Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 134 I must have done something wrong when I saw Beidou Star Division in Tiga World

I heard that it is some kind of acid water monster that appears in the garbage dump area. It is a monster that was attracted by carelessly tilted garbage.

As for the specific image, just refer to the two-tailed monster in Jack, there is almost no difference.

This monster was successfully destroyed by Dagu, who transformed into Tiga.

The reason why Yuanquan was not at the scene was simple, because the people who reported the presence of monsters were a group of unlucky kids who had a bad reputation in the local area. They often caused trouble and lied, just like the allusion to the boy who cried wolf.

Even if something is true, no one will believe it if it comes from their mouths that are full of bad reputations.

So the ground troops didn't receive any news at all.

However, Dagu still believed in them, so this was why Dagu was able to transform into Tiga and arrive at the scene before the children angered the monster and almost got eaten.

Well, Yuanquan didn't receive the notice, and because it was the end of the year and the New Year was coming soon, he was talking about year-end bonuses, wages, holidays and so on all day long, and he just kept smiling day after day. Even the enthusiasm for doing tasks is not high.

Koda and the others were obviously not surprised by such a source. After all, the vice-captain always behaved like this during holidays, and they got used to it over time.

However, the three of them actually wanted to take a vacation. Working at TPC was good, but it was annoying that they didn’t have a vacation. They even had to do regular voluntary labor, which was really not a job for ordinary people.

Having a few days off at the end of the year is a blessing.

Monsters or people in the universe also understand it very well. Except for the two-tailed monster that was destroyed by Tiga, there are no other monsters. Everything is calm and peaceful, and everyone is happily on vacation.

There are no classes, no monsters to fight, no tasks to do, you can do what you want, stay home and watch TV, lie in bed and sleep all day, whatever.

How nice it is to be comfortable and take a nap in the winter.

"But these are not the reasons why you pulled me out of bed so early in the morning! If you can't give me an explanation, then enter my house standing up and get out sideways!" Standing in his yard, wearing a down jacket The source roared.

No matter who was pulled out of bed on a cold morning, he would always look like this manic one.

You can be forgiven for saying that there is nothing you can do about going to work.

Why the hell am I on vacation now and you won’t even let me sleep in? !

"Boss, let's go out and play! This is the new employee who works in my hotel. Let me introduce you to him!" Needless to say, the energetic guy who jumped over in the morning must be Yaohui. After all, he gets up every morning and shouts While jogging in the morning, Ousi could be heard shouting at home early in the morning.

He used to be quite angry, but then he got used to it.

He could even fall asleep to the sound of Osios's voice.

These are all forced out of life!

"It's none of your business to bring me over to the two-person world. It's none of my business!" Yuanquan raised his finger angrily and pointed at the door. The spittle he sprayed was splashing in the air, which was enough to show his current angry mood. : "Get out of here!"


The door behind him was slammed shut, but the disappointed look on Yaohui's face only lasted for a moment, and turned into a bright smile: "Miss Yoko, in fact, the boss is very good. He wakes up in the morning, I'm getting angry hehehe."

Yoko nodded clearly. She was angry when she got up. She also understood how someone who got up at seven o'clock in the morning in the cold winter could not have a Sima face.

Can anyone really laugh at this time?

"But it's good. It's not bad if it's just the two of us." Yaohui didn't think too much. He simply wanted to take his newly hired employees out for a vacation to enhance their relationship.

Yaohui didn't think too much. After all, he really didn't think too much now.


A man and a woman got into the car and drove out of the city. The place they were going to was the legendary and famous Bermuda in Japan. The legend of that place was very mysterious, but it was in the summer.

The scenery there is always very good in winter, and it is the first choice for outings.

Although many people have been dissuaded from it because of the scary place names and what happened in the past, there are still many people who yearn for it.

Human beings are born to join in the fun and are not afraid of death. If one day they really die, they will just join in the fun and die.

These have nothing to do with Yuanquan. After driving Yaohui and the familiar-looking woman out, Yuanquan took off his clothes at the speed of light, closed the door, and rushed directly to the bedroom in three steps and two steps at a time. Throwing away his coat and flicking his slippers, he went directly to the bedroom. He rolled around on the bed, wrapped himself tightly in the quilt, covered his head and continued to play chess with Duke Zhou.

I've been taking classes for a year, can't I just enjoy it? !

Come! Duke Zhou continued to make moves.

Where is your daughter? Pour some tea quickly!

The next morning, Yuanquan was awakened by the sound of violent breaking of the door.

What? Why are you lying on the bed again?

You're not talking nonsense, Da Gu didn't take a vacation, he was still working overtime on the victory team, but it was none of his business, he had already taken a vacation.

The lonely Ultraman who has no friends is like this. He eats and sleeps in the middle of winter, lies in bed and plays with his mobile phone. At night, he gets up and plays on the computer for a while, then lies in bed and plays with his mobile phone again. The day passes.

Isn't this life?

Even though I am a Nexus Able Person, am I still going to live like this?

Is there anything different?

"Yuan, long time no see." Several tough men wearing black suits and tough looks came to the house, and their aura suddenly changed.

Yuanquan suddenly stiffened up and turned his head to look behind him. What he saw at this moment was an old man walking in slowly on crutches, surrounded by a woman.

Yaohui's father, the manager of this street and the leader of the gang, once had a brilliant record.

Twenty years ago, he was the most aggressive person on this street, but now he is the person with the greatest say.

Because the most powerful one has been replaced by the source.

The club where Yuanquan originally worked was actually part of the industry run by Yaohui's father as he expanded his power overseas. So theoretically speaking, Yuanquan really worked for this old man.

"Grandpa Beidou? Why are you here?" Yuanquan couldn't help shouting like this, because the face of Haruki's old father looked exactly like Beidou Seiji!

You must know that when Yuanquan saw this face, he immediately believed why he was the best fighter twenty years ago.

Are you kidding, Ultraman Ace, Guillotine Warning, how dare you mess with Ace.

But these are just jokes, in fact they just look alike

"Yaohui hasn't gone back all night, and my people have searched all the places where he would go, but they can't find him." Beidou looked at Yuan with bright eyes, and tapped the crutch in his hand: " You are his eldest brother. I heard that he came to see you yesterday. Do you know where he went?"

"Well, old man, I really don't know where he is, because I am on vacation, so although he invited me to go, in fact I..."

"Then do you know where he went?" After hearing Yaohui's whereabouts, Beidou's expression softened slightly and became less cold.

He is as cold as a butcher who kills pigs and dogs with a hand-held cutting saw in a slaughterhouse.

"Well, I heard that he was going to visit Bermuda in Japan. As you know, the scenery in that place is really good. Moreover," although Yuanquan had already laid down at that time, his superb five senses allowed him to still hear Yaohui and Conversation between Yoko.

"Nonsense, how can you just go into a place like that!" Of course Beidou is very aware of Japan's famous place of death. There are countless mysterious disappearances that occur there every year. Most of them are couples who go missing together. .

Huh, it’s so funny to pursue romance, but end up wasting yourself. How can young people nowadays...



Beidou immediately grasped the key point and immediately asked: "Did he go with a woman?"

"Yes, don't you know about the new employees in his store?" Yuanquan is confused. All of his employees in his store are yours, don't you know?

"After last time, he found out that I was secretly helping him, so he didn't let me continue. Now, I no longer have anyone in his store."

That's it.

The source suddenly understood.

That's okay.

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