"He was blocked by Liu Zhenfeng."

"Liu Zhenfeng? That Qingyuan's leader?"

"He, who is Shang Qingyuan's handle, although he jumps the most fiercely, but if you really want to say who Qingyuan's handle is, you have to count the third year of high school..."

"Okay, okay, I see. He's not a keeper, okay, don't introduce your brothers, tell me why he was blocked?"

"When Xie Zhifei skipped class before, didn't the class post say that he, Yue Jianghao, the others, and Liu Zhenfeng's group had a conflict on the playground?"

"I've heard of this. It's said to be for women. But no one did it at the time."

"Today this is the follow-up to this incident. Last class, it was the physical education class of their two classes. In the equipment room, Liu Zhenfeng and the others surrounded Yue Jianghao, Masu and others. They put it down at that time. In a ruthless way, he said let them down today and let them wait."

"So many people number 20?!"

"Most of the time, this is only the one who can escape in that class. Liu Zhenfeng is the one who has the most friends who eat and drink. I heard that if he really wants to call someone, there are probably two hundred people. He also knows people."

"So powerful?"

"It's so powerful, otherwise how could you think he's Qingyuan's boss?"

"Then why don't the twenty of them beat Yue Jianghao and the others directly in the equipment room, and then make an appointment to leave school."

"You know shit, can you do it in the school? You will be expelled if you are caught!"

"They are so powerful and afraid of being fired?"

"Of course they're not afraid. Unless someone is killed, the school won't expel them. But this will require their older generation to come forward. They're afraid of their parents."

"Oh, that's it."

"It's not just for this reason..."

"Is there any other reason? Could it be that Yue Jianghao and the others are particularly good at fighting? Twenty of them are not confident enough to fight?"

"That's not true, but the rules of the road are generally to set up a battle book on both sides, make an appointment for the time and place, and clearly draw the road. Dignified, you can find someone to surround me when I am a few people, and I will also tomorrow. I was able to surround you when you were few. So this time, it's a battle book, and it's a rule not to do anything."

"It's the rules..."

"As for the one who can fight especially..." The one who kept talking like an insider secretly tilted his head towards Xie Zhifei, and saw that he was still half-dead lying on the table, looking at the English dictionary. He breathed a sigh of relief, and then pursed his lips.

"Hey, that one over there is especially good at fighting."

"Xie Zhifei? How good is he..."

"I don't know, I haven't seen him really take action. I only know that Yue Jianghao called him the boss because he rescued three of them from twenty gangsters by himself."

"One person... Twenty?" The listener swallowed hard.

"This... it's not like that," the first person also felt that this statement was a bit mysterious. "Maybe it knocked over two of them, then rescued the three of them and ran away."

"Oh, I also think one person can hit twenty, isn't that superman? But then, the reason why he broke the book..."

"Well, it's probably this..."


Chapter twenty-four ditches

"Are you going to fight again?" Shi Yuqing knew that it wasn't surprising. It should have been mentioned before. High school is like a closed greenhouse. The information of high temperature is convectioned at super high speed in the small environment. There is almost no real The secret exists, unless you can rot this thing in your mind. Otherwise, when you speak to the first person, it will no longer be a secret.

So when Xie Zhifei heard the discussion between the two, he knew that it would not be far from Shi Yuqing. But he didn't expect that the girl would stand directly in front of him and ask this sentence. After all, the relationship between the two has become a bit mysterious after the previous exchange student registration incident.

There is no conflict or contradiction, but it is like a hazy feeling of being separated by a layer of water mist. "I thought you wouldn't go." When the girl said these words, the air was stagnant. After Jiang Ting understood the subtext of this sentence, her eyes almost widened to the maximum angle that could theoretically be achieved.

You know, the relationship between Xie Zhifei and Shi Yuqing has always seemed strange. There are also a lot of various ear messages, but the mainstream opinion in the class is that Xie Zhifei is the dog-skin plaster, and Shi Yuqing is inconvenient to reject him because of childhood sweethearts.

After all, although Xie Zhifei, who is tall and tall, can be called a handsome man, it is difficult to say that he is the kind that pleases others. In fact, poor students who want to be liked or not even hated, usually have to take the role of the clown in the class. However, Xie Zhifei always had a cold face, and even Shi Yuqing could feel the gap between them as if they were separated from the world.

Others don't even need to say, they don't want to know the reason for this estrangement, they only need one sentence to explain it. "You pretend to be a fart!" Xie Zhifei's reputation can be imagined. So when the two names are put together with Shi Yuqing, who has both good looks and achievements, and has a leadership temperament, it is almost clear at a glance how everyone will choose.

Jiang Ting, who is Shi Yuqing's best friend, is one of them. She does not have Shi Yuqing's appearance, and her grades are relatively ordinary. She herself understood this very early. But knowing the facts does not mean that she has given up the most normal princess dream of her age.

She pinned all her dreams on Shi Yuqing, who was as bright as a radiance. In her cognition, a girl like Shi Yuqing should be aloof and unreachable. She should be the dream lover of all boys, but at the same time, she is a fortress that can never be captured, like a princess and a queen. Whenever she sees Shi Yuqing rejecting boys' love letters and gifts, she will have an inexplicable pleasure.

And the princess will never have anything to do with the gangsters on the street, Xie Zhifei is such a gangster. She suggested to Shi Yuqing many times not to leave Xie Zhifei again, but Shi Yuqing refused. But even so, she still felt that in the relationship between the two, Shi Yuqing was the one being pursued. That sentence completely shattered her fantasy.

The impact of this incident made it difficult for her to accept it now, after Shi Yuqing heard about today's events. She almost looked at her face slowly turning red with a kind of sad and angry eyes, as if she was accumulating strength, and then stood up suddenly and walked towards Xie Zhifei. Looking at this scene, Jiang Ting could only bury her head deeply into the pile of books in front of her, pretending to be an ostrich.

"Don't go." Looking at the girl in front of him, Xie Zhifei sighed that Time is indeed the best sculptor in the world, and his round face was sharpened when he was a child. The faint blush on his face is like a cherry blossom crimson cloud, and there is prosperous spring water in his eyes. So he shook his head.

"You, don't go?" Shi Yuqing did not expect Xie Zhifei to answer like this, and all the lectures she had prepared for a long time were held back.

"Why should I go?" Xie Zhifei asked back.

"Aren't they... your friends?" Shi Yuqing's mind was muddled by this counterattack, as if all her plans had been disrupted since Xie Zhifei raised her head. Like a cat hitting a perfume bottle, a white horse flew out of a fairy tale, and the entire chest was filled with colorful tangled lines and ribbons. The clear brain on weekdays has no way of sorting out the thoughts.

"Yes." Xie Zhifei nodded this time, "but they didn't ask me for help. I don't have to fight for them."

"But last time, you rescued from the little gangster..."

"Do you remember why there were those punks that time?" Xie Zhifei looked into Shi Yuqing's eyes. The girl then remembered that it was not Xie Zhifei, who acted bravely and righteously as in the legend, who rescued Yue Jianghao from the gangsters. In the situation at that time, the gangsters were clearly the ones who came to block Xie Zhifei!

"If there is nothing else, I'm going to read the book." Xie Zhifei lowered his head and focused his gaze on the page. In a very normal tone, if Xie Zhifei usually told her that she was willing to read and study, Shi Yuqing would be happy for a long time. But today, for some unknown reason, at the moment when his eyes converged, she suddenly felt her heart tighten.

I'm questioning him? Ask him why he wants to fight, even after he denied it, he still keeps raising doubts one after another in order to insist that his views are correct.

After all, she was still the girl with a crystal clear ice heart, and almost instantly he understood what he had done just now. It was the same questioning as the police questioning the prisoner, and in her constant questioning, there was a more important core, "she didn't believe him".

What position did you take to question him about these things? Why can't I believe him! In the hot and dry weather of early autumn, the huge chill instantly wrapped Shi Yuqing. She could clearly feel that the distance between herself and Xie Zhifei had finally shortened, as if the gap between two different worlds had begun to merge.

And at the moment when he lowered his head and nodded, it seemed as if a deep notch had been drawn between the two of them. Do you want to go back to the world where you can't do anything while watching him alone in a world full of loneliness and wildness? Shi Yuqing lowered her head and bit her lower lip tightly.

"Since you're fine this afternoon, let's go together after school!" The girl with a wistful smile reached out and tapped Xie Zhifei's table lightly, her smile blooming in the golden sunlight, but it was brighter than the sun. Xie Zhifei drew a ditch between the two, and she crossed it with a smile.

Xie Zhifei raised his head and looked at the girl in front of him, almost melted into that warm smile. Although he knew very well that in order to protect the girl in front of him, he had to keep a distance from her, and he was able to break a few bones without changing his face, but he still couldn't bear to refuse the girl in front of him.

"Yeah." Xie Zhifei nodded, and the wind rushed into the classroom with the ensemble of leaves and Qiu Chan. Between the curtains fluttering, the golden sunlight shattered into the air like butterfly wings. The quiet and beautiful emotions are buried deep in this gold powder.


Chapter twenty-five call him over

Because he was with Shi Yuqing, Xie Zhifei left later. As the monitor, she always has some of these things that need to be dealt with after school. Usually, Jiang Ting will be with her at this time. In fact, she was there today, but she looked like she couldn't sit still like a nail had grown in her butt.

No way, Shi Yuqing went to the office to hand over things to the head teacher, leaving only her and Xie Zhifei in the classroom. Although Xie Zhifei was still the same old slack, dragging his cheek with one hand, he looked at the Oxford dictionary. But she still felt that needle-like gazes surrounded her in all directions, so that she had goosebumps all over her body, giving her a numb feeling.

She would also take time to observe Xie Zhifei, and he had also investigated this boy from some of his classmates who graduated from high school. It is said that his grades were also very good before, but he was a kind of student who was a bit hard at studying. He was also thin and small, and he was always bullied. All in all, a little boy with a little temperament.

Every time she heard this kind of evaluation, she couldn't help shaking it twice. What kind of reaction would those classmates who bullied him in junior high school know that he is now a person who can beat a dozen or so. . And then I will sigh that he has changed a lot. But it's no wonder, after all, it's such an event...

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