Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1607 Emperor Hope: If you are stubborn, I will send you on your way!

The savior lineage has always targeted those guys who like to destroy the world or bring about destruction.

But there is only one savior. If you face too many enemies, you may be overwhelmed. Therefore, it seems that it is not incomprehensible that the savior can separate into several selves at the same time.

But actually, it might be... it's a problem with the first savior.

To be honest, the savior did not originally exist, but after the source responded to the legend and became the savior, this lineage was passed down, and the later generations adhered to the style of the first generation savior and were basically the same as the first generation.

Therefore, in the savior lineage, being able to separate into several selves at once is an inherent skill.

This problem not only occurs with Haruki who became the savior and succeeded the savior, but even the disciples of the savior have this problem to some extent.

For example, Geed, in the finale of his TV show, he suddenly divided himself into five or six.

Such as steel burning with Geide, Zunhuang transcending, stars transcending...

For example, Telliga, the guy who might be the savior in the future, can also divide himself into three.

Not to mention the source itself.

And in the savior lineage, the one who carries this forward to the extreme must be Zero.

Miracle of the Moon and Corona of Miracle are two individuals that can be separated independently, not to mention that Zero, who later showed an attitude of worshiping the emperor, can not only separate himself, but also other Ultra Warriors.

It was Zero who was in trouble in this regard. Anyone who saw him would give him a thumbs up and praise him as a good disciple worthy of the savior.

At this moment, Emperor Hope, who succeeded the second generation, divided himself into eight, and the countless shadows summoned by the Lord of Shadows with his wave of hands also stood up from the shadows, and their flat bodies like a piece of paper expanded and quickly transformed. It has become an entity state.


At a glance, these independently existing guys who were pulled out of the shadows include not only monsters, but also many evil cosmic beings. These black shadows are standing on the ground, and they are also facing the eight Ultra Warriors over there. Rushed forward.

There were obviously only two people fighting at the beginning, but in the blink of an eye it turned into a melee involving dozens of people. Jakula's eyes twitched as he watched on the ground.

This is why he complained about the savior's lineage.

It really doesn't matter when or where a fight breaks out, it will inevitably turn into a melee, and then the scale will be extremely large.

It's hopeless.

Needless to say, the battles between the other clones and the shadows go without saying, but here, the battle between the Emperor of Hope and the Lord of Shadows is the top priority, and no one can interfere.

"Those who tarnish the light of salvation will die!" He waved his claws down, and a shrill red light on his fingertips was particularly conspicuous.

"Whether it's defilement or unwillingness to admit it, you should know better than me!" After becoming the Queen of Hope, those inherited memories of the light of salvation flow, those who have awakened the light and shined it, and saved the world and saved those they care about. People, the light of their awakening, and their memories are continuously transmitted to the mind of Emperor Hope.

Therefore, the memory of a certain light that was clearly awakened but was extinguished at the moment of awakening, those past memories were also seen by Emperor Hope.

Especially in this memory, he saw the figure of Celebolo, and even more clearly saw Celebolo's original intention of executing the game of civilization's self-destruction, and clearly saw the light of salvation blooming, but chose to extinguish it. despicable.

"You guy, you are so grand, do you really think that no one knows about the things you do?!" The red beam of light on the forehead was released again, but was blocked by the Lord of Shadows with one hand. The distance between the two parties was approaching for an instant, and he raised his hand at the same time. They punched out at the same time and hit each other hard.

At the same time as the tit-for-tat confrontation, a terrifying wave swept around and spread quickly.

Unable to succeed in one attack, the Lord of Shadows attempted to control the shadow of Emperor Hope and instigated his shadow to help him fight.

But no matter how he urged it, Hope Huang's shadow was as steady as a mountain without any fluctuation.

He reached out with one foot, raised his foot and kicked the Lord of Shadows on the chin. With great strength, he kicked him into the sky.

He brushed the crystal of the arm guard with one hand and extracted a purple ball of light and held it in his hand.

The other hand also grasped the ball of light, pulled it open to both sides, stretched the ball of light into a long strip, and then swept it out with one hand.

The Lord of Shadows in mid-air twisted his body dangerously and narrowly avoided the attack of the purple light blade. He did not stop when he turned his body in the air, but continued to spin at high speed, turning into a shadow storm and galloping. And down.

Standing with his feet side by side, Hope Emperor instantly flew up and rotated while hanging upside down, forming a golden storm from bottom to top, colliding with the shadow storm.

The two sides fought fiercely in mid-air. In the storm, fists and kicks were exchanged. The two sides attacked each other, winning or losing. In the storm, they blocked the eyes of the outside world. Even if the fight inside was turned upside down, no one outside could see it.

Holding each other's hands, the storm collapsed. The two stood in mid-air in a wrestling posture, neither of them retreating.

"What does the awakening of the light of salvation mean? I can't extinguish it after it awakens? It's not a real bloom! No!" Celebolo said crazily: "The light of salvation in my imagination is noble and sacred. , it’s definitely not like you!”

"I once saw the light of salvation awakening, and then I personally extinguished it and said it didn't bloom, so it doesn't count." He added strength to his arms and went one step further, gradually suppressing the Lord of Shadows.

Emperor Hope emphasized: "Now, the light of salvation has not only awakened, but has even bloomed so strongly."

"But in your eyes, I have tarnished the light of salvation? Am I not considered to have awakened the light of salvation?"

"Celebulo, as long as you don't admit it, will the light of salvation never appear?!"

"Celebolo, no matter what happens, is it you who has the final say?!"

With a strong desire, I hope that the emperor's power can completely overwhelm the Lord of Shadows.

Hugging the Lord of Shadows, Emperor Hope released a strong light from his body, burning the body of the Lord of Shadows.

"You are a guy who deceives yourself and plays your games again and again with despicable excuses! I will never let you go!"

The terrifying light exploded at the moment it bloomed, blowing the Lord of Shadows away, falling from mid-air to the ground, and creating a huge crater.

Golden thunder fell from the sky and struck out quickly with a flying kick, hitting the Shadow Lord's chest and pushing his health to plow the earth.

The advancing soil splashed, and the huge ravine was obviously abnormal.

Using one foot to push the Lord of Shadows away, Hope Huang spun around and slashed with one hand, slashing out a blazing red sword energy.

The Lord of Shadows had no way to avoid it, but he still chose to make the shadows turn into towering walls to block him in front of him. They stood up layer by layer, blocking the red sword energy.

The next moment, the light coming like the wind pulled out a long tail and hit the first shadow wall with overwhelming momentum. The light without any hindrance went straight forward, penetrated all the shadow walls, and appeared in In front of the Lord of Shadows.


The Lord of Shadows only had time to utter a cry of surprise and anger. Emperor Hope appeared from the light and raised his arms, holding the knife in front of him.


Golden light passed by the Lord of Shadows.

The light and shadow dispersed, and Huang Huang stood firmly on the ground. Behind him, a golden knife mark appeared on the waist of the Lord of Shadows. It was unusually subtle, but spanned the entire waist.

"The light of salvation in my eyes is not you!" Holding his waist with one hand, he used his own strength to suppress the light, preventing it from completely erupting and continuously consuming its power.

"You are still saying this until now." Emperor Hope turned around slowly, and Diamond's eyes calmly stared at the Lord of Shadows: "Everything in this world must be calculated according to your standards?"

"Of course!" The Lord of Shadows roared angrily: "The light that shines on the entire civilization is what I want to see!"

"Humph!" Emperor Hope shook his head.


"I'll send you on your way right now!"

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