Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 183: The Ninja's Secret Discussion

The three major ninja clans of Kirigakure were quickly defeated by Mizukage's third generation, which once again caused a shock in Konoha and even the ninja world.

Especially Konoha, where ninjas gather, is extremely concerned about this.

Naruto's control and ninja's autonomy have always been a problem that has plagued Konoha.

But at least in Konoha's internal struggle, everyone still maintains a basic face on the bright side, and no matter how hard they fight in private, there will be no large-scale fire in the village. This is the bottom line.

Even if Danzo crossed the line and tried to ambush, Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo would lead troops to force each other after annihilating them, and would not openly lead their troops into the village.

This is also a terrorist balance based on the premise of a relative balance of strength between the two sides.

However, the atmosphere of Konoha has also become particularly weird with the spread of Kirigakure, especially at the critical moment when the conflict between the Uchiha clan and the Hokage clan has become more tense due to the death forest search incident, no one will Willing to be the next sufferer of the Ninja Village incident.

As a result, the balance between limited mutual trust and terror began to break down.

The smell of gunpowder in the village is getting stronger and stronger.

No one knows whether the village will cause a gun to go off because of a certain accident, and then turn into an out-of-control civil war.

What pushed the tension to a new level was that the Hyuga clan recalled all the family children from the ninja school.

Immediately afterwards, the ninja tribes such as Younu and Inuzuka followed suit and asked them to drop out of school.

The originally vibrant ninja school immediately cooled down in just a few days.

But Sarutobi Hiruzen III still hasn't spoken out about the Death Forest raid and the ongoing standoff in the village, nor have the two advisors attempted to communicate with the Uchiha clan to ease tensions.

As a result, the Police Department announced the temporary closure of the North District Police Station near the Huoying Building and other power institutions, and deployed personnel to the East District Police Station on the outskirts of the Whirlpool Clan.

The Naruto family immediately dispatched a ninja troop wearing blue vests to take over the defense of the northern district, further intensifying the conflict.

Hatake Sakumo, the only one who can mediate, happened to be entrusted to go out to inspect the borders of various places.

The fundamental reason behind this series of conflicts is that under the stimulus of the Kirigakure incident, the original trust between the Uchiha clan and the Hokage clan has quickly disappeared.


In the middle of the night, in a secret room in the Hyuga Clan.

The ninja leaders gathered here secretly are discussing major issues.

"Ghost Lamp, Water Without Moon, plus a Kaguya, Mizukage is really a big deal..."

Patriarch Hyuga read carefully the latest Kirigakure dynamic information, feeling shuddering at the same time.

The Ghost Lantern Clan and the Minazuki Clan are both Kirigakure's Mizukage Clans, but now they have been wiped out... The so-called rabbit dies and foxes are sad, things hurt their kind, everyone is a ninja clan, so naturally there is unspeakable grief.

"This is equivalent to the extermination of the three great clans of Senju, Uchiha, and Hyuga overnight..."

In front of the Hinata patriarch, the patriarch Inuzuka uttered words that made everyone present terrified.

"Although the three Kirigakure clans have not completely perished, they are almost there. Now even the members of the Yumai clan have become Uchiha Tokumitsu's retainers..."

The patriarch of the Moonlight family was also a little anxious.

"Isn't the Moonlight Clan on Hokage-sama's side? Why are you still here!"

Another ninja leader said dissatisfiedly.

"Standards belong to positions, identities belong to identities! How can this be confused!"

Patriarch Moonlight replied with a cold snort.

"Although the little bastards in the family have been brainwashed by the will of fire! But it doesn't mean that the Moonlight Clan is with them!"

"I told you earlier~ So you can no longer control your clansmen~"

The big-mouthed Inuzuka patriarch continued to speak offending words carelessly.

Patriarch Moonlight's face was ashen, and he did not continue to speak.

"Hey! Old Patriarch Kurama! What is the Uchiha Clan thinking? You and the Uchiha are so good that you have to wear the same pair of pants, so you should know something about it?"

Immediately, Patriarch Inuzuka spoke trash to Patriarch Kurama who was sitting next to him and said nothing: "Isn't Uchiha really planning to start a civil war?"

"Uneducated dog thief!"

The head of the Kurama clan replied unceremoniously: "Why don't you ask Uchiha if you are so brave!"

"If I can enter the Uchiha clan, I still need to ask you?!"

Chief Inuzuka didn't care too much about Chief Kurama's attitude, and said, "Besides, the contracted psychic beasts of the Uchiha clan are from the ninja clan, and they are naturally against us!"

"Well, the purpose of our secret gathering today is not to quarrel."

After the atmosphere had been set off by the Inuzuka patriarch, the Hyuga patriarch slowly spoke to persuade him: "It is what we have to do to discuss a measure to deal with the tense situation..."

Then he handed the information in his hand to the oil female patriarch sitting in the dark corner behind him.

Only then did the other ninja leaders realize that the oil girl clan had also come!

You must know that the oil girl clan is usually taciturn and has no sense of presence, and because of its ninjutsu characteristics, it likes to go alone when performing tasks, so other ninjas in the village don't know much about them.

And what everyone is most familiar with is that Hara Nebe Danzo's most powerful deputy is a ninja from the oil girl clan.

Therefore, when everyone discovered the existence of the oil female patriarch, they immediately felt that the situation was a bit strange.

The Moonlight Clan is part of the Hokage faction, the Kurama Clan is the Iron Alliance of the Uchiha Clan, and the Ayurome Clan was once the leader of Danzo...

Now they are attending a secret meeting that logically should be kept secret...

What exactly is this operation?

The ninja leaders who had nothing to do with other forces began to communicate with each other with their eyes, but they couldn't figure it out.

"We are all members of Konoha, and the village will prosper and lose together..."

After observing the expressions of the ninja leaders for a while, the patriarch Hyuga continued slowly: "The situation in the village is indeed as everyone said, it is very bad."

Everyone was silent.

The oil female patriarch then passed the information to another ninja leader.

"This piece of information was sent back by a clansman who served in the Eastern Border Defense Force. He served as a ninja in the Uzumaki Country Camp under the Tokuko Shogunate, so the credibility of the information is very high."

The patriarch Hyuga immediately revealed the source of the information in order to enhance the credibility of his remarks, "Currently, the remnants of the three clans of Kirigakure have been reorganized into three columns, and the expedition against Kirigakure will be launched soon."

"With the power of the three clans, they were all suppressed by Mizukage, how can the mere remnants fight against Kirigakure?"

Inuzuka patriarch expressed his puzzlement at the right time.

The patriarch Hyuga gave him a compliment in his heart, and then replied:

"Unlimited privateer license order!"

"General Deguang's conquest against Kirigakure, or the Land of Water, will be an unrestricted form of harassment and plunder!"

"In this way, wouldn't the Wuyin tribe, who are familiar with the hydrological conditions of the major archipelagos of the Kingdom of Water, feel as if they have entered a land of no one..."

All the ninja leaders exchanged glances, secretly speechless.

The country of water is an archipelagic country. It does not have as many dangers as land countries. It is difficult to defend. If you add the original Kirigakure ninja who is familiar with the terrain and hydrology to lead the way...

"Besides, there may be other dark spots in the three clans that have not been cleaned up by Mizukage..."

The Hinata patriarch added another sentence.

"In addition, General Tokumitsu is also preparing to issue a recruitment order to the ninja world to provide logistics for all ninjas who volunteer to participate in the Kirigakure conquest, at the cost of the right of first refusal of the loot."

"There's a lot to be done about this..."

Inuzuka patriarch subconsciously responded.

Then he noticed the strange eyes of everyone, so he shrank his neck and stopped talking.

The head of Hyuga ignored the head of Inuzuka, who was full of nonsense, and said to himself: "With the help of the general's status, the village has lost control of the Tokuko shogunate in name, and perhaps this is why the crisis has not been resolved for a long time. reason……"

"You said yes, Patriarch of the Pommel Horse?"

Chief Hyuga turned his gaze to Chief Kurama beside him.

"Although the Uchiha clan is proud, it is not rude, and since the rise of General Tokumitsu, he has taken care of the ninja clan."

The head of the Kurama clan did not answer directly, but began to boast of Uchiha Tokumitsu's achievements: "Furthermore, the righteousness of conquest of Kirigakure comes from the joint recommendation of the three powerful families of Kirigakure, which is what everyone expects and what the hearts of the people want!"

"Don't forget, the title of General Zhengyi was elected by the three clans together!"

"But now the Kirigakure clan has become Uchiha Tokumitsu's vassals..."

A ninja leader in the corner muttered.

"so what?"

The head of the pommel horse clan responded proudly: "General Deguang fulfilled his duty as an ally, traveled far and wide, and went to dangerous places, and only then rescued the remnants of the three clans. With such a kindness of life and death, can't it be honored by a wealthy clan to worship? "

"General Deguang's kindness, we, the ninjas, naturally know it well..."

The Hyuga patriarch had to smooth things over in person again.

Otherwise, the limelight of the secret meeting would be taken away by Uchiha Tokumitsu who was not present.

"The purpose of our gathering today is to solve the crisis in the village..."

The patriarch Hyuga had no choice but to directly state his purpose: "The Hokage family is powerful, the Uchiha family is tyrannical, the Senju family is ignorant, and the ninja class and the reform group have no leader..."

"At such a critical juncture, it is necessary for us ninjas to step forward to calm the situation and save peace, so as to prevent the tragedy of the Kirigakure civil war from being staged in Konoha!"

When everyone heard it, they immediately listened in awe.

"So, I am going to convene a meeting to restart the ninja, gather the strength of the ninja, and calm down the confrontation!"

Patriarch Hyuga glanced at everyone present one by one, "I don't know if everyone is willing to support me!"

"We are naturally willing to join in the grand event!"

Chief Inuzuka was the first to stand up.

The other ninja patriarchs hesitated for a moment, and after calculating the benefits, they also spoke in agreement.

For these small and medium-sized ninjas, once a civil war breaks out in Konoha, even if they don’t stand in line, it’s another way to stand in the eyes of both sides of the conflict. No matter which side of Hokage or Uchiha wins, they will lose their interests.

Since the Hyuga clan is willing to come forward to organize everyone, they naturally don't mind giving a boost.

"It would be better..."

The Hinata patriarch also breathed a sigh of relief.

After laying the groundwork for so long, his plan finally did not fail.

"The Patriarch of the Pommel Horse, what do you think?"

Chief Hyuga turned his eyes to the silent Chief Kurama again.

"Peace is always good..."

The head of the Kurama clan hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded in agreement: "I think the Uchiha clan will also be willing to resolve this confrontation at the ninja meeting..."

"As Konoha ninjas, the peace and stability of the village is our long-cherished wish."

Clan Head Hyuga also nodded again and again, expressing his agreement with Chief Kurama's opinion, "Since everyone agrees, why don't we compile a statement now, and all the patriarchs here will sign it together, and jointly send out our voice to persuade the opposing sides to remain calm, how about it?"


"very good!"

All the ninja leaders nodded in agreement.

Immediately afterwards, the Konoha Ninja Clan Joint Statement, which was written by the most talented Hyuga Clan Chief and reviewed by all Ninja Clan leaders, was freshly released.

Then sign your own name on it.

This statement also represents that among the Konoha Ninja Clan, another ninja force other than the Naruto Clan and the Uchiha Clan has begun to unite.

Although they still have ghosts in their hearts, it is still a relatively perfect start!

Hyuga Patriarch felt satisfied.

"Clan Chief Kurama, how about I trouble you to send someone to the residence of the Deguang Shogunate to present this proclamation to General Deguang?"

Chief Hyuga said to Chief Kurama.


The head of the pommel horse hesitated for a moment, but still agreed.

The important matter has been decided, everyone chatted casually and nonsense for a while, and then they each resigned and left.

This night is an extraordinary night!

After sending off all the ninja leaders, Hyuga clan head looked up at the bright moon in the sky, feeling secretly refreshed!

Then he returned to another secret room in the Hyuga Clan.

After waiting for a while, Chief Inuzuka and Patriarch Ayumi came to the secret room again.

"Hyuga Patriarch!"

Chief Inuzuka saluted Chief Hinata with a solemn expression.

The taciturn patriarch of the oil girl also bowed to the patriarch Hinata.

The head of the Hyuga clan also got up and returned the salute to the two heads of the clan.

In this matter, the three of them didn't have the slightest grievance that they had previously had conflicts and quarrels with each other during another secret meeting.

"After today, the ninja conference is bound to start again! This is our chance!"

Hinata said solemnly to the patriarch.

"This is also our common wish!"

Inuzuka patriarch responded.

"Ideal, neutral and objective Konoha third party!"

The oil matriarch added.

"I believe that Patriarch Moonlight and Patriarch Pommel will soon spread the news of the secret meeting to their respective forces. We only need to prepare for the ninja meeting!"

Hinata patriarch smiled.

The head of the oil girl and the head of the Inuzuka nodded in unison.


With the defeat of the Kirigakure Ninja Alliance, the remnants of the Kirigakure three clans fled and belonged to the Tokuko Shogunate. The originally raging cross-border trade came to an end in this anticlimactic manner.

Although the United Aquatic Products Company had a lot of income in the early stage, even after the business was suspended, the overall estimate would not be a loss, but the storage base that was invested in the construction of the wave country in the early stage was abandoned, and such a large piece of income was lost all of a sudden. Anyone can feel bad.

Therefore, after settling down to belong to the three ninjas, Tokumitsu Uchiha is ready to convene a meeting of the shareholders of the United Fisheries Company to let them join the Kirigakure conquest.

At this time, a joint letter from the major ninja tribes in Konoha arrived at the shogunate residence, inviting Uchiha Tokumitsu to return to Konoha and organize a ninja meeting with the Hyuga clan to jointly deal with the confrontation in the village.

"So good!"

Uchiha Deguang flicked the letter paper, and snorted again and again, "Just take this opportunity to lock the monkey in the cage!"

In the future of Konoha, is the separation of powers or authoritarian rule? What is the position of the generals, Naruto, ninjas, and noble officials? Let's read the chapters in this volume~

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