Gen Subaru carefully repeated Matsunaga's words to Ichiro, but after finishing speaking, everyone in the Night Raid Team saw that the young man's face immediately fell, and he said helplessly:

"One thing to say, this power is quite powerful, but I don't have the ability. Captain Hecang, you can command as you want, don't worry about these things."

"You are Nexus after all, so what should be special must be special. But since you want to join the Night Raid Team, you still have to carry out the training. Let's go. I also want to do some activities. I will take you through it today. The training ground of the Night Raid Team."

Wakura Eisuke patted Minamoto Subaru on the shoulder. To be honest, he quite liked this boy. He liked this boy. This was probably the so-called eye compatibility. When the two of them went to train, they took Matsunaga Koichiro, who was receiving the medical examination form, looked at the doctor in front of him in disbelief and said:

"Is his bone age really correct? With such a tall stature and such a strong body, he is four years old?!"

"To be precise, it's close to four years old."

The doctor took a sip of tea, glanced at the administrator with a scum-like look and said:

"Okay Matsunaga, I really didn't notice it when I was in school. You can do anything to children under four years old. Look at the human experiment projects you listed. Tsk, tsk, tsk, how could I do that when I was playing football? I won’t kick you to death.”

"Don't think so, he is an alien after all, maybe..."

"Don't lie to yourself."

Seeing Kaname Matsunaga trying to make some excuses for himself, the doctor put down his cup, tapped the list in his hand and said:

"All his physical data are here, and his psychological evaluation is also here. He just started his life four years ago when he fell from the sky. Look here, look here again, his organs are all It is incomplete, and his cells are all unstable. Just like the original Son of Prometheus, he was a incomplete biochemical experiment. If he hadn't had amazing self-healing ability, he would have died when he fell. Aliens? These aliens are more pitiful than us humans!"

Having said this, the doctor took a deep breath, looked at the silent Matsunaga Kaichiro, and said in a trembling voice:

"Matsunaga, you have read Gen Subaru's life record, I have read it, and professional psychological profilers have also read it. He is a very smart and sensible child, and such a cruel experiment was imposed on him... ..Matsunaga, don’t you have children? Can your conscience be appeased by your status as an ‘alien’?”

"....My heart and conduct are as clear as a clear mirror, and everything I do is righteous."

Matsunaga asked Ichiro to raise his head, look at the former classmate, and said softly:

"In the face of the righteousness of human survival, nothing is insurmountable. Let me go to hell to count all the evils."

"He is truly a cold-blooded, lies-talking, hypocritical devil."

The doctor didn't want to see him again, turned to look out the window, and murmured feebly. Matsunaga asked Ichiro to stand up, take the physical examination report and walk out, but when he walked to the door, he heard another call from behind. A whisper:

"It's really outrageous that I still choose a doctor who walks with the devil."

"Yeah, it's really outrageous. How could there be such an idiot."

Matsunaga Kaichiro snorted and replied tiredly, but at this moment, the piercing alarm sounded, it was the alien beast, the alien beast appeared around the headquarters!

006 Disc creature Blackendor

"Sure enough, has Zaki started attacking here?"

Hearing the siren, Matsunaga Kaichiro whispered in anticipation, and the night raid team had already gathered urgently. However, Gen Subaru was an exception. After all, he knew nothing about the night raid team's action mode, so he simply summoned it. The stone wings carried him quickly to the place where the alien beast appeared.

Looking at the ferocious beast, Yuan Subaru frowned slightly.

This guy looks so familiar...

"Gen Subaru, this guy is Lizario Asu, the evolved form of the alien beast you defeated last time - Lizario Asu Gurora!"

At this time, Hiragi Shiori's voice came from the communicator Wakura Eisuke handed to the boy. After being reminded like this, Gen Subaru also reacted and understood where the familiarity came from. Saijo Nagi Shi Ye couldn't help but said:

"Why has this guy changed so much? Although there are records of evolved bodies before, this... Yuan Subaru, please be careful, I feel something is wrong."

Ah, something is definitely wrong.

Yuan Subaru took out the Evolution Truster and looked at the approaching monster carefully, observing his changes. This guy's eyes increased to six, there were sharp protrusions on his head, big horns on both shoulders, and also on his chest. It has a second mouth, two long horns protruding from the front and back, and the Jiritail pliers that make people feel bad just looking at it. Its skin also has a layer of translucent horny skin similar to a shell. , his action mode has also become more violent and agile, and it has undoubtedly evolved into a quite difficult enemy.

"But, I will definitely defeat you! Nexus!"

Gen Subaru pulled out the Evolutionary Truster. In the soft light, the silver and black giant rushed towards Lizario Asugurola without hesitation. But what the boy didn't expect was that Lizario Asugurola He could actually put his horns and tail into his body and shrink it into a ball shape to spin at high speed. Its terrifying speed and impact meant that Yuan Subaru had no time to dodge and was knocked straight away!

"This is wrong. There is something wrong with this alien beast. Please ask the headquarters to continue to raise the alert level!"

Seeing this, Eisuke Wakura immediately sent a communication to the headquarters. At this time, inside TLT-J, a young man in white appeared next to Matsunaga Yoichiro. He looked at Rizali Asugurola on the screen with a gloomy face and said in a serious voice:

"The thing we least wanted has finally happened."

"What did the visitor say?"

Matsunaga Yoichiro pushed his glasses and asked calmly:

"Which space monster is it?"

"The disc creature Black Endo," the young man in white said while sending all the information at hand to the Night Raid Team, "Now it seems that the corpse of the space monster that fell at the time is indeed All of them fell into Zaki's hands and have been combined with the alien beasts. "

"I don't want to listen to these useless things. Where are the weaknesses? Where are the weaknesses!"

"The visitors said that their understanding of the disc creatures is limited to the extent that they can recognize them."


Matsunaga Yoichiro couldn't help smacking his lips, and then ordered:

"The second team of the Night Raid Team will be dispatched, at all costs, to cover Nexus!"

On the other side, looking at the message sent over, everyone in the Night Raid Team had a rather unfriendly look on their faces. The alien beasts alone were so difficult to deal with, and now a terrible cosmic monster has merged in, and the attack of the fighter planes has become a scrape.

And the insufficient attack of the Night Raid Team's fighter planes was also discovered by Gen Subaru. After making the judgment that the Night Raid Team could not provide effective combat power, Gen Subaru immediately grabbed the core energy, threw a phase transfer wave beam into the air, and unfolded the Meta field, wrapping himself and the alien beasts to prevent the aftermath of the battle from damaging the TLT-J base.

It's okay, I've been specially trained, I won't fall down easily!

Yuan Subaru clenched his fist, cheered himself up secretly, then took a stance, slowly moved his feet, staring at the roaring Rizali Asugurola. In the previous attack, he had already understood the powerful defense of this alien beast, and also condensed light energy to hit it with his arm blade, but he couldn't even leave a trace. In this case, it is undoubtedly irrational to fight hard.

However, Rizali Asugurola didn't give Yuan Subaru too much time to think. He had already rushed over with a roar, and with its steps, Yuan Subaru began to feel the tremor of the ground. This was not because of the strength or weight of the alien beast, but because it was turning some unknown power into blue light, and transmitting it to the earth with the steps, which then caused more and more violent earthquakes. This kind of vibration will shake the foundation of this area and consume the time that the Meta area can maintain.

This time it really only has three minutes!

Gen Subaru waved his hands, and the feathers of particles shot out, restraining the actions of Lizali Asugurola. At the same time, his whole body glowed red, and the telekinetic light from his palms tried to stop the enemy's activities with the technique of "Aura Mirage" to further gain the opportunity to fight.

And it was that moment of stagnation that allowed Gen Subaru to successfully avoid the stabbing horns and waving arms, and rushed into the arms of the alien beast. Looking at the huge mouth on the chest full of barbs, the light energy gathered. Gen Subaru wanted to use this as a breakthrough point to infuse light energy into it, destroy the structure of the alien beast from the inside, and then destroy it!

However, when the light energy gathered, Gen Subaru was horrified, and a fatal crisis surged into his heart. The boy had to forcibly stop the killing move and unfolded a circular shield in front of him with the light energy that had been gathered. At the moment the shield was formed, a hot beam like the flames of hell gushed out from the mouth on the chest of Rizali Asugurola, and pushed Gen Subaru out. At the same time, the powerful tail clamp whistled over at the moment the beam ended, and hit the shield hard. The terrible impact immediately lifted the rocks around Gen Subaru and made the giant's legs sink deeply into the ground.

The quality of this shield is really good, otherwise I am afraid I would be gone.

Gen Subaru pushed his hands up and escaped from the trap while dodging the attack of Rizali Asugurola's tail tongs. However, the tail was too flexible, as if it had self-awareness, and it chased freely. Coupled with the pursuit of Rizali Asugurola's body, Gen Subaru immediately fell into a difficult battle. Especially during the battle, Gen Subaru found that this mutant could sense the opponent's small movements and predict its next move, which undoubtedly made the battle more difficult.

Here it comes!

At this time, Gen Subaru, who had just dodged the tail tongs, sensed the fatal threat and unfolded the circular shield again without hesitation. The next second, the seemingly ordinary long horn pierced out of Rizali Asugurola's body. The power transmitted by the slender horn made the circular shield burst under the heavy load, and Gen Subaru was also pulled away by Rizali Asugurola's left arm when defending against this move.

Not good, if this continues, we will really lose!

Yuan Subaru covered the energy core in his chest, feeling the pressure coming from the Meta field, his eyes gradually became fierce, time was running out, and the next step was to decide the winner. Although none of his methods were effective, there was still a way to try, life and death were not decided, and it was still unknown who would win!

007 The law of victory has been determined

The earthquake became more violent, and the maintenance of the Meta Realm became more and more difficult. Lizario Asugurola was still roaring and attacking the giant, inhaling a large amount of oxygen from his head and spitting out hot beams, while the giant bite in his chest was spewing flames. The whistling pintail pincers are like assassins circling around, attacking from different angles at any time, and the real killing move is ambush in the hard body of the alien beast. If it weren't for Yuan Subaru's innate sensitivity to death, he might have died long ago. Mourning the underworld.

But even in the face of such an offensive, Yuan Subaru still attacked without hesitation, and the beams and flames suddenly concentrated. Nexus aligned his palms vertically at his sides, and blue energy lightning flashed in them. , then, the blue electricity turned into purple electricity. As the giant combined his hands into a cross shape, the [Armed Nexus] on his hands intertwined, releasing the energy lightning and the energy in the body, golden spark-shaped cross ray storm ( Cross-Ray Schtrom) The light used ultra-high temperature to attack the alien beast's attack.

In an instant, sparks flew everywhere, and the terrifying temperature distorted the air. Nexus walked straight through the center of the explosion without stopping, and covered in fire, he grabbed Lizario Asugurola's arms. , then released a strong flash of light from the energy core on the chest, liberated the power of his own light, and used the ability called 'Core Final' to forcibly suppress the alien beast's actions, even the roaring attack Even the Jiritail pincer attack was forcefully eaten by this ability.

At this moment, the threat of death appeared again. Two pale lights suddenly struck. Yuan Subaru tried his best to dodge, but was still pierced by one of the long horns on his right abdomen. Nexus couldn't help but scream in pain. There was a sound, and his hands had already taken the opportunity to hold the end of the long horn. Lizario Asugurola predicted the giant's next move and hurriedly waved his arms to fly him away, but before that, 'Core In the end, all the power burst out, and the red light energy condensed on the arm blade, cutting off the deadly horn abruptly.

Nexus roared and kicked hard to repel the alien beast. He also took a few steps back, gritted his teeth, pulled out the long horn from his body, held it in his hand as a weapon, and moved towards Lizali. Asugurola launched the attack again. The alien beast roared angrily, and its tail pliers suddenly emerged from the ground, trying to cut off the giant's left leg, but this time, Nexus stabbed him with his backhand. This came from the enemy. The sharp spear easily broke through the hard carapace!

"The law of victory...has been determined!"

Yuan Subaru endured the severe pain in his abdomen and looked at the alien beast with a proud smile. Lizario Asugurola noticed the change in the situation and retracted his limbs again, but the horns and tail were still outside. As the high-speed rotation tore apart the surrounding air, and the two mouths were constantly spewing beams and flames, in the blink of an eye, a 'chariot' filled with the aura of destruction came menacingly to kill the general.

Gen Subaru, on the other hand, held one hand in front and one hand behind, holding the end of the long horn, and took a posture, as still as a statue, neither advancing nor retreating, waiting for Lizario Asugurola to break into his attack range.

And at that moment, a cold light flashed in the flames. Although the giant was knocked away by the terrifying conflict, there were no other injuries. The fatal long horn had been slanted into the giant bite of the alien beast's chest, and the energy poured into it was The light energy began to destroy the internal organs of the alien beast, causing a violent explosion. Yuan Subaru also used Cross Ray Storm to erase all the body parts of the alien beast and prevent this guy from resurrecting. At this point, the boy was really powerless. Maintaining the Meta Domain, the giant covered the wound in his abdomen and slowly fell down as the Meta Domain was released.

At the same time, a signal flare was sent out, summoning the Stone Wings, taking in the injured Yuan Subaru, and began to heal the wound. The TLT-J personnel also began to actively carry out the aftermath work, and never let any mistakes happen again.

"The Night Raid...retreat."

Although they were out to eliminate the alien beasts, Eisuke Wakura, who was shopping outside in a fighter plane, gave the order with a somewhat ugly face. Shiori Hiragi and Nagi Saijo also obeyed the order without saying a word and began to change direction and evacuate. , and on the opposite mountain, a man in black snorted with a cold face. Yesterday, a voice told him that there was a good show to watch here, but what he saw besides Ultraman and the powerful The somewhat excessive alien beast seems to be warning myself that it is not the only one who can use it.

Humph, it’s a boring trick, but this generation of fittest people seems to be a bit interesting, ha, just let me play with you.

The man in black sneered, then turned around and disappeared.

At the same time, in the TLT-J headquarters, Matsunaga Kaichiro looked at the Stone Wings who were guided back from the surveillance, and said to the boy in white next to him:

"Next, we must speed up the development of weapon systems. As you can see, the night raid team played almost no role in the battle this time."

"I will report this to the 'visitors', but compared to this, the management officer recommends that you let the competent person go for another physical examination. Although I can't see the results, there should be new results. The change."

"Really? Then I'm looking forward to it."

Matsunaga Kaichiro looked at the young man in front of him and nodded, indicating that he had listened. After all, his existence was very special. This young man named 'Kirazawa Yu' was a real superpower.

After the original visitors...that is, those photon entities came to the earth, the earth also started a plan to combine the DNA of outstanding superpowers to cultivate artificial humans - the Prometheus Project. This Kirazawa Yu is one of the creatures. Because he can predict part of the future and predict where alien beasts will appear, he is called the "predictor/explainer". In TLT-J, he serves as the combat consultant of the Night Raid Team and is responsible for management. and adjust the battle against alien beasts.

After saying this, Yu Kirazawa canceled the projection and returned to his exclusive studio. Matsunaga Kaichiro also turned around and walked towards the location of the Stone Wings. Although that thing had a precedent of curing Mitsuhiko Ishibori, but in After reading Yuan Subaru's physical examination report, he felt that it would be more reassuring to go over and take a look. If something goes wrong with this alien technology, TLT-J's emergency system can still save him. Ha~~ This thing is really a thing One after another, no time to spare...


At this time, a supervisor ran out and reported:

"Ishibori Mitsuhiko is awake. He is currently very cooperative. The minister requested further interrogation procedures."

"Okay, agree, no, wait," Matsunaga Kaichiro stopped the staff member who was about to run away, pointed with his finger and said, "Wait until I go over and ask in person, please don't act rashly."


008 What the hell is this jeep?

"you're awake?"

"The operation was successful. I have turned into a girl?"

"I'm sorry, I'm too old to handle this joke."

In the medical room, Yuan Subaru, who had just been spat out by Stone Wings, shook his head and looked around half-consciously. The middle-aged doctor sitting on the main seat smiled and said hello, and then the boy didn't even think about it. After thinking about this, the doctor thought for a moment and said seriously:

"If you really become a girl, TLT-J's technology can still do it. Then, how about your name...Yuanxiang?"

"No, no, no, I'm the one who wants to be a father. Forget it, I'm afraid my father won't be able to accept it."

"Hey~ It's time to have children. How can a stinky son be as good as a good daughter? Okay, okay, the joke is over. Let me introduce myself. My name is Mizuta Ichilang, and I am the medical director of TLT-J. Nice to meet you. Source Subaru.”

"Hello...oh! Are you the one who was watching me behind the opaque glass when I was experiencing it?"

While holding hands, Gen Subaru said as if he had a sudden realization, which made Mizuda Ichilang raise his eyebrows unexpectedly and said in surprise:

"You can even detect this?"


Yuan Subaru waved his hand and explained:

"During my physical examination, the doctor who examined me kept looking at the glass, with the look of 'a kid looking at where the teacher is in class'. You said you were the director, so I thought that the person standing there was probably you. "

"That's right, it's me. How smart."

Mizuda Ichinami smiled and touched Gen Subaru's head, then patted his shoulder and said:

"Come with me. Although this magical instrument has cured your injury, we still need to use modern medicine to check it again, so as not to miss anything, I will trouble you to do another physical examination."

"That's no problem, I will definitely cooperate."

"Come this way."

While leading Minamoto Subaru out, Mizuta Ichinami waved an 'OK' gesture towards the camera. Matsunaga Kaichiro, who saw this through the surveillance camera, felt relieved and walked towards the prison room.

Half an hour later, the pair of old classmates met again, but this time there was an extra listener - Yuan Subaru. Mizuda Ichilang looked at Yuan Subaru's new physical examination form, couldn't help pinching his brows, and said softly :

"Let's start with the latest data. This Stone Wing is indeed an amazing treatment instrument, but its treatment method is relatively rough. It just accelerates the body's healing and may accumulate some hidden injuries. , and the healing process itself is also stressful for the user. If it is used continuously and the system is not restored, the user will become exhausted. "

"I feel pretty good about this."

Yuan Subaru moved his body and said:

“I don’t feel tired, I feel refreshed as if I had a good night’s sleep.”

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