Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 254 Black Zetsu: Why did Kaguya win over Qing Shui? You really don’t want this kind of thing

Kaguya fell into confusion.

How could she be the one to fight against Jin Shiki, Ura Shiki, and Momo Shiki?

No, Teacher Qingshui, although I, Kaguya, am extremely talented and learn combat skills quickly...

But I am still a child!

Do you really want me to fight against those terrible clan members?

I don’t have the Ten-Tails in my body right now!

"The best way to eliminate fear is to face it..."

Qing Shui smiled and patted Kaguya's shoulder and said slowly:

"I already have a rough understanding of the strength of these Otsutsuki clan members... Don't be afraid, I'll be behind you to give you the all-clear, so you just have to give it your best."

"Although they are from the same family, they are not better than you... You just lack a platform and opportunities. After you and I met, the education you received was enough to realize part of your talents..."

Kaguya blinked, looking at Qing Shui's gentle smile, her heart gradually calmed down.

She knows Qing Shui!

Since Qing Shui said so, then he must be sure to defeat these Otsutsuki in front of him...

A strange feeling passed through Kaguya's heart...

She seemed to have turned into a child who was bullied. After going home and complaining, with the comfort and support of the adults at home, she was about to regain her position aggressively!

"The mortal who surprised you, his name is Matt Dai, and he is the guardian of my family..."

Qing Shui looked at Matt Dai who was lying on the ground, his body like charcoal, and said softly: "The technique of burning oneself is called the Eight Gate Armor Formation, and I am also very proficient in it..."

"Tell me, if I had activated this move, what level of Otsutsuki would I be able to deal with?"

Kaguya turned around suddenly, naturally held Qing Shui's arm with her backhand, and said tremblingly: "You can do the same?"

Qing Shui nodded lightly and said with a smile: "Of course...Actually, this move was also prepared by me to deal with the Immortal of Six Paths..."

"After all, if you want to fight against immortals as a mortal, you need to be determined and prepared to burn yourself."

Kaguya's expression instantly became complicated.

Kaguya suddenly felt lucky that she was very good, but just as she was fighting Qing Shui in her normal state, she was tied up and hung up, and the battle ended early...

If she was good at fighting, if this forced Qing Shui into a desperate situation, wouldn't she be the one kicked by Ye Kai?

Under normal circumstances, Matt Dai was the kind of mortal who would not be remembered in Kaguya's eyes, no different from the plants and trees in nature, or ants.

But even so.

Matt Dai opened the door to death, but destroyed Kaguya's lifelong enemy and fear in the most violent way!

The man named Isshiki is living in the ninja world with only half his head left...

And if Qing Shui, who is much more powerful than Matt Dai, starts to burn himself, what kind of terrifying power will he unleash? !

If Qing Shui releases Ye Kai, Kaguya is worried that Qing Shui will kick her and the moon to pieces...

"If it were you... Qing Shui, the most elite warrior of the Otsutsuki clan, probably wouldn't be able to defeat you who opened the door to death, right?"

Kaguya said solemnly:

"But... Qing Shui, your life is precious, don't burn yourself rashly! This technique still has many flaws, and many Otsutsuki's eye skills are very difficult, and cannot be defeated by brute force..."

"One move... In fact, if he is at his peak, even if there are other ninjas cooperating with Matt Dai, he will still have a way to avoid this battle when the door of death has just opened..."

"If I were in the state of the Ten-Tailed Jinchuuriki, I could use the Heaven's Control to forcibly transport Matt Dai to a different space, and then hide myself in another different space to create a double partition..."

In order to persuade Qing Shui not to be reckless, Kaguya's little head started spinning rapidly, and her IQ occupied the high ground of thinking for the first time!

Qing Shui glanced at Kaguya in surprise and nodded in agreement:

"I know, Kaguya... I just want to tell you that I still have a trump card to defeat powerful enemies. You don't have to worry too much..."

"Even if I open the door to death, my life will not be in danger, but there will be a certain degree of backlash."

"I-I'm not worried...I know you are sure, Qing Shui..."

Kaguya's heart skipped a beat inexplicably, she turned her head, clenched her white fists, and whispered:

"I will fight them seriously and will not embarrass you!"

Qing Shui smiled, but did not expose Kaguya's worries about gains and losses.

Who has been persuading Qing Shui to leave everyone in the ninja world to recuperate quickly and find a quiet place to practice in a low-key manner until he is invincible and comes out again?

It is this goddess of Mao.

Although Kaguya has no bad intentions, her fear of Otsutsuki and her fear of her family can still be seen in her thoughts.

But when Qing Shui showed that he could also use the Eight Gate Dunjia, and that it would not endanger his life if he activated it, Kaguya obviously felt a lot more relaxed.

This indicates…

In Kaguya's understanding, Qing Shui, who was in the Death Gate state, no longer had to worry too much about the strength of reinforcements from the Otsutsuki clan.

"Many Otsutsuki's eye skills are very tricky..." Qing Shui savored Kaguya's reminder in his heart and remembered it emphatically.

Just like the kaleidoscope eye technique of the Uchiha clan, just like Shisui's other gods and obito's divine power in the original time and space...

Some specific pupil techniques have the terrifying effect of being invincible at the same level or killing at first sight, which should never be underestimated.

Just like killing Madara Uchiha, Tobirama Senju and others with one hidden move.

If a battle breaks out, Uchiha Madara and others will definitely not be so embarrassed in a direct confrontation, and the whole army will be annihilated in one confrontation...

But here's the thing.

In battles, head-on confrontations like fighting generals are actually rare. The more common ones are ambushes and encounters...

I don’t know the ability of one style. Considering the characteristics of ninjas with high attack, low defense and poor fault tolerance, when they are ambushed, the same situation as Uchiha Madara and others will occur...

After Momoshiki, Urashiki and Isshiki, the thugs sent by the Otsutsuki clan were also unknown to Qingshui, and the intelligence advantage of foresight no longer existed...

Qing Shui would not expect Otsutsuki to have a reckless character. After his clansmen fell into disgrace in the ninja world time and time again, he would still appear in the ninja world with a contemptuous attitude, exposing his abilities easily...

to this end.

Qing Shui needs to make more preparations and use all the resources in the ninja world as much as possible to improve his combat power...

The situation of seeking stability is due to the pressure brought by the Otsutsuki clan, which has given rise to the hope of everyone in the ninja world, including but not limited to the Sage of Six Paths and Otsutsuki Hamura, who have put their last possibility on Qing Shui and put the planet's Squeeze your potential to the extreme and gain Gaia consciousness...

In this case, coupled with Death Gate's trump card, Qing Shui can ensure that Qing Shui's combat power is one to two levels higher than that of future reinforcements, and he can steadily use the other Otsutsuki who are chasing him as food, allowing them to enter the "Calabash Baby Save Grandpa" ——In the rhythm of sending them one by one.

as well as.

Find a way to control Momo Shiki and Ura Shiki, let them seek help under Qing Shui's control, and gain more intelligence and information - when they will arrive, what strength they have, pupil skills, etc...


The entire battlefield fell into deathly silence.

Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito, the most capable of fighting, were taken care of by Ichiki. Their whole bodies were covered with black rods. They were already very strong to survive, let alone fight...

Especially Uchiha Obito.

After Urashiki caught him with a glowing red fishhook, he threw out a black box. The mist emanating from it looked like dry ice, freezing Uchiha Obito's entire body.

And half of Ishiki's head has been implanted into Uchiha Obito's heart with the help of Urashiki, just like the face of Hashirama on Uchiha Madara's chest...

The wedge seal representing Otsutsuki's biological information grew wildly in Obito Uchiha's body.

Senju Tobirama exhaled a heavy breath. He was still brewing war intentions with Uchiha Izuna a moment ago. How come there are two more enemies in an instant?

Not only were Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito unable to fight, but Uchiha Izuna was also in poor condition. Shisui and Yashiro, who had overdrawn their power, had lost their last support.

Only Senju Tobirama has the Tobirama-style substitute technique improved on Orochimaru, and thanks to Qing Shui's strengthening of his body, he also has a certain degree of fighting ability...

But how could he alone defeat these three enemies who seemed to belong to the same clan?

The entire ninja world.

There is only one Matt Dai who can open the Eight Gate Armor Formation and kill the gods with all his strength, burning youth like blood...

Senju Tobirama knew that there would never be another Matt Dai.

This nursing home may be the last secret weapon Qing Shui left behind in order to protect the seal of the Six Paths Immortal from a long time ago...

"Momoshi-senpai, can you wait a moment?"

Urashiki yawned lazily, glanced at Ishiki who was assimilating Uchiha Obito, and shouted in a weird voice:

"Senior Ishiki's injury seems to be really serious... Even with my help, it seems difficult to drive the wedge seal into a new container..."

"Should we wait until Senior Yishi is confirmed to have survived before opening the coffin? Maybe we will encounter some troubles that will affect Senior Yishi's efforts to survive..."

Pu Shi's joking voice suddenly turned serious:

"Mortals in this time and space are a bit strange... It's better to wait for me to open this coffin with you, Senior Momoshiki!"

Urashiki waved the fishing rod and the small black box in his hand: "If we are together, there will be no accidents!"

The Ye Kai worn by Matt left a deep impression on Urashiki and Momoshiki...

That was a real kick that killed an Otsutsuki!

After withstanding that blow, Yi Shi was only one step away from death. Even the instinctive wedge seal was extremely unsatisfactory...

In Urashiki's opinion.

Even if he was on the verge of death, Ichishi would not be able to devour the container at such a slow speed even when he used the Noble Phantasm Fishhook and Black Box to completely block Uchiha Obito...

In fact, this is not entirely to blame.

In Uchiha Obito's body, Black Zetsu used its weak power crazily to defend his lover from all kinds of invasions at all levels...

As Kaguya's third son, Black Zetsu knows very well what kind of power the so-called wedge seal has.

Once Obito Uchiha becomes a container, his life will be completely lost...

And this life form with Kaguya's chakra will definitely be discovered by the invading Ichiki, and then mercilessly obliterated!

"What you said makes some sense..."

Momoshiki, whose palms were already pressed on the black water nine dragon coffin, stopped moving after hearing Urashiki's words. The veins on his forehead were exposed, and his white eyes wanted to see through the dark water bricks and see the scene inside.

Qing Shui smiled and filled Kaguya's chakra on his body surface.

"It is indeed a shame to that clan! Not only did she attack my family, she also forgot the pride of the Otsutsuki clan!"

Momoshiki recognized Kaguya's chakra instantly, and her mind, which had been vaguely uneasy just now, calmed down.

If it were Kaguya...

Then the outcome of this battle is already determined!

"Urashiki, speed up!" Momoshiki said impatiently, but still waited for Urashiki honestly.

In other words, waiting for a successful survival.

One style cannot die...

This is not only Momoshiki's pride for the Otsutsuki clan, she is not allowed to see a mortal kill the noble clan, but also to obtain information about the ninja world from him.

Matt Dai, what is the path?

Momoshiki was actually a little scared. He and Urashiki felt the changes in time and space coming from the dragon veins when they first entered the ninja world. Later, after discovering the Noble Phantasm that induced fluctuations, they came to the time and space where Qing Shui was in order to steal a wave. .

Therefore, they do not have much information about the ninja world.

If there was a Matt Dai in their time and space, then it would be too dangerous if he was kicked like Ishiki...

Momoshiki needs Isshiki to provide him with information about the ninja world...

"I know, senior, it's coming soon!"

Urashiki looked at Uchiha Obito, and said to Jinshiki on the side: "Let's deal with some ants that are looking for trouble."

Jinshi nodded, and a big red ring appeared behind his strong figure. He stretched out his hand and transformed a huge naginata from it, and swept it towards the Konoha ninjas who were rushing to help!

The violent slashes tore the earth, and Jinshi's Byakugan used a hollow similar to that of Uchiha Obito, and instantly transferred to the side of Senju Tobirama, Hatake Sakumo, Tsunade and others to fight with them. Get up...

"Well, that's almost it..." After a moment, Urashiki looked at Uchiha Obito, nodded and shouted: "Momo-senpai, Ichishi-senpai survived!"

Black Zetsu is not good at fighting after all.

For the invasion of Yiyi, it can only be delayed slightly but cannot play a fundamental role.

It can't save Obito!

Black Zetsu could only retreat step by step, watching the Ishiki eroding Uchiha Obito's body at an alarming speed, hiding in the dark and trembling.

what to do?

What to do!

Uchiha Obito fell aside...

Urashiki and Momoshiki stood side by side, holding the Black Water Nine Dragon Coffin on the left and the right, and working together to open the coffin!

this moment…

Everyone's eyes shifted.

Momo Shiki and Ura Shiki laughed ferociously, with murderous intent and greed in their eyes.

It is indeed Kaguya!

With so much delicious chakra, these two can't wait to feast on it!

But Hei Jue's eyes were full of despair.

It peeked into the eyes of Qing Shui in the Nine Dragon Coffin of Black Water...

That's definitely not the brother he's afraid of!

It’s Kaguya who fights idiots, eats nothing, and can’t do anything!

In other words, Qing Shui actually lost, lost to Kaguya?

"No, no, brother, you can't lose this time!" Hei Jue's eyes were splitting, and he desperately hoped that Qing Shui would take back control of his body in the next moment to save everything!

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