Even though she pinned all her hopes and trust on him, he knew that he did not put her safety first. The first thing he thought about was how to avoid exposing what happened to Yuqing when he was covering up among the fools. I was thinking about how to pry out more information from the Hao Lian family to solve this matter with the best of both worlds.

And it was this behavior that made him make the decision to let Shi Yuqing stay in that unsafe home after being discovered by an unknown organization. Because he couldn't take her back to the Fool's Mansion. Because he still has a fluke mentality, hoping that this matter will not break out so soon, and it is best not to break out until he finds a solution.

"Sorry! The user you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please try again later. Sorry! The subscriber youdialedotbeected..." A clear and distant voice came from the phone, which completely lowered Xie Zhifei's heart to the lowest temperature.

"What's the matter?" Ji Qing'er looked puzzled at Xie Zhifei's unexplained action. And after he hung up the phone, the expression on his face that seemed to have overdrawn his soul was something she had never seen on his face.

Xie Zhifei is a pessimist, so no matter how bad the situation is, he has basically never seen a desperate expression, because those things will appear in his logic and are acceptable. Although she had already felt his recent abnormal behavior, she thought it was more of Ben Wolf's influence on him.

And now she could instinctively sense that he was going through something heavier and darker, and she wasn't standing with him this time.

The two may have parted ways because of this. She felt this strong intuition inexplicably in her heart, and this feeling made her feel extremely uneasy, and she wanted Xie Zhifei to say something to soothe her emotions.

When Xie Zhifei heard Ji Qinger's question, he just raised his head, his face was almost numb and pale, and stared at Ji Qinger in such a daze, his pupils were not focused, as if he was looking directly through her body. What a far distance.

Ji Qing'er was frightened by such an expression, and she didn't know what to say for a while. Xie Zhifei laughed, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, a soft, cold and sad smile. Mixed with a pale face, as if to say goodbye.

The next moment, he turned and ran away.


Chapter 46 The World and the Girl

Chunfeng Road, impression of European City.

The more delicate a thing is, the more it needs perfect preservation, because its beauty is derived from its harmonious and complex fine details, and these things are much easier to destroy than those rough creatures. So even in the same turmoil, Impression Europe City looks more desolate than other urban areas.

Everyone, including the security guard, had been arranged to take refuge in a temporary shelter, so naturally no one stopped Xie Zhifei from entering. The originally flat lawn was full of trampled footprints and even deep ruts. Every single-family villa that is far away from each other has its door tightly closed, no lights are on, and the dark windows are full of cold breath. The bigger the house, the harder it is for people to live. . Make this place almost like a gathering area of ​​Blackrock Castles of witches.

But not every room is like this. The particularity of Shi Yuqing's house can be recognized at a glance in all the houses. Because if the other villas are cold and stiff just because there are no people living there, her family's small villa is completely like the center of the disaster area.

The open door, the glass **** all over the floor, the wood stubble on the smashed wooden window frame, the cracks as fine as spider webs on the ground, and the blood spilled on it like paint, are all telling people What a fierce battle just happened here.

Xie Zhifei stood at the door, looking at all the things in front of him, but he didn't have the courage to step in, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab the black carved guardrail next to him. Then the palm of his hand suddenly hurt, and he squeezed the black cast iron and twisted it so hard that the iron thorn plowed out a hole in his hand.

The red blood gurgled out from the small opening in the palm of his hand, but as his mind moved a little, it shrank back more quickly. The opening also quickly closed, leaving only a thin white line, which was even difficult to distinguish from the palm print. For some reason, Xie Zhifei suddenly wanted to laugh out loud.

Unfortunately, before he started laughing, there were footsteps behind him. He didn't think anyone would come back to this place now, after all, the alarm probably wouldn't be lifted until the Fool dealt with Chengxi's tail. And the rich people who live in Impression Europe City will care more about their own lives and won't wander around at this time. Then the footsteps that appeared here at this time, the identity of its originator, seemed quite meaningful.

"Hey—" At the same time as Xie Zhifei turned his head, a small and sharp sound of breaking through the air rang out. The great improvement of his blood over-control ability made his blood bullets not limited to the basic round, dummy bullets and the like. The ammunition ban is also a piece of cake. The power is not what it used to be, the slender blood bullets are shaped like a shuttle, and the speed is close to that of a modern sniper rifle.

The person standing behind him didn't react slowly. In this case, he was still able to move his head slightly to dodge, but even the turbulence of the wind after brushing it also tore off a piece of flesh and blood on his face. Blood flowed down quickly.

"Control blood?" The man with a long ponytail looked at Xie Zhifei seriously, as if he didn't notice the wound on his face, "Are you Xie Zhifei?"

"The Hao Lian family?" Xie Zhifei replaced the answer with a rhetorical question.

"Hao Lianhongyuan. According to your request, I will be responsible for leading the team to help Longcheng." This person was Hao Lian Hongyuan, a member of the Hao Lian clan who Luo Yunxi and Mu Xiao met in Jinhua Village, who was responsible for communicating with the outside world.

"Then you should be in the west of the city now." Xie Zhifei's voice was not warm at all, not to mention his friendliness towards the reinforcements, the things he exudes can be described as hostile.

"The west side of the city has been resolved, but here, there is some very important information." Unlike his sociable brother Hao Lianhongyi, he is completely lazy to say a word, and he is as cold as the current Xie Zhifei. Some fight. The two stared at each other coldly from a distance of a few meters.

"Sir, I found this in the yard." At this time, several people came out from the back of Shi's small building, carrying something that was definitely not harmonious. That's a huge arm. It was torn off shoulder-length, but the size of the arm can already imagine the huge size of its owner.

"Ink beast?" Hao Lianhongyuan asked with a glance.


Hao Lianhongyuan, who got back, nodded and looked at Xie Zhifei again, "Does Mr. Xie know this thing?"

"How do you know it, and what if you don't know it?" Although it was the first time I heard the name Mo Beast, Xie Zhifei knew it. This is part of the monster that appeared in the bottle of beast. At that time, in order to verify the ability of the bottle, he had carefully analyzed the monster that jumped out of the bottle after Shi Yuqing pressed it before killing it.

However, the identity of the black beast can be clearly judged based on one arm. The Hao Lian family's understanding of the Shadow Daughter and the Beast Bottle is definitely not only what they said, but only in the wake of the White Demon several times before. Just encountered this once.

"Ink beast is a unified name for the monsters that appear in the bottle of beasts." Hao Lianhongyuan told Xie Zhifei seriously, the blood on his face didn't stop at all, and the bloodstains moved with his movements, making that icy cold The expressionless face looked **** and hideous. "My brother should have mentioned to Mr. Xie that the bottle of beast is a magic weapon to protect the daughter of shadows."

"The fact that its relatives are here means that this is where the Daughter of Shadows is." He said slowly, more and more Hao Lian people began to gather behind him, and soon more than two people number of digits, at least for now. What he said at the beginning was that he had led the team to come to the rescue at the request of the Fool, which was true.

"Just as you are very interested in why we are here, we have the same question about why you are here, Mr. Xie."

"Mr. Xie, do you know the identity of the Shadow Daughter?"

"If I said I knew, what would you do?" After Xie Zhifei said this, Hao Lianhongyuan was someone in the team behind him who couldn't help but take a step forward. But he was stopped by his hand.

"Mr. Xie, the awakening of the White Devil is such an important thing, I believe you know it." Hao Lianhongyuan changed your word to you, "Daughter of Shadows is also an indispensable part of this matter. It's a big deal, and I hope you understand."

"Now that the Daughter of Shadow has been captured by the Sheepshead Cultists, does her identity matter?" Xie Zhifei asked rhetorically.

"It does sound like a futile effort. But we want to rule out any accident. You're protecting her, and in fact, if you had reported her situation when you knew her, she wouldn't have been caught today. Go. So we want to make sure it doesn't happen again."

"What kind of thing?" Xie Zhifei raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"You will definitely participate in the action of saving people. After saving people, you will not escape with people."

"Ha, what do you mean, after I save someone, I will hand it over to you so that you can kill her?" Xie Zhifei looked like he heard one of the funniest jokes in the world.

"You must understand that the daughter of the shadow must die." Hao Lianhongyuan said sincerely.

"No, it's just that you said she had to die." Xie Zhifei suddenly restrained his smile, staring at Hao Lianhongyuan, "No one has to die! You are lying, it's just that you lied. For too many years, you all believed what you said, so you felt that she had to die!"

"We want to save the world..."

"And then use this as an excuse to kill an innocent girl?!"

"...Compared with a person's life, the world is more important." Hao Lianhongyuan was silent for a rare moment, but the next moment he firmed up his thoughts.

"Ha, why?" Xie Zhifei finally asked this question.

"Why does the world have to be more important than that girl? The world is full of mistakes, ugliness, and selfish desires, and that girl is pure, kind, and even willing to sacrifice herself for the world. Why is the world more important than a girl!"

"You also said that she is willing to give up her life for the world..."

"The **** is her good, what does it have to do with you?! What I'm asking you now is why the world is more important than her! Why does she have to die! Why can you kill her with peace of mind?! "


Chapter forty-seven battle

After Xie Zhifei's series of powerful questions, Hao Lianhongyuan fell silent. He already knew that he couldn't convince the young man in front of him. More importantly, he did find that in objective logic, he could not find out why the world is more important than a person.

In his cognition, this should be a matter of course, the world is so huge, no matter how good a person is, he can't compare with the world, because there will be many people as good as him. But he met a madman today, and he was asking himself why the world is more important than a person. Even when the person himself was willing to make sacrifices for the world, he still refused to give up.

He doesn't think of them as heroes who save the world, but as a group of murderers who kill a girl.

"Clap clap clap-" At this strange time, a burst of applause suddenly sounded. Hao Lianhongyuan turned his head sharply, a panic expression suddenly appeared on his always cold face. Not only him, but all the Hao Lian clan members suddenly became very flustered when they saw that person.

That kind of emotion mixed with fear and respect made everyone feel like a child having nowhere to put their hands and feet in class for the first time, as if the one who was walking was not a human like them, but a **** walking in the world.


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