Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 589 The probability of finding a human body is half Yaohui and half Dahewang

"Hey! Dagu, why didn't I see Lina with you today?" Riding a bicycle, he caught up with the man in a suit in front of him. If it weren't for the fact that we had been walking together on this road for too long, we knew that there were only big people on this road. If Gu Hui rides a bicycle and wears a suit, Yuan Quan will probably admit his mistake.

"Well, Lina also has her own work to do, and we can't be together every day." Dagu scratched his head in embarrassment, and looked at the man who was also riding a bicycle alongside him.

This was one of his good playmates since childhood. Now that everyone had found their significant other, he was the only one who was single. It was really speechless.

"What about you? I remember, isn't Xiaohui interested in you? Or do you want to delay it for another year?" The Xiaohui Dagu is talking about is Xiu Xiu's daughter, that is, Hui Zi.

Unlike him, Asuka and I Mengdu, Xiaohui and Yuanquan are childhood sweethearts, a couple that everyone grew up with.

And they also knew that Uncle Xiang had long planned to hand over Xiaohui to Yuanquan.

But Yuanquan keeps putting it off again and again, not knowing what he is hesitating about.

"No matter how slow this matter is, I think it's still too early." When it comes to his own emotional issues, Yuanquan can only change the subject by saying haha.

It's not that he has no feelings for Xiaohui at all, it's just that he always feels like he's destined for her.

Although he knew that Xiaohui didn't hate him and even liked him, he just didn't know why he was resisting.

This kind of resistance came out of nowhere, leaving him confused.

"Stop talking about me, where are you going today?" Shaking his head and dispersing all the thoughts in his mind, Yuanquan asked Dagu: "Look at you. Have you received a big order again?"

"No, I just went to introduce the Red Brick Theater. It's not like you don't know the job of a tour guide." Dagu sighed. This job was not what he wanted, but he had to do it.

Since I have lost my goal of progress, I can just muddle along like this for now.

"That's a coincidence, isn't it? I just happened to be going there to check out the environment and prepare to make improvements." Patting the bag hanging on his body, Yuanquan said with a smile: "It's rare for the two of us to go to the same place. After get off work today , have a good drink!”


The next two people also had a lot of conversations and walked together along the way. After arriving at the place, Yuanquan and Dagu parted ways.

Dagu went to the tour group to pick up the tourists he would take next; while Yuanquan took out the design drawings and stepped into the red brick theater.

During working hours, they both had things they had to do to perform.

Even though you are dawdling around, you must be serious about your work.

But neither of them expected that this ordinary work would lead to the exaggerated changes that followed.

Dagu was once again pulled into an empty world. The foreign tourists who were surrounding him completely disappeared, leaving him alone standing in front of the red brick theater.

This was not the first time this had happened, but Dagu was keenly aware of what was different this time. A very heavy malice was always staring at him, making it impossible for him to relax for a moment.

With a loud noise, a very familiar character in his memory, a monster that could never appear in reality, appeared from a distance, looking at him from a distance in the city.

"That's King Gesla? How could it be that it's not from the special series?" Looking at the green figure of the huge monster, Dagu fell to the ground in horror, his legs were weak and he couldn't stand up at all.

King Gesla was already uneasy after being summoned to this world, especially when he saw a human being at this time, and he immediately took steps to rush forward.

And behind the red brick theater, a dazzling golden light shines, like a dreamy red giant appearing behind Dagu.

That figure and shape were familiar to Da Gu. They were the Ultra warriors from another world that he had once dreamed of!

"Is this you?" Dagu was even more frightened now. He tried hard to stand up, but couldn't get up at all.

Although this was Ultraman, he had seen it before, but seeing this behemoth at such a close distance, it was impossible to say that he was not afraid.

Membius had no time to pay attention to Dagu for the time being. He crossed over the red brick theater and landed in front of King Glass, and began to fight the violent monster.

"What's going on?" At the same time, Yuanquan ran out of the red brick theater and suddenly saw the two behemoths fighting, and he was so frightened that he immediately became excited.

"What the hell? Ultraman and monsters? Did they pop out of the TV?" After discovering that this terrifying thing had happened, Yuanquan immediately wanted to run away.

But before he was about to run away, he saw Dagu falling down the steps, very close to the battle between Ultraman and the monster.

Yuanquan gritted his teeth and wanted to step forward to help Dagu back, but the cowardice and fear in his heart kept reminding him to run quickly and not to get involved in this giant battle.

There was a struggling look on his face, and Yuanquan was very scared.

He wanted to help Dagu and run with him, but his legs obviously didn't think so, and they were stuck in place, unable to move.

"Ahhhh! Yuan!! That's your hair!" The ferocious look and red eyes all showed Yuanquan's struggle. In the end, Yuanquan slapped himself, and the pain on his face eased his heart. The fear gave him the ability to move his feet that seemed to be locked.

He ran down the steps and helped Dagu, whose legs were weak.

"What the hell is going on!" He helped Dagu up and Yuanquan carried him on his back and prepared to leave here quickly.

"I have seen similar scenes before. Do you still remember what I told you at that time?" Dagu excitedly patted Yuanquan on the shoulder and shouted loudly: "I said I dreamed of a The Ultraman I’ve never seen before, that Ultraman is him!”

"Okay, okay, just say so. We are just ordinary people in the TV series. We are not team members or Ultraman himself. Let's run!" Yuanquan is too lazy to argue with Dagu. At this time, we are fighting for that. Time? Running away is the most important thing!


The running body trembled violently, Yuanquan showed a painful look on his face, and suddenly fell to his knees on the ground, covering his head with his hands and touching the ground with his forehead.

The unspeakable pain made it difficult for him to get up.


Dagu was startled and quickly supported Yuanquan. Seeing his painful expression, Dagu also panicked: "Hey! Yuanquan, what's wrong with you? You're like this!"

"There is something, something I am. I am." The pain of Yuanquan is still there, but what Dagu sees in his eyes is a bright light suddenly appearing on Yuanquan's wrist. It looks like a bracelet, but the traces of the existence of the bracelet are looming. , extremely unstable.

"This is it." Dagu had obviously never experienced this, and it was really something he couldn't handle.

Finally, after Yuanquan lost consciousness and fell into a coma, the bracelet on his wrist finally appeared.

Two gemstones, one gold and one blue, sparkled, and the wing-shaped decoration seemed to be able to pop open. The entire bracelet was buckled on Yuanquan's wrist, and there seemed to be no way to take it off.

Seeing such a thing appear out of nowhere in Yuanquan's hand, the impact was quite big for Dagu.


Behind him, Mebius's knocked-out body fell to the side, causing a large splash of water.

In addition to King Gesla, another familiar monster also appeared, that is Bermuda, the monster from the first episode of Ultraman.

"Two." He glanced at Yuanquan hesitantly, Dagu gritted his teeth, helped Yuanquan to lie down on the chair, and then mustered up the courage to step towards Membius.

He knew King Gesla's weaknesses and knew how to deal with Bermuda. What he wanted was to tell the Ultra Warrior these things so that he could win.

Even though it was dangerous for him, he chose to believe in himself and Ultraman.

Although he didn't recognize this Ultraman, he believed that he had seen the grown-up Ultraman since he was a child!

Just after Dagu rushed to the battlefield, a dark purple hooded shadow appeared in front of Yuanquan, its gloomy eyes flashed with a cold light, and it raised its hand, wanting to touch the gem on the bracelet.

As soon as the dark purple hand touched the Brilliant Stone, fire ignited in its palm and spread throughout the body at an extremely fast speed.

The shadow mage immediately gave up on the clone, allowing it to be destroyed by the fiery light.

This thing is not something it can covet.

Now you know who Yuan’s childhood sweetheart Xiaohui is, right?

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