Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1306 1295: Zaki: Gumen is an eternally taboo name that cannot be seen by all living beings (

People working in all walks of life, after receiving the call from the source, put down what they were doing and came here at night.

Everyone gathered was communicating about the changes during this period.

The most talked about thing among them is the source.

After all, his best friend suddenly lost his mind and turned into a guy who often performed incomprehensible operations. Everyone was still somewhat concerned about it.

Especially this one, who always calls everyone Ultraman.

"Xiaohui, what does he want to do this time?" Beside the table, I Meng was very helpless. After all, he who talks about science was suddenly told that he was Ultraman or something. This is not scientific at all.

Who believes it!

"Anyway, it's very subtle." Xiao Hui also felt helpless, but she still had to say: "He originally wanted to ask me for money to make some models, but I didn't allow it, so he took a step back and chose... to draw painting."

"Painting?" Kaito interrupted and continued: "With his painting skills, he doesn't even recognize what he draws. He can't be serious, right?"

"So he draws it and I draw it." As she said that, Xiao Hui spread her hands. Wearing an apron, she was already very fond of Yuan Quan, especially last night, she couldn't stop.

"He even has trouble describing!" Xiao Hui said in a low voice: "After I drew it based on his description, he was always dissatisfied and kept struggling last night!"

"Well... except for this, even if he loses his memory, nothing will change." Asuka on the side joked.

"Okay, okay, he's out." Yaohui said quickly and asked everyone to be quiet for a while. After hearing this, a certain official in the province started to fuss again.

After Yuanquan came out of the backyard, he held a stack of papers with a smile and distributed them to everyone one by one.

Everyone also saw in their hands a completely unfamiliar Ultra Warrior that they had never seen on TV.

For a while, everyone started discussing, telling each other about the difference in the image of Ultraman in their hands.

"Start from Dagu."

"Dagu, Ultraman Tiga." Yuanquan stood on the high platform, hands on hips and shouted with great momentum: "The super ancient giant, the Ultraman who gives people hope."

"Ultra-ancient?" Dagu was a little stunned. He had never seen Diga before, but the academic term "super-ancient"...he set his sights on my dream.

"It is a saying in academic circles. Scholars generally believe that before the birth of human civilization, there should have been earlier civilizations on the earth, such as Atlantis and the Maya, and this type of civilization all It can be called super ancient." (Don't ask, I'm just talking nonsense.) My dream gave me my own answer.

Dagu said with understanding, and then continued to look at Yuanquan to see what kind of work he could do.

"Asuka, Ultraman Dyna."

"I dream, Ultraman Gaia."


After naming all the corresponding Ultra warriors in turn, Yuanquan took a deep breath and continued: "And this one is in my hand."

As he spoke, Yuanquan raised the painting in his hand and placed it beside him: "Ultraman Nexus, the solitary one."

"Then if we are all Ultraman, Minamoto, who are you?" Fujimiya spoke.

"I'm not important, the key is you." It's true that Yuanquan himself is Ultraman, but he doesn't even know what his original posture is like, and for Nexus's appearance, it's enough to have a solitary gate. It doesn't make any sense for him to say it.

"You must remember that you are Ultraman, Ultra warriors who have saved the world and conveyed love and tenderness in different dimensions, miraculous giants of light!" Yuanquan clapped his hands on the table, seriously. Looking at everyone: "The world we are in now is not the real world. It is a virtual world constructed by a hateful guy. His real purpose is to become the supreme giant, that is..."

As he spoke, Yuanquan turned the picture of Nexus in his hand, trying to reveal the pattern of Noah engraved on his back.

But the moment he turned over, the world turned upside down, and the world was distorted. In an instant, even an instant was not enough to describe it, Yuanquan suddenly realized that everyone in front of him had disappeared, and only the empty hall remained.

Immediately, the papers scattered on the ground burned, including the paper in Yuanquan's hand, which also caught fire.


There are indeed unexpected changes beyond people's imagination, but...

"Eh? Where are everyone?" Xiao Hui, who walked out of the kitchen with a fruit platter, was very surprised for a moment when she saw that everyone had disappeared.

Just go in and cut some fruit and everyone will be gone?

"Wow! You guys are actually playing with fire!" Looking at the ashes on the ground, Xiao Hui's eyebrows stood up in anger. She put the platter aside and yelled at the source with her hands on her hips.

"Are they all three-year-olds?! You're still playing with fire at such a big age!"

"What if the house is set on fire! Why don't you go outside to play if you want to?"


How can I prove my innocence? For example...it proves that these papers spontaneously combust and have nothing to do with him.

But compared to that, one thing is certain about the source, that is, Noah is indeed invisible.

In this world that Zaki should have set up, Noah is not allowed to be seen by anyone.

So with this, he finally confirmed that Gumen Yihui did not exist.

In this dream world, the so-called so-called Ikki fighting on the front line is simply a fabricated false memory.

The solitary Ikki does not exist at all.

So now there is one more thing that needs to be confirmed, and that is where everyone who disappeared will appear at this moment.

Have they each returned to the position they should be in, that is, the position assigned to them by the world of this dream?

Since the dream world has such a big reaction to this matter, will it be successful if we try it a few more times?

Although he was happy to have found a way, Yuanquan still had to deal with the problem at hand first, which was the angry Xiao Hui.

He knew very well how terrifying Xiao Hui was in anger.

After waking up from a coma, the first thing she felt after opening her eyes was the pain that spread throughout her body. Xiaoguang groaned, which also woke up Chigusa, who was sleeping on the table.

"He's awake!" Chigusa reacted quickly, holding the back of Xiaoguang's head and helping him to lean up, and at the same time notified everyone who was watching outside.

Ichijoji and Shota rushed in immediately.

"Your injury is not too serious, but the doctor still recommends that you rest." Ichijoji's unique cold-faced concern, a typical tsundere type.

"Injury?" Xiaoguang still vaguely remembered how serious his injury was at that time. It was an injury that was enough to make a person sit in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. It was by no means easy to recover from.

But now, except for some soreness all over my body, there is no severe pain from that night, and the injury has almost completely recovered, so there is nothing serious.

In my impression, it seemed that the last road light cast a pale green light.

Wasn't that the final move that killed him, but...

Hikaru shook her head, dispelling that possibility.

The attack was so ruthless and the two sides were fighting to the death. Why did Lu Guang treat him?

Shouldn't he be eager to kill me?

"Where's Meiling?" After coughing a few times, Xiaoguang asked instead.

When this was mentioned, the three of them couldn't help but remain silent, unable to give an answer.

"She was taken away." Xiaoguang immediately gave the answer: "She was taken away right in front of me, and I couldn't save her."

"You know what happened, I mean, outside our world." Ichijoji continued: "You will suddenly come back, you will suddenly get dark sparks, and your temperament will suddenly change. All these prove that you are in other What happened to the world."

"Can you tell us?" Shota also spoke: "Although, we can't be of much help."

"Meiling actually prepared a surprise for you." Qiancao said.


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