Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1608 1600: Five acquisitions: super speed, strength, mystery, and beyond common sense! [Empe

The [β] crystal on the forehead shines with red light, powerful and strong.

The [α] crystal on the soft armor of the arm shines with blue light, swift and beautiful.

The [γ] crystal on the arm guard shines with purple light, mysterious and distant.

The [δ] style belt emits infinite light, brilliant and dazzling.

The Emperor of Hope shouted, and the four crystals shone, representing all the power of Zeta in the past, and now the unified power formed by the fusion.

The separated phantom returned to the body of the Emperor of Hope in an instant, the red Beta Impact, the blue Alpha Armor, the purple Gamma Future, the golden Delta Claw...

Four figures overlapped the Emperor of Hope one by one. The return of each figure represented the beginning of each forward swing.

Alpha returns and overlaps with the figure of the Emperor of Hope, causing his whole body to shine with blue light.

At the same time, Emperor Hope put one hand on his waist and stretched out the fingers of the other hand forward. It was the starting position usually used by Alpha Armor.

Subsequently, Beta Impact overlapped with the figure of the Emperor of Hope, causing his whole body to release a red shimmer.

Emperor Hope's movements also changed accordingly, turning into raising his hands on both sides, just like the posture when Severn appeared on the stage.

Gamma Future also overlapped with the figure of Emperor Hope, and purple light bloomed. At this moment, Emperor Hope's raised hands were pressed downwards, turning into a left hand with five fingers spread forward, and his right hand resting on the arm of his left hand. .

Finally, Delta returned, and the golden wind light enveloped the other three to form a mixed-color storm.

Inside Delta's belt, three medals transmit power and are injected into Emperor Hope's body.

The left hand is gathered back in the shape of a claw, and the right hand turns into a claw and is raised diagonally to the upper right.

In the end, the "Z" timer on Emperor Hope's chest connected with the "Z" shaped chest stripe, forming a pure white band of light, entangled between his hands.

"Go and explain to those who were killed by you!" The voices of Zeta and Yaohui still overlapped, and the four-color light eventually turned into a pure white stream of light, forming one after another behind the Emperor of Hope. The four symbols are [α], [β], [γ], and [δ].

"Final ruling! (Final ruling)"

The mighty white light was pushed out by Emperor Hope's hands. It was not in the "cross" shape that Ultraman likes to use most, nor in the "L" shape. Instead, it was pushed forward with both hands, which is similar to what most Ultraman must eventually do. The killing postures are all different.

But the thickness of this light was beyond Cerebro's imagination.

A beam of light with a radius of fifty meters struck, covering everything in sight in the blink of an eye. There was no possibility except to resist.

"I will never die here!"

Before the final moment of victory or defeat was reached, Celebolo was absolutely unwilling to die here. Even in the face of this move, he tried his best.

In an instant, he drew all the power of the Earth's Shadow into his body. After absorbing it to the point where he could no longer control it, Celebolo suddenly struck out and slashed directly with his sword.

The entire arm was wrapped in dark shadows, even black and shiny. Celebolo's sure kill was obviously different from others. He condensed into an integrated sword, approached forward, and faced the heavy light. Cut across.

The stronger the light, the stronger the shadow. This is one of the most basic laws of the universe. Even if you are as powerful as Noah, you cannot avoid this principle, and the same applies to the source.

But at this moment, in Emperor Hope, this law appeared inappropriate for the first time.

The ultimate light burst down, reflecting the "little" body of the Lord of Shadows. Under such strong light, the shadow of the Lord of Shadows should be stronger.

But...no, even if the light was so strong, it didn't cast the slightest shadow on the Lord of Shadows.

Under this light, everything is invisible and no shadow will be born.

"How...possible?!" There was no shadow under such strong light, which was completely beyond Celebolo's expectations.

You must know that in its imagined counterattack, it is to place itself in such a dangerous situation, and then be cast a huge shadow under such strong light, and then manipulate this shadow to fight back.

According to the eternal rules of the universe, there is certainly no problem with such a counterattack.

But despite all the calculations, I didn't expect that the light would be so strong that no shadows would appear.

"Nothing is impossible!" The double overlapping voice continued: "Let me feel this light that I have given after the light of salvation!"

"Those civilizations that were exterminated by you, and the warriors that you killed, never gave up hope even in the end!"

As soon as the words finished, the light changed and turned into pure white light particles, washing away in a mighty manner.

"Impossible!! It's impossible for me to lose!" Seeing that the shadows wrapped around his arms were also turning into white, Cerebro roared angrily, and an unspeakable feeling suddenly came into his heart. of fear.

Could it be... will I die here?

Once such an idea is born, it can no longer be suppressed.

The light of hope was overwhelming, infecting all the darkness, covering the shadow on the Lord of Shadow's arm in a very short period of time, and completely assimilating it.

Not only that, the super light continued to flow into Celebolo's body, starting from his arms and spreading towards the entire body of the Lord of Shadows. In the blink of an eye, he completely swallowed the Lord of Shadows and turned him completely white.


After turning white, the final ruling submerged the body of the Lord of Shadows. His body, which had faded away from darkness and had been infected by excessive light, gradually lost its original body in the wash of light particles, and the transformation was released in an instant.

The thick beam of light slowly disappeared, and outside the universe, the shadow of the earth parallel to the earth slowly faded, gradually dissipated, and completely ceased to exist.

The sun's light, which was blocked by the shadow of the earth, can be re-invested into the earth, allowing the earth that has fallen into a lightless world to be illuminated by the sun's light again.

At this moment when the daylight gradually falls, the darkness of the earth is dispelled, and the giant standing on the earth feels the light that hits him, and his shining figure is remembered by the world at this moment.


The sublimator fell to the ground. The sublimator, which was emitting white smoke, was covered with cracks and soon shattered in the burst of sparks, turning into fragments on the ground.

A certain insect that was also covered in smoke also fell to the ground. If someone got closer, they could smell something burning.

The slightly trembling tentacles are proof that it is alive.

The three medals bounced around like coins dropped on the road, but soon, the three medals cracked at once, black particles seeped out from the medals, and disappeared into a wisp of black gas.


Not far away, Jagula, who was walking towards this side from under the ramp, clutching his chest, stared at the defeated Celebolo's body and let out a mocking laugh.

But the one who was faster than him was Yuka.

Yuhua, who ran all the way out of the armory, yelled crazily in her earphones, which probably meant asking everyone to hand over the alien bug Celebro to her and let her study it carefully.

Jagula inserted the Snake Heart Sword on the ground beside Celebolo. He squatted down, his threatening attitude clearly expressed.

But Cerebro didn't react at all.

Heavy footsteps sounded on the ground. Emperor Hope walked here step by step, looking down at his feet and thinking about everything.

Jakula raised his head and stared at this brand new giant.

"My dream...is this also part of your calculation?"

"I'm not sure." My dream's joking voice came from the earphones: "Besides, I just gave it a try before. I don't know if it will work."

"You kid..." Although my dream said this, it made Jia Gula feel that my dream might have known that such a thing would happen.


However, at this moment, tens of thousands of rays of light approached from outside the earth, and the glow of the sky dotted the stars in the sky.

The sun that had just appeared had not shown much of its presence in the daytime when it was suppressed by another ray of light.


"What's wrong?"

But this sudden change frightened people who were not sure why.

After finally destroying an enemy, don't let another one come, right?

Can’t finish it?

"This light..." Jagula raised his head and stared at the sky.

Emperor Hope looked at the sky, but what he saw was far more than Jakula.

The five-color giant descended from the sky and slowly landed on the ground, tapping its toes and standing tall in the city.

The moment the five-color giant arrived, the planet and its will suddenly became active.

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