"How should I put it... To put it simply, I was recruited."

"Ah? Wait, Priest Xiaolin, do you recognize me?"


Xiao Linling still looked calm, looking at Yuan Subaru with a half-smile and said:

"Although I am surprised that Your Excellency has become like this, the light that shines on you is still so eye-catching in my eyes. But then again, Your Excellency is really cute like this. It's a pity that I don't have a daughter, otherwise I can I’m thinking about getting engaged.”


Yuan Subaru crossed his hands in front of him, pouted and said:

"As a feudal patriarch, your days of arranged marriages are over."

"That's such a shame."

Priest Xiaolin replied with a smile, and then he said while following Yuan Subaru:

"I know what you want to ask, but before I get down to business, I have to thank you for resurrecting Xiaosong and I last time."

"Ah...that time, don't thank me, thank Ultraman Noah."

Yuan Subaru was stunned for a moment, then understood what Priest Xiaolin was talking about, then he quickly waved his hand and said softly:

"This kind of credit cannot be placed on my head for no reason."

"Haha, then please convey my gratitude to me."

Priest Xiaolin put his hands in his loose sleeves and said calmly:

"Okay, let's get down to business. Aren't you curious why I'm here? It's simple. After your Excellency resurrected the dead last time, something happened."


Hearing this, Yuan Subaru's heart immediately rose, and he looked nervously at Priest Xiaolin, waiting for his next words. Xiaolin Ling patted his shoulder, telling the child not to worry, and continued:

"Those dead are indeed resurrected, but the energy you use to resurrect them seems to be too powerful, so that after they are resurrected, they have more or less superpowers, well... this... forget it , let’s just watch it with my terminal.”

Originally, Priest Xiaolin planned to send all the videos on his terminal to Yuan Subaru for viewing, but he really had a headache dealing with electrical appliances, so he directly selected them for Yuan Subaru to watch.

Then, Yuan Subaru saw in the video that whether they were old, young, fat or thin, they all displayed different superpowers and attacked the target.

"But don't worry, the number of superpowers in this group is not large, and they are still under control. In addition, I also changed a little after my resurrection, so I was recruited into TLT-J. , to help manage them.”

"Priest Xiaolin, what are your changes?"

Yuan Subaru saw that this time Xiao Lin Ling was deliberately showing off, so he asked very cooperatively. Priest Xiao Lin smiled slightly. At this time, they also came to the huge space where the stone statues were stored. He took a step forward and faced Yuan Subaru said:

"Nothing, it's just that the ultra-ancient genes passed down to me seem to have been activated."

After saying that, Priest Xiaolin's body emitted a soft light, and then a familiar giant figure appeared behind him.


"Yeah, that's right."

Yuan Subaru looked at the giant figure in surprise, while Priest Xiaolin put it away and said with a smile:

"Thanks to the light of resurrection, I can now summon Diga's projection for some battles, but I'm not as good as you. After summoning Diga's projection, even if I don't do anything, I can only I can last for three minutes. If the battle is more intense, I will have to leave earlier, and due to the influence of my body, there will be a certain interval between each call. "

"This is also very good. At least you can use the power of Senior Diga, right?"

Yuan Subaru spoke to comfort Priest Xiaolin. He could hear that although Priest Xiaolin seemed indifferent to this, in fact, he was still a little disappointed with his own weakness.

But to be honest, Yuan Subaru was also a little disappointed. At first, he thought that he was no longer the only Ultra Warrior on this planet, and that he could boldly go into the universe to see what kind of things existed. Threat, but now it seems that Priest Xiaolin is temporarily taking over the job, and it is okay to delay it for a while. As for the others, I feel that he is a little unable to withstand it.

"I have to say that my practice is still not enough."

Priest Kobayashi took his hand out of his sleeves, tapped his scalp with his index finger, and whispered helplessly. Then, he glanced at Mitsuhiko Ishihori aside and said softly:

"Okay, I've finished my business. You can continue your work. I'll go back to see Xiaosong after get off work. Mr. Subaru, we'll see you later."

"Well, Mr. Xiaolin, walk slowly and say hello to Xiaosong and Pigmon for me.

"Haha, I will."

After Priest Kobayashi disappeared, Ishibori Mitsuhiko lowered the iron gate and blocked the surrounding passages. Then he nodded towards Gen Subaru. The boy took a deep breath, then transformed into Nexus and began the experiment. .

In this testing site, there are three types of power-supply stone statues - the juvenile Nexus stone statue, the youth form Nexus stone statue, and the pure white light stone statue transformed from the flesh and blood of alien beasts. The next goal This is to allow these three types of stone statues to be shrunk and tested to see their energy conversion efficiency.

The order of the experiment is naturally the pure white light stone statue, the young Nexus stone statue, and the young Nexus stone statue, with the most dangerous ones at the back.

Then, after an hour of experiments and data record comparisons, Ishihori Mitsuhiko nodded towards Gen Subaru. There is no doubt that this improved shrinking gun experiment has been completed and can be placed on the Ark module for expansion. .

"It's really not easy."

Ishibori Mitsuhiko sighed in his heart, but did not say it out loud, otherwise, the little guy would definitely be sad again. Gen Subaru also canceled the transformation at this time, came to his side, and began to ask about the current situation of the earth as a whole. How's it going.

"It can only be said that the future is promising."

Ishibori Mitsuhiko thought for a moment and said helplessly in a low voice. The future is indeed promising. If nothing else, the Xio team technology that Yuan Subaru brought back was enough for TLT to chew on for a while.

Speaking of this, Mitsuhiko Ishibori, who had also read relevant information, couldn't help complaining. According to the information files provided there, it was said that Team Xio had been fighting monsters alone for more than ten years before the Ultra Warriors appeared.

One thing to say, with this level of technology, what kind of monsters and monsters have appeared in the place guarded by Team Xio?

Ishibori Mitsuhiko resisted the desire to complain, and then turned his mind to business. He once discussed related issues with Matsunaga Kaichiro. How can I put it, even if the global resources have begun to flow, but if you want to absorb these resources, To build a new defense system, it will take at least four or five months to see a prototype.

This also means that during this period of time, the earth can basically only rely on Yuan Pleiades to resist foreign enemies. If the huge fleet of the Nagu A Legion arrives, the people on earth will have no choice but to sit on the ground and wait for Nexus to launch. Apart from the big fight, the other support that can be provided can only be said to be minimal.

"I see."

Ishibori Mitsuhiko didn't make his words too clear, but Gen Subaru also knew the current situation of the earth. Everything was difficult at the beginning, so he just had to help the earth get through this difficult early stage of "starting a business".

"Subaru, don't put too much pressure on yourself."

Mitsuhiko Ishihori looked at Gen Subaru's tightly clenched fists and comforted him softly:

"Although these few months sound like a long time, for the universe, this period of time is really insignificant. Maybe, by the time the Ancient A Legion receives the news of the death of the vanguard Atlas, the Earth will Several years have passed here, and by then, I believe the earth will have a certain degree of resistance. "

"Don't think too optimistically about things, Ishibori-san."

Yuan Subaru stretched, then exhaled, looked at the Evolution Truster seriously and said:

"The real battle has not yet begun."

Watching Gen Subaru turn and leave, Ishibori Mitsuhiko silently glanced at the dense energy-supply stone statues behind him. He said that he really didn't have much understanding of the invasion of the Gua Legion. Just these stone statues, if replaced by The Dark Zaki who possessed him felt his scalp numb when he saw these things. Once these things explode, it is another question whether the solar system can hold on, but the Earth and the Dark Zaki will probably be destroyed. .

Then time continued to flow. Although the visitors asked Yuan Subaru to wait patiently and said that the brain-computer interface would take a certain amount of time to prepare, Yuan Subaru was still a little impatient, but he also understood that they had also worked very hard to advance the work progress. , so he didn't let his impatience show.

This week, besides practicing his skills, Gen Subaru boxed with Captain Wakura; listened to Hiragi Shiori chatting about gossip; followed Ishihori Mitsuhiko... No, I don’t understand, so I didn’t follow this; and practiced with everyone from the Suicide Squad. Practice marksmanship; go to Kira Zeyu and see what his work room looks like; go to Priest Kobayashi to see what kind of super powers those superpowers can produce; go to TLT headquarters and discuss it with the scientists there. The possibility of 'hyper-speed light particle-matter collision' and related issues of 'stellar internal collapse'.

In short, Yuan Subaru lived relatively peacefully during this period. Although the alien beasts still existed, after losing the control of Dark Zaki, under the suppression of the potential barrier, and TLT's use of Team Xio's technology, the alien beast factors were strengthened Sensing devices, so that when the alien beasts on the earth had just developed, they were killed one by one by the action teams of each branch of TLT, leaving no chance for Subaru to appear.

Until Tuesday of the next week, Yuan Subaru, who was studying cutting skills in the deep blue space, heard a strange cry from above. It didn't sound like he was asking for help, but more like he was going crazy.

Just when Yuan Subaru was confused as to why the cry for help was such a noise, he suddenly heard that there seemed to be the voices of Taiga and Titus in the noise.

No, what's going on? Why does it feel like the appearance rate of Taiga, the Ultra Warrior, is a bit high?

Yuan Subaru couldn't help but complain, but he didn't move slowly. He immediately responded to the call and went to the unknown world.


"My son."

? ? ?

Yuan Subaru, who had just traveled through time, looked at Beria who appeared in front of him with a question mark, stretched out his hand towards him, and said with a chuckle:

"You are outstanding. My father is proud of you. Come on, come closer and let me take a good look at you."

‘The ultimate ray blast! ’

Faced with Belia's invitation, Gen Subaru opened fire without saying a word and killed Belia. Then, the seemingly overly warm environment around him broke open, revealing its true appearance. The extremely barren land and the howling wind all showed the harshness of the surrounding environment.

At this time, a scene not far away attracted Gen Subaru's attention, which reminded him of what Hong Kai had told him. Gen Subaru looked at the shining halo again in his heart and couldn't help but whispered:

"Is this the O-50 planet?"

Gen Subaru did not recognize the wrong place. What he saw was the huge halo of light on the top of the warrior on the O-50 planet.

According to Hong Kai, the halo (Voice of Light) is like a mirror that can recognize the heart of the person who touches it, and then give them powerful power according to their nature, and then give them various missions and tasks to enhance their practice and strength.

Moreover, Gagra also mentioned that this ring of light can give the power of the light giant to those who have a heart of protection, and can also give the power of the monster to those who have a heart of revenge, and will reject those who it does not recognize, thus making people who desire to obtain its power have completely different destinies.


The way Gagra said this, his expression was so weird that Yuan Subaru was not sure whether there was any personal emotion in his words.

But no matter what, there is no doubt that this time, Taiga came to a new planet and encountered a new crisis. Yuan Subaru felt the black fog that spread around him and noticed the mental pollution power in the black fog. It was this power that made Yuan Subaru, who had just crossed over, accidentally fall into the trap. If Yuan Subaru guessed correctly, this mental pollution should make people fall into some kind of dream.

But my dream is too fake. My dad appeared so abruptly that even a fool would notice something wrong.

Yuan Subaru could not help but complain, and then used his powerful Ultraman's telekinesis to block these mental pollutions, and then strode to find Taiga's traces. Of course, in order to prevent any accidents, Yuan Subaru put on the Ark module before crossing over, and turned into the Space Fighter Dragon God, so that he would not be afraid of his identity being exposed.

However, in this black fog, Yuan Subaru's perception was greatly restricted, so the boy could only bite the bullet and look for clues in this mental pollution.

Soon, Yuan Subaru found the first person who asked for help. It was none other than Titus, who had met him once. At this time, this Ultraman with muscles all over his body was attacking him frantically. It was obvious that his mind was trapped in an illusion, and his body was out of control and committing suicide.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Subaru's cold sweat came down all of a sudden. Now he was extremely glad that he woke up quickly. If his body was controlled, a subconscious Ultraman bomb would have failed this mission directly.

Anyway, let's control Titus's actions first.

Yuan Subaru clasped his hands together and sprayed mist from his fingertips towards Titus. This contained extremely cold power, which made Titus' body fall into a stiff state. Yuan Subaru also took the opportunity to get close to his body, looked around, and wrapped him up with pure white light, isolating him from the mental pollution black fog outside.

But this still didn't make Titus sober. It seems that he still needs to realize that he is now in an illusion and wake up by himself.

Therefore, Gen Subaru thought about it and directly covered the past with Ultra Telekinesis to see if he could stimulate Titus. However, he did not expect that after coming into contact with Titus' soul body wrapped in black fog, Gen Subaru's consciousness was also pulled into it. Looking at the surrounding environment, Gen Subaru was stunned for a moment, and after a little thought, he immediately realized that this should be Titus' memory....

In this memory, there was an Ultraman named Hera on the U40 star. He fell into darkness in pursuit of eternal life, abandoned the power to transform into a superman, betrayed the U40 tribe, and took away 3,000 warriors who shared the same ideals as him.

He established his own empire in the distant dark nebula, and Titus was a child born in the Hera Empire, that is, Titus belonged to the U40 rebel bloodline, so his skin color was black.

However, although Titus' father had boarded Hera's pirate ship, his remaining conscience did not want his son to follow the same path. So he secretly sent the young Titus back to U40 in an interstellar capsule, and the fleet commander Zamiyas adopted the child. Titus grew up gradually after returning to U40. Encouraged by his best friend Mattia, he joined the U40 Warrior Corps and began to fight for justice.

Not long after Titus joined the Warrior Corps, the Hera Corps returned. The U40 people were unable to resist the electric shock offensive of the Hera Corps and were completely defeated. The surface area was basically completely occupied, and the remaining forces were forced to move underground.

Titus also participated in the battle against the Hera Corps, but because he was worried that his rebel skin color would be exposed, Titus never dared to transform during the battle, so he was often criticized by the action captain Guligres.

Whenever Guligres scolded Titus and thought that Titus was disloyal and wanted to punish him, Mattia would rescue him. Mattia knew Titus's past, but still believed in him, which gave Titus great encouragement.

Because he inherited the blood of the rebels, on the one hand he had to fight the rebels including his father, and on the other hand he had to be suspected and distrusted by his compatriots. Titus often felt lonely, inferior and confused, and didn't know what the meaning of fighting was. So he often trained alone to improve himself in order to resist fate and find answers.

In the later stage of the battle with the Hera Legion, the action team that Titus belonged to launched a gambling attack on the imperial base of the Hera Legion, but unexpectedly, the Hera Legion used a secret weapon-the giant synthetic beast Kissiada, which caused heavy casualties to the whole team.

Captain Guligres was also burned to ashes, and the battle gradually turned into a massacre. Mattia, who transformed into a superman form to meet the attack, was defeated because he could not become huge, and finally suffered a fatal injury in order to protect Titus who dared not transform.

Before his death, Mattia conveyed to Titus his last words: "Your power exists for protection, just accept it and stand up to do it." Titus, who accepted his best friend's will, finally untied his heart knot, transformed into a superman form for the first time and became huge, fearlessly rushed towards the enemy, exerted all his strength, and defeated Kissiada in one fell swoop.

After defeating Kissiada, Titus saw Jonias who came back from Earth. The U40 legend waved his hand, and the rich breath of life spread out. Titus was surprised to see his best friend resurrected, and then fell into infinite joy.

To be honest, although Titus laughed happily and people couldn't bear to interrupt him, people can't live in dreams, and they still have to return to reality!

So, Yuan Subaru sighed, and his telekinesis separated from Titus' body. Considering Titus's mood, Yuan Subaru did not use too radical means, but continued to influence Titus with telekinesis.

Titus also began to have a severe headache because of this. His consciousness gradually began to clear up, and his memory affected by the black fog of mental pollution began to return little by little. He remembered the real ending and why he was here.

Titus, who was covering his head, looked at his best friend in front of him, and he seemed to realize something, smiled and nodded to Titus, so the U40 Sage of Power silently raised his fist.

"It's good to wake up, and I'll do the rest."

At this time, Yuan Subaru, who couldn't bear it, stopped Titus' attack, and then his telekinesis swept away, sweeping away everything around him. Then, Titus felt a flash in front of his eyes, and returned to the O-50 planet from the beautiful illusion. He felt his stiff body, saw his frozen limbs, and felt the injuries on his body. After a little thought, he understood his self-harm behavior when he fell into the illusion.

So, Titus's sight fell on the blue-gold armor beside him, and he asked weakly:

"Excuse me, sir..."

"I am the Space Warrior·Dragon God. May I ask what happened here?"

Yuan Subaru folded his arms, looked at Titus and said:

"I was originally a pursuer who came to climb the top of the warrior, but I didn't expect such a change to happen here. Do you have any clues about this?"

"I don't know much either. I just came here with someone."

At this time, Yuan Subaru lifted the ice on Titus, then rubbed a ball of pure white light and threw it to the injured Sage of Power, letting him take a rest first, while Titus himself began to seriously recall his experiences during this period to make sure that there was no error in his memory-

After recovering in the Kingdom of Light, Titus and Taiga decided to practice together, but before practicing, they still had to go back to U4O to tell Jonias in person about the theft of the Sage's Sword.

In response, Jonias said it was nothing, it might be due to fate, and then suggested that they go to Planet 0-50 to train.

When Titus and Taiga arrived at Planet 0-50, they happened to see the Planet Invasion Alliance, which aimed to destroy the Warrior's Top, fighting with Ultraman Fuma of Planet O-50. So, Titus and Taiga joined the battle without saying a word and helped Ultraman Fuma repel the Planet Invasion Alliance.

But after the battle, facing Taiga and Titus who suddenly broke into the battle, Fuma was very angry and disappeared, which made Taiga angry. He didn't understand why he had to scold him even though he helped him.

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