"The Thunderbolt Sword of the Heavenly King!"

This sword can be said to be the strongest sword in Chaya's life, because if he cannot destroy the enemy in front of him, they will be the ones who die.

Extremely fast and cruel, Chaya thrust the Heavenly King Sword into the God of Destruction's body with all his strength. head

"Bai Takeo, God of Destruction, you all must die!"

After inserting the sword, Chaya injected all his energy, crushing Yafei and the demon who were almost exhausted together like tofu.

"Well done, brother!"

People around are already shouting victory, but it's still early!


Knowing that his power was almost exhausted, and anticipating Chaya's plan, Takeo gave up part of the demon god's body and concentrated all the remaining power to form a small God of War.

Taking advantage of Chaya's final blow, Takeo was not able to do anything. Use your final strength without reservation



A dull hum, Chaya suffered a big loss!


"retreat! Everyone, give me a refund!"

Knowing that the situation was over, retreating was the last resort.

After being hit by a blow, Chaya used his strength to fly back and ordered all the Blue Nation soldiers to leave, but Takeo did not pursue him.

Because he had exhausted all his real strength just now. , not only the power of the God of War, but also his own last vitality!

The God of Destruction had disintegrated, and what appeared was a Takeo who could no longer feel his vitality at all, and the King of the Blue Kingdom who looked back discovered that

"The God of Destruction has disappeared, what a great opportunity! Then let me make a contribution!"

"No, cousin, get someone to help Takeo!"

"No need, because Fuji has come back."

Looking back at the sky, this hateful thing is about to catch up with Takeo. He has no power at this moment. It is indeed the best time for this thing.

"Hey, as long as I deal with Bai Takeo and Earth Martial God before his turn, and then deal with the injured Shaya brothers, the entire Blue Kingdom will be mine!"

There are selfish and hateful things everywhere in this world, but things are often not what these things can predict."

"Um? murderous look! who is it! Don't try to ruin my good deeds! The power of 480,000 horses, Tianwu Giant Shark Fist! Go to hell!"

Using the unique skills of Heavenly Dao five thousand years ago, but the powerful fist power failed to hit the attacker.


"Trash, get out of here."

In an instant, the visitor had already passed by.

"What? What just happened?"

Before he realized what was happening, he was already beginning to die.

"Ah, how could this happen?"

The skin and flesh on his body began to peel off like an apple being peeled, and in less than three seconds, he turned into garbage in the sky.

Looking back at Takeo, he had already landed on the earth, but the place was a little far away from where it was.

"Strange, why did Takeo land so far away? cousin?"

‘Bang! '

"Well done, son"

"It's a pity that I didn't completely destroy the people of the Blue Country. I really failed in this last battle."

"Takeo, you have not failed. Those miscellaneous fish are no longer a threat, and even if you don’t take action, your father Baichou and I can solve them."

"Brother, I also know how powerful you are, but I only hope to do one last thing for the people of this land. It's just that I can't fulfill the promise I made to you, big brother."

"It's okay, Takeo. If there are no clues, I can look for them again, but Takeo, you···"

"Hey, don't be sad, I don't want you to see my mother-in-law and mother-in-law, because Fuji doesn't want to see her either, right?"

"Brother, you are right, and if I see you crying before you die, my brother will look down on you."

A man and a machine landed. It was Bai Buer and Qianjun Martial God.

"younger brother"


"Brother, dad, I'm back"

"Um, am I an eyesore here?"

"No, brother, to me, you are also my brother, but we have to part ways now. I’m sorry, brother, I can’t completely keep my promise to you."

"No, Takeo, you did nothing wrong"

"Yes, and since I'm back, I won't let anything happen to me"

"No two! You have a way to save Takeo!"

Bai Chou can be said to be the most surprising one.

"Hey, with Qianjun Martial God, I believe I can extend my brother's life."

Bai Buer took out the key to Qianjun Martial God, the hell earrings.

"Takeo, Qianjun Martial God has the most profound power, it can really restore you!"

Although he was full of confidence, Baichou didn't notice Ling Tian's eyes, which looked at his brother leaving forever, because he who knew the design information of Qianjun Martial God already knew the result, and the other person who knew the result naturally It's Takeo himself

"Dad, brother, I know my own situation, it’s useless"

"what are you saying!"

"I will die, and even a thousand armies and gods of war cannot save me."

Although he is facing death, Takeo is extremely magnanimous at this moment.

"Brother, don't talk nonsense, come on, activate the Qianjun Martial God, Hell Earrings, go!"

Insert the key and Qianjun Martial God starts to activate.

"Brother, don't fight with me, relax and accept the treatment of Qianjun Current."

【Qianjun Martial God, the rebirth system is activated. 】

Suddenly, an electric current shot out from the inside of Qianjun Wushen, but something unexpected happened, and the electric current could not detect Wuo!


"Hey, the current can't detect me. It's no wonder. What can it do to a person who has no vitality?"

"Impossible, brother, if you enter the Qianjun Martial God, then···"

"Fuji, your eldest brother is indeed beyond saving. Originally, I still had a glimmer of hope for Qianjun Martial God, but now it seems that it is no longer possible. In the end, Dad and Fuji still can't help you."

"No problem, I'm satisfied in this life"

"No, brother, no!"

"Fuji, fate is like this, we have no power to change it, but in the end, I still hope that dad and Fuji will help me with one last thing"

"Takeo, tell me"

"Before, the world and the world have been integrated with me, but now I have no power to separate them. And since the sword has injected vitality into enlightenment, I also hope to leave something behind. I hope that the world and the world made of my body can help Fuji"

"Dad, Fuji, please do me one last favor."

As he said that, Takeo stretched out his hands to hold Baichou and Fuji.

"Brother, I hate you!"

Bai Fuji was already crying

"Takeo, Takeo farewell!"

"Farewell, dad, farewell, no two. Also, I couldn’t help my elder brother in the end, I’m sorry."

"It's okay, Takeo, farewell."

Under the infusion of power, Bai WuNan's body turned into two magic weapons. Now Bai WuNan has truly disappeared.


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