Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 29: Night Raid of the White Walkers


The silver moonlight illuminated the earth, and except for a few insects, the forest was silent.


Suddenly, a sound so subtle that it was almost imperceptible came.

A terrifying creature with a hunched body lurked in the night.

As this creature appeared, a gloomy aura gradually spread in the night forest.

This is a strange ghost, a majestic and strong ghost that is more than three meters tall.

Its nostrils twitched slightly, as if it caught a special scent and suddenly became extremely excited. It ran quickly towards the south side of Niujiao Ridge. Its heavy body landed on the ground, but it barely made much sound.

After traveling several thousand meters, the White Walker raised his head, and his scarlet eyes confirmed something through the darkness.

A few hundred meters away, a wooden house stood quietly, faintly glowing with dim light.

The White Walker slowly opened his mouth and smelled the breath of a living person, and his genetic foraging instinct was activated.

It lowered its body and approached the wooden house with a strange posture.

Upstairs on the wooden roof, a disciple of Guiling Palace was standing guard. He was one of the disciples who followed Meng Dongge.

The night wind blew, and he yawned, wrapped his clothes tightly, and couldn't help cursing: "It's not winter yet, why is it so cold?"

This disciple didn't notice that while he was complaining, a terrifying and strange ghost had quietly crawled behind him along the outer wall of the wooden house.

The huge mouth that was split to the base of the ears was open, and the fangs inside were like small daggers, and saliva dripped down.

The disciple touched his head and thought to himself: "It's raining, what a bad luck."

But the next moment, when he subconsciously looked up at the sky, he only saw a bloody mouth that quickly closed.

With just one mouthful, the disciple's head disappeared and was chewed and swallowed by the White Walkers.

The headless corpse sprayed blood several meters high, like bloody fireworks blooming in the dark night, adding another level of terror and chill to the night.

The smell of blood was too obvious. Among the sleeping disciples in the wooden house, someone's Gu was very sensitive to blood. At this time, he had already warned the host in his sleeve robe.

"There's movement."

"What a strong smell of blood."

"No, something happened."

A suspicious voice sounded in the wooden house, the oil lamp was lit, and with weapons in hand, Meng Dongge rushed out with four disciples of Guiling Palace.

As soon as he walked out of the wooden house, a huge figure jumped down from the roof.

"It's a White Walker."

All the disciples were shocked, and their horrified screams echoed through the sky.

Meng Dongge's face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Don't be afraid, there are five of us, enough to destroy this beast."

Several disciples of Ghost Ridge Palace summoned a large number of Gu insects, but now they can only bite the bullet.

"Do it."

With a loud shout, Meng Dongge knew that he might not be good tonight.

Unlike the White Walkers who had set up ambushes and hunted down in the past, the White Walker in front of him was in perfect condition.

If they collide, I don't know how many people will die.

Meng Dongge was very annoyed about his bad luck tonight, actually bumping into a wandering ghost.

From beginning to end, Meng Dongge never thought that this strange ghost was artificially attracted.

At the foot of the mountain on the south side of Niujiao Ridge.

With the night wind blowing on the slightly swaying treetops, Su Jie sat here with his legs crossed, watching the fire and explosions in the wooden house in the distance, listening to the roaring and roaring over there, the angry roar of the White Walkers, and the dying of humans. He screamed in despair before saying, "It's amazing! Even the fire-poisoned cockroaches used it to self-destruct. This is a completely life-threatening attack."

Gu Weinian stood under the tree, rubbing his arms that were covered in goosebumps due to nervousness, and couldn't help but said: "Brother Su, when are we going to do it?"

"Don't worry, there is a strange ghost. I believe Meng Dongge and the others can still deal with it. It's not the time for both sides to suffer."

Su Jie was not in any hurry and let the White Walkers consume more.

"Death well, let you also taste the feeling of being slaughtered by the White Walkers."

Compared to Gu Weinian's nervousness, Chen Yun was particularly excited, with a crazy smile on his face that never stopped for a moment.

The battle took longer than expected. After waiting for almost twenty minutes, the fighting in the distance finally stopped and became peaceful.

"It's time for us to appear."

Su Jie jumped down from the treetop and walked with Gu Weinian calmly.

They could only go forward seven or eight hundred meters, and burning wooden houses, fallen corpses, and insect corpses could be seen everywhere.

Meng Dongge's team, which had previously consisted of six people, now only has four people left, and they are still injured.

One disciple was the most seriously injured. His whole body was broken into two parts from the waist, with blood and internal organs flowing freely. His upper body was still struggling to crawl on the ground, and he was still breathing for a while.

This disciple also knew that he was hopeless and cast a pleading look at Meng Dongge.

"Give him a good time."

Meng Dongge shook his head. Just as he was about to put an end to this disciple's pain, he suddenly heard some abnormal sounds and suddenly turned his head and shouted: "Who is there? Come out here?"

There was a rustling crawling sound in the forest, and several pale arms emerged from the darkness, with their roots raised high and their fingers spread out, crawling like spiders, and appeared in Meng Dongge's field of vision.

The disciple who was cut in half was the closest, and was immediately grabbed by several pale corpse hands, grabbing his head and twisting his head 360 degrees.

The sound of broken bones was particularly obvious in the dark and silent environment, helping him end his pain.

"Enemy attack."

Meng Dongge looked alert. With the help of the dark moonlight, he saw a horrifying scene.

Su Jie, Gu Weinian and Chen Yun walked out of the darkness and surrounded them.

"Fellow Daoist Meng, we are here to kill you. There is no need to be nervous."

Su Jie had a kind smile on his face. Several pale corpse hands moved quickly, climbed up Su Jie's trouser legs, and finally disappeared into the wide sleeves.

"Fellow Daoist Su, what do you mean? How did I offend you that you want to kill us?"

Meng Dongge's eyes were full of confusion and bewilderment, as if he really had no idea.

"Don't pretend, Meng Dongge, you killed my brother and husband. Today I will make you go down to accompany them."

Chen Yun stared at Meng Dongge with great resentment. Her hair was disheveled and there were ugly wounds on her face. She looked like a terrifying female ghost crawling back from hell.

"It was the White Walkers who killed your brother and husband. What does it have to do with us? I went to save you yesterday."

Meng Dongge hurriedly defended himself and refused to admit it until now. He even shouted to Gu Weinian: "Gu Daoyou, don't you believe me either?"

Gu Weinian looked complicated and said: "Meng Daoyou, we have already discovered the matter of the gentian grass. You encountered the White Walkers tonight because I buried the gentian grass near you."

After these words came out, Meng Dongge was silent for a few seconds, his expression returned to calm, and he asked back: "When did you find out?"

Meng Dongge no longer pretended, because all his secrets had been revealed, and there was no point in continuing to act.

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