Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1777: Diga may not be on the way here (you know what you know, okay)

"Ha! I don't know what kind of trash he is, but he actually asked Xiao Hui to save him. It's really ridiculous." Er Yuan did not hesitate and immediately started to expose the scars.

"What? You could only watch helplessly, right? No matter what, you couldn't touch your true love. In the end, you could only look at the huge stone in vain and howl like a defeated dog!"

The fully charged fist hit Yuan Yuan's jaw from bottom to top, knocking it away. But within a moment, Er Yuan shuttled through the dark universe and came to Yuan Yuan. His hands were intertwined and turned into a heavy hammer. , hit hard.


The source, which was free-falling downwards again, got stuck in the crack with both hands, and half of its arm sank into the dark universe, pulling out a conspicuous crack in the world.

But he finally stopped.

"What about you? What has changed in the end? Xiao Hui sacrificed his life to summon the demon, and finally merged with you!" Wiping away the remaining darkness on his body, Yuanquan stood up again: "Isn't this you the one who killed Xiao Hui? The murderer?"

"At least I was able to save Xiao Hui at the last moment!" Swooping down from above, Er Yuan took the initiative and firmly controlled the right to attack: "And you, you didn't do anything. !”

Yuanquan was ready for the impact, and collided with Eryuan's high-speed diving body. His feet dug deep into the dark world, and a huge crack was pulled out and continued to expand.

"Is it you or me who has done nothing?" Although he is still retreating and his cautious feet are still destroying the dark universe itself, the opportunity for dialogue obtained by the source is not unimportant.

"My Xiaohui is staying in the Inner Sea of ​​Stars. Even though I can no longer see her, I know that her final destination will not be swallowed by the devil!"

Using both arms, he turned his waist, turned Er Yuan's body away, turned his body around, and threw him away.

Er Yuan fell into the dark universe, and his back seemed to hit something real, causing the dark universe to dent, and the spider web-like cracks created in the darkness were particularly conspicuous.

"What do you bring to Xiaohui when you merge with the devil?"

"What brings us to the world!"

"That doesn't matter!" Standing up from the cracked space wall, the universe without the concept of sky and earth, at this moment, has two sources hanging upside down, with the source standing upright, allowing the concepts of up and down, positive and negative to be embodied come out.

"A world without Xiao Hui is meaningless." Crushing an energy ball in his hand, huge red cracks tore through the dark universe and spread toward the source.

"Even if she is in endless pain at this moment, does it not matter?" He punched in front of him casually, and the spreading red thunder was defeated by one punch. The dark universe confronting them in front of them turned into pure water at this moment. The whiteness was suddenly covered by thicker darkness.

"Those are the sacrifices that must be made for everything after resurrection." Eryuan swooped down and came towards the source again: "As long as I ascend to the mystery and prove my existence forever, then even if I If you want to change the past, everything...will eventually..."

"You are tarnishing Xiao Hui's determination!!" The milky white eyes turned scarlet at this moment, Yuan Quan roared angrily, and flew up to Er Yuan.

The two sides collided at the moment of contact, and the dark universe as the background, that is, the darkness around both sides, was eliminated in an instant.

It does not represent the light of opening up, nor does it represent the eternal darkness, but the gray of everything that seems to exist and seems to die.

It is a color that cannot be defined by any color and can be given any name.

The moment the two sides collided with each other, when the wrists were wrestling with each other, and the strength of both sides was equal, the heart-breaking words began again.

"Xiao Hui allowed you to live, not to destroy your hometown full of memories, nor to let you embark on this dark road of killing!" The distance between the two parties was extremely close, and Yuan Quan and Er Yuan were face to face. , telling each other: "How long will you have to persist before you can see clearly that you have taken the wrong path from the beginning!"

"I'm not wrong!!!" The energy core in the chest released a strong energy pulse, which directly bombarded Yuanyuan's chest. The power of the timer's flash pushed the distance between the two sides away, gradually moving away as Yuanyuan continued to withstand it.

"I'm not wrong! It's you who are wrong!" The light beam that flashed the timer became thicker, Eryuan roared and exploded the energy in his body: "It can only be you who are wrong!!!"

"You mentally ill guy!" The body that was continuously bombarded released a strong light, and in the surging darkness, a pure white light suddenly emerged.

"How long are you going to hide from me?! You should understand, right! What I'm asking about is not this superficial lunatic, but you!" The sudden flash of the timer suppressed Er Yuan's attack, and further The powerful power of the heart pushed forward at an extremely fast speed, suppressing his timer flash at a speed that neither Er Yuan expected, and hitting his chest.


The sudden horrific explosion blew Er Yuan away, leaving traces of broken parts in the dark universe until he was submerged into the deep darkness.

"Aren't you coming out yet?" Panting heavily, Yuanyuan placed both sides on his sides and said calmly: "Er Yuan."

In the atmosphere that was as quiet as death, Er Yuan's sneering voice sounded again.

"The person you are looking for has long since ceased to exist." Floating out of the darkness, wiping away the slightly scorched marks on his chest, Er Yuan said calmly: "Er Yuan, it has always been me."

"Really?" Yuanquan leaned back slightly, with blazing flames flashing in his eyes.

The figure disappeared in an instant, and then appeared in front of Er Yuan in the blink of an eye. When the latter didn't react at all, he pressed his open fingers directly on Er Yuan's face, grabbed his face and flew towards him. distance.

"Then if that's the case, don't talk about Xiaohui!"

"You do not deserve!"

outside world.

After suppressing the star beast again, Diga gasped slightly, but his condition was still good.

But looking at the star beast that was resurrected, Diga really had a headache.


At this time, the radiant sword in Diga's hand suddenly emitted a little light. In the flickering light rotation, it seemed that he wanted to tell Dagu something.

"Ya change?" Looking at the changes in the sword in his hand, Da Gu stared at the long sword and said with some uncertainty: "Do you want to tell me something?"

The sword couldn't speak, but the flickering light became more intense.

"Do you want to go to your master?"

As soon as these words were spoken, Diga subconsciously let go of his palm, and the Brilliant Sword flew up on its own, constantly hovering above Diga's head.

The sword brought up a handful of sword shadows, which shed a slight light as they changed.

"Really?" But somewhere in the dark, Diga seemed to be able to really feel the sound of the Brilliant Sword: "That's it."

"If he needs you, then go and help him complete this final battle."

"If I say it, there is no need to go."

Diga shook his head: "This is his own battle. He does not need my participation or the existence of Gujia."

Diga said so, but the Yaobian Sword obviously didn't think so.

The sword hovering in the sky swooped down and came towards Diga. Before Diga could react, the sword edge passed through his body, entered the timer from Diga's chest, and then rushed towards the sky.

Diga stroked his chest, showing no injuries.

"Yaubian. You?"

The Brilliant Sword did not give any reaction, but flew straight to the sky with bright golden light, and disappeared into the darkness in the blink of an eye.

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