Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1101: Unfinished

Maria Hill, who sees this, will never put Super Virus Little Spider-Man, whose weaknesses are the same as Super Virus Little Spider-Man's strengths.

But apparently, Maria Hill soon became the winner of this tactic that will never go out of style. Food critics rely on this theory to educate the super virus little Spider-Man.

The super virus little Spider-Man also relied on this theory... um~ in front of the food critic, the master. Also because of this theory, the Super Virus Little Spider-Man was depressed to find that he was in the hands of Maria Hill, the bad woman.

The Super Virus Little Spider-Man under the mask, feeling the wound on his arm cut by the bullet, the hot tingling sensation, the pain nerve of the Super Virus Little Spider-Man and the self-confidence of the Super Virus Little Spider-Man.

Is he really suitable to be a superhero? Can't beat a food critic, that's the terrifying power of a food critic, but the woman in front of him is just an ordinary person.

Even if the pistol in the hand has been modified, it is nothing more than a modified magazine and rate of fire, as well as the recoil and the power of the pistol that are part of the calibration with Maria Hill.

Don't talk about energy weapons or anything, this is completely related to super weapons. The most non-sticky side is that the bullets in the magazine are also specially made by Maria Hill.

But it is still nothing more than an ordinary weapon. This ordinary small pistol has now become its own worst enemy?

Super Little Spider-Man's mood fluctuates, and she dodges in a trance, and once again changed the magazine of Maria Hill's bullet. Even though Super Little Spider-Man knows, the opposite Maria Hill is using the tactics of food critics, but Super Virus Little Spider-Man has nothing to do.

These bullets can shoot her own spider silk, and Maria Hill holds an unknown spray in her hand. As long as she did the above, Maria Hill would be merciless, take out the ‘insect killer’ spray specifically to deal with him, and spray him wildly.

Maria Hill's spray can not only dissolve his spider silk, it can also make him dizzy even if he wears a mask. There are still some things aimed at him in the spray.

Magnetic it!

Immediately afterwards, there was another scorching sensation, which came from his cheeks, and the super virus little Spider-Man reacted immediately. Now is not the time to distract him.

Perhaps just now, when fighting against food critics, he was beaten into doubts by food critics many times. But who is the food critic? In the Super Virus Spider-Man, food critics know when they are distracted, but as long as the Super Virus Spider-Man is not too distracted; too much, these food critics rely on their own strength and strength. Close one eye and let go of the super virus little Spider-Man.

But Maria Hill is different. She is not a food critic and does not have the power of a food critic. Maria Hill is not only tactically crushing the super virus little Spider-Man.

In the same way, you need to be fully armed and use your best state to completely suppress the Super Virus Spider-Man and prevent the opponent from having any chance of comeback.

Therefore, Maria Hill may not be right, the super virus little Spider-Man hit the dead. The bullet will not go to the heart and forehead of Super Virus Little Spider-Man, but it will not release water on Super Virus Little Spider-Man.

Maria Hill clearly knows her own strength and the strength of the opponent, and at the same time, she quickly calculated in her mind that she is the best "winner" against the super virus Little Spider-Man.

That is to prevent the super virus little Spider-Man from having any chance to take advantage of it before his bullets are all lit up. As for after my bullets are lit up? This Maria Hill hadn't thought about it, she thought about how many magazines she still had.

Excluding the magazines just now and now about to be finished, there are a total of six, and I have brought out more than 10 magazines in total.

However, the bullets that effectively hit the Super Virus Spider-Man were very few. Looking at the three wounds on the Super Virus’s face that were pierced by the bullet, looking at the arms, thighs, chest, shoulders, and waist. Just now, Super Virus Little Spider-Man was jumping in the air to avoid Maria Hill bullets.

The traces hit by the bullets designed in advance, none of these bullets penetrated into the body of Super Virus Little Spider-Man. It just tore off the Super Virus Little Spider-Man's suit, along with some skin and flesh that took away the Super Virus Little Spider-Man.

Looking at the super virus Little Spider-Man is very miserable now, but it is just some skin trauma, at most the amount of skin and flesh taken away by the bullet.

It is not unreasonable for Hawkeye Button to fear Maria Hill’s thermal weapons without harming the life of Super Virus Spider-Man. Maria Hill, a woman, does have something, and she has enough to fight: madness, calmness and reason.

Reasonably analyze the advantages of both parties, calmly deal with accidents that may occur at any time, and the situation that is happening. A fierce attack of madness without leaving a trace of emotion.

It doesn't give the Super Virus any face at all, I am afraid when Maria Hill attacked Super Spider-Man. Maria Hill, this woman, has forgotten the super virus Little Spider-Man, who is the successor of Tony Stark.

Just remember that the little spider in front of you is his enemy, and he can do whatever he wants except that he can't kill the opponent.

Maria Hill, who has entered the state, has taught the super virus little Spider-Man miserably. The miserable super virus spider is even more so depressed that he vomits blood but he has no chance to show it.

Maria Hill, the bad woman, is too powerful, right? Super virus little Spider-Man once doubted himself.

boom! Click...

Ok! ?

The sound of this little pistol, the super soldier who heard it numbs Spider-Man's scalp, this one heard the sound of the pistol. This super virus little Spider-Man is already there, and he doesn't need his spider to sense the body, and he has formed a subconsciously fast dodge of neural response.

However, the super virus little Spider-Man, who subconsciously dodges, did not feel the special bullet of the pistol, and flew by wiping the scalp of his spider suit.

The feeling of empty fishing made him accustomed to walking a tightrope in danger and dancing on the blade of death.

Smash your mouth, Super Virus Little Spiderman, there is still some meaning...

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