"Yes." Xie Zhifei stood up and nodded decisively.

"From here?" The priest pointed to the surrounding Sheepshead believers. They seemed to be stopped by an invisible barrier, standing outside a semi-circular range, constantly clawing their teeth and dancing, daring not to take a step forward.

Instinct made them want to rush forward and tear up the intruder. And the previous death order of the priests made them dare not take a step forward. That's why this weird scene came about.

"Yes." Xie Zhifei nodded again.

"Why can you save people from here?!!!" The sacrifice's voice suddenly became louder, and he raised his huge claws and pointed at Xie Zhifei's head. "Why do you dare to come?!"

Then, without waiting for Xie Zhifei to explain, he waved his hand, "Kill him."

The energy surged like a tide, and several light spots flickered at the same time. Even at such a long distance, Xie Zhifei could still feel the slight tingling sensation on his skin.

Several blazing white light arrays unfolded in front of the priests at the same time, and blue rays of light converged among them. It was the trick of the White Devil God who attacked him under the pale fruit.

Xie Zhifei didn't have the confidence to flash this move within such a distance at all, so he pulled away and retreated, even faster than when he came. The cyan slender awns followed closely, not paying any attention to the compatriots of the Sheepshead Cultists behind Xie Zhifei who were like the tide.

Perhaps there is no concept of compatriots in their way of thinking. Low-level people are resources, slaves, and props. Their life and death depend entirely on themselves. More than a dozen cyan rays of light drew an arc and instantly arrived in front of Xie Zhifei.

Although Xie Zhifei did fight with the White Devil's Son of God. But after all, they are teaming up with Ji Qinger, and 99% of the time is at an absolute disadvantage. And the priests in front of me now have the power of Miyu Kamiko. But they have an absolute advantage in numbers. A person against them can't really see any winning percentage of Xie Zhifei,

The speed of the blue light was much faster than the speed at which Xie Zhifei escaped. Xie Zhifei who turned around could only see the light getting bigger and brighter in his pupils. But the speed has slowed down.

There were more than ten cyan beams, almost covering the entire range of his escape, but it was so slow that he could completely avoid it. But soon he found himself over.

He couldn't dodge. Because it's not that the speed of the beam has slowed down, it's that his thinking has become faster, and his body has become slower, as if it's still, and if it goes on like this, he can only watch himself being penetrated there.

I can't die...

I can't die! !

The thin blood line at the tiger's mouth peeled off, instantly condensed into a blood bullet, and then deformed and stretched. It did not have the streamlined appearance of ordinary bullets. Several sharp protrusions and holes in the space were full of cruel and violent textures. .

The next moment, a white cyclone condensed from behind the blood bullet, and Chang Lie's scream cut through the space, almost like a witch's wailing, but it was so short that it only lasted for just a moment, extremely high, extremely sharp and extremely short. . Makes you wonder if you are hallucinating.

Except for the sheep head cultivator who was hit, the target of the blood bullet was so close that he was even a few meters away from Xie Zhifei. The cells exploded the terrifying gap, and then stuck firmly inside.

Xie Zhifei's body swerved suddenly, and there was a thin blood line behind the blood bullet. It was so thin that it broke apart instantly with such a large pulling force. But the momentary force of such a pull completely changed Xie Zhifei's position in the air.

The cyan light beam was already in front of him, Xie Zhifei tried his best to shrink his body, a beam of light penetrated his right arm, and the heat and severe pain were intensified by dozens of times and transmitted to his brain. Originally it was only a momentary pain, but under his happier thinking, it extended dozens of times, as if the entire right hand was being scorched in the fire.

But it's not over yet!

Because it wasn't just this beam that could hit him, there was another slower, but more dangerous, beam that came straight towards his face, but his left hand was already in front of him.

It is impossible for flesh and blood to block this beam, not even a delay. But another ray of light flashed in his left hand, and it was also faintly cyan, and it was too late to show the real body.

But it didn't affect that it was already able to block the cyan light beam. The light beam hit the cyan light in his left hand and split instantly, splitting into dozens of tiny rays like a flower blooming and shooting in all directions.

He made a bet, even if it didn't fully reveal its identity, its nature was already there, and when he held his hand, it was already in his hand. That nameless, silent and stubborn sword named after dark green.

Time finally returned to normal, and dozens of explosions sounded together. It was the beams of light that exploded in the crowd, and countless broken limbs flew into the air. The surrounding area of ​​Xie Zhifei was the worst hit. The beam blocked by Shen Qing was split into dozens of small beams, which naturally produced dozens of small explosions. It's almost like a round of saturation bombing.

Xie Zhifei's back rubbed on the ground and slid far away to counteract the powerful kinetic energy in the beam.

"Ouch—" The moment he stood up, a large mouthful of blood came out of his mouth, and his internal organs were shaken a lot, but these were fine. What really kills is his head.

Although it took only two seconds in the physical sense from when he entered that weird state, his brain completed almost excessive calculations in those two seconds. The pain, like sticking a soldering iron into his head and still churning wildly, made him want to pass out now.

But he knew it wouldn't work, he didn't even dare to delay, as long as he delayed for a moment, he would die. But he can't die, he has to move. Fortunately, how to do it, I have just finished thinking.

Even though his brain was so painful that he didn't even lose his five senses, his body moved automatically. He got up suddenly and rushed towards where he came from. The speed is so fast that it makes people suspect that he is not injured at all.

"This is..." The main priest stood there and paused for a moment, with a trace of confusion in his eyes, as if he saw something incredible.

Then he shook his head, "Go after him, kill him, and use his blood as a gift for the Lord's resurrection." It was as if he had specifically told Shi Yuqing to listen. "He can't save you."

The girl had just witnessed Xie Zhifei being severely injured in an instant, and her wide eyes were full of tears. After hearing the words of the priest, he shook his head sharply.

"No, you can't kill him. If you didn't kill him this time, don't ever think about killing him. He will definitely stand in front of you again and save me."

The priest looked at her stubbornly, and the crazy spiral in his scarlet eyes seemed to **** people into it. "No one can go against the will of the Lord. Not even fate."


Chapter sixty nine

"Accelerate the ceremony, and let the Lord's will come as soon as possible." With a big wave of the Lord's sacrificial hand, the ripples of the will swept across the air as if in essence, calming the chaotic crowd.

The low-level Sheepshead cultists knelt down on the spot and started singing again, regardless of whether the ground was damaged or the bodies of other people. Unknown prayers continued to come out of their mouths, but this time the speed was obviously much faster.

In contrast, the strange patterns on the white robe move at a much faster speed. If it was a swimming fish before, it is now a rabbit. The blood was deposited at a faster rate, seeping out from them.

The red vines have been significantly strengthened, and the upward growth speed has even become visible to the naked eye. It seems that it will not be long before it can climb to the top of the black tower and touch the light group in the air.

But this kind of behavior cannot be without any cost, otherwise the priests will ask them to do it from the beginning.

The accelerated ritual is based on the lives of the low-level believers, and the rapidly rotating patterns and the low blood color obviously contain a part of their vitality. The bodies of the low-level believers began to become shriveled, and their physical strength, will, from the body to the soul, the essence of life was being drawn away bit by bit.

The instinct for survival began to resist, and the low-level believers obviously began to agitate, and the chanting posture began to twist, ready to stand up and escape at any time. At this time, another wave of will swept across them.

Lord worship! But this time, it was different from the time to appease them. The ripples of will did not dissipate, but gathered above them like a curtain of light, and more than several levels of will pressed them in place. Let their deformed posture return to normal, and continue to maintain this high-speed chanting ceremony.

This approach is similar to Xie Zhifei's 'thinking storm', but it is more advanced. It uses violence to force the other's thinking to be consistent with his own. Therefore, even though the low-level believers are constantly resisting their desire to survive, their thinking remains highly consistent with the Lord's sacrifice, and they sacrifice everything for the Lord's resurrection.

They can only watch themselves constantly overdrawing their lives, and then dying bit by bit, without even feeling the sadness and fear. This may be the most terrifying punishment.

This kind of practice is definitely not an easy thing for the main priest. His hands are already on the ground, supporting his body with his legs.

It's just that unlike the low-level believers, his weakness is not caused by the loss of vitality, but from the separation of thinking. The room for thinking gradually disappeared, and the taste of thinking exhausted little by little was very consistent with Xie Zhifei's critical state sequelae.

But Xie Zhifei broke out after the critical state ended, and he accumulated it little by little. The pain intensity of the two is difficult to compare, but to be able to continue to carry out the goal despite such pain, madness is definitely higher than him.

"It's just a human being." The priests on the side grabbed the hand of the main priest, like a cup matrix, taking part of his thinking pressure. "Is it necessary to be so urgent? The three hunter squads have already gone and will return with his body soon."

"The coming of the Lord cannot have any variables." Even if someone helped to share the burden, the Lord Priest still seemed very labored and almost said in a gritted voice.


On the other side, Xie Zhifei's situation was even more miserable. At the beginning, his breakthrough was relatively smooth, and the ultra-fast thinking speed in the critical state brought him a huge advantage. So much so that no one even reacted to his escape.

But then the problem appeared slowly, even in the critical mode, it just calculated and calculated as much as possible under the accelerated thinking speed. Assumptions are hypotheses after all, and reality is made up of countless uncertainties.

Unexpected circumstances will inevitably lead to the collapse of the plan, and Xie Zhifei, whose brain hurts like being stirred by a soldering iron, has no spare energy to repair and complete his plan. As a result, his situation continued to deteriorate.

The accidental accumulation finally changed from quantitative to qualitative. Four kilometers away from the black tower, he tripped over a certain stone. Bah, like a sandbag, the huge kinetic energy has nowhere to release and the whole person rolls out dozens of meters. With this fall, the injuries accumulated on his body exploded instantly. Blood loss, penetrating wounds on his arms, and large and small wounds made him almost faint.

The reason why he didn't, because the painful brain simply did not support him to do things like a coma that could relieve the pain. The extreme pain caused stomach cramps and a strong desire to vomit. He couldn't even get up, and retched on the spot with his stomach.

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