Tianyuan world, black market.

After dealing with Blue Star's affairs, Su Jie returned here with the help of the ancient mirror, preparing to purchase the last batch of supplies in preparation for the next mountain patrol.

The flow of people in the black market is much busier than usual.

Many disciples of Ghost Ridge Palace have the same idea as Su Jie, and want to exchange the stored blood marrow crystals for combat power.

Taixu Pavilion!

Su Jie looked up at this seven-story building, one of the best in the black market, and walked in.

Taixu Pavilion is a place that specializes in selling talismans and magical instruments. It is divided into the Talisman Hall and the Magical Instrument Hall.

The talismans here are basically used by righteous monks outside Guiling Palace. Demonic cultivators can also use them, but they are not so handy.

In the outside world, Taixu Pavilion is also quite famous, with a secret treasure realm enshrining it.

"Master Su."

As soon as I walked in, I saw a woman with first-class figure and appearance. She was wearing a palace costume, with a long five-color palace ribbon tied around her waist. She had a plump and round buttocks, plump and moist lips, and no makeup. She was about thirty years old, and she looked very young. A woman who smells like a married woman comes.

"Sister Cai, I haven't seen her for a month, and she looks even more beautiful and charming."

Su Jie raised his eyebrows and spoke with a smile.

The woman in front of me is named Cai Chun'e. She is the supervisor of Taixu Pavilion. She is well-known in the black market for her beauty.

Because Su Jie had purchased talismans from her, and also sold them several poisonous insects purchased by Taixu Pavilion, and they had dealt with each other several times.

"Master Su is really good at joking."

Cai Chun'e pursed her lips and smiled sweetly, and said with a smile: "You don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, but you are here to buy something today."

"Purchase some talismans, protective ones."

Su Jie said, now he has no shortage of attacks, but his protection is still a bit weak.

You only have one life, so you can't be too careful.

"follow me."

Cai Chun'e nodded slightly and led Su Jie up the stairs to the second floor.

When going upstairs, because she was wearing a half-skirt palace dress, her two beautiful legs were exposed. When she walked, her buttocks twisted slightly, which was full of flavor.

Cai Chun'e seemed to be aware of it, and pressed her skirt back with her hand.

Coming to the second floor, dozens or hundreds of talismans are placed on the tightly protected legal restraint shelves, shining with a brilliant color, which makes people look very good.

Su Jie is also very keen on these talismans. In the Tianyuan world, whether they are talisman masters, alchemists, or weapon refiners, as long as they are talented and successful, they are all first-class rich people.

"This low-grade elementary golden spiral talisman can create a deflection spiritual force field to deflect incoming long-range strikes. It sells for 12 pieces of blood marrow crystals. The low-grade elementary magic walking talisman can stimulate the spiritual meridians of the legs, allowing you to The speed increases in one minute, and the price is 10 pieces of blood marrow crystals. There is also the low-grade intermediate Tianli Fire Talisman, which can condense high-temperature fire shield to protect the whole body, and the price is 50 pieces of blood marrow crystals."

Cai Chun'e introduced Su Jie one by one in great detail, but she did not introduce the low-grade and high-grade talismans. The price of such talismans started at hundreds of blood marrow crystals, making it difficult for ordinary outer disciples to afford them.

"Have the prices increased? I remember that the Golden Spiral Talisman sold for 10 pieces of blood marrow crystals before? Other talismans are also more expensive."

Su Jie frowned slightly. These prices have increased compared to the past.

"Because the trade routes have recently been affected by frequent harassment by White Walkers, the purchase cost has increased. In order to barely maintain capital, we can only increase the price slightly."

It seems that Cai Chun'e has heard similar questions many times. After hearing Su Jie's words, Cai Chun'e did not panic at all.


Su Jie cursed in his heart.

But when you think about the kind of merchants who dare to enter the black market and do business with Ghost Ridge Palace, it is not surprising at all that they can make a living with strange goods.

"I'll go see another house first."

Although Cai Chun'e is very charming, Su Jie still has to shop around when it comes to his own money bag, but he can't be blinded by beauty.

Cai Chun'e smiled slightly and said confidently: "Mr. Su, please do it."

Su Jie walked out of Taixu Pavilion and went to other shops selling talismans.

There is no intellectual property rights in the talisman, especially low-grade talismans, which are the most produced and best-selling ones and are sold in many stores.

But after walking around the entire black market, Su Jie's face turned dark.

Because compared to Taixu Pavilion, the prices of talismans in other stores have increased even more.

Not only the talismans, but also the prices of various combat-related materials have skyrocketed, which made Su Jie's brows jump.

An hour later, Su Jie returned to Taixu Pavilion again.

Cai Chun'e was waiting at the door, anticipating that Su Jie would come back. After meeting, she smiled and said: "Mr. Su, our prices at Taixu Pavilion are the most sincere in the black market. You can buy with confidence."

Su Jie was speechless because what Cai Chun'e said was the truth.

"Give me two golden spiral talismans and one divine walking talisman."

Su Jie did not bargain anymore and proposed to buy it with Cai Chun'e.

Because he spent 10 pieces of blood marrow crystals to buy the martial arts school Tiger Roar Fist some time ago, and now his total net worth is only 35 pieces of blood marrow crystals. This is the money earned from selling Peng Shiwen's body, otherwise Su Jie will be even poorer.

"Thank you Mr. Su for taking care of the business."

Cai Chun'e handed the talisman to Su Jie and collected 34 pieces of blood marrow crystals from Su Jie.

"Excuse me, is there anything else I need to buy? Do you want to see the magic weapon?"

Perhaps seeing that Su Jie was relatively wealthy among the outer disciples, Cai Chun'e continued to promote products, hoping to sell more.

"I don't have any money. If Sister Cai is willing to give it to me, I wouldn't mind."

After rummaging through his empty pockets, Su Jie didn't want to buy a magic weapon.

But unlike talismans, talismans are only disposable items and are gone after use.

A magic weapon can be used as long as it is not damaged, so even the lowest quality low-grade primary magic weapon costs hundreds of blood marrow crystals.

It's not that he doesn't want to buy it, it's just that he is short of money.

Cai Chun'e pursed her lips and smiled, rolled her eyes at Su Jie charmingly, and said: "I would like it, but Taixu Pavilion is not owned by my sister, but I can't give it away. I can only welcome Mr. Su to come to purchase again next time."

Su Jie spread his hands and curled his lips and said, "I'm afraid I can't afford it at your price."

According to this price increase trend, if the White Walker problem cannot be solved in a short time, the prices of these battle-related commodities will definitely continue to rise.

After buying the talisman, Su Jie did not stay any longer.

As soon as he walked out of the gate of Taixu Pavilion, Su Jie's ears twitched and he heard a commotion.

I saw a group of disciples pushing a flatbed truck through the street.

On top of the flatbed truck, an extremely terrifying humanoid creature with pale skin, more than three meters tall, claws as sharp as steel knives, and eyes as scarlet as blood, was lying here.

This is a White Walker, but a dead White Walker.

There was a big hole in its heart, and you could see that all the internal organs inside were shattered.

Several disciples were standing next to the cart, looking around with contented faces.

And a group of businessmen swarmed around the disciples and started to flatter them.

"They actually managed to kill a White Walker. You guys are really amazing."

"How about selling this strange ghost to us at Mingguang Tower? We are willing to pay a high price, three hundred blood marrow crystals to purchase it."

"Our Chen Chamber of Commerce is willing to pay 350 pieces of blood marrow crystals."

"We're out"

Businessmen gathered around the flatbed truck to bid enthusiastically, and a steady stream of businessmen joined in.

Behind Su Jie, Cai Chun'e also hurried out of Taixu Pavilion, holding up her skirt and rushed into the bidding queue.

This scene of looting and bidding made all the disciples on the black market streets envious.

Su Jie was also a little jealous. The materials of the White Walkers were extremely precious. Skin and flesh were not valuable, but bones were different.

Grinding the skeletons of the White Walkers into powder and adding them to the crafting of magic weapons can greatly improve the success rate and quality of the magic weapon forging. This is why these merchants are so excited to sell them.

"I don't know how much it cost."

Su Jie took a few glances at the disciples around the truck. Most of them were covered in blood. The White Walkers were extremely powerful in combat. It would take several disciples to cooperate if they wanted to injure them, let alone kill them.

Su Jie also watched the auction. In the end, the White Walker was sold at a high price of 550 pieces of blood marrow crystals.

A group of businessmen who failed to bid dispersed in twos and threes, and Cai Chun'e also returned with a disappointed look on her face.

"Sister Cai, your Taixu Pavilion also wants the corpse of a strange ghost?"

Su Jie looked very disappointed when he saw Cai Chun'e empty-handed.

Since Taixu Pavilion's family has a big business, it shouldn't be like this.

"Lin Lan, the proud daughter of the Lin family, is celebrating her 18th birthday recently. Her father is a well-known weapon refiner and plans to personally refine a top-quality magic weapon, which requires a large amount of ghost bone powder. The price of this thing has now doubled. It’s doubled.”

Cai Chun'e explained, and when Su Jie heard about the Lin family, he immediately understood something.

In the outside world of Qingzhou, the Lin family is a giant. It has been passed down for thousands of years and there are many masters in the family.

The reason why these merchants purchased the corpses of the White Walkers was probably because they wanted to please this thousand-year-old family.

After explaining, Cai Chun'e continued: "Mr. Su, you are purchasing talismans because you are going to patrol the mountains and protect the roads, right? If you have a chance to get the corpse of a strange ghost, you must consider my sister. I will give you a good price. "

"Sister Cai, you think too highly of me. I'm not that powerful."

"Not necessarily. I have a pretty good eye for people."

Cai Chun'e looked at Su Jie's waist and abdomen thoughtfully, then she leaned over and said with a smile: "Young Master Su seemed to like it when he stared at my buttocks just now. If you can get the body of the White Walker, I can let you feel it." Touch.”

Leaving behind these seductive words, Cai Chun'e walked back to Taixu Pavilion with a charming figure.

"This witch."

Su Jie touched his chest, lowered his eyes, and thought to himself: "Did she find out about the Thousand-Handed Centipede?"

Unfortunately, it is difficult to find evidence from the other party on this issue.

Su Jie could only temporarily suppress the doubts in his heart and turned around to return to the Ghost Ridge Palace.

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