Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 244 Urashiki and Momoshiki come back, the war situation and the ninja world are gradually he

The Immortal of the Six Paths was far away from the Pure Land, but he was hit hard by Thousand Hands Tobirama...


I, Sage of Six Paths, am the founder of the ninja sect and the person who constitutes the peaceful order of the ninja world!

Why does the name Sage of Six Paths sound like a world-destroying demon in this white-haired boy's mouth?

The Sage of Six Paths was puzzled. Judging from the blue water sealing Kaguya and resurrecting Senju Tobirama, these two mortals should have deduced the secret of what happened in ancient times...

Kaguya was re-sealed in the deep sea from the moon, most likely to prevent the seal from decaying thousands of years ago and reinforced it.

Then why are you still so hostile to him?

The Immortal of Six Paths couldn't help but have an illusion...

It was as if it was not Kaguya who was sealed between Qing Shui and Senju Tobi, but him...

"It's really hard to understand the brain circuits of mortals... Anyway, they can only deduce it from a few words in stone tablets and classics. Maybe they mistakenly thought that Kaguya's name was the Sage of Six Paths..."

"The name is not important, what is important is that they have a heart to protect the ninja world."

The Sage of Six Paths comforted himself, but the tense appearance of Madara Uchiha, Hashirama Senju and others in the eyes of reincarnation gave him a headache.

always like this…

In the view of the Six Paths Sage, the reincarnations of Indra and Asura in this generation are all for the purpose of sealing Kaguya...

The goals are obviously the same, so why can't we sit down and talk about it?

I always preconception that the other party is malicious and wrong, so I have been fighting for a thousand years without changing the medicine!

This pair of brothers is not tired from watching, but even the loyal audience of Sage of Six Paths will be tired from watching it...

"I hope Indra's reincarnation can stop Asura's reincarnation..." The Sage of Six Paths thought awkwardly in his heart.

The rebellious eldest son has become an important figure in preventing Kaguya from unsealing this time.

Could it be that he finally woke up?

And aside from these, what makes Six Paths Sage more at ease is Uchiha Madara's pair of samsara eyes.

Although the Sage of Six Paths doesn't know how Uchiha Madara did it...

He is obviously just a reincarnation of Indra, but he can open the eye of samsara that transcends the bloodline of his ancestors...

But it finally proves that he has power!

With power, he can prevent Uchiha Qingsui, who has sealed Kaguya, from escaping from the coffin...

In this way, the Immortal of Six Paths can save the power he accumulated in the Pure Land without consuming the power of Yin and Yang of Six Paths.

The Sage of Six Paths, who had made careful calculations, had no intention of exposing his own existence and communicating with the two reincarnations of Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama after figuring out this link...

He may not be able to persuade her anyway.

It doesn't matter if he is beaten to death, after all, the reincarnation of Chakra is not his biological son...

The Six Paths Immortal in the Pure Land is pulling on himself.

But Senju Tobirama and Uchiha Izuna in the ninja world started fighting directly!

Thousand Hands Tobirama roared: "Everyone looks for an opponent who is sure to win! Get them out of the range of the Black Water Nine Dragon Coffin, and don't let them destroy Qing Shui's seal!"

Both Konoha and Kirigakure could understand Senju Tobirama's meaning.

Unlocking Qing Shui's seal is a complicated process...

It requires the cooperation of Senju Hashirama, Uzumaki Mito's sealing technique, Shisui and Tobirama's pupil technique, as well as the rest of the Kage level chakra. It is not as simple as lifting the lid of the coffin.

Acting rashly, if the Immortal of Six Paths has taken control of Qing Shui's body, it will only give the evil demon the possibility of counterattack...

But to Uchiha Madara and others, Senju Tobirama's words meant something else.

Don't break Qing Shui's seal?

Sure enough, the inherently evil Thousand-Armed Old Ghost wanted to seal Qing Shui!

Damn thing!

"Do you think you can stop me?"

After Uchiha Madara heard Senju Tobirama's words, chakra surged around his body like a volcanic eruption. The Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan condensed the power of destroying the world, and he was about to summon the complete Susanoo. !

"Brother, I will deal with Thousand Hands Tobirama, and let's not rush to save Qing Shui now..."

Uchiha Izuna pressed Uchiha Madara's shoulders, and whispered softly: "The sealed Qing Shui... It's hard to say what the situation is. If the battle spreads, he may be injured..."

"Anyway, we always have to deal with these guys who affect the peace of the ninja world... It's better to deal with them one by one, and then help Qing Shui out of trouble when there is no interference."

In Uchiha Izuna's view, Qing Shui's situation is a huge mystery...

What is the real situation cannot be completely deduced through logical analysis, and we can only obtain further information.

But one fact is -

Qing Shui is an extremely capable all-round ninja. He is a legendary ninja alongside Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara. His combat power is enough to change the current situation of the war!

What's terrible is that Qing Shui and Qian Shu Fei have an extremely close relationship...

This is an Uchiha who was deceived by the will of fire and the evil Tobirama. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to be so powerful and even listen to that guy's lies and seal himself...

He is a strong person with a bad brain.

Uchiha Izuna not only remembered some of Senju Hashirama's operations...

This is what Uchiha Madara told him after his resurrection.

In the final battle, after Uchiha lost to Senju, Uchiha Madara, who originally wanted to refuse the alliance, was coaxed by Senju Hashirama...

Because Uchiha Madara was afraid of the blood feud between the two clans, he asked Senju Hashirama to prove his sincerity.

He was given an option, one was to let Senju Hashirama kill Senju Tobirama, the other was to let him commit suicide.

And Senju Hashirama chose himself by stabbing himself to death with a palm-sized kunai...

Uchiha Madara saw Senju Hashirama's sincerity and stopped him, so he agreed to form an alliance with him.

After hearing this story…

Uchiha Izuna couldn't hold back any longer.

His brother is good at everything...

That is, as long as the matter has something to do with Senju Hashirama, the IQ that used to be moderate will be lost. Strange logic will occupy the high ground of thinking, and all he will do are some extremely psychedelic operations.

Can kunai kill Senju Hashirama?

Has my brother forgotten that this bastard has a secret technique called Muyin Healing?

The little kunai was piercing back and forth. Uchiha Izumi doubted that even if the blade could penetrate Senju Hashirama's skin, he would probably be cured if he pulled it out...

Judging from the expressiveness of Senju Hashirama's Muji healing, even if he was cut off in half by Susanoo, Uchiha Izuna doubted that this one would be able to recover after putting it together.

There is no way, Senju Hashirama is such a monster!

Uchiha Izuna's judgment was not wrong.

In the original time and space, Tsunade was judged by Madara Uchiha as a minor skill, but Tsunade, who was cut in two like this, was still able to heal her injuries.

can only say…

Madara Uchiha understands everything, but he is willing to accept Senju Hashirama's injustice, so what can he do?

In Uchiha Izuna's opinion, the relationship between Qing Shui and Senju Hashirama is quite similar to that between Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama...

It's really just what one Senju says, what the other Uchiha does...

Uchiha Izuna was worried that although they were indeed here to rescue Qing Shui, if they rescued Qing Shui in the middle of the battle, Senju Tobirama might just say a few words and give Qing Shui the ecstasy soup, giving them an extremely difficult person to deal with. enemy…

That's not necessary...

In terms of combat power, Uchiha Izuna is confident enough to win the Senju Hashirama side!

Therefore, there is no need to rush to save Qing Shui. It is better to deal with Senju Tobirama and others first, and then free up our hands to study what is going on with Qing Shui...

"Okay, Quan Nai, I listen to you!"

Although Uchiha Madara didn't understand so many twists and turns in Izuna's heart, he always had to listen to his brother's words.

"Hashirama, let's go, I've been waiting for this battle for a long time!"

Uchiha Madara held a flame fan, pointed at Senju Hashirama and shouted arrogantly: "Don't let me down!"

Before Senju Hashirama could agree, Uchiha Madara jumped up and summoned the complete Susanoo in the air. His huge wings whipped up a raging storm and galloped towards the center of the Kingdom of Water!

"Go, brother."

Senju Tobirama looked solemnly at the noise caused by Uchiha Madara, and said in a deep voice:

"Only you can deal with him... After he has the reincarnation eye, he will be stronger than before, but you are a body of filthy earth that cannot exert your full power..."

"Hold it as long as possible, and I will quickly capture Uchiha Izuna to support you."

Senju Hashirama nodded: "I understand, Tobirama!"

After the two great gods left.

Senju Tobirama and Uchiha Izuna naturally came into contact with each other.

Shisui and Matt Dai faced their former friend Uchiha Obito.

They used to eat together at Qing Shui's house and were very familiar with each other, at least not as ordinary friends.

Shisui stared at Uchiha Obito angrily and said sternly: "Obito, do you still have a conscience?"

"Brother is so kind to you on weekdays! Whether it's ninjutsu or daily necessities, I always think of you! I don't know what you have been through, but you should never stand on the opposite side of my brother!"

Matt Dai's calm expression also concealed deep anger: "Betrayal... This is betrayal of youth!"

Uchiha Obito was speechless, but he also hated the iron.

After hanging out with Qing Shui for so long, how could he say that he was deceived by Qianju Tojian?

But it doesn’t matter…

He, Uchiha Obito, will become the final savior!

Senju Tobirama, Uchiha Izuna, Uchiha Madara and others, who brought Qingshui and the heretic demons into Kamui and escaped from danger...

Although Matt Dai, Zhisui and others were loyal to Qing Shui, they lacked brainpower and ability.

Only he, Uchiha Obito, has both ability and IQ, and can become the magic soldier who leads everyone to victory!

"You have been deceived too deeply..."

Uchiha Obito shook his head: "I don't want to fight with you..."

And he just finished speaking.

The nunchucks worn by Muramasa and Matt in Shisui's hand have already penetrated his body!

"It's useless. As long as I don't want to fight you, you can't beat me..."

Uchiha Obito, who was in a state of virtualization, said softly:

"Don't waste your efforts. Believe me, I am doing it for Qing Shui's own good... The water in this battle is too deep. Just stay here quietly with me. I don't want to see you get hurt."

"I will take action at the critical moment, don't say anything..." This last sentence, Uchiha Obito mouthed silently.

Shisui and Metadai prepared to use all their strength, but they hit the cotton...

Matt Dai stared at Uchiha Obito and said in a deep voice: "Obito, don't let your youth down!"

Zhisui glanced at Matt Dai in surprise.

He knew that his guardian, Uncle Dai, had always had the instinct of a beast. Since he said this, it meant that under Matt Dai's judgment, Uchiha Obito might really have no ill intentions towards his brother?

What Uchiha Obito doesn't know is...

Thanks to his good attitude towards Metadai and Shisui because of Qing Shui... When the war broke out, Metadai was ready to open the door of death in one breath and sweep away all opponents with his burning life!

It was only because of Kamui's powerful restraint on physical attacks and Uchiha Obito's strange attitude and words that Matt Dai stopped at the six gates and did not open the final taboo.

The remaining ninjas from both sides match up with opponents who are comparable to themselves based on their grievances and characteristics.

Sarutobi Hiruzen faced Onoki, and two ninjutsu turrets were ready to fight. The two of them were old rivals who had fought frequently in the first ninja war.

Kaguya Junjiro and the Third Raikage looked at each other, using the Corpse Vein and Thunder Release Chakra modes to decide who was the strongest spear and shield!

Hatake Sakumo faced off against Hanzo, and the two ninjas, who were proficient in sword skills, danced amidst the light and shadow of swords...

Kakuzu and the Third Kazekage were fighting together. The black sand, iron and Five Elements Escape Techniques were flying, and the collision was extremely fierce.

Both Kisame and the second generation Mizukage smiled ferociously. Although they were ninjas from the same village, they were both ruthless and didn't talk much. They unleashed their power in the ocean, their home ground.

Hirohu is facing off against the second-generation Tsuchikage Mu, who has absorbed five kinds of bloodsuccession limits with Oni Meira's art, including Uchiha Setsuna's pair of Sharingan eyes. He wants to prove to the world that his art is no better than the bloodsuccession. Bad!

Hyuga Hizashi and Aburame take root and are responsible for Luosha.

Tsunade mobilized slugs as a powerful logistics and medical ninja, always ready to provide chakra to friendly forces.

As for the resurrected Jinchuuriki...such as Lao Zi, Han, Kirabi and others.

These filthy Jinchūriki have been specially treated, and some of the tailed beast's power still remains in their bodies. Some can even enter the tailed beast's second state mode, bursting out powerful tailed beast chakra!

But facing their enemy, there is only one person...

Uzumaki Mito, who had a good face and looked to be in his early thirties, looked at these amazing Jinchūriki with a faint smile.

In the eyes of this first-generation Jinchūriki, these are just children who are willing to mess around...

"What a grand event in the ninja world..."

Qing Shui sighed softly: "Watch carefully, Kaguya, the essence of ninjutsu lies here..."

And at this moment.

In a corner of the ninja world, Urashiki and Momoshiki came from different time and space, followed by Jinshiki who followed suit.

"Urashiki, you are so boring..."

Tao Shi criticized her companions with a cold expression:

"I just used my Noble Phantasm to sense the fluctuations of time and space, and I shouted to come to the parallel world of this boring planet. What do you think you are here to do?"

"Don't forget that the mission the family gave us is to punish Kaguya for her betrayal and recover chakra. It's not just for you to play with!"

Pu Shi smiled:

"Don't be so serious, senior... This time and space doesn't have those two troublesome gadgets like Naruto and Sasuke. We come here not only to see what's wrong with time and space, but also to easily rob a complete chakra of the sacred tree. It is not good?"

As soon as Ura Shi finished speaking, his expression froze.

He felt an extremely powerful chakra fluctuation and collision!

No worse than Naruto and Sasuke...

That was the ripple caused by the fierce battle between the True Thousand Hands and the Complete Susanoo!

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