"What conditions does he have?" The old man turned around, raised the red wine in his hand, opened his slightly squinted eyes, the red wine swirled slightly in the glass, and the transparent glass wall drew lines like a gypsy dancer The general traces of the skirt. And through the wine, a pair of green vertical pupils are as bright as two pieces of jade. Those are by no means the eyes that humans should have, but from some predators that haunt the middle of the night. For example - wolf.

Jenny's body trembled slightly, although it was not the first time, every time he was stared at by Tang, it was like being stung by a bee or a scorpion, and his whole body trembled slightly. The reason the male lion sleeps most of the time is because there is no opponent worthy of his shot. Although more than 90% of the time, Tang is like a kind old man. But once angered him.

Without hesitation, he would turn into the most powerful lion and tear the opponent in front of him to pieces.

"He... offered to see you..." Jenny trembled a little when he said this.

"See me?" Tang took a sip of the red wine, his throat trembled slightly and the corners of his mouth even drew a slight arc. "Why should I see him? As an extraordinary person? Or is it just because he saved me a few lives in the bar after ruining several of my businesses?"

"..." Jenny swallowed heavily, and the momentum that instantly erupted from Tang's body enveloped him like a storm, as if he had been separated from this world, and there was only cold darkness around him. After the other party finished speaking, he returned to reality and regained control of his body. "He asked us to convey a word to you. You will agree with him after you have said it."


"Eternal Sleep Sanctuary." Jenny spit out the last syllable tremblingly, and then he clearly saw Tang in front of him stiffen, his pupils dilated suddenly. He couldn't help but be shocked, what kind of things would shock Tang Du.

But this emotion only lasted for a short period of time, and was suppressed by Tang. The next moment, he returned to the appearance of standing at the top of the power and being calm. "Bring him here." After speaking, he turned around and drank the remaining half of the wine in one gulp.

He didn't care that drinking like a cow chewing peony was what he hated the most on weekdays.

"Your will." Jenny stroked his chest and bowed slightly, then took two steps back into the shadows in the room. Listening to the sound of footsteps getting away, Tang poured himself another half glass of red wine, and his mind slowly calmed down. Whoever you are, you will pay for your actions.

Before making him wait long, Jenny returned with the man, dark-haired, thin, with an expression of indifference, wearing a black hood and handcuffs. He was held up to three meters away from Tang San and stopped. The two men in black next to him bent his knees inward almost at the same time. Then the young man knelt on the ground uncontrollably.

"Is this how Sicily treats guests?" The two knees slammed heavily on the marble floor, but the young man did not show a bit of pain. He raised his head with a hippie smile and said to Tang.

"Guests in Sicily don't start by making trouble." Tang didn't even bother to lift his eyelids. He has dealt with too many situations like this over the years and knows how to answer.

"Well, I don't want to come." The young man tilted his head and seemed to want to reach out and scratch his head, but the hands that were chained to the outstretched hands obviously couldn't do such a movement, which made his movements extremely funny. "If I came up, I would look for people everywhere and tell me about the Sanctuary of Eternal Sleep. Now, there are probably no bones left in the corpses in the sea."

"Where did you know this thing?" He mentioned the word Eternal Sleep Sanctuary again, Tang's eyes narrowed into a line, and the tyrannical and gloomy gaze was revealed from the line as if it were the essence.

"Calm down." The young man took two steps back. "We want to help you. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here, but in St. Peter's Basilica or the Sistine Chapel, wouldn't I?"

"Are you threatening me?" We switched back and forth with the word me. The subtext was that I still have companions. If you kill me, don't want to keep your secrets.

"No no no, how dare I threaten the great Tang." The young man smiled, "Just expressing my sincerity."

"If you want to show your sincerity, tell me your name first, mouse."

"You can call us 'robins.' As for me, the name doesn't mean much, if you really need it. Number 9, this is my code name."

"Number nine?" Hearing the name of this number, Tang suddenly remembered something that was close to an urban legend that he had heard of some time ago. You must know that for ordinary people, they are already urban legends, so their legends can only be news related to those who hunted them while wandering between darkness and light.

In this arena of destiny, there is a fifth party, although there are only a few people, but one of them has completely defeated several genuine seeds and rushed to the top four, almost threatening the ownership of the arena. And that person's name, called, Number Six.

"Are you going to help us?"

"Of course, as for how to help, this is not a good place to talk about things." No. 9 turned around and looked around a few times, much to the dissatisfaction of Jenny. They are already the absolute central force of the family. Jenny Has always been the next successor. If he has something to say, even he can't listen. Who else can listen?

"That place is not something you can go to if you want." Tang's fingers gently bridged the tabletop.

"I know, so this time I'm here to show my sincerity." No. 9 nodded, and a blue line of fire suddenly appeared in front of him. It seems that scale powder is spontaneously igniting in the air, such a flame is called in general legends, ghost fire...

"This is the sincerity I brought." The flames appeared too quickly, and the people around didn't even have time to react when they saw the sharp line of fire suddenly cut his own neck, and then a large amount of blood was left. The whole person also fell to the ground.

"What..." No. 9's sudden action shocked everyone present. No one thought that he would suddenly take action at such a time, and no one thought that the first thing he did was actually suicide. With a bang, his body fell to the ground, and blood rushed out from the wound at the neck.

"I...will come again..." His mouth was full of blood blisters, and he could no longer make a sound, but Tang was still able to read his meaning from the shape of his mouth. Bowing his head, the viscous blood flows along the ground, vaguely forming a symbol.


Chapter 53: Apple's Little War

Du Qingping saw the boy standing on the side of the road from a distance, with a plain white shirt and black slacks, his whole body was as clean as a sky washed by rain. She couldn't help but stare blankly.

When did you fall in love with him? Du Qingping tilted her head. The first time she heard the name Xie Zhifei was when she was listening to Zhu Xinxin and the others chatting. It's always gossip when the girls get together to whisper. In gossip, checking other girls is the most common content.

Class 1 Chen Qian changed her boyfriend again. Class 2 Hao Sijia entered high school and her grades skyrocketed like taking stimulants. They are all in the top ten of her age, but that girl seems to have started to learn makeup recently. There are people who like it. . . . and so on. Du Qingping doesn't have much to intervene. She doesn't have as big a social network as Zhu Xinxin, so she can only laugh when she needs to, or occasionally raise her opinion. Like now.

"A good student like Hao Sijia can also fall in love?"

"Of course, good students are human too. Shi Yuqing, the monitor of the seventh class, have you seen it. Isn't it always rumored that she is in love with a boy?" Zhu Xinxin pouted, she always disdain those who pretend to be in front of the teacher Nice nice girl.

Du Qingping nodded, what Shi Yuqing said, I have seen it. The pointed face, the thick black three-strand braid, and a pair of small black-rimmed glasses, with a gentle smile, are almost a model of good students in anime. It's really hard to imagine that a girl like her would fall in love. What does it feel like to be in love? What kind of guy would make a girl like him fall in love?

She thinks so, and she will knock sideways in the chat.

"Ah, let's think about it, I don't remember much." It was the first time she saw Zhu Xinxin frowning and thinking about something. Normally, she has almost all the people in her grades. Du Qingping even suspected that she was even a child when she was a child. I've wet the bed a few times. "I remembered that it was Xie Hefei, and it didn't seem to have any sense of existence. There was no club, I didn't study well, and I haven't heard of any sports that I'm good at."

Will such a boy make a girl like Shi Yuqing like it? She thought that even if it wasn't a prince, if such a good girl likes it, she should be a knight... But hearing Zhu Xinxin say it, it's so ordinary, like every boy in the class. The brilliance and the ordinary are intertwined, and the contradiction is like a cat's tail swaying from his chest.

Then she met the boy for the first time. It was on the way to do exercises between classes, and she heard a girl shouting the name "Xie Zhifei!" from a distance. She turned her head and saw Shi Yuqing standing on the side of the road, holding a boy in her hand. school uniform, with a bad look on his face.

Is this... is it a quarrel? Curious, she took two steps forward.

"Are you going to skip class again!" Shi Yuqing was scolding.

"Yes." The boy responded simply.

"Why don't you always want to participate in various group activities!" Exasperated.

"Because of boredom." The boy didn't mean to lie.

"You! Go back to the team!"

"Okay." When he turned his head, she glanced at his face and saw his eyes for the first time. What a pair of beautiful eyes, like a flat lake or a gem, in which the whole world is reflected. She has never seen eyes like that, calm and peaceful, as if separated from the mountains and the sea.

In the subsequent observation, she became more and more sure of this matter. He always walked in the crowd alone, but did not walk side by side with anyone. It was as if he had an isolation circle around him, as if it was cut off from this world.

Humans are social animals, as Du Qingping sees in all books. No one can live alone without the world, which she agrees with immensely. Even if she doesn't chat with her friends for two days, she will feel extremely lonely. That's why she felt that the boy named Xie Zhifei was incredible, as long as she saw him, he was always alone. What kind of loneliness should that be?

She read this sentence when she was reading, "The real loneliness is in the crowd, when you face many familiar faces, and suddenly lose the language." Just the reader, she seemed to fall into a blue ocean. , the sea water poured back into the throat and nose. How does it feel to people who are really spending such a day? What was it that made him such a person?

Du Qingping couldn't imagine, let alone how he could persevere in such loneliness. Du Qingping didn't know that in almost every love bible, the composition of a girl's liking a boy starts from curiosity... Prompted by this curiosity, she investigated Xie Zhifei, and then learned about the other's parents. She still remembers the feeling as if her heart was clenched when she saw the news.

That kind of worrying about gain and loss naturally can't be hidden from others, Zhu Xinxin saw it and asked her what was wrong. She said that she may have fallen in love with Xie Zhifei. Let the other party wonder for a long time, and then persuade her for a long time, that ordinary boy is not worthy of him, and he doesn't know him at all.

But after that, he suddenly became extraordinary, and Yue Jianghao, a sophomore in high school, became his younger brother. He still remembers Zhu Xinxin's expression when he found out about this. Yue Jianghao is a famous basketball knight.

She can also occasionally see that he is not alone, smiling faintly, or shooting on the basketball court. These should have been happy things, but Du Qingping felt that her heart was getting more and more uncomfortable. She wanted to smile because of her. She wanted to see the other side's Pinghu-like eyes reflecting her appearance, she was shocked. From a lake spring water. She wants to fit into his world...

However, before she could act, she heard about the conflict between Xie Zhifei and Liu Zhenfeng. Naturally, she heard Liu Zhenfeng's name from Zhu Xinxin. Demon King of Chaos, this is the label she put on him. In Zhu Xinxin's story, he is like a big villain, interrupting other people's hands and forcing people to change schools... Will that Pinghu-like boy also be destroyed in his hands?

She begged Zhu Xinxin, but the look on the other side's face made her understand that she couldn't help with this. For the first time, Du Qingping complained psychologically, complaining that her parents did not give her a strong enough background to protect the boy she wanted to protect.

One day after school, she saw Liu Zhenfeng blocking Yue Jianghao in front of more than 20 people from a distance. She watched for a long time, but did not see that figure. Fortunately, I patted my chest and left with Zhu Xinxin.

But she didn't know until the next day that he was still facing Liu Zhenfeng, and he brought down twenty or so people on the opposite side by himself, not only that, but also brought down the backstage behind the Demon King! For the first time, the whole school boiled over the name, as if he were a hero.

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