"You said that was the bargaining chip you planned to use to negotiate with us?" Benedict VII turned to look at Tang, "When I was a little priest, my godfather once told me not to try to deal with weirdos. , among which he called your name in particular, Your Excellency Ferdonin."

"Bishop Iyeta is indeed a wise human being. Even among all the people I have met in my long life, he is definitely the wisest one." Hearing the Pope mention his godfather, Tang also said: Like a remembrance. This is the difference between the long-lived and the short-lived species. Even if it was a hundred or two hundred years ago, it is already history for humans, but for many weirdos, it is the history they have personally experienced.

"I agree with your point of view, so how do you convince me to negotiate with you and your ethnic group against the wise teachings of the godfather?" The Pope threw the question back.

"This is really a difficult thing to do." Tang rubbed his chin, "In fact, even now I still feel that I can't convince you to make a deal with me."

"Fortunately, today's situation is not that you want to trade with me, but that you have to trade with me. In order to prepare this bargaining chip that you and the whole world cannot refuse, we have prepared for three hundred years."

"Is it necessary?" The Pope was not surprised by his words. After all, this is the most normal situation. Although it is a werewolf, countless records in the Holy See have described how sinister this old wolf is in front of him. and cunning. Otherwise, it would not be the only alien who broke a piece of territory from the Holy See. It can only possibly do things like negotiating with the Holy See alone without being completely sure.

"I believe you will give us a detailed explanation of what conditions you have prepared for us in the past three hundred years, right?"

"Of course, this is my duty and honor. So where is the best place to start?" Tang tapped lightly on the table with his fingers, showing a difficult decision.

"Let's start with human beings, mortals are really a magical existence. I don't mean existences like you, but those mortals who don't even know the truth of the world itself. Two thousand years ago, they were only used by us. Domesticated animals are no different from pigs and dogs.

A thousand years ago they had risen to the level of servants and could do something for us. Then comes your appearance, the thousand-year **** battle. That's what you call that war, isn't it? Perhaps you would think that the greatest effect of that war was the overthrow of our rule. But it's not, you are very weak, and the aliens at that time can still easily kill all of you when they unite. It's just that most of our energy is spent on infighting.

The real meaning of that war is that mortals are free.

They started to create so many things that surprised us original owners and owners. Can you imagine, in the past 300 years, I saw with my own eyes how they replaced the livestock transportation capacity with mechanical force, and then began to make all kinds of sophisticated instruments. Until now, the whole world has changed beyond description. "

"Don't you just want to sigh in front of us how great humans are?" Clemens choked with yin and yang, "Even if you don't say that we still know the power of human beings, that's why we made the current plan to protect them from not being able to. Free development while being disturbed by monsters like you."

"No no no, of course I'm not talking about such a simple thing, just be a little more patient, after all, this is such a long plan, of course there are many of these preconditions, but soon it's what you want to know.

Weapons, weapons made by mortals. You are too talented in killing the same kind. If we had one percent of your talent, the vampires would have been wiped out by us long ago. In the hundreds of years just after the end of the thousand-year **** war, there are still many people who are clamoring to start another war and return to the glory of the past.

But two hundred years later, after humans made the first rifled gun, this thing began to change, a bullet is not terrible, a cannonball is not terrible, but the speed at which you make these is terrible. The First World War, even for us, was definitely a terrible war. All the aliens were shocked by the war prowess displayed by the mortals in that war.

What's even more terrifying is that you are still using war to rapidly upgrade your own technology to kill the same kind. Countless aliens have realized that if they don't do it again, in a few decades, the aliens will not be able to defeat humans even if they work together. But they were wrong, aliens can never work together, so we've lost the chance to win since then.

Therefore, even in the Second World War with the participation of aliens, it is still dominated by humans. The Ryan front can pour thousands of tons of artillery shells a day, and it is difficult for even aliens to survive in it. What's more, mortals are constantly improving the lethality of their weapons.

I understood very early on that it is impossible for aliens to win the battle against humans, so I changed my mind. I began to think about a way to allow aliens and humans to coexist, just like what you pursued in the thousand-year **** war Like the freedom of human beings, I want the freedom of aliens! "


Chapter 101 Freedom II

"Freedom of aliens?" Clement sneered. "It was you who took power in Sicily and made human beings second-class citizens, no, should it be said that they became slaves and livestock again?"

"I should have said that I have long since given up the idea of ​​overthrowing humanity."

"But you didn't say that you gave up ruling Sicily, and you have been fighting for it for three hundred years." Clunicius said. "Do you want us to believe that werewolves and vampires are willing to live in harmony with humans? When have you overcome the bloodthirsty and murderous impulses in your blood?"

Tang obviously still wanted to speak, but Augustine interrupted him in advance, "Don't talk nonsense, I have no interest in how you will deal with the relationship between humans and aliens after you re-establish the werewolf empire in Sicily!"

"The warriors of the Knights have no time to listen to you talking about these useless things. I will only use holy light and glory to make all your expectations a fantasy."

"Tang." Po Jun interjected into this conversation for the first time, "What is that storm? Why do you think we will have to agree to your request because of it."

"Because there is no difference, if you are not willing to hand over Sicily to us, it will be completely destroyed in a way that you cannot hide." Tang spread his hands, "Humans have indeed invented countless powerful weapons, but never forget , Alien used to be called a **** or a natural disaster.

Although we can't rule the world again, it doesn't mean that we can't pull it to our funeral, at least it's no problem to pull it to the small island of Sicily. "

"You mean, there is an alien in the storm?" Po Jun chewed on Tang's threat, and then came to useful conditions. "The existence in the Throne of the Gods that can summon such a storm is definitely not something you can control!"

"That's right, I can't control it." Tang spread his hands again, "I think humans can't control the nuclear bombs and hydrogen bombs in their hands so that they can only kill soft targets and not bring radiation, but hydrogen bombs and nuclear bombs are still the biggest threat to force. .Because it can pull everyone to be buried together."

"My chips are the same. Of course, I have no way to control it. After all, it is the legendary natural disaster that destroys the world. Although I don't doubt that you have a way to kill it now. But everything you do to obliterate the existence of aliens will be It has become completely ineffective, hasn't it?" Tang smiled happily.

"And Sicily will also be destroyed. What's the difference between this and handing over that island to me? Maybe you can also negotiate with me and let me help you keep secrets or reach an agreement. It's a treacherous way. That's what I learned from the politicians among you. I really have to once again sigh at the talent of human beings, which is more powerful than your ability to invent and create in such dirty things."

Tang's words made the faces of everyone present become heavy. Yes, even the Throne of Gods, they are not incapable of eliminating them, but as Tang said, they will no longer be able to go in front of ordinary people. Eliminate the existence of weirdness. and

Moreover, it will never be a simple matter to obliterate the throne of the gods. Sicily, who is on the battlefield, has almost no possibility of surviving, and the human side will definitely pay a huge price. This price will inevitably lead to drastic fluctuations in the now stable world environment.

Moreover, the exposure of the strange existence will cause even greater storms, which will definitely become a new problem to detonate the current balance of the world, and it is not impossible for the world to slide into the third war.

"Why should we believe you?" asked Benedict VII. In fact, they already believed, or had to believe, even if the threat in Tang's mouth was only half-probable, who would dare to take such a risk. But they still have to pry as much information out of the old werewolf's mouth as possible, so that it is possible to find a solution to this problem completely.

"Bechymos. Is this name enough?" Tang said softly, but the expressions of everyone present were as if he had thrown a bomb just now. "There is absolutely no way you can eliminate it without any influence,"

"The prison where it is held, haven't you already felt it? The infiltration of the two worlds, the infiltration will bring weak points, and then the monsters over there will invade through these weak points, and you will understand when you see it. Yes. After all, what we've found isn't just any troublesome thing. Even in the Throne of the Gods, it's the absolute most terrifying natural disaster."

"Impossible, how could you possibly find it!" Clemens stood up directly and pointed at Tang, his lips trembling, "We have been looking for it for thousands of years, and we have studied all the books and legends. It could never be in a place like Sicily!"

"Of course it's not there," Tang actually agreed with Clement's words, then raised his head and looked directly at the chief referee, who had frightened the aliens, "Books? Legends? You are even more conservative and rigid than me! Of course you can't find it, Clement, and as I said, the prison where it's held is a world! So it's not anywhere in this world."

"A world? A secret realm is more or less the same," Clement is not the kind of person who can easily be shaken by a few words. In fact, the one who can reach the grand referee has always been the most determined spirit in the entire Holy See. . Only such a person can still believe in the light in the dark. "You just found an entrance to a secret realm, or you just found a certain seal."

"Don't think ahead and don't want to accept the change of the world at first is the first step of destruction. That's why we were pushed from the altar by human beings back then. Is it your turn now?" Listen to Clement. With a firm tone, Tang sighed slightly, and then seemed to be relieved, "But if this is not the case, it will not be our turn to rise again."

"Quantum coherence." Tang suddenly said a word that was completely inconsistent with his identity, "It's the extraordinary imagination of mortals, do you understand? Not only us, but also you have known for a long time. where the prison is.

There have been many records of mistaken entry into Dandaye in history, but you didn't pay attention to it, did you? Because they happen in different places, and every stray person says it differently.

If it's just a secret realm, you have no way of explaining why it keeps moving and the internal environment changes drastically. Because you got it all wrong.

If mortals hadn't come up with such amazing ideas, perhaps until now, we wouldn't have been able to find the door to that prison. The eldest son of everyone, the first creation of God, the monster called the herd, has always been by each of us, imprisoned in a parallel world that has nothing to do with us in this world. "


Chapter 102 After the World

The concept of quantum coherence was proposed in quantum mechanics, specifically referring to the state of electrons spinning to the right and positrons spinning to the left. It doesn't matter which way the electron spins, what matters is that the other words in the concept are related to each other. It itself is proposed to describe a concept of "association between states".

A prediction made by Einstein and his collaborators in 1935 based on a hypothetical experiment. The hypothetical experiment goes like this: In a high-energy accelerator, an electron and a positron generated by energy fly in opposite directions, and when no one is observing, both are in a superposition of right and left spins, When observing, if the electron is observed to be in the state of right spin, then the positron must be in the state of left spin. This is because positrons and electrons are originally created out of nothing through energy, and must obey the law of conservation. That is to say, the states of "electron spin to the right" and "positron spin to the left" are related, called "quantum coherence".

Later, a well-known cat abuser "Schrödinger" proposed a simpler example, which is the more famous "Schrödinger's cat". Keep a cat in a completely closed black box with a gas release device that is switched on and off by radioactive substances. Once the radioactive material decays, the switch is opened, the poison is released, and the cat is dead, while the radioactive material does not decay, the switch is closed, and the cat survives.

The probability of radioactive material decay is 50%. Before the box is opened, the possibility of cat survival and death exists. Like electrons turning left to right, it is a superimposed concept. It is in the middle state of death and life, and only at the moment of opening the box to confirm, this diffuse superposition state collapses and becomes the only possibility, that is, the cat is dead or the cat is alive.

On this basis, someone else proposed the theory of the macro world. It is not the cat that is in the superposition state, but the world. The dead cat and the living cat are two established facts. Before it is observed, quantum coherence does not exist. , then the two worlds overlap, and at the moment when the observer intervenes, quantum coherence emerges, and the worlds branch under this force and begin to run in parallel.

According to Tang, the place where Behemoth was imprisoned was the world he wanted to do with the main world. That is not one world, but the sum of countless worlds that have been destroyed for various reasons. Some of them were destroyed because of huge meteorites, and some of them were destroyed in the battle between humans and aliens, and now more of them are erupted. A world of complete ecocide after the nuclear war. Behemoth lives in these worlds, devouring them.

It can travel freely in the shattered world, but it cannot come to the main world where all living beings are still prosperous. Maybe it is sealed by someone, or it is simply a limitation of the world itself. No matter what it was, Tang found the key and was able to lift the restrictions on it. Let the natural disasters of all beings predicted in this "Bible" story finally come to the world where the sentient beings it is trying to judge live. And put this matter as a bargaining chip on the negotiating table in exchange for the freedom of aliens that he seeks.

And the key to stopping him is the method by which he eliminates the quantum coherence of the two worlds. If Tang got the key to open Pandora's box, then Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger have accidentally entered the box. If they can find a way to add a lock on it or break it, then The balance of victory and defeat would be turned upside down.

Such beings in chess games are generally referred to as floppers.

It's a pity that our comebackers are now clearly not aware of their mission. He just instinctively felt that something was wrong. He doesn't know anything like quantum correlation yet, but according to the prophecy of Houtu, plus the famous Behemoth. He instinctively believed that the werewolves wanted to release this natural disaster, and then rely on it to bring the end of the world.

What's more, he has discovered the connection between the two worlds, the demon of Florence. Someone was using that case to cover up the fact that he had unsealed it (he, like Clement, thought Dandine should be a secret place).

"So why do you think you will definitely enter that dream world again today?" Ji Qinger, who was dragged home by Xie Zhifei, looked puzzled.

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