Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 535: Destroy a country in two days (6K)

The outcome of the Temasek battle was so ups and downs that other outside observers were stunned.

The raid was originally successful and the army entered Johor as if it was going to sweep Temasek away.

As a result, in just a few days, the situation of the battle took a shocking turn.

Johor, which invaded Temasek aggressively, was beaten to the ground and all the land it originally occupied was taken back by Temasek.

Now, Western society will not let go of this opportunity to laugh.

"The arrogant Johor people have paid the price for their arrogance. This is the price for invading a country of freedom and justice." 》

"Johor's abandoned armaments have already laid the foundation for their failure. 》

"Beautiful Country announced the imposition of sanctions on Johor. The foreign spokesperson of Beautiful Country claimed that they will not allow a cruel country to invade other countries so unscrupulously and cause destruction to life. As long as the war in Johor stops, their sanctions will not stop. 》

Because Johor fully surrendered to the Jieco Group and became the younger brother of the Jieco Group, the Western media also hated Johor, and there were countless ridiculing news.

Even not long ago, under the pen of these Western media, Johor was a just and friendly country that upheld world order and was a frontline ally in the fight against the axis of evil.

As Johor was defeated one after another, snowflakes of letters for help came to the Jieco Group.

The president, Datu Hou, flew to the Zen Kingdom in person, crying bitterly and detailing the friendship between the two sides.

Finally, after Johor agreed to pay some prices and conditions, Jieco Group also took action to respond to Johor's request for help.

"Temasek brazenly invaded the island of Pedra Branca in Johor. According to the security regulations signed by Jieke Group and Johor, Jieke Group has now declared war on Temasek. 》

It was a brief announcement, issued by Jieke Group in a calm manner, without too much publicity.

But as soon as this announcement came out, it was another earthquake for major countries around the world.

Because the war between the Jieko Group and the Asan Kingdom in the west has not ended yet, it has now opened up a battlefield in the south and started a two-front war.

Two-front warfare has always been a taboo for military strategists. Although Temasek is a small country, it is still a small military power in Southeast Asia. Is the Jieko Group so unscrupulous?

More countries immediately observed the beautiful country's reaction.

The reporters were like bees and butterflies, swarming towards the Black Palace.

For well-known reasons, Johor has now fully switched to the Jieco Group and acted as a pawn of the Jieco Group, while Temasek is the younger brother of the beautiful country.

Now that JEC Group is standing up for its younger brother, will the beautiful Congress also stand up for Temasek?

If Beautiful Country chooses to come forward, Beautiful Country will definitely collide head-on with Jieko Group. If the two sides go to war, it will be the big news of the century.

However, to the disappointment of the outside world, when faced with inquiries from journalists and media, the spokesperson of the United States just ignored him. One moment he said, "Congress and the military are studying combat plans," and the next moment he said, "We are concerned about Temasek." The security commitment is rock-solid, but the current conditions are not suitable, and what will happen soon? If the Jieke Group intensifies its infringement on other countries, it will usher in a devastating blow to our country.

There were a lot of harsh words, but there was no actual public declaration of war, and there was no intention of dispatching troops to reinforce Temasek.

Now, the whole world understands the beautiful country’s attitude.

The beautiful country obviously does not want to send troops into the quagmire of Temasek and compete with the Jieke Group on land and sea.

The chess piece of Temasek was abandoned by the beautiful country as a discarded piece.

If the Jieko Group doesn't move, it will be like thunder.

Magic Bird fighter jets took off one after another, flew across the Strait of Johor, and faced Temasek's air force first.

Without any surprise, the Jieko Group Air Force, which had more fighter planes and stronger performance, soon took advantage in the air battle and continuously regained air supremacy from Temasek.

On the ground, the Jieke Group has the 5th Heavy Armored Combined Brigade, the 42nd Infantry Division, the 59th Mountain Brigade, the 1st Mecha Combat Brigade, as well as corresponding independent regimental-level technical arms such as engineers, artillery, and army aviation, about three More than 10,000 troops also entered Temasek from the Johor-Singapore Causeway without any cover-up.

The vanguard unit is the 1st Mecha Combat Brigade. As the heavy-armed aces of the Jieco Group's land warfare, they are responsible for the task of drilling through the enemy's formation. They are the first Jieco Group troops to break into Temasek.

"The mission given to us by Commander Su is to end the battle within three days."

Hao Guang, commander of the 1st Mecha Combat Brigade, spoke while looking at the two armies on the Xinrou Long Causeway.

One is the Jieke Group army that drove into Temasek with straight military uniforms and sonorous and powerful steps.

One was the Johor army that had withdrawn from Temasek, disgraced, and many of them were still wrapped in bleeding gauze bandages.

Two troops crossed each other on the Johor-Singapore Causeway. One was full of morale, and the other was dejected, which perfectly explained the difference between a strong army and a weak army.

Seeing the soldiers of the Jieko Group, the Johor soldiers had envy in their eyes. Others like this are called the army.

Standing next to Hao Guang was Hao Guyu, the battalion commander of the 1st Mecha Brigade, and he was also the ace pilot of the Mecha Combat Brigade.

Just like fighter jets have their ace pilots, and tanks have their ace crews, Hao Guyu's record is the strongest among the First Mecha Combat Brigade.

"Brigadier, three days is too long."

Hao Guyu laughed a few times. It was not that he was arrogant, but it was a small place like Temasek. Three days was too rich for their First Mecha Combat Brigade.

"It also takes time to capture prisoners."

Hao Guang withdrew his gaze and patted Hao Guyu on the shoulder: "Go, now the battle officially begins."

"Okay dad, I will be the first to enter Temasek City this time and bring glory to you."

Hao Guyu chuckled, quickly climbed onto the A-180 Spider main battle mecha and got into the driver's seat.

"You brat, you already said you would address me by my title at work."

Hao Guang cursed with a smile, watched the mecha go away, and smiled at several accompanying staff officers: "Let's set out too and bring the victory report to Commander Su as soon as possible."

April 15th.

On the day that the JECO Group declared war on Temasek and officially sent troops into Temasek, the JECO Group's troops soon came face to face with Temasek's troops.

Because Temasek is so small, with hundreds of square kilometers of land, you can bump into your face just around the corner.

Near Zhenghua Nature Park, a defeated Johor army was fleeing in large numbers. Chasing them was Temasek's Mixed First Division.

The Temasek Army is organized into 3 mixed divisions (each division includes 2 infantry brigades, 1 mechanized brigade, 1 reconnaissance battalion, 1 artillery battalion, 1 anti-aircraft battalion, and 1 engineering battalion) and 1 quick reaction division , under the jurisdiction of 3 infantry brigades and 1 mechanized brigade.

The mixed first division that appeared in front of them was Temasek's main regular army, with a total number of just over 10,000 people.

"Kill, kill all these Johoreans."

"Don't let them go, chase them."

"Victory belongs to the great Temasek, go for it!"

The morale of Temasek's 1st Mixed Division is high. They showed strong confidence in the battle against the Johor Army.

"Division Commander, we can't go any further. The troops of the Jieco Group have already entered our territory. If we continue to move forward, we are likely to encounter the Jieco Group."

The commander of the 1st Mixed Division, Wen Ruiqun, was giving the order to pursue and kill, but the staff put forward different opinions.

"The 3rd Infantry Brigade of Johor is ahead. Do we have to let them go?"

Wen Ruiqun looked at the fleeing Johor soldiers, because most of the transport vehicles of the Johor army were destroyed by the air strike, and now only the infantry's legs were running. Their first mixed division had a large number of mechanized vehicles, running on four wheels, and it would not take long to defeat them. The defeated 3rd Infantry Brigade was surrounded and wiped out.


The staff officer wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Wen Ruiqun.

"That's it, keep pursuing me. Even if the Jieko Group comes, we won't be able to give him a fight. Look at the morale of our soldiers. No matter how strong the enemy is, they are not scary in front of them."

Wen Ruiquan said proudly, because of the recent consecutive winning streak in Johor, Wen Ruiquan, like many Temasek people, is a little confused about himself.

This is commonly known as the abuse of food. If you abuse it too much, you really think of yourself as a master.

Under Wen Ruiqun's order, the Temasek soldiers pursued him even more enthusiastically.

Half an hour later, near a woodland.

Click! Click!

The Johor deserters who were fleeing in embarrassment suddenly heard noises from the nearby forest. It seemed that a large forest tree was broken, and a group of flying birds took off from the forest, chirping and unwilling to fall down.

Not only the Johor soldiers, but also the Temasek troops didn't understand, and subconsciously looked towards the forest.

Then they saw a jaw-dropping scene. A lush tree slowly fell over, with dense leaves floating in the air, and countless branches snapping and snapping.

Behind the fallen tree, a 12-meter-tall metal monster stepped out.

With a huge height of 12 meters, which is equivalent to the height of a four-story building, it carries a 203mm cannon on its back, two 30mm cannons on the back, four 20mm cannons, and eight 12.7mm heavy machine guns, which are all over the place. The sight of the firepower makes one’s scalp numb.

Everyone who saw this spider main battle mecha, whether they were soldiers from Johor or Temasek, felt cold all over, and a kind of heartfelt fear emerged in their hearts.

This is like the first time humans have seen powerful carnivores such as tigers and lions. The image of the spider main battle mecha brings unparalleled psychological shock to people.

What frightened the Temasek soldiers even more was that the appearance of the first Spider main battle mecha was just the beginning.

Soon, each forest tree fell to the ground.

The second plane, the third plane, the fourth plane.

Tall Spider main battle mechas pushed down the trees, and eight long metal legs straddled the bushes and weeds on the ground, appearing in the field of vision of the Temasek Mixed 1st Division. The entire 1st Mecha Combat Brigade had a total of 134 Spiders. The main battle mechas are all in place.

On top of these spider main battle mechas, there are genetic warriors from the Steel Battalion standing ready.

The 1st Mecha Combat Brigade of the Jieko Group completed its first encounter with the Temasek Army.

"The whole army, free to hunt."

Brigadier Hao Guang issued the combat order through the radio channel.

The next moment, each spider main battle mecha sped up, like a tiger out of the cage, directly changing from walking to running. Its eight long metal legs climbed over mountains and ridges, far more maneuverable, flexible and high-speed than tanks.

boom! boom! boom!

During the march, the 203mm cannons on the back of the spider mecha also opened fire.

A Temasek Leopard 2 main battle tank was hit by direct fire, and hundreds of kilograms of shells detonated instantly.

Even the Leopard 2, the most advanced tank in the world, was as fragile as paper in front of the 203mm cannon.

The huge explosion blew the Leopard 2 tank into a ball of twisted scrap metal. Countless broken parts were like the sickle of the god of death, cutting down the surrounding Temasek soldiers. The ground was full of Temasek soldiers covering their wounds and screaming.

The power of the 203mm main gun is far from comparable to that of the 155mm howitzer. When a shot fell, the tank broke into parts and fell into the crowd of infantry. The ground would be cleared in an instant, leaving only a crater with a diameter of nearly ten meters and broken limbs scattered around.

As the machine guns and cannons also opened fire, the Spider Main Battle Mech turned into a mobile firepower bunker and launched its own massacre.

The genetic warriors who fought with the Spider Main Battle Mech also landed one after another. With the Spider Main Battle Mech cooperating in combat, the battle process was accelerated.

Hao Guyu drove his A-180 Spider Mech and rushed across the battlefield, leaving only corpses and vehicle wreckage wherever he passed.

The enemy's occasional counterattack firepower, the armor-piercing bullets fired by the tank smoothbore guns, could not threaten the Spider main battle mech in the face of thick armor and tumors.

The anti-tank firepower of the infantry would also be brutally hit by the genetic warriors. Hao Guyu had a smooth journey and it took a short time to drill through the Temasek Mixed First Division, destroying 5 tanks, 13 armored vehicles, and killing more than 200 infantrymen.

This was just the result of Hao Guyu alone, and the results of other Spider main battle mechs were also not small.

As expected, Temasek's troops collapsed directly.

If their Temasek army fighting Johor is like a tiger fighting a wolf, then the Jeko Group fighting Temasek is like a Tyrannosaurus Rex fighting a tiger. They are not opponents of the same level at all.

Temasek soldiers cried and screamed, either surrendering on the spot or being killed on the spot, and had no power to resist the First Mech Combat Brigade.

In the past, they had the so-called confidence to fight the Johor army, but when they really faced the Jeko Group, they found that the confidence was bullshit.

"Surrender, the whole army surrender."

Wen Ruiqun's back was wet with sweat. He gave this order with a difficult tone. Looking at the one-sided slaughter on the battlefield, he wanted to slap himself.

Originally, he thought that his army would have the strength to fight against the Jeko Group, but after really encountering the Jeko Group, he realized how naive his idea was.

The brutal and terrifying firepower of the Spider Main Battle Mech, the solid and almost indestructible armor, the flexible battlefield maneuverability, and the coordination of the genetic warriors, they were completely pushed down on land, and it was not something that will and morale could resist.

One by one, the Temasek soldiers dropped their weapons, knelt on the ground and raised the French salute, surrendering to the Jeko Group, fearing that they would be included in the list of casualties if they were a second late.

The Johor deserters were stunned. The Temasek army that chased them like dogs was so weak and helpless in front of the Jeko Group, and was wiped out in an instant.

This is definitely not because the Temasek soldiers are weak. If they were weak, they would not be beaten so badly.

This can only mean that the Jeko Group is too strong, so strong that it is so easy to fight.

Many Johor soldiers were scared when they saw the battlefield full of corpses.

Fortunately, they surrendered to the Johor early, otherwise the fate of the Temasek army today would fall on their Johor army. I dare not imagine how miserable they would be killed in the face of these spider main battle mechas.

"Your commander is that one. These prisoners are in your care."

Hao Guang made good use of the Johor fleeing soldiers and ordered them to take care of the prisoners of the Temasek Mixed First Division. Then he continued to lead the team on the road, as if annihilating a 10,000-man force in Temasek was a trivial matter.

The First Mechanized Combat Brigade was like a sharp knife. The encounter of the Temasek Mixed First Division was just the beginning.

In the following, any enemy in front of the First Mechanized Combat Brigade, no matter how the Temasek soldiers resisted, would be easily penetrated by the Spider Main Combat Mecha.

From the time they entered Temasek territory, it took only 11 hours for the First Mechanized Combat Brigade to penetrate Temasek, from the Johor Strait in Temasek all the way to the Strait of Malacca in the south.

Among them, if it were not for the need to spend time dealing with the prisoners, the First Mechanized Combat Brigade would have advanced even faster.

Because the First Mech Combat Brigade broke through too quickly, the logistics troops and ammunition warehouses behind Temasek had no time to move, let alone resist, and the entire battlefield was turned into a mess by the Jeko Group.

The Temasek army could not stop the First Mech Combat Brigade, and the originally deployed army was divided into pieces, and then it was divided and surrounded by other armies of the Jeko Group, and eaten one by one.

Temasek's 50,000 regular troops, plus the mobilization of reserve forces, are said to be 150,000 troops, which looks a lot.

However, after the Jeko Group declared war, in just two days, the military forces that resisted Temasek were completely wiped out, and the soldiers either died or surrendered.

Temasek is too small, too small, and there is no room for strategic buffer. If it is defeated, there is no place to retreat, and it can't escape. It has no room for maneuver and can only fight the Jeko Group head-on.

But they are the iron fist opponents of the Jeko Group. A charge from the First Mech Combat Brigade can break them down.

The Jake Group used a blitzkrieg attack tactic. The First Mechanized Combat Brigade broke the Temasek Army's front and divided the Temasek Army into individuals that could not contact each other for assistance, and eliminated them one by one during the movement.

It has been proved that using this tactic in a country like Temasek, which is only a few hundred square kilometers, is somewhat like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.

With such a small territory, the Jake Group's army was just a warm-up, and the battle was declared over, which was very easy and pleasant.

When the main force of the Temasek Army was annihilated, Temasek City also welcomed the iron hoof of the Jake Group.

Temasek City is one of the world's largest ports and an important international financial center. Its urban infrastructure ranks first in the world and it has the reputation of a garden city.

Temasek City is home to millions of people, and almost 90% of Temasek's population is concentrated in Temasek City.

On April 17, the First Mechanized Combat Brigade had already arrived at the city and broke into the city directly.

In the eyes of the frustrated and helpless people of Temasek, the spider main battle mechas trampled on their most prosperous capital.

But no matter how dissatisfied they were, facing those terrifying spider main battle mechas and the dangerous gene warriors, these Temasek citizens could only bury all their resentment in their hearts.

Because even the top leaders of Temasek had already knelt down and smiled at the entrance of Temasek City to welcome the army of the Jeko Group into the city, which was also to welcome their new master.

Without the need for the Jeko Group to do anything, the top leaders of Temasek had already completed their own cleansing. The pro-American spokespersons were either turned over and liquidated, or fled abroad overnight. Those who stayed were all the class that was oriented to the Jeko Group.

The army entered Temasek City continuously, and the tank tracks rolled over the streets, and the weight of dozens of tons crushed the road surface.

Soldiers strode with their heads held high, carrying steel guns, their helmets shining in the sun, marching in neat rows on the streets, with neat and powerful steps.

Armed helicopters shuttled between high-rise buildings, dropping leaflets, announcing the arrival of the JEC Group.

All this, as the A-180 Spider main battle mecha planted the JEC Group's flag on the roof of the Capitol in front of the Temasek Parliament Building.

And Hao Guang, on behalf of the JEC Group, took the other party's unconditional surrender letter from the President of Temasek, witnessing the flashing spotlights of countless media reporters, marking the end of the war.

When the news came out, even countries that believed that the JEC Group could conquer Temasek felt incredible.

Because the speed of occupying and conquering Temasek was too fast and the time was too short.

In a total of two days, Temasek, which mobilized 150,000 troops, fell under the JEC Group's troops and became a defeated country.

You know, at this time, the United Nations Security Council had just been preparing to hold a joint meeting at the request of the United States on the matter of the Jake Group and Johor's brazen invasion of Temasek.

As a result, before their meeting was held, there was not even a shadow of an agenda, and Temasek was directly kneeled down, occupied by the Jake Group in two days, and surrendered to the Jake Group.

The United States was stunned, and Western countries were also stunned, including Temasek's ambassador to the United Nations Security Council, who was extremely embarrassed.

He originally planned to accuse the Jake Group of atrocities at the United Nations Security Council, but his country surrendered first and surrendered to the Jake Group. He could not stand on his own in a reasonable capacity, and could only change his words at the first time, from protesting against the Jake Group to supporting the Jake Group.

Even Temasek, the victim, did not take it seriously, so the United Nations Security Council meeting naturally could not be held smoothly, even if the United States was very unhappy, there was nothing it could do.

In fact, even if something was really discussed, the Jake Group would not accept it. The documents they had not signed were just a piece of waste paper, and they were too embarrassed to use them to wipe their butts.

In short, as the Jeko Group destroyed a country in two days, the reputation of the Jeko Group spread further, and countries around the world were shocked.

Especially the Southeast Asian countries, all of them were horrified.

Others took this as a joke, but they, who were neighbors with the Jeko Group, could not laugh at all.

Temasek, a small military power in Southeast Asia, was already considered a capable fighter in Southeast Asian countries, but it only lasted two days in front of the Jeko Group's troops.

Who wouldn't be afraid when they met such a sharp neighbor like the Jeko Group! They couldn't sleep well, and they must be worried. (End of this chapter)

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