out, the violent Yefeng Yefeng suddenly blew from behind the woman, and rolled up her hair, the white gauze cap was blown into the sky, and strands of hair danced wildly like silver snakes, finally revealing that hidden face below.

The empty, pale skeleton tried to stare at the group of people, and the dark eye sockets seemed to be able to **** all the souls in together. The sound of snapping nails snapping against the wall and the floor came out, and lines of words grew from under her feet in an instant.

The font with a faint blue light spread out instantly, and the ground, walls, hollowed-out carved railings, and all the places with cross-sections were all covered with it.

Miss you, miss you, miss you, miss you, miss you, miss you, miss you, miss you, miss you...

To die, to die, to die, to die, to die, to die, to die, to die, to die...

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