But when they subconsciously started to launch Ultra Signature to ask for help from the outside world, they realized that the power of this sky demon not only affected the O-50 planet, but the surrounding galaxies were also shrouded in its terrifying black mist.

The fluctuation of light from Ultra's signature just now seemed to have attracted the attention of the surrounding black fog. Taiga and the other two people clearly sensed the dangerous aura approaching, and even saw the ferocious faces looming in the black fog.

"rush out!"

Taiga made an immediate decision and took the lead to charge forward. Titas turned his head and glanced at the top of the warrior, but under the cover of dark clouds, he could not see the battle situation at the ring of light at all, but even if Even if you can't see it, you can still imagine the intensity over there.

Your Excellency Dragon God, we will come back with reinforcements as soon as possible.

Titas whispered secretly in his heart, then followed Taiga's pace and launched an attack towards the black mist that gradually surrounded him.

On the top of the warrior, Yuan Subaru once again evolved into the youth form Nexus, but immediately, he transformed all the evolved light into raw power, and the pure white 'sun' shone immediately. Illuminating the dim sky and earth, Yuan Subaru waved strips of light to construct layers of white shields. Within the shields were energy flowing at high speed. They were like small whirlpools, further scattering the attacks of the sky demon.

As for the Sky Demon, he is still the same as before, constantly spraying fireballs towards Yuan Subaru, interspersed with terrifying flame beams from time to time. Black mist and dark clouds full of resentment advance from the sky and the earth, and begin to erode the warrior's peak bit by bit. 's location.

In this regard, Yuan Subaru also tried to build a barrier to block out the black mist, but after realizing that it was impossible to do this, he had no choice but to move the creatures hiding under the Warrior's Summit towards the mountain with a light belt. .


At this time, Yuan Subaru snorted, and the nosebleed slipped quietly. He wiped it away carelessly. Looking at the sky demon in front of him that seemed to be a bit richer, he clicked his tongue in anticipation. This one on the O-50 planet The creatures that failed to escape here, as well as other things that can be swallowed, are probably all eaten by the Sky Demon. Now he is mobilizing all his strength to launch an attack here.

Yuan Subaru has clearly felt that even the defense of pure white light is already stretched thin. Maybe it is this attack, maybe it is the next attack. The defense strategy constructed by this white shield may be broken, so... ..If we want to fight back, we can only do it now!

"Let me state first..."

Yuan Subaru clasped his hands on his chest, gritted his teeth and whispered, as if he was talking to himself or to the ring of light behind him:

"This is my first time using this trick. If it causes any unexpected damage, don't blame me. Go ahead!"

The young man roared angrily, and all the energy transformed from the Sky Demon's attack rushed out of [Pure White·Native]'s body like a torrent. The strips of light were like wildly dancing tentacles, and they were also like choosing... The poisonous snake that eats people undoubtedly shows that Yuan Subaru cannot control such a huge power.

But at the moment, Yuan Subaru can't care about this anymore. If the power escapes, let it escape. He desperately squeezes out the power of Ultra-Psychic Power, gathering all the light energy he can control in front of him, and at the moment of completion, Immediately pushed it towards the sky demon, and then with a flash of light, [Pure White·Native] switched to the youth form Nexus, sealing all surviving creatures and the ring of light behind him, as well as himself In the ultimate cross barrier.

The ball of light pushed out by Yuan Subaru was round and delicate, like a real gem. It had an entity, but as it flew by, a terrifying gravitational force erupted from it.

The earth, mountains, dark clouds... everything around them was attracted, and in the process of being attracted, it was squashed and compressed by the invisible force, and finally turned into the corresponding extremely small form, and fell into the ball of light. On top, it was immediately transformed and absorbed by the pure white light inside, and then erupted with an even more terrifying gravitational force.

Facing the ball of light that formed a whirlpool in an instant, the Sky Demon noticed something was wrong. He immediately mobilized his energy and spit out destructive flames towards the ball of light. He knew very well that the power of this ball of light would be like a snowball. It is getting bigger and bigger. Only by destroying it as soon as possible can we stop this natural disaster-like attack.

However, the Sky Demon fell into silence for a moment as he looked at the white ball that was rapidly assimilating his own power. After all, it was too late for him to take action, and the conversion properties of this pure white light energy were indeed a bit excessive. Is there something? Is this something that cannot be transformed? !

The sky demon shook his head, decisively abandoned the part of his body that had been caught by gravity, and prepared to run away without looking back. But at this moment, a ray of light reappeared from the void, and another youth form, Nexus, appeared. In the sky above the O-50 planet, he waved his hands and used the sealing technique that had previously sealed the Magma planet to seal the planet, blocking the sky demon from leaving.

The Nexus who appeared this time was naturally Gen Subaru's true form. Under the cover of the light when he switched forms, he quickly cloned himself to replace himself, and then used the skills of [Saiga Super Acceleration] and [Void] to block the attack. The sky demon's retreat was blocked.

Although the strength of this seal in front of this enemy is not worth mentioning, as long as it delays his escape, the gravity of the light ball can catch him!

Yuan Subaru's intention was very obvious, and Sky Demon saw through it at a glance. However, Sky Demon had to accept this blatant conspiracy. The gravity of the light ball behind him was becoming more and more terrible. Even if he delayed his escape time by 0.1 second, he would lose a lot of power. Such a fall was definitely not in his plan.

But just as Sky Demon was thinking quickly about how to get rid of the current predicament, someone was more anxious than him. A ray of light went straight through the ultimate cross barrier and fell on Yuan Subaru.

This light... was naturally emitted by the ring of light at the top of the warrior. He could see that this pseudo-black hole had an upper limit.


This thing is condensed on the O-50 planet. No matter where its upper limit is, the O-50 planet will inevitably be hit the most directly. And looking at the appearance of this Nexus, it seems that it is a posture of "Let's sacrifice together to destroy the sky demon". What about delaying time and waiting for rescue? Why are you preparing to die together?

Therefore, the ring of light at the top of the warrior can't help but call for power. Now this battle must come with a tough guy who can calm the scene and this Nexus.

Who is it?

Naturally, it is Noah. Let him clean up the trouble caused by his successor, and the light that hit Yuan Subaru just now is to use his existence to call the "end" of the light in his body to come here.

So, in the next second, colorful light bloomed behind Nexus, and a dazzling figure emerged from it. The mysterious breath of light dispelled the evil black fog, and the legendary warrior who surpassed the legend, the warrior of miracles, and the warrior of hope-Ultraman Siga stood in the sky!

Hmm? ! X2

At this moment, two great wills fell into silence and doubt at the same time. The ring of light at the top of the warrior was full of question marks. For a moment, he began to doubt his knowledge reserves, wondering if he had remembered it wrong, or if the light of Nexus had returned to Siga's system during this period of time.

Siga was also a question mark. He was looking for the reason why Noah lost contact in many universes. Inexplicably, his power was forcibly pulled over, and then...

Who can explain to me what is going on with this pseudo-black hole, what is going on with this resentment aggregate, and what is going on with this child? !

Ah! ! ! What is this? No matter what, let's deal with the problem in front of us first!

Seiga grabbed his head and gave up thinking temporarily, then pulled out the "Seiga Blade" from his left forearm, and condensed the "Seiga Limit" in his right fist. The former split the expanding light ball, and the latter punched the sky demon. Then Seiga shook his hands, and all the energy aftermath was transferred to the uninhabited depths of the universe.

"Senior Saiga, long time no see."

"Ah...ah, long time no see, well, you...have evolved, not bad, not bad."

Looking at Subaru who was greeting him enthusiastically, Saiga responded while calmly canceling the moves on both hands. Then, Saiga pointed to the ring of light on the top of the warrior and said softly:

"Then I will go over there to talk first, you wait for me."

"Okay, senior."

Seeing Saiga coming, Subaru's tense spirit relaxed, and then the boy's eyes went dark, his body leaned back, and he almost fainted, but then, Subaru moved his feet and supported his body again. Now is not the time to faint. It's not easy to meet Senior Saiga, so he must seize the opportunity to ask some questions!

"You...what's wrong?"

On the other side, after greeting Gensuba, Seiya immediately flew to the top of the warrior, stretched out his hand and knocked on the ring of light, and said in a bad tone:

"Don't tell me that the sky demon just now was a task you gave to Gensuba."

"Stop it, didn't you see that the pseudo black hole just now almost affected me?"

The ring of light flickered, and a thought came out of it, whispering:

"When did you take away Noah's inheritance? Aren't you afraid that Noah will come to talk to you after waking up?"

"Noah is missing, and Drasion and I can't find him. to find his whereabouts. "

"? ? ? "

Hearing this, the Ring of Light flashed a few times, and after a short silence, he said softly:

"I will ask the O-50 warriors to help find relevant clues. "

"Okay, then... um - bring it. "

The Ring of Light looked at Seiga who stretched out his hand to him, and immediately understood what he meant. He sighed and said softly:

"This is not in accordance with the rules. He is already an Ultraman and cannot participate in my trial. "


Seiga snorted in dissatisfaction, and the 'Seiga Limit' fist was immediately raised, pretending to hit.

"You, can you be more careful?"

At this time, the words of the Ring of Light sounded in Seiga's heart:

"Take a good look and see if that is the light of the normally evolved young Nexus? No, his light still has Noah's confinement, which curbs his evolution. Can't you see this? ’


Listening to the inner voice of the Ring of Light, Seiya fell into silence. Didn’t he notice this? The answer is naturally no, but his personal emotions made him selectively ignore this.

'Perhaps that was set up by Noah to protect him. You should have noticed that the child's health is not good. After evolution, his lifespan will be...'

‘If it were you, faced with this situation, would you use this kind of confinement to deal with him? ’

Ring of Light's words immediately blocked everything Saka wanted to say:

'I will not give him power until I figure out the reason. If I really misunderstood, then I will compensate him. Saka, you should also understand that Noah never does meaningless things. This mixed bloodline Biochemical creation....'

‘His name is Gen Subaru! ! ’

Saka's cold voice interrupted the Ring of Light. Looking at the angry legendary warrior in front of him, the Ring of Light said helplessly:

'If you really fancy him so much, then quickly find Noah and add him to your inheritance. It's useless to get angry with me here. I'm just stating the facts. Okay, don't continue here. Come on, I have said more to you today than I have in the past 50,000 years. I am tired. Goodbye. ’

After saying that, the ring of light at the top of the warrior fell into silence. Saka also knew his temper, so he did not continue to pester him. He turned around, looked at the blood-stained child, and was stunned. He opened his mouth, but for a moment nothing came out.

"Senior Saka, as you can see, my skill is very powerful!"

Yuan Subaru didn't notice Saka's emotional changes. After a hard battle, his condition was not good. Both his light energy and ultra-psychic power were at a low ebb. If he hadn't still had a little obsession, he would have returned. Deep blue space.

"Hmm, very powerful...huh?"

The absent-minded Saka nodded subconsciously, and then he reacted, looked at Yuan Subaru, and said in a subtle tone:

"That black hole...did you put it there?"


Yuan Subaru puffed up his chest happily and proudly, and said cheerfully:

"I figured it out together with my uncle, a scientist from TLT!"

"What about that? Come on, Subaru, listen to me. In this case, you go find Gauss and Justis and ask Dracion to blast them."


125 Taiga: Can’t hold back

"What about that? Come on, Subaru, listen to me. In this case, you go find Gauss and Justis and ask Dracion to blast them."

When Yuan Subaru heard this, he didn't react immediately. He was about to nod when he suddenly noticed something was wrong. He tilted his head in confusion and looked at Saka. Although he didn't speak, his eyes were filled with emotion. 'Are you awake'.

"Didn't I say last time that I would help you find a teacher?"

Yuan Subaru's reaction was within Saka's expectation, so the legendary warrior said calmly:

"The teacher who originally booked you has something to deal with urgently and can't find anyone, so I found a new teacher for you. His name is Regedo. Although I don't meet him many times, this If you are busy, he should still be able to help. It just so happens that your ability of pure white light is somewhat similar to his unique skill, so you should learn a lot."

After saying that, Saka condensed a colorful diamond in his hand, handed it to Yuan Subaru and said:

"Take this. When Reggio sees it, he will know that I introduced you."

After saying that, Saka remembered something and warned Yuan Subaru:

"Remember, you have to let Reggio teach you the 'Legend of Sparks' and 'Power of Aurora'. If he still wants to teach you the rest, you can just learn them."

"Okay, Senior Saka, I remember."

Yuan Subaru took it obediently and put the colorful diamond into the Ark bracelet. However, it was rare to meet Senior Saka, so naturally he had to ask a few more questions, such as about space and time, such as the improvement that resembled a black hole just now. Aspects.

But just as Yuan Subaru was organizing his thoughts enthusiastically and planning to ask, a feeling of dizziness came over him, causing him to snap out of his excitement and realize that given his current situation, he might not have much time. To ask too many questions.

Therefore, Yuan Subaru decided to use the remaining time to deal with a key matter.

"Senior Saka, there is something I hope you can help with."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Hearing Yuan Subaru's request, Saka subconsciously wanted to take it all in, but then he thought, if he wanted to teach him any more skills, he would not be able to return to the recycling site, so he just said the rest. , I have no problem." This half-sentence was forcefully suppressed.

"That's it, Senior Saka, I just met a friend before, his name is... his name is..."

Yuan Subaru patted his groggy head hard. He was not good at remembering long names. At this moment, he couldn't tell whether it was Artanis, Astek, or Tatar Tatar... This increasingly unstable brain circuit made the young man feel sulky.

"Subaru, don't worry..."

Seeing Yuan Subaru huffing and puffing, Saka comforted him in a low voice. At this moment, Yuan Subaru suddenly raised his hand, slowly lowered it, pressed it on the energy core of his chest, and then suddenly turned his hand outward. , pointing at himself with his thumb. Seeing this set of actions, Saka couldn't help but be stunned, wondering what kind of magical ritual this was.

"I am the ultimate life form, the warrior of the Absolut people, Absolut Tartarus. Yes, that's the name. Something seems to have happened to his home planet, and it's about to be destroyed. Senior Seiga, can you help Mr. Atenes? Mr. Talster is seriously injured now, and there's nothing he can do... um..."

Minamoto noticed his drowsiness and realized that he was about to return to the deep blue space, so he sped up his speech. At the end, he didn't know what he was saying until his eyes went completely black, and then he stopped his "nonsense".

And watching Minamoto dissipate into light particles, Seiga was unwilling to try to follow him, but in terms of space-time power, Noah was still better.

"The ultimate life form, the warrior of the Absolut people, Absolut Tartarus, right."

Saga tutted, retracted his hand, and then repeated what Subaru said, and said to the place where Subaru was just now:

"I understand, I will go find this guy and see what happened to his home planet, you can rest assured... um?"

Just as Saga was talking to himself and was about to leave, he suddenly noticed the movement of the light ring behind him. He turned around and saw a ball of light separated from the light ring, fell into Saga's hand, and turned into a crystal card.

"You are..."

"I won't help him, but I can help him with his request. When you find the ultimate life form, Absolut Tartarus, the warrior of the Absolut people, use this card to call me. Okay, I'm really tired of talking this time, let's go."

After that, the Ring of Light fell into silence. Seiga smiled and left the O-50 planet. But after Seiga left, the Ring of Light showed its power again. Its brilliance instantly illuminated the entire O-50 planet, erasing some traces that he didn't want to exist, and took himself out of the possible troubles. Then, this planet carrying the top of the warriors fell into peace again.

After a while, rays of light emerged from the universe, and the leader was obviously the eldest brother of the Ultra Brothers, Zoffy, followed by all the reliable combat forces who were still in the Kingdom of Light, and the legend of U40, Jonias.

Of course, there are also Taiga, Titus and Fuma, the three young Ultra Warriors, who finally broke through the encirclement of the black fog, and while firing Ultra Signatures to shake people, they desperately ran to the Land of Light, and finally gathered such an amazing lineup. To be honest, if they were not worried that everyone would run out, leaving the Land of Light without anyone to guard it, and an accident would happen, Ultra Father and Ultra Mother would come to take a look.

To see how this Sky Demon, who was bombed to death at the beginning, resurrected again.

"No, this is... Is the battle over?"

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