First show the enemy's weakness, exchange strength with strength, consume its strength, and then use exclusive equipment to instantly explode a powerful output. It is no accident that one of the two will open a channel for Cleman at the cost of self-destruction, so that this man has been Divine Vengeance lurking around completes the final blow. However, Xie Zhifei's unexpected outbreak made Po Jun and Augustine complete their tasks only under the condition of exhaustion and heavy damage.

The last frontier of a human being used his body as a poison and turned all his own into a holy light poison. This is the most violent poison "sex" in the world, and even Behemoth could not resist.


One forty two ended one

"Ladies and gentlemen!! Welcome to the finals of the Sacred Heart High School basketball game! I'm Jerry, today's commentator, next to me is a special guest, who led the Sicilian basketball team to the blue basketball team twice in a row The famous coach Tom of the league quarterfinals!" The voice of the little Jerry who was in charge of the commentary was completely inconsistent with his stature, and the enthusiasm radiated from his body more as if he was explaining not a high school basketball final but a high school basketball final. Like the Super Bowl.

"Come, Tom, and say hi to everyone."

"Hello everyone, I'm Tom." In comparison, Tom would appear to be much colder, with a slightly bloated face that was straight and dignified. In terms of appearance, it lives up to his reputation as a coach.

Of course, there is a reason why he is so calm. Unlike Jerry, he is actually condescending to do such an explanation. Under normal circumstances, the basketball finals of the Sacred Heart will not reach the current scale. Tom turned his head and looked around. The stadium specially provided by the city government, reporters from Sicily Satellite TV, and reporters from various newspapers gathered together. The scene was full of noise, which is not common in ordinary district championship competitions.

And the reason why there is such a specification is simple, the government is diverting attention. The impact of the storm is bigger than expected! A large number of seawater inflows led to the damage of many houses and the disappearance of people.

A commercial area was almost completely destroyed, and the number of missing people was officially reported to be close to 800, but Tom knew through his own information that more than 3,000 people actually disappeared in the storm, and most of them were members of the Mafia.

It could almost be said that the entire mafia was almost uprooted during this storm! Too much injustice will lead to suicide. There seems to be such a saying in China, which means that people are doing things and watching, and heaven will not forgive anyone. But Tom didn't believe it, and if it were, the Mafia wouldn't have been entrenched in Sicily for nearly a thousand years.

What he believed more was that some mysterious organization took advantage of the storm to attack the Mafia, and the unimaginably efficient rescue activities organized by the church and the Italian government later confirmed this idea in his heart.

The crowd was appeased, the streets were cleaned up, the damaged buildings were quickly rebuilt, and the closed network began. The government officials who had always been puppets also showed strong political and professional skills. I heard from friends. Almost every institution has several new offices and members who have never heard of it, and they are the main factors that stabilize all this.

Orderly on the surface, turbulent behind the scenes, controlling Sicily for nearly a thousand years, and the downfall of the mafia, which has almost all the major black and white organizations all over the world, has left behind a huge cake. All organizations, big and small, are trying to slice up this huge pie as much as possible.

But even so, the overall security is actually much better than before, as if some force is restraining the organizations of various sizes, telling them that eating is okay, but it is not too ugly.

In addition to this maintenance, he is still diverting people's attention through various means, such as the final of the campus basketball game of Sacred Heart High School, which he is now explaining.

Sports can always be attractive, especially when the children participating in the competition are known or known by themselves and can be reached. You know, even during World War II, there was such a true story.

The two opposing Anglo-German troops each occupied half of a small square. On Christmas day, both sides were able to lay down their weapons, clean the battlefield, sing Christmas songs, and then play a football game in the middle of the small square. I didn't realize the existence of the war until the alarm sounded at 6 o'clock in the evening, and then I played a dog's brain.

So at the suggestion of the sheriff, the basketball game at Sacred Heart High School was treated as the same thing as the 'Christmas football' to divert the attention of the city. Therefore, the finals this time were several times larger than those of previous years, and because of this, he was drawn here as a representative of authority and Shanda.

Thinking of this, Tom sighed slightly, but fortunately, Jerry, his partner, showed 12 points of enthusiasm. It seemed that he didn't need to worry too much about mobilizing his emotions.

Jerry didn't notice his partner's sigh, but just like Tom thought, while counting the history of the Sacred Heart, he tried his best to mobilize the atmosphere of the audience.

"Sacred Heart High School is one of the oldest universities in Sicily and even in Italy. There are many great people who have graduated from it. The well-known ones are Cardinal Jaylenwell, His Excellency Bishop Maxwell, There are also several mayor and deputy mayor-level figures in politics…”

"Then Mr. Tom, is there any famous person in Sacred Heart High School in basketball?" Jerry suddenly turned the conversation to Tom, which made him a little surprised. But because he knew the political significance of this event, Tom was well prepared. So I just took it in a moment.

"There are also many. At least as far as I know, Sacred Heart has represented Sicily in the national high school basketball league several times, and the best result has entered the semifinals."

"Wow," Jerry agreed.

"If you are a good player, Nelson Villeneuve, who graduated from the Sacred Heart in 1989, served in the Italian men's basketball team at that time and was one of the strongest spike guards in Europe at the time."

"Sounds brilliant."

"Yes, Sicily is one of the main forces of Italian basketball."

"Then do you think there is a chance to find a great player who doesn't lose to Nelson in today's game?"

"I don't dare to pack a ticket for this, but I'm looking forward to it."

"Not only are you looking forward to it, but I am also looking forward to it. The audience in front of the TV must also be looking forward to it. Let's not talk much, let's introduce the two participating teams today!" Following Jerry's words, the camera lens quickly turned On the court, a team of two young people came into view.

"The Sacred Heart has a tradition that the two sides in the final have to choose an animal as their symbol and team name, and if they win, their team name will be named after the animal's heart within the year. This tradition is said to have been It's been more than a hundred years." Jerry pretended to be surprised. "Have you ever heard of such a tradition, Mr. Tom?"

"It was very common to name animals after more than a hundred years ago. Even now, there are team names such as bulls, but animal care, I have never seen them."

"Yeah, even in the world, this is a unique tradition, so let's introduce our team today." Jerry nodded, "You can see the one standing on the left side of the court is warming up, dressed in orange The jersey is for this year's defending team. They won the championship last year as a fourth grade. This year most of their players have reached fifth grade. After the final stage, will they win the championship again?"

"And just like the color they chose full of blood, their symbolic creature is also the same blood and domineering, that is - lion!! Once they win, they will get the glorious name of lion heart, and in fact , the name is also the name of the most champions in the history of the Sacred Heart."

"Everyone loves the name Lionheart."

"That's right! Everyone looks forward to heroes like Lionheart! But it's not everyone's. The team on the right who is warming up and wearing black uniforms doesn't like heroes. The symbol they choose is legendary. Evil creatures - dragons!"

"Dragon, after the TV series called what game became popular, children also began to think that this creature is handsome." Tom nodded.

"It's not all like that, Mr. Tom, but I'll keep it for a while. I'll talk about it later." Ji Rui deliberately sold out, "And our dragon team is a second-year team. , although there is a third-year and a fourth-year foreign aid, but the main body is composed of second-year players, which is smaller than when the current Lionheart team won the championship."

"I've already asked the principal, in the history of the Sacred Heart, no second-year team has won the championship, so today the Dragons will make history?!!"

"Come on!!" At the same time as Jerry explained passionately, Sylvia was cheering on the teammates. The team members were also happy to return a smile and a few words to the handsome and enthusiastic cheerleader.

"Thank you." Only when she arrived in front of Xie Zhifei, she suddenly changed her lines, Xie Zhifei looked at the bright face, and the indifferent face had a little expression, and a rippling smile appeared.



Chapter 143 Ending II

"It's everyone's hard work, not just me." Xie Zhifei shook his head.

"No," John also stood up. His knee injury was completely healed. With several victories, his whole body was filled with a confident and powerful temperament, which made him look even more burly. A bit stronger. "We all understand that although everyone is working hard, without you, we would not be able to get to where we are today."

At the beginning, he was hostile to Xie Zhifei, who took the initiative to win over Sylvia, but after the injury incident, the hostility faded a lot, and after the competition again and again, it made him recognize and respect it. Xie Zhifei's strength. Not only him, but all the others in the team looked at Xie Zhifei with the same eyes.

"I'm at most a catalyst. It's still the result of everyone's efforts." Xie Zhifei shook his head. "But it's too early to start dividing the credit. We're not yet champions."

"Sigma, why do you have to say these spoilers at a time like this!" Sylvia said angrily, shaking her head, "But Sigmar is right, we haven't won yet! And we're going to The Lionhearts facing them are the most powerful opponents."

"What is our goal?" Sylvia held out her hand.

"Sacred Heart first!!" John folded his hands up.

"How strong are we?"

"The strongest!!" More people put their hands on it.

"Will we win?"

"Yes!!" Except for Xie Zhifei, everyone's hands were folded together, looking at Xie Zhifei with expectant eyes. Xie Zhifei shook his head, then stretched out his hand and folded it.


"Win-!!" With a sudden lift, the folded hands spread out like flowers, and everyone also left the preparation room and walked towards the field. No one noticed that Xie Zhifei, who was walking at the end, frowned and wiped his hands subconsciously.

There are still five minutes before the final start time. The entire stadium is almost crowded with students and parents of the entire Sacred Heart, as well as more citizens. Several tens of thousands of people are suddenly packed into the gymnasium. The players do not move at all, they will pass the news. Come to great cheers. From this point of view, the purpose of diverting attention is quite good.

The cheerleaders from both sides performed a strong dance and returned to the field, and the players from both sides had already appeared one by one.

The two sides first stood in a row at the center line and shook hands with each other. This probably shows why in the Sacred Heart for such a long time, no second-year-based members have ever won the championship. Even though John and the others are no longer short, in front of the Lionhearts, their average height is more than five centimeters lower. Even the tallest John can only be considered a mid-sized player on the opposing team.

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