Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 230 Qing Shui: Kaguya Otsutsuki, a student of the Ninja School of Konoha Hidden Village in t

[From the opposing target Kaguya Otsutsuki, you get the technique - Yasugami Air Strike! 】

Qing Shui looked at the crazy Kaguya with embarrassment and explained: "You know, I am just a mortal. In order to fight against an opponent of the level of Sage of Six Paths, I have to think more..."

"He can tamper with the Uchiha Stone Tablet after being sealed, so I am very worried that the Sage of Six Paths may be like you who created Hagoromo and Hamura, and may leave a living body or a spokesperson behind, after I seal myself. The world is stirred up by wind and rain..."

"Perhaps I am overly anxious. Please forgive me. I must consider everything for the ninja world."

Kaguya opened her mouth. She actually wanted to say, your guess was really accurate!

Most of the Immortals of the Six Paths didn't know that Qing Shui, a mortal, could cross a thousand years of time and space and guess the last back-up she had left? !

Kaguya's heartbeat is speeding up...

This feeling of being guessed made her very insecure.

Qing Shui's pair of black eyes seemed to have see-through capabilities, able to see through her body and mind...

But from another perspective, Kaguya, who had poor information, was surprised to find that she had deceived Qing Shui and seemed to have gained his trust?

After thinking about it carefully, I can only say that it is thanks to those two traitors!

"After sealing me back then, they most likely spent a lot of effort to cover up the fact that I existed..."

Kaguya thought in her heart, it was also the first time for Kaguya to experience being able to deceive a man with a talent like Qing Shui.

And the insecurity of being seen through by Qing Shui was intertwined with some strange excitement, constantly poking at her heart.

"No matter how you say it, I set up a positive image in Qing Shui's heart first of all. The advantage lies in me..."

Kaguya tried her best to calm her thoughts and brought the topic back to the killing of the tailed beast:

"If you are killed...it doesn't matter. The so-called tailed beasts are the split of the ten tails. They are produced by relying on natural energy. They probably have the function of self-recovery..."

"Compared to other Otsutsuki, I can sense these tailed beasts that belong to me faster. Since Qing Shuizu can use my power to block perception, we only need to hide and wait for them to resurrect! "

An idea appeared in Kaguya's little mind, and she talked eloquently: "As long as the tailed beasts are collected, then whether it is Otsutsuki Ishiki or the two traitors, with your fighting ability Qingshui, there is no need to be afraid of them!"

Kaguya thought very well.

After being beaten by Qing Shui with a personality-correcting punch, Kaguya, who was driven mad by loneliness, calmed down again and reviewed her fighting skills...

Even if she has the Ten Tails and fights against the Sage of Six Paths, Hamura Otsutsuki, or Ichiki Otsutsuki...

Can you really win if you have the upper hand on the panel?

It’s hard to say!

Even a mortal like Qing Shui can control her. In this part of the battle, Kaguya is really not confident...

The Taoist heart that was beaten by Qing Shui collapsed.

So in this case, Kaguya plans to win in the conspiracy! Let Qing Shui hold her power first, help him clear out those difficult enemies, and then use Qing Shui to resurrect him, so that he can avoid fighting...

Qing Shui glanced at Kaguya and smiled in his heart.

Isn’t the implicit meaning of this statement just to train oneself as a contemporary?

In fact, Kaguya's idea is pretty good...

If in the original time and space, Kaguya was dormant in Uchiha Madara's body, and lent all the chakra absorbed by Infinite Tsukuyomi to this ninja Shura instead of rushing to seize it...

Maybe the outcome would be very different.

At least Uchiha Madara was able to wield the sword in his hand when facing Sasuke who looked almost the same as Izuna...

Instead of the humorous Otsutsuki who was dumbfounded when seeing the reverse harem technique like Kaguya...

"In that case, let's get out of the bottom of the sea first...I will go back to the village to tell everyone about the misunderstanding, mobilize more power to monitor the ninja world, and discover the resurrected tailed beasts as soon as possible..."

Qing Shui clasped his hands together and was about to unlock the Black Water Nine Dragon Coffin.

Kaguya hurriedly grabbed Qing Shui's hand again and said repeatedly: "Qing Shui, no!"

Seeing Qing Shui's confused eyes, Kaguya said solemnly: "Qing Shui, although with the help of my power and your skills, you can block the perceptions of Otsutsuki Hamura, Hagoromo, and Ishiki..."

"But if you and other people in the ninja world expose my existence or express interest in tailed beasts, then they will naturally notice that something is wrong..."

"Moreover, just as you were worried before, Otsutsuki Hagoromo has arranged a backhand in the ninja world, created a living body or used some kind of magic to monitor the ninja group. This is extremely possible! "

"Let's leave the bottom of the sea secretly, then lie dormant and wait for the tailed beast to resurrect. I guarantee that we can sense the tailed beast faster than them!"

Kaguya's eyes were full of anxiety.

After seeing Qing Shui's skills, Kaguya's thinking became more diversified...

Yes, she can create Black Zetsu to lurk in the ninja world, so can’t her two villains, Otsutsuki Iski, do the same?

Maybe Konoha at this moment has the eyes of these Otsutsuki.

Once it is discovered that Qing Shui has broken the seal, Otsutsuki Hamura and Hagoromo will definitely notice something abnormal and think that Qing Shui has been controlled or persuaded by Kaguya, and they will definitely take measures.

And Otsutsuki's one-step style frightens Kaguya even more...

Although it was Kaguya who succeeded in the sneak attack herself, as a branch of the family that has always been suppressed by this family, she still has a strong fear in her heart...

Kaguya lost the Ten-Tails and wasted a thousand years in the moon, but the one technique that survived was honed in the ninja world for a thousand years...

The two villains Otsutsuki Hamura and Hagoromo may not kill her, but Ichiki will definitely break her bones into ashes and eat her alive!

For various reasons, Kaguya just wants to stabilize Qing Shui's position, stay with her alone, and wait for the tailed beast to be resurrected...

Qing Shui frowned slightly and said patiently:

"Kaguya, although Otsutsuki's power is terrifying, don't underestimate the power of mortals... I believe that my companions can protect me well even if the Otsutsuki come to visit..."

Kaguya shook her head violently and denied:

"It's impossible, Qing Shui! Even if Ishiki, Hamura and Hagoromo are all in a weak state due to various reasons, Otsutsuki is Otsutsuki after all, and he can never be resisted by mortals!"

Qing Shui coughed slightly and pointed at Kaguya's arm.

There, there was Kaguya sealed and tied up by King Kong, and the red mark caused by it was very conspicuous among her white skin.

Kaguya slapped Qing Shui fiercely and said angrily: "You are different! Do you think I have never seen a mortal? If mortals can fight like you, then why did I have to..."

Kaguya's next words were to create White Zetsu from all mortals.

But when the words came to her lips, Kaguya realized it and closed her mouth tightly.

"Why bother?" Qing Shui glanced at Kaguya doubtfully and asked with interest.

Seeing that Kaguya couldn't answer, and his whole body started to burn CPU again, Qing Shui asked himself and answered: "I know, in order to awaken Gaia's consciousness, you most likely regarded mortals as your vassals instead of Companion?"

"You just want to protect them, but you don't believe in their power, right?"

Kaguya's eyes flashed with surprise. Although she didn't expect to explain it like this, it was very appropriate to say it like this!

Kaguya nodded repeatedly, pretending to be embarrassed and said: "Yes...actually, I don't trust the power of mortals..."

"What I want more is to reach an agreement with this planet. I will protect this place from the invasion of Otsutsuki, and the Gaia consciousness of this planet can also provide me with strength, so that we can have a win-win situation..."

Qing Shui was slightly surprised by the speaking skills that Kaguya showed.

This is a step back...

She did not blindly emphasize that she is the goddess of Ura who protects the ninja world, but explained her motives from the perspective of interests.

Although it doesn't make her image less positive, it does make her more believable.

The long-lived Kaguya is not just silly and sweet, but also clumsy and scheming.

But generally speaking, if this method is placed in Konoha, it is at most the level of a junior chuunin, let alone the Tai Chi master Sarutobi Hiruzen, the hater Shimura Danzo, and even Uchiha Fugaku It's hard to get through this level.

There is no way, who said that Kaguya has never learned the will of fire?

"Kaguya, maybe this is the reason why you failed to awaken Gaia's consciousness back then..."

Qing Shui shook his head and said seriously: "Gaia consciousness, from your words, I can hear that it needs to gather the emotions and power in the hearts of the people, not just the amount of chakra it possesses. "

"Your mentality has not integrated into the ninja world, so naturally you cannot become the chosen guardian of this planet..."

"And what I want to emphasize is that even if we don't mention the vast power in everyone's heart, if a mortal has a firm will and practices hard, he can also explode with power comparable to the gods."

"Do you believe this?"

Kaguya rolled her eyes at Qing Shui and murmured in a low voice: "I believe, aren't you the mortal who can rival a god like me?"

Qing Shui has teased her with this joke many times!

"No, Kaguya, your understanding of mortals is still superficial."

Qing Shui sighed softly and said slowly: "I promise you, I will not contact others for the time being. What you said about Yi Shi and Six Paths Immortal's back-up plan is also very reasonable. We still have to be more careful."

"In this case, we have exposed our position in the open, but moved into the dark. If one day they attack, we can launch an undetected surprise attack like you did with the sneak attack!"

Kaguya hesitated to speak, and after a long time said weakly: "Actually, there is still a gap between Otsutsuki..."

"It was also luck when I succeeded in my sneak attack. His fighting skills are very strong, at least much better than mine."

"In terms of condition, Isshiki, Hagoromo, and Hamura are all better than me now..."

In order for Qing Shui to correctly understand the fighting power of the Otsutsuki clan, Kaguya lost face.

Don't treat sisters like Otsutsuki, Qing Shui!

Kaguya almost pointed at her nose and said: "Qing Shui, I, Kaguya, am the shame of the Otsutsuki clan. Don't take me as a benchmark and have wrong perceptions!"

The former ancestor of Chakra did not hesitate to criticize himself, and the reason behind it is heartwarming...

"Kaguya, do you want to make a bet with me?"

Qing Shui laughed gently and said softly: "Assuming that one of my mortal friends can burst out with the power to suppress Ishiki, Hamura or Hagoromo, you will agree to my request..."

"If you can't do it, then I will agree to your request, as long as I can do it."

Kaguya's heart moved, then she smiled and nodded: "Okay..."

In Kaguya's opinion, can any mortal be able to kill Otsutsuki?

Stop joking!

What Kaguya doesn’t know is...

Qing Shui has an ultimate weapon in his hand, which is Konoha's first blue beast that was crafted by Qing Shui several years ago - Crazy Adai!

While the body has undergone adequate maintenance, the cultivation resources and talent limit have been greatly improved...

There are also Yatsura's eye technique "Yakanobi" that strengthens physical strength, and Shisui's eye technique "Kakumitsuha" with explosive potential, further igniting Matt Dai's youth to the most boiling point!


Matt Dai also often competed with Qing Shui in physical skills, and he knew very well that if you kick someone, you must kick him in the head!

I wonder if Otsutsuki can withstand this kick?

"Qing Shui, no matter what, even if you believe in the power of your companions, you must keep your own secrets..." Kaguya begged again. She really had no idea about fighting Otsutsuki in her current state.

"I understand, Kaguya, I promise you this."

Qing Shui said softly: "The enemy is in the dark, and we are in the light. It is indeed the best choice to quietly turn into the dark."

Kaguya breathed a sigh of relief.

"Kaguya, you can't let your combat skills and practical experience go to waste. Let me help you train..."

Qing Shui glanced at Kaguya and said slowly: "I can see that you have a very poor grasp of your own power. You can't use your strength to the fullest. It won't work like this..."

"You must learn to kill strong enemies in adversity, instead of just relying on chakra level to crush them. If you encounter other more powerful Otsutsuki in the future, which exceeds your strength after obtaining the Ten-Tails, then you will what can we do about it?"

"Are you just going to be captured without any help, or beheaded and killed?"

Kaguya nodded awkwardly and said in embarrassment: "I actually tried, but I can't learn it, I really can't learn it..."

"Look, you are a typical fearful person..."

Qing Shui shook his head gently: "Believe in yourself. Any strong person who is proficient in combat skills will consolidate basic knowledge and basic skills bit by bit, and finally reach the state of mastery."

"Don't worry, you won't make mistakes when you study with me. I won't teach you difficult skills from the beginning..."

At this moment, if Qing Shui put on a pair of plain glasses, he would look like a gentle high school teacher...

Kaguya looked at Qing Shui who looked gentle and patient. Although she still didn't believe that she could do it, she nodded secretly and whispered:

"Then I'll try..."

"Please, Qing Shui-Jun."

Qing Shui smiled and nodded, reaching out his hand to Kaguya.

Kaguya's face turned red, and she held Qing Shui's hands tightly.

After a while, Kaguya's heart trembled when she saw Qing Shui unwilling to let go of her hand.

What is this for?

Could it be that…

But at this moment, Qing Shui's surprised voice came: "Why don't you lend me your power? Without your chakra, I can't block those Otsutsuki's perceptions..."

"Ah, I know!" Kaguya was startled, quickly cleared away all the messy thoughts in her mind, and transferred chakra into Qing Shui's body.

Qing Shui smiled slightly, letting his body gradually adapt to Kaguya's chakra...

Just like Asura and Indra chakras, these high-level chakras circulate in the physical body and are of great benefit to the improvement and development of bloodline...

At this moment, Qing Shui's bloodline burst out with power bit by bit under the stimulation of Kaguya's chakra.

Qing Shui's eyes flashed, and a variety of chakra-shielding barriers covered his body, and his appearance also changed into a cute little boy, who looked like he was about to enter the ninja school.

Kaguya's eyes lit up, although Qing Shui in the state of a young man was very suitable for her taste...

But if it’s so cute, it’s also very lovable!

"Kaguya, what I am replacing is an Uchiha orphan named Uchiha Kei. After I sneak into the village, I will hypnotize him and place him properly. He will soon be old enough to attend ninja school..."

Qing Shui said with a smile:

"Because your foundation is too poor, I plan to let you learn from scratch, starting from the most basic three body techniques, chakra control, and simple physical techniques, and then step by step learn the properties of the five escape chakras, shape changes, and then Higher-level combat thinking cultivation..."

"You should be a good student of Konoha Ninja School and strive to become a glorious genin as soon as possible!"

Although Kaguya doesn't quite understand what genin is and what ninja school is...

But where children of Qing Shui's age can go to study, it's really a very basic level!

Not bro...

I, Kaguya Otsutsuki, the ancestor of chakra in the ninja world, the one who sneak-attacked my family and swallowed the chakra fruit!

You want me to go to ninja school?

I'm a bit weak in combat skills, but not to this extent!

But under Qing Shui's gentle gaze, after Kaguya struggled internally, she nodded helplessly: "Okay...Actually, it doesn't have to be that basic. I can accept some slightly elevated content..."

Qing Shui shook his head:

"No, you can't accept it... As you said, your bloodline talent is among the best in this family. It's just because your combat skills and actual combat performance are too poor that you were assigned to the branch family."

"Your approach was wrong from the beginning. You must start over. Some battle details and consciousness that need to be imprinted in the bone marrow can only be cultivated bit by bit..."

Kaguya nodded blankly.

Although she didn't understand what Qing Shui was, since it was Qing Shui who could suppress her in a mortal form, then what he said must make sense!

I don’t know if it’s serious, but it’s yes.

"Let's go, Kaguya, not only will I take you to learn how to fight from scratch, but I will also let you see the complexity of the human heart again..."

Qing Shui said softly: "Your thinking is too extreme... If you want to become the guardian of Gaia's conscious identity, I think you must first have a basic concept of the human heart..."

"The human heart is the most complex. There are ugly and world-weary sides, and there are also moments when it reflects the supreme brilliance... When you have seen the good and the bad, you still feel that the world is lovely, and you want to go there from the bottom of your heart. guard…"

"I think that only then will you be recognized by this planet."

Listening to Qing Shui's gentle words, Kaguya seemed to feel a warm current flowing through his heart quietly.

Although she deceived Qing Shui...

But at least at this moment, Kaguya could truly feel that Qing Shui really wanted to teach her something valuable...

Trust her too!

"I'm sorry, Qing Shui... I won't hurt your life. As compensation, even if I take away your body, I will find a way to let you survive..." Kaguya thought in her heart as she took a deep breath.

Qing Shui's eyes flashed, and the swirling spatial turbulence was like a small boat, teleporting from the Black Water Nine Dragon Coffin to the different space belonging to Qing Shui, and to Konoha Village.

Tonight, a boy named Uchiha Kei was sent to the capital of the Land of Fire by Qing Shui. He lived as a happy rich man and started an alternative life different from that of a ninja.

Qing Shui, on the other hand, returned to the ninja school after many years.

This is nothing compared to what he was back then.

Qing Shui's body is no longer the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, but replaced by the Goddess of Uma Kaguya Otsutsuki...

On the way to school.

Qing Shui and Kaguya smiled and said, "By the way, today's first lesson is the Will of Fire lesson, so study hard!"

Kaguya looked at Konoha with curiosity and asked curiously: "The Will of Fire...what is that?"

"That is the foundation of Konoha's village..."

Qing Shui added in his mind: "It is also the strongest illusion that surpasses the Infinite Tsukuyomi..."

Entered the classroom.

Qing Shui raised his eyes and chuckled.

In this class, the teacher turned out to be Asuma, who had just become a Jonin and was not yet an adult. He came to teach the Ninja School students their first lesson on the Will of Fire...

As for the classmates in Qing Shui's class, there are two very famous ones...

One is called Uchiha Itachi and the other is called Kabuto.

Not only that…

At this moment, the final line about Konoha is activated, mixed with a lot of power and techniques about Senju Hashirama!

Update a chapter of 6K first!

Then write the second chapter which is spicy!

I've been a little stuck lately, but I'm trying to average 8,000 a day!

Strive for 12,000 today!

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