Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 108 Minotaur

Time was flowing in front of him, and in a blink of an eye, Lin Shen returned to the previous cave, and the position was still the same, as if he had not moved.

But when he looked around, he did not see Wei Wufu.

"Was Wei Wufu teleported in, or did he go back?" Lin Shen frowned slightly.

With Wei Wufu's character, if he was not teleported in, he would definitely wait here for him to come out.

But the watch can only teleport the user, and it should not teleport Wei Wufu in. Now there is no figure of Wei Wufu here, and I don't know what's going on.

Lin Shen came out of the cave and looked for it on Hulu Mountain again, but still did not find Wei Wufu's figure, and he was very puzzled.

"Did he really get teleported in?" Lin Shen calculated the time. If Wei Wufu was teleported in by other means, there should be a time limit of three days, and he can only come out after three days. Excluding the day he spent on King Kai, it will take two more days for Wei Wufu to come out.

Thinking of this, Lin Shen went down Hulu Mountain to see if he could take the watch away.

The result was the same as he thought. The watch was still with him after leaving Hulu Mountain. It did not disappear like the black watch.

He came to the canyon, found a hidden place, adjusted the time of the watch, and started the transmission again.

This time, Lin Shen adjusted the time to 47 hours. If Wei Wufu had a three-day limit, Lin Shen would have come out earlier than him. The canyon was the only way back to the Xuanniao base, so he should not miss Wei Wufu.

The transmission started, and the transmission coordinates were selected. Lin Shen then found that there were actually two coordinates in it. One was the coordinate on the grass slope that he recorded, and the other coordinate was recorded by someone unknown, probably the original owner of the watch.

Lin Shen did not dare to try it casually, and went to the grass slope to be his insect removal expert.

Sure enough, he appeared on the grass slope where he left before, and looked at his information. When he left last time, the base mutation rate had reached 23%, which was still a long way from the promotion to alloy.

"Mutated poisonous insects, start trembling, your grandfather is back." Lin Shen summoned his mount and ran fast on the grass slope, looking for a new target.

While Lin Shen was frantically killing poisonous insects, the Kai King Cultivation Device at Jinshui Lake finally started up again.

The Ascendants from the major families, who were originally very excited, could no longer be happy.

The Kai King Transmission Device could only transmit the Mutants to Kai King Planet. Seeing the Mutants around them disappear, the Ascendants were still standing there. For a while, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Originally, they wanted to enter Kai King Planet as soon as possible, and then kill as many people as possible to clean up the crystal resources inside, especially the mutant crystals, but who knew that they couldn't get in at all.

So many Ascendants have waited for so long, and in the end they still have to rely on those Mutants to go in and fight.

"The Zheng family is so wronged. For this thing, one Ascendant died and five Ascendants were wasted, but in the end, the Ascendants couldn't get in at all." Ouyang Juemiao looked at the camp where there were few people and muttered to himself.

"From this point of view, the transmission range of the Kai King Cultivation Device is only so large. Send more crystal bases in next time. We didn't prepare this time. We only sent six crystal bases in. How about your side? Did Ouyang Yudu go in?" Xun Jian walked over and said.

"Yes, including Yudu, we only sent five crystal bases in, which is less than you. Who knew that this thing can only transmit base changers." Ouyang Juemiao was a little helpless.

"This is not bad. The resources of Kai King Planet will not be looted by the ascenders in a short time, and young people can also go in for training. It's a two-pronged approach." Xun Jian said and looked at the sky.

The Kai King Cultivation Device turned on the sky projection system again, projecting the images of those people.

Ouyang Juemiao saw that Ouyang Yudu and several other crystal bases of the Ouyang family were together and not separated, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although Ouyang Yudu is indeed very strong, he is almost invincible among the base changers.

But King Kai's planet is too weird. Who knows what kind of base-changing creatures with strange abilities there will be? If one is not careful, the crystal base may die.

There are several crystal bases together, and they can take care of each other, so it is difficult for anything to happen.

As for the robber angel, Ouyang Yudu had said before that he wanted to meet the robber angel.

Lin Shen suddenly had a reminder of sacrifice +1 in his mind, and he couldn't help but frowned secretly: "Someone died on the side of Bai Shenfei?"

Lin Shen didn't know that thousands of people from the major families had entered King Kai's planet, and he thought someone died on the side of Bai Shenfei.

But soon he knew that it shouldn't be someone from Bai Shenfei who died, it was probably that the King Kai training device was activated again.

Because he kept having reminders of sacrifice +1 in his mind, his body also glowed red.

In this short while, more than a dozen people have died. There are only a few people on Bai Shenfei's side, so it is impossible for so many to die.

"Maybe they were teleported by the Kai King Training Device. Some of them were teleported to dangerous places and were killed right after they came in." Lin Shen felt the power in his body increasing and quickly hid the Heaven Sacrifice Aura.

His guess was not wrong. The dozen or so base changers who died were indeed teleported to a more dangerous place.

However, they encountered only a group of alloy creatures. Unfortunately, they were just ordinary steel base changers, responsible for providing supplies and food to the camp. Who knew that they were also teleported in and met this group of alloy creatures, and they were immediately wiped out.

"Those ascendants from big families should come in

Come on, I have to be careful not to be targeted by them. "Lin Shen didn't want to give anyone a chance to kill him, so he didn't dare to continue galloping wildly. Instead, he put away his mount and carefully searched for poisonous insects on the grassy slope.

It has been more than twenty hours since he came in again, and the genetic mutation rate has also increased to 31. Because poisonous insects of the same type cannot increase the genetic mutation rate even if they mutate, the rate of increase in the genetic mutation rate has also slowed down.

"What is that?" Lin Shen had just walked up from the grass slope when he saw a figure appearing out of thin air on another grass slope in the distance.

Lin Shen immediately lay down on the spot and put away his carapace. His mirror-like carapace was too eye-catching.

Lin Shen originally thought it was someone sent in by those big families, but when he took a closer look, he found something was wrong. There was a pair of horns growing on the top of that person's head.

"Let me go, is that a tauren?" Lin Shen's eyes widened in surprise.

The tauren was about 2.45 meters tall, much taller than most humans. His face had features of both a human face and a cow's face. Coupled with the horns on his head, he looked very weird.

He was wearing strange clothing, which looked like tights. The smooth black fabric clung tightly to his body, highlighting all the muscles on his body that looked like beef tendons.

"Besides Tianxin, there are aliens from other races who know how to enter Kaiwang?" Lin Shen looked at the tauren with surprise in his heart.

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