The originally transparent air was twisted, and a strange blue human figure appeared in the air, with only the upper body, green face and fangs, wearing armor like an ancient war general, and two short halberds in their hands, which were placed in an X shape in the air, blocking Xie Zhifei's split. A blow down.

"Ding——" The violent symphony of gold and iron rang out like a shock wave, and Shi Yuqing lost consciousness in an instant. The warlord's two arms were completely broken and twisted in a strange shape, but he stopped Xie Zhifei's blow anyway.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this is the Son of Destiny of this generation?" A somewhat frivolous voice came from below the general, and in the place where no one was, walked out a sunny and refreshing boy of college grade. While looking at Xie Zhifei, he commented.

"Compared to the little girl over there, you seem to be turning into a monster first. It's funny. The hope of the human beings selected by the Destiny Arena is going to become a monster against human beings. This era is about to change."

Xie Zhifei fell to the ground, glanced at the azure general in mid-air, and then looked at the man in front of him, "Void... the fifth party?" His voice was dry and hoarse, like a desert where the water was completely evaporated.

"The fifth party or something, it sounds really ugly." The man complained, "Introduce yourself first, Robin, No. 2, Hao Lianzhixia."


Chapter 21 Concealed

"Hao Lianzhixia? Are you a member of the Hao Lian family?" Shi Yuqing being the daughter of the shadow almost made Xie Zhifei lose his mind. Almost terrifying reinforcement. So I can feel a third person hidden in the room that I didn't know before.

The explosive instinct made him not even think, so he directly moved his hand. That blow was absolutely deadly, and he had to wave the thoughts that would explode in his head and wave them out together. But even so, the blow was blocked.

Even beasts have their own thoughts when hunting, what kind of enemies can be defeated, what kind of enemies need to be avoided, and so on. So after the blow was blocked, Xie Zhifei's reason regained the upper hand, and then instantly recognized the corpse in the air. The existence of the fifth party suddenly sounded the alarm in his mind.

Although there has been speculation for a long time, when I got the evidence that they really played a corresponding role in this incident, the string in my mind was even tighter. After all, the danger level of this group of guys is even higher than that of the White Devils. This is truly recognized by the Arena of Destiny and is enough to influence the world.

"Yes, no." Hao Lianzhixia shook his head. "In terms of blood, I am indeed a member of the Hao Lian family, but conceptually, I and the Hao Lian family who are in contact with you are definitely not a group."

"At least I don't have any interest in the daughter of the shadow." Hao Lianzhixia tilted his head and pointed to Shi Yuqing, who had passed out on the sofa, "And I would also advise you to protect her and not let her be caught by the Fool and the Hao Lian clan. People found out."

"What do you mean?" Xie Zhifei stared at Hao Lianzhixia in front of him.

"It literally means." Hao Lianzhixia shrugged indifferently, "Protect her well, the Hao Lian family's obsession with the Shadow Daughter is far more important than you think. What they told you is also true. Not all, so you have to protect her."

"Protect her so that the White Devil can be resurrected?! You have betrayed the clan?" Xie Zhifei said a possibility, "That's why you said you weren't going with them? You want to resurrect the White Devil? The outbreak of Baiguo and the sheep It's also because of you that the First Cultist appeared so early?!"

"No, no, who would want to revive something like the White Demon." Hao Lianzhixia waved his hand quickly, "Even if it's me, I can't expect it to rule the world. So I have to ask you to solve it. It is."

"You didn't deny that the White Devil's recovery has something to do with you."

"I'm not sure either." Hao Lianzhixia was playing tricks.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"We, we want to change the world." Hao Lianzhixia replied as a matter of course.

"I'm not joking with you." Xie Zhifei's face became angry.

"How do you know I'm joking?" Hao Lianzhi spread out his hands in Xia, and the broken arm of the virtual body did not seem to prevent it from holding its own weapon, and looked at Xie Zhifei with a look of covetousness. "If I were you, I wouldn't choose to do it here. I don't think you have the strength to defeat or kill me silently, and once people's attention is drawn, that cute little girl is the shadow The truth of her daughter can't be hidden."

Xie Zhifei's hands rubbing against the gun suddenly tightened. He turned his head and glanced at Shi Yuqing, who had passed out, but he couldn't make up his mind for a while. This is not a good phenomenon. He was influenced by Hao Lianzhixia's words. He knew better why he was influenced. He had selfish desires. He used Shi Yuqing as a threat to make him not dare to do outrageous things here. What if he asked him to betray the Fool's interests later?

But Xie Zhifei was always relentless to hand over the girl behind him, and he couldn't treat her the same as everyone else. He was worried that the Hao Lian family really had reservations, and he was worried that the Fool would do excessive research. He...wanted to protect her.

"I won't reveal any news to the Fool about the daughter of the shadow. Don't worry about that, and you don't have to worry that I will threaten you with this matter." Hao Lianzhixia seemed to see through Xie Zhifei's thoughts. Said, "The next time we meet, we will still be the four and the fifth party of hostility."


"Because now you are a landmine buried in the Fool's body. If you are unwilling to do things for us, you will be exposed more quickly. It will be more beneficial for us if you continue to maintain your current situation. "

"Then today's meeting is very pleasant." Hao Lianzhixia smiled at Xie Zhifei, "I'm leaving first, please don't forget, the next time we meet, I will be an enemy again, so it's not a good idea to show flaws. Alright." He turned to leave.

"What do you guys want to do!" Xie Zhifei took a step forward and asked again.

"I said, we want to change the world." Hao Lianzhixia repeated his answer gently. Like the skeleton behind him, the figure became illusory again and disappeared before the gate.

"Phew—" Xie Zhifei took a deep breath, suppressing all the emotions in his head. Instead of waking Shi Yuqing for the first time, she walked towards her refrigerator. Instant noodles, ham sausage, quick-frozen dumplings... This guy looks virtuous and virtuous, and does all the housework. In fact, after so long, he still can't cook at all. He shook his head, took out the bag of quick-frozen dumplings, and threw them into the pot.

"Well—" Shi Yuqing felt the itching on her face, stretched her back, and made a cat-like sound before realizing it was wrong. When he opened his eyes and saw Xie Zhifei standing in front of him, his face suddenly turned red.

"Xiao Fei..." She sat up suddenly, and the blanket wrapped around her slipped down, revealing her body below. She realized that she was only wearing underwear when she fainted just now. Xie Zhifei was not good at making a move, so he could only bring a blanket to put on her. Looking at the upper body wearing only underwear, her face was even redder and was about to ignite. There was no more resoluteness when **** in front of Xie Zhifei.

"Turn around!!" For the first time, she realized that her voice could be described as shy and sweet.

"Oh." Xie Zhifei turned his head as if he had just reacted.

"Don't stare at this time, idiot."

"What did you say?"

"I said, next time this happens, help me get dressed!!"

"next time?"

"There is no next time!!" Shi Yuqing felt that her mind was completely shut down, but she would say something like this next time.

"Can I turn it around? If you don't eat it, the dumplings will be cold, and if you cook it again, it may turn into a soup..."

"But... that's ok." Shi Yuqing whispered. Hearing Xie Zhifei's words, he took a closer look and asked about the taste of cooked dumplings in the air. "Did you cook it?"

"No." Xie Zhifei shook his head, "It was cooked by the snail girl."

"Hate!" Shi Yuqing scolded with a smile.

" ask for leave first, I'll investigate your business first..." Xie Zhifei suddenly said this while the two were eating dumplings in silence.

Shi Yuqing's movements froze in midair, she looked up at Xie Zhifei, and saw that he turned his head hesitantly. The whole person was even more stunned, and then nodded fiercely, "Yeah!" Tears welled up from the corners of his eyes.


Chapter 22 Hao Lianlai

"Shi Yuqing asked for leave?" The head teacher looked at Xie Zhifei who was standing in front of him, "What's wrong with her?"

"Influenza, you can't get out of bed with a fever." Xie Zhifei replied without changing his expression.

"Why did you come to ask for leave? Where are her parents?"

"Uncle and aunt are now in Paris talking about business, and I have entrusted me to take care of her these days." Xie Zhifei seemed to have known that she would ask this question. "Teacher, you can call to confirm."

The head teacher only remembered at this time that Xie Zhifei and Shi Yuqing were childhood sweethearts, and both parents had a good relationship. I just subconsciously felt that a student like Shi Yuqing should not have anything to do with Xie Zhifei, but this concept seems to be changed. After all, he also achieved excellent results by his own ability and obtained the qualification to go abroad as an exchange student. student. Generally speaking, it is also the top... It's just Xie Zhifei...

"Teacher, is there anything else?" Xie Zhifei asked, looking a little fuzzy by the head teacher's eyes.

"Well, it's alright." The head teacher shook his head, "I'll call and confirm with Shi Yuqing's parents in a while, you go back to the classroom first."

"Okay, sorry to bother you." Xie Zhifei nodded and turned to leave.

"Xie Zhifei." The head teacher's voice suddenly rang from behind.

"What's wrong?"

"If there's no one at Shi Yuqing's house, you have to take good care of them. At least make all the notes in class. Don't be in a daze today."

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