Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 234 Kaguya who thinks Itachi is worth protecting, the future seen by Aishui Subhiya!

"Are you really ready?" Qing Shui looked at the very excited Kaguya, smiled and shook his head.

After a day of classes at Ninja School, the student version of Kaguya seemed to have rekindled hope in trust between people.

First of all, it was because Qing Shui had no dangerous thoughts when he might harm her. He simply and wholeheartedly taught Kaguya how to control chakra. The two of them established a trust that has been tested...

Afterwards, Asuma's Will of Fire class showed Kaguya a scene of unity and cohesion...

Everyone understands and helps each other, surrounding Qing Shui, and doing their best towards the same goal.

Just like the ideal ninja sect of the Six Paths Sage.

Does Kaguya like this sight?

Of course I do!

Even though she has experienced betrayal, fundamentally speaking, the reason why Kaguya created the brothers Hamura Otsutsuki and Hagoromo is because she hopes to use the power of others to help herself...

Under Qing Shui's education.

Although Kaguya still maintains her view of mortals - "Most of them are useless trash..."

But there is still a little more respect for the technique.

"Qing Shui... probably wants to take me to see how respected he is in this village, right?"

Kaguya thought in her heart: "He is trying to tell me not to be overly sad because of the two traitors. There is still trust in this ninja world..."

Keep this mentality.

Qing Shui brought Kaguya to the Uchiha clan chief's residence.

That is, the home of Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Itachi.

With the blessing of multiple invisibility illusions and ephemera techniques, Qing Shui entered the inner room as if there was no one around.

And here it is.

Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Fugaku sat opposite each other.

A trace of surprise flashed in Kaguya's eyes. She still remembered that this boy with tear troughs under his eyes showed his proficiency in the Three Body Technique with Qing Shui very enthusiastically and praised her as a genius.

"I understand, this is Qing Shui's family. He wants me to see the warmth of the clan..." Kaguya thought thoughtfully.

Qing Shui sat casually aside.

Not far away from him, Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Itachi could not see him at all, and they started a serious conversation between father and son.


Uchiha Itachi looked at his father and said in a low voice: "Why...why do you always say that I am talented? And that I have the heavy responsibility of the family and the ninja world on my shoulders."

"I don't understand. There is already a Lord Qingshui in the family..." Itachi Uchiha hesitated.

The thoughts that Uchiha Fugaku had instilled in him before gave Uchiha Itachi the illusion that he was going to compete with Qing Shui?

Not to mention how old he is.

Qing Shui's strength was terrifying that he had seen with his own eyes, and his care for the family and the village was also recognized by the collective.

Under this circumstance, why did Uchiha Fugaku still have unrealistic imaginations in his mind?

If this man was not his father, Uchiha Itachi would have wanted to question him directly - "Where do you get the confidence?!"

Especially today.

Uchiha Itachi, who was quite confident in his own talent, saw Uchiha Kei, played by Qing Shui, go from being unable to mobilize chakra in an orderly manner to showing perfect ninjutsu techniques in a very short period of time...

Most of the arrogance I had in my heart in the past quietly disappeared.

A little-known ordinary Uchiha clansman is much stronger than him!

He is just an ordinary person.

"Itachi, when you were just born, my eyes saw your future..."

Mysterious patterns slowly appeared in Uchiha Fugaku's eyes, and his cold eyes filled the cabin.

"I know your confusion. You saw Uchiha Qingshui's terrifying performance on the battlefield, and you lost confidence in yourself."

Uchiha Fugaku sneered and said in a deep voice: "But do you know? Uchiha Qingshui is our family's enemy! My pair of Mangekyō Sharingan was opened because of him!"

Uchiha Itachi's heart trembled suddenly.

Qing Shui is their family's enemy?

Do not make jokes!

In the little mind of Uchiha Itachi, the sentence that has been most vividly remembered since he was a child and is imprinted in his bones is the sentence Qing Shui said before he jumped into the tens of thousands of ninja alliance army formation——

"Everything is created to nourish man, and man has nothing to repay heaven with!"

The most unforgettable scene was when Qing Shui used various physical techniques and ninjutsu to massacre his enemies that day, bombarded a mushroom cloud with a tailed beast jade, casually killed several Jinchuuriki, and finally gave the third generation of thunder, Hanzo and Onoki were given the title "The Living Sannin".

From a certain point of view, Uchiha Itachi can call himself - "He grew up watching Qing Shui kill people..."

Because of this, Uchiha Itachi naturally had a strong sense of awe for Qing Shui due to his admiration for the strong in his bloodline and human nature.

Before returning to Konoha…

Uchiha Itachi only thought it was great to have Qingshui in the village! And he is also from the Uchiha clan...

After returning to Konoha…

When Uchiha Fugaku began to talk about letting him surpass Qing Shui, Uchiha Itachi's mentality began to feel wrong - "Just me? Should I surpass Qing Shui?"

In this room, the words spoken by Uchiha Fugaku completely penetrated his son's psychological defense.

Haha, it turns out Qing Shui is our family’s enemy?

"Enemies!? Why are they enemies..."

Uchiha Itachi's eyes widened in horror. The Sharingan that was awakened by watching Qing Shui massacre his enemies appeared unconsciously at this moment, and the dark Magatama turned around in panic.

"That's the enemy, Itachi!"

Uchiha Fugaku snorted coldly and said in a deep voice: "Steady your position. If you are like this, how will you do big things in the future?"

But Uchiha Itachi was already in a great panic, and Fugaku's scolding had no effect at all.

If it were an enemy...

In the hearts of Uchiha Itachi, or a large part of Konoha ninjas, Qing Shui is as cruel as the winter wind to his enemies, and as gentle as the spring breeze to his own people.

I haven't even enjoyed the sense of security brought by Qing Shui yet...

Uchiha Itachi has fallen from heaven to hell!

"Itachi, our lineage is the orthodox patriarchal lineage of the Uchiha clan..."

Uchiha Fugaku slammed the table, making a violent sound, and said sternly: "Where do you think I got my Mangekyou Sharingan?!"

"That guy Uchiha Qingsui never paid attention to me as the clan leader from the beginning! Without saying a word, he attracted all the relatives and friends around me and completely ignored me as the clan leader. He didn't even give me any advice. My chance to bid!”

"Am I going to sit back and wait for him to take away everything I have, and be a surrendering person who is begging for mercy?!"

Uchiha Fugaku's eyes turned red.

He recalled the scene where Uchiha, his best friend, was ruthlessly cut off from him.

It was also at that time that Uchiha Fugaku obtained the Mangekyo Sharingan after the departure of Uchiha's medicinal flavor...

"I hate this situation, but I don't know how to change it! Amidst the pain and helplessness of this struggle, I awakened the pupil technique that can see the future, and its name is Subi Tomo!"

The patterns in Uchiha Fugaku's eyes were spinning crazily, he opened his arms and said sternly:

"Long before the Third Ninja War, I knew that Uchiha Qingsui would fall... And, Itachi, you will be the one to carry the banner of Uchiha and the ninja world in the midst of blood and fire!"

Uchiha Itachi was filled with surprise and doubt.

He seemed to understand why Demon Uchiha Fugaku was so startled before...

"I admit that the power of Uchiha Qingsui even gave me the illusion that the Kaleidoscope Eye Technique would be wrong!" Uchiha Fugaku held his forehead and whispered to himself:

"But Mangekyo is absolutely infallible... I thought he would die in the Ninja War, but he didn't. Instead, he killed all his enemies and became a legendary ninja..."

"But so what?"

Uchiha Fugaku laughed arrogantly: "He still fell! Do you know why? Itachi..."

Uchiha Itachi shook his head blankly.

How could such a powerful Master Qing Shui fall?

"You don't need me to tell you about the riots that took place in the clan a few days ago..."

Uchiha Fugaku said slowly: "I followed and saw from a distance that the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama was resurrected! He even opened a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan. Since the end of the war, Uchiha Qingshui has not had any return…"

"Why is Uchiha Qingsui's talent so amazing? He was able to master Senju Tobirama Water Release from the ninja school days, and then he became so proficient in research and development, and yet he is proficient in power at such a young age. I can't breathe due to the suppression...

"These puzzles that eluded me finally have answers..."

"That's it - Uchiha Qingshui is Senju Tobirama's body-stealing tool!"

Uchiha Itachi's pupils were shaking, his mouth opened unconsciously, and he denied in disbelief: "How is it possible!"

"Today at the ninja school... Asuma Jōnin also told the story about Master Qingshui's Will of Fire..."

Uchiha Fugaku sneered:

"Of course it is... giving your life for the Second Hokage, isn't it enough to have the will of fire? Itachi, do you think Senju Tobirama caused the death of Uchiha Qingshui, so Konoha will treat him coldly and keep silent about Qingsui? Name?"

"No, they will only place Uchiha Qingsui on a high altar to praise him. He is already a dead person and has no real threat to their power. What's the point of being famous no matter how high he is?"

"This is the political skill of the Second Hokage. If it were Danzo Shimura in the past, he might really do something stupid like banning Uchiha Seishui's stories, but this one is completely different..."

Uchiha Fugaku said to himself:

"You can make up a story at will, and this kind of thing can be solved... For example, in order to fight against the ninja alliance, Uchiha Qingsui launched a life-consuming forbidden technique and died young..."

"If we find another suitable opportunity, for example, by provoking a ninja war on the grounds that the village needs foreign aid, or using a spell like Earth Reincarnation as an excuse, we can allow the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama to appear openly in the public eye!"

"Itachi, there is no so-called will of fire in this world, there are just different interests and collectives..."

"Do you know what our family would have become if Uchiha Qingsui had not died?" Uchiha Fugaku stared at Itachi, locking him with terrifying force, and said crazily:

"The Uchiha clan is a clan that can kill each other! The more powerful the Uchiha are, the more this trend will happen..."

"In the previous Warring States period, because of the powerful Izanagi technique, Uchiha, who possessed the kaleidoscope, could not suppress the greed in his heart and arbitrarily attacked the Sanmagatama tribe and plundered their Sharingan!"

"Madara Uchiha, Shura of the ninja world, how do you think his pair of Mangekyō Sharingan, which cannot blind him, came from? It was because he robbed the eyes of his biological brother Uchiha Izuna, and finally gave birth to the eyes that will never fade away. Hatred of Tongli!”

Uchiha Fugaku was like a devil whispering: "You may have heard the name of Uchiha Obito...the earliest genius in history to open the three magatama sharingan eyes. You know that the old hawk clan Setsuna Uchiha wanted to do to him What?"

"He has a lover named Uchiha Lin, a beautiful little girl..."

"Setsuna's sinister eyes told me that he wanted to use this little girl as a tool for Uchiha Obito to advance to the Kaleidoscope. Do you know what I mean? My son..."

"After listening to these stories, do you think that Uchiha Qingsui, who may be the strongest Uchiha in history, if Senju Tobirama hadn't wiped him out, our family, who was once his hostile force..."

"How would an Uchiha with his strength deal with me, you, and your mother?"

Uchiha Itachi's mind fell into a state of confusion.

The amount of information Uchiha Fugaku gave him was too much, and it was all about the clan's dark history...

This caused Uchiha Itachi, who originally still had a sense of identity with the will of fire and his family, to have his little three views shattered before they were formed.

And on the other side.

I thought I was here to hear how Uchiha Fugaku and his son praised Qing Shui's Kaguya...

He was also in great shock.

What's going on?

"Qing Shui, you...what did you do to this person?" Kaguya asked hesitantly.

Before Qing Shui could answer, Uchiha Itachi asked a question similar to Kaguya's: "Father...but these are all your conjectures! What has Lord Qing Shui done to you? Or made any threats?"

"Why...why I've never heard of it!"

Uchiha Fugaku glared at Uchiha Itachi and said viciously:

"By the time you hear it, Uchiha Qingshui has already taken action! I tell you this not to let you judge the quality of Uchiha Qingshui, but to tell you that in this ninja world, except for one family, everyone Can’t believe it!”

"I am the only one who will not harm you, Itachi, I am your father!"

"The death of Uchiha Qingshui proves that the future I saw with my pupil technique is absolutely correct... I am telling you this to make you be careful..."

"Itachi, your future must be to surpass Uchiha Qingsui! Before that, you must hide your talent and don't be discovered by those people from Senju Tobirama who are spying in secret... Do you understand?!"

Uchiha Fugaku grabbed Uchiha Itachi's back and pressed their foreheads firmly together.

In the reflection in Uchiha Itachi's eyes, you can clearly see Uchiha Fugaku's crazy and twisted expression...

Qing Shui shook his head in amusement.

This scene seemed familiar to him...

Uchiha Itachi in the original time and space, in order to so-called inspire or stimulate Sasuke, emphasized the crazy and dark side of the Uchiha clan, and also distorted the story of the brothers Uchiha Izuna and Uchiha Madara...

However, Fugaku, who seemed to be unable to hold back under the pressure of Qing Shui, added more ingredients.

He even saw Setsuna Uchiha's evil intentions towards Uchiha Rin...

"Why...why Qing Shui? Are you obviously not the leader of the Uchiha clan?"

Kaguya asked incomprehensibly: "You didn't do anything to him? Why is he, the leader of the clan, acting like this..."

"You look like you want me to die, right?"

Qing Shui took over the conversation naturally: "Don't be embarrassed to say it, Kaguya, it's the truth."

"I brought you to see this scene because I want to tell you that even in Konoha, where people's hearts are united as Asuma described, there will be people like Uchiha Fugaku who are secretly lurking and want me to die. …”

"Not only Uchiha Fugaku, there may be many people like him, but they just don't show it..."

Kaguya frowned and looked at Uchiha Fugaku with a murderous look, but her tone when talking to Qing Shui became gentler: "Maybe... maybe he misunderstood?"

"He doesn't know that you sealed the Sage of Six Paths with your life for the sake of the ninja world..."

Qing Shui chuckled:

"Whether I died because I was taken away by Senju Tobirama...or whether I died fighting against the Six Paths Immortal, does it make any difference to him? As long as I die, he will naturally be happy..."

Kaguya was silent.

What Qing Shui said is right...

However, in Kaguya's view, Qing Shui did not hesitate to sacrifice his life for the entire ninja world. Such a glorious and even stupid good man could be cursed by such a family member behind his back!

Is it really worth it?

And the fact that the Uchiha clan is killing each other...

Among the cruel Otsutsuki clan, killing each other is strictly prohibited...

When Urashiki saw Toneri, whose bloodline was close to the purity of his family, he said - "After all, I'm not allowed to kill my own people."

On the other hand, the Uchiha clan attacks and plunders each other for their eyes, and this happens even between brothers, father and son, which is somewhat beyond Kaguya's imagination...

Unconsciously, Kaguya looked at Qing Shui with a somewhat distressed look.

In such a family, how did Qing Shui develop such a sunny and cheerful character like a big boy?

He must...

You must have endured a lot silently!

[From the laning target Kaguya Otsutsuki - you get "Jutsu·Yomi Hirazaka"! 】

"Qing Shui...this kid named Itachi!"

Kaguya tried her best to comfort Qing Shui: "Look, he doesn't agree with his father's views. This shows that there are still many people in your family who support you... They are all worthy of protection! Don't do it because of one It’s so chilling…”

Heard that ferret deserves protection…

Qing Shui smiled and whispered to Kaguya: "I have copied his father's pupil technique... Do you want to see what kind of person Uchiha Itachi would have grown into if I were not in this ninja world? ?”

"I'll lend you my power and you can help me see it? Okay..."

Kaguya nodded gently and said with a firm gaze: "Let me help you see, Qing Shui... Believe me, the companions you protect at the expense of your life will only have a few scum, and most of them are worthy of what you do! "

Kaguya didn't want Qing Shui to have doubts about trust between people.

After all, she wanted to continue to consolidate the trust between her and Qing Shui.

And Kaguya's feelings for Qing Shui are gradually becoming more subtle, and she doesn't want to see Qing Shui's efforts for a group of unworthy people...

"Use Subhimiya in reverse, Kaguya..."

Qing Shui said softly: "In this case, if you use your strength and personality to detect Uchiha Itachi, you should be able to accurately see what kind of person he will become in a world without me..."

"You can also see his character more clearly."

Kaguya nodded in agreement, carefully used Qing Shui's pupil technique, and then his eyes suddenly widened!

This kid is nothing compared to his father!

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