Ultimate Female President

Chapter 40: Moving

Before Brother Niu talked, Tian Tiantian rushed over. She threw herself on Brother Niu and shouted: "Is that what you said is true? Is it true that what you said just now?" ! "Her expression was a little crazy.

"I'm going to you. Mom's bitch!" The response to Tian Tiantian was just a curse from Brother Niu. He directly pushed Tian Tiantian away from him and scolded: "Sorce bitch, don't let it I see you again, do you know what the **** are you? "

After talking, Brother Niu seemed not to vent his hatred. He raised his palm and greeted Tian Tiantian directly.

Originally Tian Tiantian's face was swollen by Zhang Xiaoqi, and slapped by Brother Niu so much, the entire tooth was directly photographed.

Looking at Tian Tiantian, whose mouth is full of blood, Hou Liang suddenly lost his mood. He looked at Tian Tiantian and said lightly, "I know why today, they were not good people!"

Hou Liang waved his hand and said, "Let me see you again next time!"

Brother Niu got amnesty and stood up from the ground. He ran to pull up the other bastards. His movements were a little scary and fluent, as if he had exercised many times.

Zhang Xiaoqi walked excitedly beside Hou Liang. She didn't even look at Tian Tiantian. In her eyes, this kind of woman was not worthy of sympathy.

Zhang Xiaoqi took Hou Liang's hand and said happily, "Brother Hou, you were awesome just now, right! How do you know foreign friends!"

Zhang Xiaoqi's words surprised Hou Liang. He was busy dealing with A Niu's affairs just now, but he had forgotten Johnson. He and Johnson were both enemies.

"Brother Hou, what's wrong with you?" Zhang Xiaoqi looked at Hou Liang strangely and said, "How can your face suddenly become so strange!"

Hou Liang firmly grasped Zhang Xiaoqi's hand and said, "You'll run inside the car now, don't look back, run quickly, remember to fasten your seatbelt after entering!"

Hou Liang took a breath, and tonight's long fight made his muscles feel a little tired. Zhang Xiaoqi didn't know why Hou Liang said such words, but she heard the dignity in Hou Liang's tone all at once. He spread his feet and ran away.

Not long after Zhang Xiaoqi ran out, Hou Liang felt like there was a gaze on himself behind him.

"Oh! China Monkey, I see where you are running this time!" Johnson's voice came from behind Hou Liang, and then Hou Liang felt a gust of wind behind him.

Hou Liang's eyes were fast, his head didn't return, and he jumped forward to avoid Johnson's punch.

He turned around and saw Johnson rubbing his fist, looking at himself with a cruel smile.

"Oh, I'll go." Hou Liang screamed: "Is this a dismantling of the east wall to make up the west wall?"

Hou Liang shouted: "Little Loli, help me quickly!" At this time Johnson was approaching Hou Liang step by step.

Mu Ling spread his hand and said helplessly: "I can't do anything about it. He is my bodyguard, but I can't call him at all. He only has beautiful women in his eyes. Where is my existence!"

"Hua Xia Monkey, I see where you are going!" Johnson sneered and rushed towards Hou Liang.

Hou Liang kicked directly on Johnson's chest, who knows that Johnson's chest slammed hard. Top! Hou Liang only felt a force rushing out of his chest and hit his feet.

Hou Liang couldn't help but step back a few steps. He was shocked secretly in his heart. The nigger's muscles were really not covered, hard and big, and his strength was amazing.

Hou Liang shouted at Mu Ling: "Don't you have a share last time when you beat this nigga? How did I suffer alone!" Hou Liang said while avoiding Johnson's attack.

Mu Ling smiled and said, "Can we be the same? He was hired by my dad for money, who would not live with it!"

"I rely on!" Hou Liang scolded and continued to dodge. Johnson's fist carried a gust of wind. Even if Hou Liang hid, the gust of wind came, and Hou Liang's face had some pain.

Hou Liang was not talking, and Mu Ling also stood aside, shouting excitedly: "Come on! Beat him! Shoot, left hook!"

"Oh, dead nigga, why are you so bad that you can't hit him for a long time!" Mu Ling waved his fist in excitement and shouted: "Hou Liang is going to fight back! What are you doing!"

Hou Liang and Johnson both produced a pile of black lines at the same time, looking at Mu Ling in a speechless manner.

Hou Liang took advantage of this opportunity to hit Mu Ling and gestured to Mu Ling.

Mu Ling blinked at Hou Liang.

Suddenly, Hou Liang shouted: "Look at the back, someone will kidnap Muling!" Hou Liang's voice was full of panic, his eyes widened, and his fingers were pointed at Johnson's back.

Johnson sneered. He just wanted to expose Hou Liang's lies, but heard Mu Ling's whine from behind him.

Johnson was shocked. It was impossible that someone behind him really wanted to kidnap Muling. He hurriedly turned his head. Hou Liang ran towards his car without raising his leg.

After turning his head, Johnson's face changed. I saw Mu Ling covering his mouth with one hand, and humming with a hum, like she was really kidnapped, but her eyes. He looked at Johnson with a smile.

Johnson yelled, "Fak!" He turned back angrily, only to see Hou Liang had run away, leaving only a back.

Johnson looked around and ran towards the Buick car he was driving. He jumped into the driver's seat, twisted the key quickly, and drove towards Hou Liang's car.

Mu Ling's eyes flickered, and his petite body was bouncing around in situ, shouting: "Hey, dead niggas, do you want to ignore Miss Ben here?"

Mu Ling's cry made Johnson yell angrily: "My Fuck is really annoying!" In desperation, he had to turn around and the Buick car made a sharp brake and stopped directly in front of Mu Ling.

Johnson did not put on a good complexion, staring straight at the limited-edition Maserati in front of him, Shen Sheng said: "Get in the car!"

Mu Ling shouted: "Nigger, what kind of tone are you talking to me, pay attention to your attitude!" As he said, Mu Ling put his hands on his hips, which was a bit mean.

Johnson sighed, turned his head, and said in crappy words: "Get in the car, my elder lady."

Seeing that Johnson had compromised, Mulling immediately smiled and said, "It's almost the same!" Then, she turned over the car and said, "Where are you so anxious to go? You can drive now!"

Johnson looked at the front, Hou Liang's car was gone, he sighed in his heart, and said: "Go fart! Everyone is gone!"

Looking at Johnson's stubbornness, Mu Ling felt refreshed in his heart and said, "Then go home and wonder what to do!"

Johnson glanced at Muling, uncomfortably starting the car, and slowly drove away.

While driving, Hou Liang only noticed a pain in his face, and he recalled it carefully. It should have been injured during the fight just now.

Zhang Xiaoqi also found a large piece of blue on Hou Liang's face, and immediately asked with some worry: "Brother Hou, you are fine!"

Hou Liang smiled and shook his head, said: "How come, your brother Hou is very powerful!" But Hou Liang pulled his mouth and skin, it hurt terribly.

Zhang Xiaoqi's eyes glanced outside the window, and suddenly, she eagerly shouted: "Stop! Stop!"

Hou Liang was surprised, subconsciously, he quickly depressed the brake and asked, "What's wrong?"

Zhang Xiaoqi glanced at Hou Liang and said, "Brother Hou, wait for me!" Then, she opened the car door, and her petite body ran out.

Hou Liang waited quietly in the car. He didn't know where Zhang Xiaoqi suddenly got out of the car. Just when he was worried, the sky suddenly sounded a dull thunder, and suddenly it began to rain heavily.

Hou Liang was shocked, and quickly opened the door to go out to find Zhang Xiaoqi. When he opened the door, he saw the pouring rain. Hou Liang's worry became more serious. He looked around, and suddenly a figure came out.

Hou Liang was shocked ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ When I saw the coming person clearly, I was a little bit distressed and blamed: "What are you doing running out?"

At this time, Zhang Xiaoqi was wet, and her hair that had already been dressed was all washed up by the rain at this time. Her face was covered with raindrops. After hearing Hou Liang ’s reproof, she smiled from her own Pull out a bag of cotton and potion behind his back and say, "Look, I bought it for you!"

Hou Liang looked at the small package of cotton and a bottle of potion, his eyes didn't know what was going on, and suddenly it was a little wet.

He turned his head away, coughed, and blamed: "It's raining now, can't you come back again? You look at you, it's like a chicken soup." Hou Liang's tone was full of spoils.

Zhang Xiaoqi said with a smile: "I know that if I don't come, you will definitely come to me!" After a pause, she continued: "I can't let you get rain!"

Hou Liang's eyes were wet, and his heart seemed to be filled with something at once. He pulled Zhang Xiaoqi over and hugged him directly in his arms.

Zhang Xiaoqi exclaimed: "Brother Hou, what are you doing!" After her little hand patted twice, she stopped, as if feeling Hou Liang's warm embrace.

Hou Liang hugged Zhang Xiaoqi's soft body, and when he held it, he was filled with emotion, but after this touch, Zhang Xiaoqi was still in his arms, and he could even smell a scent. Scolding yourself is simply a beast.

He called Zhang Xiaoqi's name a few times, but Zhang Xiaoqi was lying on Hou Liang's body and didn't respond. Hou Liang whispered in his heart, "You won't fall asleep!"

Zhang Xiaoqi gently reported from his arms, Hou Liang sighed and said: "It is really asleep, but the clothes are wet, if you fall asleep, it will have a great impact on the body! "

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