"Brother Gouzi, why didn't your aunt find us today?" Walking on the path in the woods, Shusheng looked up and saw that there was only one light left in the sun and it was still hanging on the top of the mountain. It was a little strange. asked. Usually at this time, my aunt or other adults would have already shouted at the edge of the woods and told them to go back to eat.

"Maybe something has delayed." Gouzi also discovered this problem, instinctively aware of an ominous sign, as if something was surging in his heart. But looking at Shusheng who was still dragging his nose behind him, he could only suppress his thoughts and strode towards the village.

But the closer you get to the village, the more eerie feeling you get. There is no smell of food, no loud voices from uncles and aunts, not even the chirping of **** and dogs. This human settlement is even quieter than the forest they just stayed in.

"Brother Gouzi..." Shusheng may not have discovered these abnormalities, but it didn't prevent him from instinctively feeling the danger. After all, he subconsciously grabbed the hem of Gouzi's clothes.

"It's okay, it's okay." The dog touched his head and whispered, but he didn't notice it, and his voice was shaking and fluttering. Finally out of the woods, what I saw was indeed darkness in the village.

The sun has completely fallen to the other half of the mountain, and the ray of light, the fire and the clouds have disappeared, and the night has really fallen. The whole place was pitch black, but not even a single lamp was lit in the village.

"Gudu——" The dog swallowed a mouthful of saliva subconsciously, only to feel that his throat was dry and painful, and his calf was shaking.

"Don't talk." He turned around and said to Shusheng, his voice very majestic, Shusheng quickly picked up the other hand that didn't hold his clothes, and covered his mouth tightly.

This is his agreement with Brother Gouzi. Once Brother Gouzi speaks in this way, it is an order, and he must obey it unconditionally. Otherwise, Brother Gouzi won't take him to play anymore.

The two walked into the village where they lived so carefully. The door of Butcher Zheng and Brother Hu's house were not closed, but they couldn't see the people inside. Gouzi took a look, and even the fat boy who was born in Brother Hu's house was not lying on his crib. It was as if the entire village had disappeared at this moment!

Fear exploded from his tail vertebrae one by one, and the chills all over his body stood up. I walked forward to the house of two families, and the situation was the same. After another cross, I could see my house. Grandma...will it be inside? The dog is not sure, and can only hold such expectations in the bottom of his heart.

But suddenly, Shusheng grabbed his clothes violently, so scared that his heart almost jumped out of his mouth. Just as he was about to get angry at Shusheng, he saw that the child let go of the hand that grabbed his clothes and pointed to the left side of the road with a look of horror. The other hand was tightly stuck to his mouth. If it wasn't for that hand, it would have been called out already.

But the dog didn't have the energy to care whether he was still abiding by the agreement, so he turned his head to see what was going on there. What Shusheng pointed to was actually a person! It was only because he stood quietly on the side of the road, motionless, as if he had no life, that you were not discovered for the first time.

The chin of the shirt is tucked into the black trousers, and the waist of the trousers is about to reach the chest. Only the village chief can wear clothes like this! Now that the village chief is found, there will be no problem! The dog took a step forward excitedly.

But just after taking this step, he stopped deadly, the night wind blew, the clouds in front of the moon were blown away, and the silver moonlight was scattered, and he was finally able to see the situation in front of him clearly, it was indeed. The village chief was right, but on his head there was something like a hood made of white bones, which was the skull of a deer or a wild boar.

On top of the white skull, three pairs of flesh-colored horns stick out, forming a structure that resembles deer antlers. Looking closely, it was simply three palms!

The 'village chief' turned around stiffly, and two red lights lit up in the eye sockets of the skull. Several hundred meters away from the village, all the villagers who disappeared were gathered here. Everyone's condition was similar to the village chief. Kneel on the ground and worship in a place.

A huge mixture of fat and meat spread out from the ground, grew upward, and finally formed a large pillar. Above the pillar, a fruit with a diameter of one meter was formed. The blood gushed out, and after the blood gushed out, a red eye opened in the middle.

"Ah, ah." The dogs and trees were shocked from the village, but the villagers worship were touched. Only when there was a rustling of branches and leaves from a tree, Hao Lianzhixia glanced at the village. She pursed her lips tightly, leaving only a red line on her already thin lips. In the end, he did not take that step, and the screams of the two children in the village gradually weakened. Mixed in the land with a dream of seeing the world.


Chapters 3 to 4 Komura Police


"Director!" Lin Bo went all the way up, all the way to the police who saluted him. Since he became the deputy director of the city bureau, he has forgotten how long it has been since he has been out in the field, let alone Lubian Village. a remote mountainous area. The dirt road after coming out of the county town was so bad that he vomited out his stomach.

The severe discomfort in his body once again made him realize that he is already a greasy middle-aged man who has started to grow a beer belly, not the iron-blooded police detective who can fight a gangster and capture him after being shot. .

But this time the case was really too big. The whole village, 110 people, were all killed. Since the founding of the country, it is definitely the first major case! Fortunately, this place is too remote, so remote that he doesn't believe that any thugs will form a hatred of killing people with these villagers, but the advantage of such remoteness is that the case was not reported immediately Online, triggering a round of information explosion.

The habit of being a grassroots police officer in the early years helped him, and he was on duty in the office when the incident happened. The discoverer was controlled by his order, and at the same time, he issued a gag order to all the police officers. At this time, he must not reveal a word to the reporter, leaving himself a little time to finish.

After climbing the mountain for a while, he saw the cordon between Nadao trees. He walked over quickly, but before he got there, he saw three young police officers at the cordon holding a tree with one hand and vomiting with the other. His brows furrowed tightly.

Now this group of young people have a high degree of education, but one or two are like flowers in a greenhouse, and they have such a big reaction to a little thing. If they were allowed to see those crime scenes that made him feel sick even in retrospect, would they have to vomit all their internal organs together?

But he didn't have the spare time to train people today, so he pulled off the security belt and got in from below. Inside, the captain of the Criminal Police Brigade, Qin Gang, was already waiting there.

"What's the situation?" Limbo asked directly.

"...weird." The veteran policeman pondered for a while before spit out these two words. It was only then that Lin Bo noticed that not only the young people, but the old police officers and even the captain in front of him were all equally pale.

Death is not the same as death. The impact of suicide by sleeping pills and being hit into meat sauce in a car accident is absolutely different. Lin Bo didn't have so much time to understand the specific circumstances of the case, and most of his energy was spent on thinking about how to reduce the impact. But seeing Qin Gang like this, his heart jumped, and the dusty police instinct was telling him that it was not that simple.

"What kind of weird method?" Lin Bo continued to walk into the village. Qin Gang also explained this while walking.

"Lin Ju, you know what you can do. It is very difficult to kill all the people in the village. Individuals, or even small groups, can only commit crimes by poisoning. If violent coercion is used, the gang commits crimes. It's quite big." Lin Bo nodded, after all, it was not the period of the Anti-Japanese War, when three Japanese devils could threaten hundreds of people with just a few rifles.

"and then?"

"It's not poisoning," Qin Gang said directly. "We checked the water supply in the village, and some things, and nothing special was detected. And more importantly..."

Qin Gang tilted his body and pointed at the house next to him, "More than one family, at least one third of them are cooking, and the others are coming sooner or later, either eating or preparing. "

He then concluded, "There is no basis for poisoning."

"You mean there is a big criminal group!" Limbo's forehead jumped sharply. Big gang! The murder case of 110 people, these two words are linked together, let alone him, even if it is raised three levels up, it is a cool song, and they all have to be slapped together.

But Qin Gang shook his head, "Probably not. No signs of violence and coercion were found. All the doors were intact and there were no signs of struggle. Even some families who were eating had chopsticks on their bowls..."

After counting to this point, he paused and took a deep breath, "It's almost like everyone is living a normal life, suddenly letting go of everything in his hands and dying together..." Lin Bo felt his back muscles Just about to freeze. He finally understood what Qin Gang meant by being weird.

"What about the first scene!" Lin Bo asked quickly. The so-called first scene is the place where the murder took place. If there is no sign of struggling and shaking even at the murder scene, it is really too weird!

"There are two places, we are about to go to the first one." He pointed to an intersection ahead, which was where Gouzi and Shusheng passed by at that time. Turning around, you can see a large pool of dark red blood on the ground.

Lim Bo squatted down, took a pair of gloves from the police officer next to him, and carefully took a small soil sample from the ground. The black and red blood has been completely mixed with the soil. He kneaded it in his hand, and it was only with great force that he kneaded the piece of soil into powder.

"It's been a while."

"Yes, the forensic doctor probably estimates that it has been two days since the incident." Qin Gang replied, "But because the traffic here is relatively blocked, and the whole village was killed together, so no one even reported the case. If it hadn't been for the herbs The mountain man has come up the mountain, and it is estimated that it has not been discovered yet."

Lin Bo suddenly noticed a place, and stuck his fingers out of the natural cracks in the loess soil, digging hard, and then he even pulled out half of the slender fingers from below. "Huh—" The police detectives on the scene all took a deep breath. Lin Bo and Qin Gang's expressions turned ugly again.

Limbo casually handed over his fingers and gloves to the detective next to him, "Let's go to another place and have a look."

"Yes." Qin Gang replied, continuing to lead the way. "The scale of that is much larger than here, and... even more weird!"

Lin Bo stopped and glanced at him, seeing Qin Gang's firm face, he really thought that only this word could describe the scene, so he gave up. Step out again.

When he walked out of the village and saw the scene, he understood what Qin Gang was talking about.

Outside the village, there are three circles of patterns that look like WiFi signals, from small to large. They are actually made of dead bodies! The ground was messy, full of footprints and claw marks, and it had a huge impact on the neatly placed corpses.

In the center of the circle, there is a deep pit, one meter square, and the bottom seems to go straight to the depths of Jiuyou. The villagers also looked very strange, covered in flesh and scratches, like gladiators who had just come out of the dueling arena, and what was even more strange was that their brains were all missing, and some of them were even able to see The yellow and white brain pulp inside.

"Preliminary judgment..." Qin Gang looked at Lin Bo and said his preliminary estimate, "It's a cult."


Chapter 5 Special Task Handling Department

"Cult..." Lin Bo chewed these two words in his mouth, his whole body trembling slightly. He turned his head and stared at Qin Gang, his eyes full of bloodshot eyes, as if a beast was going to choose someone to devour.

"Why do you say that?!" He almost growled.

A cult is far more terrifying than any criminal gang. After all, a tangible thing can be destroyed, but an invisible and intangible thing like a cult is difficult to eradicate. Thieves can be prevented, robbers can be prevented, how can people prevent?

Lin Bo also gritted his teeth, and the veins on his face burst out. Then he took a deep breath and suppressed his emotions. After his face was calm, he pointed to a huge stone next to him, "Their heads... rubbed off."

A large amount of mixture of hair, scalp and the like was accumulated under the rough big bluestone, and a large amount of dried blood stuck to the stone. Almost completely dyed it a different color.

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